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Varanasi court allows ASI survey of Gyanvapi Mosque, located next to Kashi Vishwanath Temple

Shiva is a dravidian god. There are depictions of him in the Harappan civilization.

Originally he was the god of animals.
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Hinduism is a synthesis of aryan and harappan culture and beliefs.All vedas and hindu holy scriptures were written in india.Shakti mother goddess and Shiva are not 'aryan' dieties at all. Ritual bathing,tilak,sindur,namaste gesture,yoga are all harappan practices.India is the holy land of hindus and all dharmics.How can it be non native?
We did have the balls to fight,thats why sikhs and marathas more or less finished off muslim rule in india.Only the british interrupted and saved you from your karma.It is your muslim punjabis and sindhis who surrendered .As for europeans accepting it,lol - europe is done with christianity -they are going atheist or pagan.Iran is also more or less done with arab islam.Tick tock.
This is just a continuation of that corrective process.We will take kashi and mathura,either by peaceful relocation or by a repeat of babri if forced.
There are no consequences,subcontinent muslims are too weak and divided into 3 impotent parts.Pakistan army is too afraid to even attack us in kashmir and 'liberate' it after removal of 370,forget this.Middle eastern muslims dont care about you 2nd class desi converts and are busy taking our money for oil and giving medals,and hoping they can survive after oil.Europe is lining up its growing muslim population for a holocaust in coming decades with right wingers coming .USA is already your great satan.China gives 2 shits about islamists,will use some as puppets as needed.Islam is finished as a global force ,it has no hard power,no technology,no economy except oil,and is hated by all.Islamic civilization has reached a dead end,with no capacity to deal with challenges of a modern world and archahic laws designed to rule tribal/feudal societies.Frankly what islam does is your business,we have nothing in common.So you stay out of our business and concentrate on your collapsing country.We will redress unfinished business of muslim desecration of hindu sacred spaces and restore balance.Muslim mosques built otherwise are theirs to worship as they see fit with no problems.Muslims will simply be treated as they treat others.If they have dhimmi mentality for non muslims they will be treated as dhimmis in return.If they were truly respectful they would voluntarily relocate from these 2 sites which is visibly clear are hindu temples.If not the lesson will be driven home.You can do nothing but whine helplessly from accross the border,you shouldn't bother.Better focus on pakistan.

Harrapan culture came from IRANIANS. Aryan culture came from the banks of the CASPIAN. Neither element is "native" to your little piss hole.

You sanghee zombies actually think Vedism is a native faith to India??

Say it as much as you like; it will not become true. Every scrap of DNA unearthed throughout IVC sites says the exact same truth. Foreigners came to India to write pretty stories about Indian rivers and enslave your ancestors. Be assured, they came for your females first, while your males stood and let it happen.

"In particular, genetic influx from Central Asia in the Bronze Age was strongly male-driven, consistent with the patriarchal, patrilocal and patrilineal social structure attributed to the inferred pastoralist early Indo-European society. This was part of a much wider process of Indo-European expansion, with an ultimate source in the Pontic-Caspian region, which carried closely related Y-chromosome lineages, a smaller fraction of autosomal genome-wide variation and an even smaller fraction of mitogenomes across a vast swathe of Eurasia between 5 and 3.5 ka."

Read it carefully. These chariot riders from the Pontic Caspian steppe came for your females while your males were busy marvelling at their stories and chariot wheels. Feel free to browse your own genome to confirm this violation of native DNA.

Harappans are likewise immigrants to the subcontinent (from Iran) firstly, and secondly are not even centred around the gangetic plains.



Harrapan culture came from IRANIANS. Aryan culture came from the banks of the CASPIAN. Neither element is "native" to your little piss hole.

You sanghee zombies actually think Vedism is a native faith to India??

Say it as much as you like; it will not become true. Every scrap of DNA unearthed throughout IVC sites says the exact same truth. Foreigners came to India to write pretty stories about Indian rivers and enslave your ancestors. Be assured, they came for your females first, while your males stood and let it happen.

"In particular, genetic influx from Central Asia in the Bronze Age was strongly male-driven, consistent with the patriarchal, patrilocal and patrilineal social structure attributed to the inferred pastoralist early Indo-European society. This was part of a much wider process of Indo-European expansion, with an ultimate source in the Pontic-Caspian region, which carried closely related Y-chromosome lineages, a smaller fraction of autosomal genome-wide variation and an even smaller fraction of mitogenomes across a vast swathe of Eurasia between 5 and 3.5 ka."

Read it carefully. These chariot riders from the Pontic Caspian steppe came for your females while your males were busy marvelling at their stories and chariot wheels. Feel free to browse your own genome to confirm this violation of native DNA.

Harappans are likewise immigrants to the subcontinent (from Iran) firstly, and secondly are not even centred around the gangetic plains.

