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Reality of 2-Nation Theory

A country with a chauffer as leader and 13 IMF bailouts calling india a beggar state make me laugh

Nowhere near as bad as having a sub-human chimpanzee leading a failed nation that has the highest number of severely malnourished and extreme poor people in the world.........:azn::




A country with a chauffer as leader and 13 IMF bailouts calling india a beggar state make me laugh

You can't quite your sources, sT*u
@WebMaster. Can you please look at this guy. He is misbehaving without any reason need some lesson.
And still afraid of giving your views in public.
Afraid of u? Or other internet nobodies? Lmao
Like I said I discussed such things with ppl way above ur mental level and class...in a PUBLIC chat room(discord). Are u having comprehension issues? Or changing topics bcuz u didn't like that I was putting u down?
You're right in a way.
lol those who supported islamic nation for muslims are crying on hindu nation , later events of creation of bangladesh and killings there , and disgruntled muhajir movement proved failure of the two nation theory .
The two-nation theory is now outdated and should be replaced by a one-nation reality - the simple reality that is the nation of Pakistan. The sick man of the subcontinent lying to our east should simply dissolve into its constituent city states. It really is within touching distance. One major blunder from Modi is all that's needed for the final cataclysm.
Looks like there are 2 nations in this thread as well.
No Muslim with an iota of Iman in him/her can't question the Two Nation Theory for it is at the heart of Islam for both this Dunya and Ahiret! Especially, in Ahiret, the entire mankind will be resurrected on the Roz-I Hashr and divided into two groups: Ummet-I Muslimin and Ummet-I Mujriminn; the former will head toward Jennet and the latter toward Jehennem! And, they'll abide there forever....

Folks need to choose which group they belong to in this world, so that it gets reflected in the next one.....

Some folks call themselves Muslims, yet work for the break-up of the Muslim countries with the help of non-Muslims! They are basically no Muslims, they are Munafiks or Murteds! And, it's by their own admission. Some examples below:

"We are neither Hindus nor Muslims" - a BD leader from the ruling party, which led the role to break Pak

"BD has had a good harvest this year for Goddess Durga came down in the earth riding on an elephant" - BD PM Hasina
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lol those who supported islamic nation for muslims are crying on hindu nation , later events of creation of bangladesh and killings there , and disgruntled muhajir movement proved failure of the two nation theory .

Here also you are committed to fitnah.

If you were Muslim as you falsely claimed, you would have no choice but to accept two nation theory because it is in the Quran and Ahadith.

إِنَّ هَذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ

Can you even read Arabic? :lol: Then you will know what this verse of the Quran is telling you.
Here also you are committed to fitnah.

If you were Muslim as you falsely claimed, you would have no choice but to accept two nation theory because it is in the Quran and Ahadith.

إِنَّ هَذِهِ أُمَّتُكُمْ أُمَّةً وَاحِدَةً وَأَنَا رَبُّكُمْ فَاعْبُدُونِ

Can you even read Arabic? :lol: Then you will know what this verse of the Quran is telling you.

nobody knows arabic in my village , we are not mulla , we are rajput muslim not some aulad of bin qasim .
You're right in a way.

The two-nation theory is now outdated and should be replaced by a one-nation reality - the simple reality that is the nation of Pakistan. The sick man of the subcontinent lying to our east should simply dissolve into its constituent city states. It really is within touching distance. One major blunder from Modi is all that's needed for the final cataclysm.

enjoy till you come out of your day dreams .

Looks like there are 2 nations in this thread as well.

nations are three but theory is one :D
India's current state needs to be encourage by Pakistani's, why are we questioning their intentions or ways of tackling their national Issues, Come on Pakistanis support MODI, than Amit Shah, than Yogi all the way :)

nobody knows arabic in my village , we are not mulla , we are rajput muslim not some aulad of bin qasim .

Wait, So you are Muslim but unable to Understand quran ? and you think only Mullah speaks Arabic ? hahahaha
lol those who supported islamic nation for muslims are crying on hindu nation , later events of creation of bangladesh and killings there , and disgruntled muhajir movement proved failure of the two nation theory .
No idea why you are laughing. