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Varanasi court allows ASI survey of Gyanvapi Mosque, located next to Kashi Vishwanath Temple

What's the problem with all these mosques, churches being built on previous holy sites anyway? You polytheists lost them fair and square in historical battle. Why do you cry and cry now to have them back? Should every nation have this inferiority complex regarding medieval history and start uprooting buildings? Why should the monotheistic peoples be slighted by having their buildings uprooted?

You people never change. You cry and moan today about what happened in a fight centuries ago. Then through sheer weight of numbers and by bullying civilians, you satisfy your little inferiority syndromes.

we love our god shiva , his mandir will be restored , we have fought for thousands of years ,we will get it by pursuing our muslim brothers .
so what wrong with that our religion preaches that to destroy any statue of any kind

very wrong , your religion of peace teaches to respect other religions .
Polythiests have India now, to do what they want. Why do momins have to cry over that.

true muslims are peaceful people , islam teaches them to respect others religion , they will never support taking others religious places .
Polythiests have India now, to do what they want. Why do momins have to cry over that.

But aren't their laws in India to protect such historical and religious sites of minorities or is India just a total hindutva extremist communal shithole?
very wrong , your religion of peace teaches to respect other religions .

Idolatry is one of the most hated things by God
true muslims are peaceful people , islam teaches them to respect others religion , they will never support taking others religious places .

Sure, but things taken hundreds of years ago is none of our concern

No one alive today did anything

Yet in India you want to attack and destroy the religious sites of Indian Muslims

This is a historical mosque that is in use by Indian Muslims

Trying to destroy it is a travesty, your going to have to build your temple somewhere else
But aren't their laws in India to protect such historical and religious sites of minorities or is India just a total hindutva extremist communal shithole?

Idolatry is one of the most hated things by God
This is court ordered enquiry. Obviously law is being followed. OR is it that you can't but see it through green glasses. Let us worry about what happens in India.
This is court ordered enquiry. Obviously law is being followed. OR is it that you can't but see it through green glasses. Let us worry about what happens in India.

Yeah but I hate India, I see an opportunity

At the same time I see Jinnahs message clearly now and it's important we support the Indian Muslim community as they are targeting and attacked by the Indian state as it tries to destroy Indian Muslims religious and historical sites

I again enquire whether Indian law protects religious sites of Indian minorities
Yeah but I hate India, I see an opportunity

At the same time I see Jinnahs message clearly now and it's important we support the Indian Muslim community as they are targeting and attacked by the Indian state as it tries to destroy Indian Muslims religious and historical sites

I again enquire whether Indian law protects religious sites of Indian minorities

No one cares if you hate India or not. You can't even help Kashmiris let alone Indian muslims. This overenthusisam is the reason for state of affairs in Pakistan.

And Pakistan has lost its appetite for such aggression. World has no patience for your antics. India too is not the same as in 80's and 90's. So, I suggest you to see the reality and make peace with it.

All land in India belongs to sovereign of India. Who enjoys right over such land is determined by laws and courts.
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Muslims wanted a separate country left India for others. So it is upto us to decide whether we want to correct 600 year old travesty or 6000 years old. Worry about your own country.
Then why you guaranteed a secular freedom and made a so called secular constitution for those who decided to stay in india?
The land doesn't belong forever to one race,cast or religion.Its a law of nature and time to change it's inhabitants. But you are too stupid to realize that.
Buddhists too have the right to correct the BC era travesty right ? You too stole their lands and kicked them out. Too much hypocrisy here pajeet.
As for Indian muslims, they should realise that they are not living in pathetic congress regime.
No they already realize they live in a hindutva state and we want modi and RSS to rule india for another 10 years to make things easy for us .
This isn't about congress or BJP. It's about challenging forefathers like gandhi and nehru ,the constitution of india and it's very existence. Hence validating two nation theory of MA Jinnah.
Then why you guaranteed a secular freedom and made a so called secular constitution for those who decided to stay in india?
The land doesn't belong forever to one race,cast or religion.Its a law of nature and time to change it's inhabitants. But you are too stupid to realize that.
Buddhists too have the right to correct the BC era travesty right ? You too stole their lands and kicked them out. Too much hypocrisy here pajeet.

