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Heavy firing on the LOC - 6 plus Indian Soldiers Killed

There could be a way to end a part of damage done to civilians of AJK by bombardment of Indian Army. For this Pakistani Military has to plan to extend the LOC further east and north by capturing some strategic points and creating a 5-10 km buffer zone between LOC and AJK population.

1. The first step is to survey which AJK populated areas are continuously affected through Indian bombardment.

2. Mark posts and artillery positions of Indian Army on the maps, which fire at AJK population.

3. To create a buffer zone of 5-10 km, PA would need to carry out an offensive of 5-10 km into J&K and occupy or by pass Indian Army posts. This can obviously create a larger conflict in the region which can lead to full fledged war.

4. Pakistan Army should aim to capture those areas which can be comfortably supplied once captured. This means the DGMO and QMG have to sit together and brain storm for a plausible solution for the long term. Another criteria could be positions where there is less or hardly any J&K population so they can also be kept safe from military damage in the longer run.

5. If the offensive is carried out in J&K on multiple locations, it may seem a full fledged attack from all formations of Pakistan Army deployed on the LOC, but it has its advantages. In kargil war, Indian Army concentrated its manpower and resources in one region and that made it easy to resist infiltration by Pakistani forces. Opening fronts at multiple locations has its disadvantages too since resources of PA will be also be divided. Opening front one by one can also be possible. When one of the planned locations are secured, then start phase-II and start offensive 50 km or so away at a different location.

6. PAF and other paramilitary forces (GB) will be required to get involved so the secrecy that was kept in Kargil war will not be applicable. PAF will be required since after the required areas/peaks are captured, PA troops will need to be protected from IAF bombardment. PAF should also be available to provide ground strike sorties when requested by PA.

7. This Ops will be costly for PA troops even if the objective is to infiltrate a few km, capture and then fortify some locations. Defending all these extended positions will require a continuous supply chain of troops, equipment, weapons, material, ammunition etc.

India will never tolerate such a military step by Pakistan so there are a lot of chances that the matters will escalate to a full fledged war and the International community will pressurise GOP to retreat back to original positions. Pakistan will be in a fix since retreating back would mean internal humiliation from Public who will lose faith in Military and GOP. If Pakistani Army doesn't retreat instead fortify themselves in new positions and supply lines are opened, then the Kashmiris of J&K can have a ray of hope that Pakistan is willing to take practical steps for their liberation from Indian tyranny. When the sentiments of Kashmiri population in J&K are witnessed on ground by PA and reported by commanding officers back to GHQ, then further operations on the lines of Ops Gibraltar can be planned. Previously such sentiments and commitment was not considered in 1965, instead matters were taken as understood which turned out completely incorrect.

India will definitely open a new front in retaliation and the infiltration from Afghanistan/Iran will increase from western border. The damage inside Pakistan through blasts and attacks will increase.

To ensure that the operation succeeds no matter what, Pakistan can take China in confidence and request assistance of weapons and equipment from China stating that CPEC lines will be secured and offense is the best defence. Pakistan should ask for dozens of transport helicopters and thousands of protective/weather resistant military gear for regulars/paramilitary from China (as well as J-10, for lovers of J-10 on this forum, I'm not one of them). Pakistan should not ask China for involving itself militarily in this offensive since USA will then join India citing Chinese active involvement as an excuse. Mere presence of China on LAC would be enough for the time being. A portion of harsh weather military gear that India purchased for troops deployed on LAC will have to diverted to LOC. As soon as the offense starts, Pakistan should notify Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malaysia and other friendly nations that phase-I of an offensive has started to secure homeland from enemy fire and to free oppressed muslims from India.

There is a clear statement by Azerbaijan through which the Karabkh conflict has started, Pakistan can do the same in kashmir if the military top brass and civilian Govt agree to take such a step.

Whenever India attacks civilians, there must be a publically owned punitive operation against such posts. If you kill Indians and hide the news, no one learns from it. Remember Modi killed 44 Indian soldiers to get votes, he d@mn cares if 44 more Indian soldiers are killed by Pakistan. You have to make punishment a public humiliation for India. It will have its cost - but when the world knows you attacked India for they killing civilians, you will earn global support and Indians will be pressurized to quit this insanity.

When you punish Indians some times and let go another, they fail to learn the punishment was for killing the civilians. You must act 100% of times and count every civilian casualty. Only then you can hope that enemy will stop being Indian.

Pakistan can create a buffer zone by liberating occupied territory or move its civilians back a few kilometres on this side. In both cases, civilians will be relatively safe.
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Thanks for sharing your views and experience. I have also lived and worked in China and come across the very well mannered Muslim population who often took me for a Muslim as I looked for Biryani around Halal food joints.
My last post. Since we have strayed so far from the topic of this thread we are certainly trying the patience of the moderators. If there is a specific thread on a comparison of the status of minorities in India, China and Pakistan I would like to continue the conversation.
First I am intrigued why you would look for Biryani or more specifically Halal food in China ( or in India for that matter) . There are a myriad variations of cuisines in China each specific to the region with its own specialty ( my own favorite is Sichuan style). I once stumbled into an Uyghur restaurant ( I could read the Arabic script "Mataam-al-Muslimeen " on the signboard) and the food closely resembled Pakistani food but it was nothing unusual. I greeted the staff in the traditional manner to which they responded. My pinyin phrase book Chinese was broken but I did have a very satisfying conversation to be discussed elsewhere on a different thread. I made the best of my opportunity in China to study and understand the majority Chinese population, their culture, history and political viewpoints ; even traveling to a remote rural community ( which ironically turned out to be Hui Muslim) for the purpose. I do not have any dietary constraints and would happily eat most of what was offered by my hosts and would raise my glass and toast them with a vigorous chant of "Gumbay" . I was more comfortable in a specialty noodle and soup joint in Shanxi than in a Udupi dosa eating house in Dubai.
However, you must understand that if there is a systematic oppression happening and we support China in doing so then we are being dishonest with ourselves. I have no doubt about everything that you shared in this post and I have experienced some of it myself, but we both also understand that Turkey is not stupid to be championing support for Uighyurs on the world stage and make unnecessary enmity with a rising global power. Islam is simply incompatible with CCP party's agenda and they need to prune it just like they did with Buddhism and Chinese philosophy.
I completely disagree. I visited Buddhist temples in China also, and I mean the remote 2000 years old ones hewed into the cliff faces of the mountains not showpiece tourist spots. I even attempted speaking with the monks. No where did I find any evidence of repression. China is being vilified today with subtle propaganda regarding the treatment of minorities just as the Soviet Union was at that time. With the Soviet Union the propaganda was successful in mobilizing Muslim fundamentalist opinion into a Western backed "jihad" both within and beyond the territory. That is a different topic which we can discuss elsewhere.
With deference to your education and experience I can only see your insistence on disinformation as a crude attempt to inflame opinion and drive a wedge between the Chinese and Pakistani populations.
I am deeply sorry that you find India so unwelcoming. Be assured that Indian Muslims will not lose their citizenship. India belongs to them as much as any other Indian and their rights will never be taken away from them no matter how many modis or amit shah come into power. Majority of Hindu Indians I know favor secularism and prefer to keep caste/religion/god out of national agenda.
The cruel fate of Indian Muslims is known but is less of a concern in Pakistan today. There is nothing we can do for them and the Indian Muslims know and accept that. The Indian Muslims have played their historic role in the creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh. If the Indian Muslims had not sacrificed themselves we who are native to the regions now constituting Pakistan and Bangladesh would have suffered a worse fate than the people of Kashmir today. Trusting in fake secularism and democracy of a religiously motivated regime is a folly that has cost other Muslim minority populations dearly. We have seen the situation in Bosnia where the majority Muslim population has been reduced to a minority by brutal ethnic cleansing and demographic change. The Rohingyas of Myanmar have experienced the same. The fate of the Muslims in the Central African Republic comprising 35% of the population has been even more cruel with complete elimination and expulsion of the population under UN French "peace keeping " watch.
A recap to History:
Like the tribes of the Oghuz Turks in the 13th century and the Moorish populations of Córdoba and South Spain in the 15th century the Indian Muslims have sacrificed themselves so that a section of their population in the regions they were in a majority will survive. The Oghuz secured Anatolia from the Mongols and the Moors secured Andalusia ( though ultimately unsuccessful). The Indian Muslims secured Pakistan and Bangladesh but will never secure Kashmir. The folly of a section of post Partition Indian Muslims was in pretending that the existence of a Muslim majority region within post-Partition India (Kashmir) will ensure secularism within India. Which is why they have never supported the Kashmiri struggle for self determination. This was a delusional denial of their ultimate fate but we can't blame them for that. Regardless their fate is sealed. Pakistan and Bangladesh have learnt from Andalusia and Bosnia. Short of a nuclear war ( in which Indian Muslims would also be collateral damage) , the Pakistani and Bangladeshi Muslims will survive the onslaught of the 1.3 billion new "Mongols" of today.
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Good analysis! War is coming either way, its better to take the initiative and take enemy by surprise, thus dictating the terms of conflict rather than to wait and let enemy decide.

There is a major flaw in the conclusion. The war btw Armenia and Azeri and the conflict btw India and Pakistan have completely different after-effects. First, both the countries (Azer & Arme) aren't nuclear-armed (that means no worst consequences of fallout), second both are not strategically important for any global power, third Azer smartly and perfectly utilized the time period for the adventure when every country is busy in COVID situation. U.S busy in elections, there will be no president and govt practically not functional in these months, the economic situation is worst, UK is completely collapsing because of financial-economic issues, in fact, most western countries are in a major crisis. The internal situation of Arab countries are also not good. There are hundreds of factors that help Azeri. It's indeed a perfect time for them but not for everyone.

You can't compare the situation with South Asia where 4 nuclear powers bordering each other. Where a massive amount of destruction expected in the case of HIC. A huge number of civilian population along with the massive amount of military machine from submarines to gunships to fighters I mean it's a clash of titans situation where both sides would probably use the maximum amount of their military machine to enforce their supremacy. Indians never forget how they got slapped in the modern battlefield from Pakistan on 27 Feb. Indian ego is badly fukedup, the whole world surprised and laughed on so-called 4th largest military got banged in the broad daylight.

What is the most vulnerable force of Pakistan's armed forces? "Pak-Navy" India's first priority will be blockade of coastlines. That will create a major problem for Pakistan. Pakistan can only win or sustain if, before any adventure, Pakistan collaborate with China and make proper strategy from strikes to Int pressure handling in after opening the adventure.

Having said that, one thing which is very very important at this time. This is the first time I have seen Indian armed forces as the most demoralized and paralyzed force in the region. They're badly fuckedup since Modi came into power. Modi and Indian Media literally made their armed forces a laughing stock for the world. You keep claiming something and you don't have any single proof to present in front of the world, that's seriously damaging for you from the int perspective. Seems like someone doesn't have the guts to do something in reality but with the help of own media, calling and becoming super-man in front of domestic viewership. Yesterday, Modi's event in RAjistan seems like someone leading BJP Armed militia instead of state armed forces. Even Indians making fun of and accused him of damaging India's armed forces image.

IMO, no country will militarily support India in case of war with Pakistan if China clearly shows its presence behind Pakistan. France, UK, and US max provide diplomatic support, and at some level US probably pushes India to go ahead with full-scale war but if Indians expect that the U.S. sends its forces lol.... NO... India is India not ISRAEL for U.S. India, Japan, Australia are just merely a TOOL for U.S. for the containment of China that's all.
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There could be a way to end a part of damage done to civilians of AJK by bombardment of Indian Army. For this Pakistani Military has to plan to extend the LOC further east and north by capturing some strategic points and creating a 5-10 km buffer zone between LOC and AJK population.

1. The first step is to survey which AJK populated areas are continuously affected through Indian bombardment.

2. Mark posts and artillery positions of Indian Army on the maps, which fire at AJK population.

3. To create a buffer zone of 5-10 km, PA would need to carry out an offensive of 5-10 km into J&K and occupy or by pass Indian Army posts. This can obviously create a larger conflict in the region which can lead to full fledged war.

4. Pakistan Army should aim to capture those areas which can be comfortably supplied once captured. This means the DGMO and QMG have to sit together and brain storm for a plausible solution for the long term. Another criteria could be positions where there is less or hardly any J&K population so they can also be kept safe from military damage in the longer run.

5. If the offensive is carried out in J&K on multiple locations, it may seem a full fledged attack from all formations of Pakistan Army deployed on the LOC, but it has its advantages. In kargil war, Indian Army concentrated its manpower and resources in one region and that made it easy to resist infiltration by Pakistani forces. Opening fronts at multiple locations has its disadvantages too since resources of PA will be also be divided. Opening front one by one can also be possible. When one of the planned locations are secured, then start phase-II and start offensive 50 km or so away at a different location.

6. PAF and other paramilitary forces (GB) will be required to get involved so the secrecy that was kept in Kargil war will not be applicable. PAF will be required since after the required areas/peaks are captured, PA troops will need to be protected from IAF bombardment. PAF should also be available to provide ground strike sorties when requested by PA.

7. This Ops will be costly for PA troops even if the objective is to infiltrate a few km, capture and then fortify some locations. Defending all these extended positions will require a continuous supply chain of troops, equipment, weapons, material, ammunition etc.

India will never tolerate such a military step by Pakistan so there are a lot of chances that the matters will escalate to a full fledged war and the International community will pressurise GOP to retreat back to original positions. Pakistan will be in a fix since retreating back would mean internal humiliation from Public who will lose faith in Military and GOP. If Pakistani Army doesn't retreat instead fortify themselves in new positions and supply lines are opened, then the Kashmiris of J&K can have a ray of hope that Pakistan is willing to take practical steps for their liberation from Indian tyranny. When the sentiments of Kashmiri population in J&K are witnessed on ground by PA and reported by commanding officers back to GHQ, then further operations on the lines of Ops Gibraltar can be planned. Previously such sentiments and commitment was not considered in 1965, instead matters were taken as understood which turned out completely incorrect.

India will definitely open a new front in retaliation and the infiltration from Afghanistan/Iran will increase from western border. The damage inside Pakistan through blasts and attacks will increase.

To ensure that the operation succeeds no matter what, Pakistan can take China in confidence and request assistance of weapons and equipment from China stating that CPEC lines will be secured and offense is the best defence. Pakistan should ask for dozens of transport helicopters and thousands of protective/weather resistant military gear for regulars/paramilitary from China (as well as J-10, for lovers of J-10 on this forum, I'm not one of them). Pakistan should not ask China for involving itself militarily in this offensive since USA will then join India citing Chinese active involvement as an excuse. Mere presence of China on LAC would be enough for the time being. A portion of harsh weather military gear that India purchased for troops deployed on LAC will have to diverted to LOC. As soon as the offense starts, Pakistan should notify Turkey, Azerbaijan, Malaysia and other friendly nations that phase-I of an offensive has started to secure homeland from enemy fire and to free oppressed muslims from India.

There is a clear statement by Azerbaijan through which the Karabkh conflict has started, Pakistan can do the same in kashmir if the military top brass and civilian Govt agree to take such a step.
What a genius analysis and a solution, which was not considered by best of the military minds in Pakistan...

Just a small issue. I just hope that there is no genius mind like you in india who may think of the same strategy to push LOC / International boarder 50 km towards west.. easy solution for india, that way it avoids fighting the Pakistani Army in LOC and also maintains amount of land under control as equal.

Its really unfortunate that nobody in Pakistan thought about these strategies in 1965 or in 1999
Collateral damage to friendly civilian populations is a fact of war though precision munitions make that less likely.
French civilians died in Allied bombing of German targets in occupied France during World War 2 and South Koreans died in shelling and bombing when Seoul was taken, lost and retaken during the Korean War ( 1950). Kosovars were killed during NATO airstrikes on Serb positions in 1999.
Kashmiri Muslim civilians will die on the Indian side when Pakistan retaliates. A history of occupied
peoples show that friendly fire losses have never come in the way of civilian popular support for liberation.
The primary concern should be for civilians on the Pakistani side.
Upgraded Andersen shelters are a part answer to their protection:
The picture in the link below shows a shelter intact with the whole house destroyed. The family survived the blast.
Pakistan is a Giant Killer(the Soviet Union, the US in Afghanistan). There is some reason Pakistan flags in Azerbaijan(Who give them Drones doctrine, training, and special weapons ). Kashimir fruit is fully reaped now; under the nuclear threshold, Pakistan will kill another Giant Inshallah.

Our score going back home in boxes 😍😍😍
However, I ponder about the future.
Intel had perceived the next move of the Indian forces enabling PA to react accordingly. Staying one step ahead is achievable in future also. Now its up to the top brass and Civil Govt how they plan ahead in future.
Whenever India attacks civilians, there must be a publically owned punitive operation against such posts.
You are right. The advancement in phases (I,II etc) is something that most here will not understand. Once an Ops is started, it should be continued till the whole outcome is reached. I just put forward the first step, there is a much deeper discussion involved when the respective posts or locations or positions will need to be taken out. Its always the first step which is cumbersome to accomplish.
You can't compare the situation with South Asia where 4 nuclear powers bordering each other.
Pakistan and India were nuclear powers in 1999 Kargil war, as well as in Feb 2019 but Pakistan decided to dissolve the conflict last year and return the pilot. If one sits down and keep thinking that nuclear powers shouldn't be involved in a skirmish or war, then you can forget that Kashmir can ever be liberated. The current Indian nexus with Afghanistan, Iran and other proxies operating inside Pakistan against Pakistan has to be broken while Pakistan's objective is Kashmir (after internal security). For Kashmir, just defending LOC instead of going on offensive for fear of nuclear war will not lead anywhere.
I think just hitting them harder along the LOC would be sufficient.
If you think that with hard hitting only the following objectives can be met then sure, why not:

1. Securing lives of Pakistanis in AJK
2. Disconnecting Siachen from india
3. Protecting J&K Kashmiris and liberating Jammu and kashmir
Anyways, Pakistan has peers with right dispensation, clarity and focus, just learn the ropes and acquire the gadgets.
For fear of nuclear war or international intervention (like in 1999), should Pakistan not take offensive measures militarily to liberate Jammu and Kashmir at all ?

Pakistan with its current formations can defend LOC and strike enemy positions across LOC, but what is the end game ?
Where is picture of homage paid to Pakistan soldier(acknowledged one) killed in action ?
Not even his name or rank was declared by ISPR.

@PanzerKiel @masterchief_mirza
Why should we declare the name or rank of a soldier? Some families ask for privacy in this matter.
ISPR has given rank and name multiple times, if they didn't do it this time, that means the soldier's family didn't allow them. Plus rank and name is usually revealed later on, like months after the incident.
Common sense duh
Isn't knowing that 1 Pakistani Soldier got martyred for 6 of yours enough for you Indians?
Where is picture of homage paid to Pakistan soldier(acknowledged one) killed in action ?
Not even his name or rank was declared by ISPR.

@PanzerKiel @masterchief_mirza
Dear, dont worry about that. The required homage, last rites, respects and all things were done in the village where he was buried with full military honors along with a military contingent.
Where is picture of homage paid to Pakistan soldier(acknowledged one) killed in action ?
Not even his name or rank was declared by ISPR.

@PanzerKiel @masterchief_mirza
But sir, it isn't 1 pak soldier. It's 20 at least as per standard IA algorithms.

Lists will be released via Wikileaks shortly. I believe by pure coincidence, the names of the dead Pakistanis will match the names of deceased Chinese generals from the Qing dynasty.

There are many ways to look at a certain development. It is also important to know the details of that development, past and present. If one is lucky enough, some first hand information from the ground also helps. To see from the eyes of a viewer is different than from the eyes of a soldier or an officer who is present at that location. The point of views in the planning rooms of both Govt and Military high officials are entirely different from all others.

Whenever a thread is posted based on some news of conflict or skirmish, the pages started filling from both sides, everybody becoming a spokesperson of their respective country, some disgruntled ones cursing their own country at times for not doing enough, though majority will be defending their forces and country as they justify the actions through past and present. Lastly, there will be hijackers of the thread who would want the thread to be derailed according to their agenda. Then there are a few who like to keep their views reserved or dont care at all. Somewhat similar happens in real life too.

Media has a certain role to play and media is used, can be bought or has to follow directives of the government. It is one of the best weapons of war to create confusion and mayhem among general public.

Weather is the biggest enemy of any army deployed in any terrain, whether it be mountain or desert. Troops have to survive and fight the weather everyday - the human enemy maybe not that much or not everyday. Weather is also a friend for some, weather limits mobility, weather has the audacity to limit the operational capability of a military, it puts a strain on resources by demanding more or using double than usual. Weather is the best friend of any Guerrilla force - harsh weather like the approaching winter season in kashmir now. Indian Army has been experienced since decades that freedom fighters will become more active in winters than in summers. The freedom fighters will find a ally in the harsh weather especially in hit and run tactics.

Now take it as fictional story what im going to write, although it could very well be real too. A week back from now, there was a report of some freedom fighters present in an area of Kashmir. Indian Military sent troops in the area who suffered some causalities as dead and many as wounded, the freedom fighters escaped unharmed. I am not aware if this has been reported in Indian media. If it has then that's good. however shouldn't this call for another surgical strike by Indian Army or another IAF attempt to enter LOC like Feb 2019 since its alleged that Pakistan sends men and equipment across the LOC - The incredibly heavily defended and continuously monitored LOC. If everybody sees the amount of surveillance equipment that Indian military has installed on LOC, questions would arise that how can even an ant go undetected through those systems, but here dozens and dozens of armed insurgents are crossing from so called launch pads from Pakistan like there is a picnic going on LOC. Indian Army having suffered at hands of freedom fighters turned towards Pakistani forces on LOC since the lost prestige had to be gained, after all its a numbers game. If 10 x Indian soldiers die, then 100 or 1000 x freedom fighters or Pakistani troops or Pakistani civilians have to die to maintain the numbers game in the Indian media. So how can the numbers be maintained to appease the Govt of India, Indian high command and most importantly the Indian public. The effect of loss of 10 x troops evaporates when 1000s of Pakistani troops or civilian casualties show up in media.

So where to strike to successfully get the wanted numbers ? The Pakistani troops on LOC are positioned in well defended bunkers and have the capability to fire back when provoked. So who is an easy target ? The Pakistan civilians of AJK. The civilian infrastructure catches fire easily since majority cannot afford brick houses, they mostly use wooden structures where as Pakistan Army's ordinance and ammo is stored in well protected encampments and structures. Targeting weak civilian infrastructure proves more destructive and flaming images are powerful images on media. It means media can show that massive damage has been to done to Pakistan and that Pakistani Army has allowed such massive damage to be done by indian military from right under their noses, which shows what ? That Pakistani Army is incapable, ineffective and incompetent to protect its civilians. There is already an internal war waged through PML(N) and PDM against Pakistan Army, so a great opportunity to jump onto the next step to defame Pakistan Army.

Next, to show that Pakistani Army is a brutal force, Indian military placed its heavy weapons around populated areas so that there are high chances that J&K civilians are hit in the counter battery fire. This serves two purposes: firstly that Indian Military gives a damn about lives of J&K kashmiris, so doesnt matter to them if they die at hands of Indian military or through Pakistani fire. Secondly, lets prove to the J&K kashmiris that Pakistan Army doesnt care for their lives and property. This will help in brainwashing the population against freedom fighters also who are allegedly supported by Pakistan Army currently.

I will come back to weather again. I mentioned in one of my previous posts about "weather gear/kits" for troops. This weather gear/kit is useful in snowy and harsh conditions. These kits have been ordered by Indian Army for LAC, but there is a difference between ordering 15,000 and ordering 50,000. Its easy to support 15,000 troops than its is to support 50,000 troops. The gear is not only warm uniform, it includes tents, blankets, lamps, heating equipment etc which has the capability to operate in snowy condition and also keep soldiers warm and healthy. If India deploys massive amount of troops on LAC in winters, it will need to cater for all their needs and that is economically draining. So turning the attention towards Pakistan on LOC is an easier option and sniping Pakistani soldiers as well as hitting Pakistani civilians is more convenient, however, many intel reports had already suggested that India will create tension on LOC every year. This year it had yet to come since LAC was already hot and India had been embarrassed thoroughly by Chinese troops. LAC has become a thorn for India which it didnt expect and now India is stuck in LAC after giving up thousands of Sqm of land to China. The Chinese Army can sustain itself comfortably, while the Indian Army is still finding ways and means to deploy and sustain troops on LAC in winters. Driving attention towards LOC and grabbing quick but huge causality numbers on LOC is what India is trying to achieve.

Pakistan Army's retaliatory fire has caused more causalities to Indian soldiers than what's being reported. This happened because intel had reported already what India Army will be trying to achieve before end of 2020, so Pakistani troops were already prepared to retaliate. Indian Army is now itself stuck in a war of attrition that it wanted to start against Pakistan - and now China has joined hands with Pakistan too on LAC.

If you put all the dots together, you will see what Indian Army, Indian Govt and the Indian media are trying to achieve for face saving from all the situations that India has got knees deep in and is still using horrendous tactics to satisfy its appetite and its population.
Except for a few things -

1. Kashmiri militants can't acquire weapons by walking into Srinagar General Stores - these come from across the border

2. No border in the world can be absolutely secured. Even with all the resources in the world, Trump was shouting - "build that wall" to keep Mexicans out. The LoC is across mountainous terrain with ravines and rivulets. It's naive to think that small batches can't come across.

3. The logic of housing ammo in concrete structures applies both ways. As does the fact that people live in wooden homes.

Biggest point is - who wants to change the status quo? Who has been trying all these years? Who is unhappy with the annihilation of Article 370? Must be the first time in history, that Pakistan is so concerned about an article in the Indian Constitution.

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