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Chinese, Indian troops begin disengagement at Pangong Lake as part of military talks agreement: Ministry of Defense

As soon as Biden said he wasn't going to fight China, India folded :rofl:

The moment Biden came PLA just abandoned their post :lol:

Biden effect

Biden administration told India clearly their initial plan was to undo damage and confrontational policy of Trump and try to find some common ground with China, leaving india up shit creek without a paddle

U.S also knows india isn't some western democracy and is a increasingly divided communal state and can't be trusted and is only eager to stop humilation by the Chinese of India

But India will have to suck alot more American balls if it wants support

so Modi take direct orders from Washington. If Trump say move forward, Modi move forward. When Biden say move back, Modi move back. Is Modi a real life puppet of America? Does Indians know that their PM is 56” chest puppet?
Report: Chinese troops have pulled back to Finger 8 of Pangong lake whereas Indian troops have now pulled back to DST post between F2-F3. No patrolling to be done between F4-F8.

Back to pre April 2020 status quo.

dont think that’s true, the new lac is the 1959 LAC which means they don’t plan to move back at all. Do you have an independent non Indian link to prove This ?
When Biden says he will stand by his allies, what he means is - he will stand by and watch his allies retreat.
Jay hoo again for mr surrendra modie while godie media is showing all ijj well where is all of those Hindutva pajets the terrorist nazie supporters Gay hindh
hindutva india is opening a subconventional theatre of war against china with complete support from nato.

The war might just be beginning. Xinjiang and tibet are targets. They want to repeat the 50s but with open support from nato.

China needs to be very careful.
I told you so
I told you so
0ver 50 chinease conscripts dead and too ashamed to admit it
China now going home
foolish nitemare our ringside cheer leaders must be cutting his wrists
but I did tell.you China won't fight India
no way
all chinease propaganda
I can hear the broken hearts across the pacific. :cry:

I had predicted months ago that this is just silly posturing by the PLA.
Oh well, at least the troops got some fresh mountain air in their lungs.
dont think that’s true, the new lac is the 1959 LAC which means they don’t plan to move back at all. Do you have an independent non Indian link to prove This ?
He doesn't. These people are habitual and pathological liars - it's very well documented. Expect a torrent of lies, "sources tell me...", etc. Check back in a few weeks and I assure you that the lines will be where China established them.

All told, I welcome this news. It is beneath China to be in any sort of confrontation with India; India is unworthy of being China's enemy.
They came
They beat Indians to death
They took territory
The built fortifications
They forced India into a agreement once India understood Biden wasn't going to back them up
Now China has a strategic foothold where both Pakistan and China plan against India together and where India is forced into trying to ask China not to humilate India by joining Pakistan because of Moral authority 🤣🤣🤣🤪🤪🤪

So the chinease made it look simple
Wonder why you guys cant come and do the same accross LOC , Kashmir or Saichen.
Talk is cheap

China have been humilated they have backed down .......... AND I PREDICTED has much
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