No they already realize they live in a hindutva state and we want modi and RSS to rule india for another 10 years to make things easy for us .
This isn't about congress or BJP. It's about challenging forefathers like gandhi and nehru ,the constitution of india and it's very existence. Hence validating two nation theory of MA Jinnah.
I have said this 1000 times. No body framed our constitution hoping for muslims to stay. Indian constitution was drafted on the basis of Hindu scriptures. Infact constitution itself never used word 'secularism' in any of its articles. It only had secular spirit because Hinduism believes in 'one Truth, many ways'.

Muslims stayed back in this country on their own volition. Indian constitution stayed the same from then till date. India is majoritarian republic. As such majority decide what happens in this country. Indian muslims know this and resigned to this fact. Only Pakistanis can't but see Islam in danger in India. But you are inconsequential.

PS: The entire world is acknowledging the two nation theory lately. No one can live together with muslims, it seems. The west is likely to abandon multiculturalism.
when you this question? as for your question In Islam statues of any person/deities and idols are being not tolerated and must be destroyed
oh look, found a few in Pakistan..




.. there's more I'm sure. How do you reconcile your religious beliefs with these realities then ? :enjoy:
What's the problem with all these mosques, churches being built on previous holy sites anyway? You polytheists lost them fair and square in historical battle. Why do you cry and cry now to have them back? Should every nation have this inferiority complex regarding medieval history and start uprooting buildings? Why should the monotheistic peoples be slighted by having their buildings uprooted?

You people never change. You cry and moan today about what happened in a fight centuries ago. Then through sheer weight of numbers and by bullying civilians, you satisfy your little inferiority syndromes.
Why are you dragging in Christians here ?

One would have expected you to know given how well researched into Hindu nationalism you appear to project... there have been 3 big ones historically, Ayodhya, Kashi Vishwanath and Mathura.

1 down, 2 to go, and we're good. Indians/Hindus are a very pragmatic bunch generally, you guys are too rigid.. how do you imagine muslims would have gone about trying to reclaim some of Islam's holiest mosques from Pagan temples with murals depicting all manner of carnal depravity in some of Islam's holiest cities, no less !

"here's a bunch of money and land, build your structures there.. taxpayer funded" .. would such thing ever happen ? is there even the remotest possibility of it ?

Anyway, justice WILL prevail in Kashi and Mathura as well, you watch.
No one cares if you hate India or not. You can't even help Kashmiris let alone Indian muslims. This overenthusisam is the reason for state of affairs in Pakistan.

And Pakistan has lost its appetite for such aggression. World has no patience for your antics. India too is not the same as in 80's and 90's. So, I suggest you to see the reality and make peace with it.

All land in India belongs to sovereign of India. Who enjoys right over such land is determined by laws and courts.

Yaar you lost 25 soldiers in a attack by 400 armed men a few days ago

Every year India is negotiating with someone about release of soldiers

It seems like every year your capital city is burning in riots

The hatred within India has reached insurmountable measures

Hindutva Extremism in India is a problem for the entire region

Your PM going to a friendly state instigates riots, protest and death

Indian Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities are now the front line a d we can't ignore this hindutva poison any longer

And we support Indian Muslims in this attack upon their community and religious and historical sites by a biased communal state
Yaar you lost 25 soldiers in a attack by 400 armed men a few days ago

Every year India is negotiating with someone about release of soldiers

It seems like every year your capital city is burning in riots

The hatred within India has reached insurmountable measures

Hindutva Extremism in India is a problem for the entire region

Your PM going to a friendly state instigates riots, protest and death

Indian Muslims, Sikhs and other minorities are now the front line a d we can't ignore this hindutva poison any longer

And we support Indian Muslims in this attack upon their community and religious and historical sites by a biased communal state
nope, India/Hindus are united as fvck.. wait for Bengal results 8-)

there is no attack on IMs, they have same everything under the law as everyone else.
nope, India/Hindus are united as fvck.. wait for Bengal results 8-)

there is no attack on IMs, they have same everything under the law as everyone else.


I repeat 400 armed men just slaughtered 25 of your soldiers and you had to negotiate release of your men in the heart of India

Your CAPITAL city has been engulfed in riots year in year out

This is just the latest in the attack upon Indian Muslims and their religious and historical sites

The temple was destroyed centuries ago, it's gone, get over it, build it somewhere else

But you want to attack a existing historical structure

Surely Indian law is not so communal or hindutva that it won't protect Indian Muslims?
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