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Iran word itself comes from aryan.Harappans are west asian farmer plus hunter gatherer,this has been established and it was a proto-dravidian civilization with no aryan R1A found in rakhigarhi DNA .And yes,'vedism' is native faith of india because even though aryans migrated from central asia -the holy books of hinduism vedas,gita and upanishads were written on indian soil.'Hinduism' is a synthesis of harappan remnant and aryan cultural and religious practices with some tribal elements.It is not surprising that aryan migrants mixed with local women as it is men who migrate more than women everywhere.The oldest and most prestigious 'aryan' dynasty is the suryavansh - the clan of rama,buddha,jain tirthankars and several sikh gurus and rajput dynasties is also called ikhsvaku ,Ikshvaku is not an aryan word and he is described as the son of the sagely king of dravida in vedas.Even pauraravas,the other progenitor of the chandravansh or lunar dynasty and ancestor of pandavas was mixed.So yes,the vedic peoples were mixed from a very early period.They also intermarried with pre-aryan naga rulers who were probably the chariot warriors found at sanauli.Hindus today worship a mix of aryan and non-aryan gods and godesseses and practice a mix of cultures,all developed on indian soil.There is no memory of aryans before they came to india,and they didn't come all at once but as scattered tribes slowly filtering in.There was no invasion that destroyed the harappans as colonials told us - not a single IVC site found has any sign of damage by war.
The funny thing is a mirza being so concerned about harappans.What connection do today's pakistanis have with harappans?Zero.Do they worship mother goddess or shiva?Do they wear tika on forehead,or use namaste?Do they use ritual bathing or use swastikas?None.You are an alien civilization with no continuity from harapppa who sold your souls because you couldn't take the pain.

Now coming to muslims,we are not destroying anything that wasn't undeniably hindu.If the muslims are indeed respectful of hindu beliefs they will voluntarily relocate the mosques.If not and they try their supremacist attitude,glorifying the acts of aurangzeb at mathura and kashi we will give them a taste of dhimmi treatment and rub it in their faces instead.Mosques not built on hindu temples have not been and will not be disturbed.You are powerless to do anything,but whine haplessly.You are suffering from nostalgia - you have nothing left to show in the present,so you seek solace in the past.The british merely interrupted a natural corrective that the marathas and sikhs had already applied by finishing off muslim power .Thank the brits for that.Now stay put and huff and puff from the little peripheral corner of the subcontinent that you have been corralled into,india is ours as it always has been.Dharma is triumphant and you have no further say in indic affairs.So look west towards the middle east,those are your people and history and civilization.Stop lecturing indians - you were never indians and never will be.Concern yourself with the middle east and if you ever get over your obsession with kashmir before you self destruct your collapsing country,then all mutual affairs between us are closed.We are seperate civilizations,i agree with jinnah 100% and thank him for partition.Living with 400 million rubbish like you would be the worst torture and would destroy india and indic civilization.Mind your own business.
Harappans are west asian farmer plus hunter gatherer,this has been established and it was a proto-dravidian civilization with no aryan R1A found in rakhigarhi DNA
Baap tera, try to cry less and focus more. rakhigiri merely demonstrated what Pakistanis have known all along - that the prime sites of the Pakistani IVC were the cradle of subcontinent civilisation. DNA, culture and civilisation all flowed from Pakistani sites to Indian ones and beyond into the Deccan. And the DNA in Pakistan's IVC sites came almost entirely from Iran, this "west Asia" that you try to gloss over quickly.

You are attempting desperately to obfuscate and conflate different genetic lineages with this little inserted word "proto-Dravidian" without understanding what you are even uttering. Your ENTIRE sanghee narrative is dependent now on this line of argument you have chosen, that harappans are "proto-Dravidian".


Please enlighten me further. How are harrapans "proto-Dravidian"? What does the prefix "proto" mean? Are you referring to language, DNA, culture or all of the above?

Once you've established that, please outline where the IVC people's DNA predominantly came from. See if science, instead of raw emotion, helps in this endeavour:


The IVC came from iranic peoples (you can call them "west Asian" if it helps you sleep better). They interbred to a limited degree with andamanese Hunter gatherers (see the orange, red square in the chart above). Your modern Indian population (and I'm not even counting the Aryans yet - we'll come to those steppe land chariot raiders later) is mainly composed of Iranian origin culture and DNA originating from outside of India.

Regarding Rakhigiri, your readings - once you find a place to park your wailing emotiveness - will lead you to the original findings no doubt:

You will notice the diagram above in this very paper.

But let's discuss more details elucidated in the paper, for example the origins of Indo-European languages, the roots of Sanskrit, which is where our Aryan buddies come back into the picture:

we have shown that the ancient South Asian farmers represented in the IVC Clinehad negligible ancestry related to ancient Anatolian farmers as well as an Iranian-related ancestry component distinct from sampled ancient farmers and herders in Iran. Since language proxy spreads in pre-state societies are often accompanied by large-scale movements of people (
Bellwood, 2013
), these results argue against the model (
Heggarty, 2019
) of a trans-Iranian-plateau route for Indo-European language spread into South Asia. However, a natural route for Indo-European languages to have spread into South Asia is from Eastern Europe via Central Asia in the first half of the 2nd millennium BCE, a chain of transmission that did occur as has been documented in detail with ancient DNA. The fact that the Steppe pastoralist ancestry in South Asia matches that in Bronze Age Eastern Europe (but not Western Europe [
de Barros Damgaard et al., 2018
Narasimhan et al., 2019
]) provides additional evidence for this theory, as it elegantly explains the shared distinctive features of Balto-Slavic and Indo-Iranian languages (
Ringe et al., 2002

Once you've recovered from the harsh reality that the majority of your DNA is Iranian, you will find further peace in knowing that your north Indian languages are from the pontic steppe.

Make in India?? Make in Iran and the banks of the Caspian more like.

(Should be interesting @Baibars_1260 )
I said I'd lecture you more on the Aryans. Read this from the main abstract of the rakhigiri paper:

"We report an ancient genome from the Indus Valley Civilization (IVC). The individual we sequenced fits as a mixture of people related to ancient Iranians (the largest component) and Southeast Asian hunter-gatherers, a unique profile that matches ancient DNA from 11 genetic outliers from sites in Iran and Turkmenistan in cultural communication with the IVC. These individuals had little if any Steppe pastoralist-derived ancestry, showing that it was not ubiquitous in northwest South Asia during the IVC as it is today. "

The crucial points missed by sanghees are that rakhigiri demonstrates that Iranian DNA dominated IVC genomes (as I've already mentioned) but also, that in northwest India, (Gujarat, Haryana, Punjab, UP, HP etc) steppe pastoralist DNA is today ubiquitous. Note that bit I underlined and try to understand you dumb little bhakt.

Rakhigiri shows not only that your ancestors were mainly Iranian, but it also shows that after the life of the excavated individual, at some point in time, Aryan DNA flooded north west India to such a degree that its signature is now ubiquitous in this region. The IVC wasn't Aryan but modern day sanghee India is. How did this happen? Reflect once more on the previous paper I posted about male-driven genome propagation in case you haven't figured it out.

And these bhakts think they're all "from India".

As a footnote, one of the Rakhigiri paper's leads David Reich has plenty to say about how he's been bullied repeatedly by Hindustan into refining the content and terminology used in his works. He'd have a wry smile on his face if he ever caught up with your OOI nonsense.
Here is a summary for those who came in late.

Time Period: Glorious Mughal Era
1. Nepali Princess was raped in a temple by Hindu priests
2. Nepali King asks Aurangzeb to punish the culprits and raze the temple.
3. Aurangzeb punishes the culprits and razes the temple and builds a nice mosque in its place
4. Maharani of Holkar builds Kashi Vishwanath temple next to it. Other Hindu kings enlarge it and improve it.
5. Everyone lives happily ever after.

Fast forward....
Time Period; Fascist SaffronNazi Era
1. Fascists decide to unleash murder and mayhem on minorities.
2. SaffronNazis identify 3 mosques to destroy
3. SaffronNazis destory Babri Mosque
4. SaffronNazis now turn their attention to mosque in Varanasi
5. SaffronNazis now fervently justifying how destruction of mosque is necessary for survival of the Brown Reich.
Here is a summary for those who came in late.

Time Period: Glorious Mughal Era
1. Nepali Princess was raped in a temple by Hindu priests
2. Nepali King asks Aurangzeb to punish the culprits and raze the temple.
3. Aurangzeb punishes the culprits and razes the temple and builds a nice mosque in its place
4. Maharani of Holkar builds Kashi Vishwanath temple next to it. Other Hindu kings enlarge it and improve it.
5. Everyone lives happily ever after.

Fast forward....
Time Period; Fascist SaffronNazi Era
1. Fascists decide to unleash murder and mayhem on minorities.
2. SaffronNazis identify 3 mosques to destroy
3. SaffronNazis destory Babri Mosque
4. SaffronNazis now turn their attention to mosque in Varanasi
5. SaffronNazis now fervently justifying how destruction of mosque is necessary for survival of the Brown Reich.
6. SaffronNazis suppress scientific researchers for daring to suggest Vedic Hinduism and/or Indian DNA is substantively composed from non-Indian sources. Any dissemination of such dangerous science would render sanghee sloganeering narratives on "we are native but islam isn't" null and void.

"Reich described the tough negotiations he had with his Indian colleagues. “We came to a standstill. At the time I felt that we were being prevented by political considerations from revealing what we found”. He said these were the “tensest” 24 h in his scientific career. He eventually called the two groups Ancestral North Indians and Ancestral South Indians without prejudging where they came from. “We just focused on saying these two groups, one of which was more closely related to European Central Asians and Near Easterners, and one of which was less closely related, mixed”, he said. “We chose our language carefully so as to be able to convey the We chose our language carefully so as to be able to convey the scientific results we had without unnecessarily sort of interacting with sensitive issues”. Nonetheless, he said they still got blowback in angry emails from Indians who were offended by the results challenging their religious and ideological beliefs."

Reich never wanted to use the term ANI ( ancestral north Indian) for north west Indian genomic dispersals because he actually argued that the word "Indian" was misleading in this context. The genetics pointed to an origin OUTSIDE OF INDIA, so why should he call this DNA anything "Indian" at all??
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