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Muslim girl killed for loving affair with Hindu boy

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Your mind is sick, and you are a retard, whats the point in braging Pakistani gf gf, may be its because you are low caste hindu and cant believe your luck :blah::blah:
dont share your so called personal experinces here, i can very easily create my own version with indina sorry hindu girls. thank you

What happened to everyone being equal in Islam? :undecided:
I'm not abusing her.. nor have I done any harm.. why is so hard to digest that most Hindus get along with people from other faiths?

Read the news, it has happened in india, but they didnt forget to mention a Muslim man.
As much you are against these type of killings, you wake up it has happened in India, move on to 21st century. Stop discrimination against the women.

I'm discriminating against women because I don't believe in honor killings? :rofl:

Contradicted yourself there man

Guess ur one of those people who feel pride in discussing GF's in public forum :) .. :pop:

My life's an open book. What's there to hide?
I've had 2 pakistani (ex) girlfriends in the past, along with a white chick, and hispanic.. never had any trouble with them..
They were never religious nor hating towards anyone as some people here make them out to be.
Anyways I'm on my third pakistani girlfriend... but I can tell you this relationship isn't going so smooth as the others. :(

Yo dude , I agree that many of the **** girls date hindus, sikhs but remember its the other way around too **** guys dating indian girls but u dont have to use the context Pakistani, thats personnel attack buddy, dont derail off the topic... in both the cases,a muslim guy dating an hindu or sikh girl and muslim girl dating hindu etc is considered as wrong. It is not accepted in the eyes of religion.Islam is a montheism religion , the rules have been laid and there shall be no debate on it , However whatever u do is ur personnel deed.
Yo dude , I agree that many of the **** girls date hindus, sikhs but remember its the other way around too **** guys dating indian girls but u dont have to use the context Pakistani, thats personnel attack buddy, dont derail off the topic... in both the cases,a muslim guy dating an hindu or sikh girl and muslim girl dating hindu etc is considered as wrong. It is not accepted in the eyes of religion.Islam is a montheism religion , the rules have been laid and there shall be no debate on it , However whatever u do is ur personnel deed.

But is that fair to women? Or even men for that matter?

Very contradictary if you ask me.

Mughal rulers shah jahan was born to a muslim father and a Hindu mother.. does that make him less muslim?

etc.. with all the other muslim-hindu/sikh hindu/sikh-muslim marriages.
dude, be practical....... i am saying this coz i study all these things.....

u are just being ignorant and arrogant. so it be.....but what i study is out of complete sociology studies and mind it, my study is not fake......I am an IIM student. if u dont know what i am talking bout then do ask around.....our studies are completely genuine and we know all da propagandas of not on pakistanis but also india, bangladesh, america,england, etc etc....

the bottomline is our teachers are high profile sociologist and they dont teach biased versions......frankly.

pakistan has many social problem and this unexposed caste system is very prevelant. its everywhere in subcontinent.

u tell me, will u marry any RANDOM gurl if she is a MUSLIM and u love her ?

aks urself, are there any other factors that can play spoil sport ?

Dude i belong to rural area. Some of the most backwards in term of development. I never in my life saw a single marriage in which someone said I won't give it to Panjabi or Sidhi. Or inside Shiwari or Afridi or yousafzai or butt of Panjab etc etc. There is Panjabi Pathan bias but i never ever saw this effecting any marriage. The proposal have been refused on Job basis mostly like if the boy don't have a job or good job. Could be other basis but i never saw anyone refusing on basis of caste. You and your so called highly educated teacher have no idea what they are teaching you. No offense.

Its hard you find any such thing in any Muslim community because our Prophet teached us that all men and women are equal, No arab is better than non-arab and no non-arab is better than arab. No black is better than white and no white is better than black.

PS. Please use english. your lyf da kind of language gives me headache.
What happened to everyone being equal in Islam? :undecided:
I'm not abusing her.. nor have I done any harm.. why is so hard to digest that most Hindus get along with people from other faiths?

Every one is still equal in Islam, what did i said otherwise?
and many Muslims mens get along with hindu girls aswell not necessarily Indians :smokin:

I'm discriminating against women because I don't believe in honor killings? :rofl:

Contradicted yourself there man

Contradicted? Maybe you didnt understand what i said.

My life's an open book. What's there to hide?

if thats all open. then tell us some of your bed time erotic story :D
each and every detail :D
On topic question:

What is the secular indian government doing to stop these type of incidents and discrimination against women?
Tell that to the victims of honor killings.

Sure I would and I hope they are lucky enough not to get caught lol like i said its a personnel deed of a person if they get caught i would not recommend honor killing though i consider that realtionship intimate and dirty....its how ur mind is shaped...But i dont see Islam allowing honor killings anywhere ..aan aa nop
Sure I would and I hope they are lucky enough not to get caught lol like i said its a personnel deed of a person if they get caught i would not recommend honor killing though i consider that realtionship intimate and dirty....its how ur mind is shaped...But i dont see Islam allowing honor killings anywhere ..aan aa nop

Bro, according to them, indian muslims are more tolerant and liberal than us Pakistani Muslims, if so then instead of giving asnwers, Ask them how they let this type of incident to happen? This has happened in India afterall.
guys stop going off topic and stop discussing your personal life in here.

@Jonasad: google Rizwanur Rahman, you'll know how civil society in India reacts in such cases.

They were there to support a middle class muslim family against a wealthy hindu industrialist. Stop painting the society in a religious colour when you don't know anything about it.
Bro, according to them, indian muslims are more tolerant and liberal than us Pakistani Muslims, if so then instead of giving asnwers, Ask them how they let this type of incident to happen? This has happened in India afterall.

Bro...How much should i answer them and how much should i ask them , indian is not considered an indian until he or she has an issue with Pakis , you will always see them pointing fingers at us.
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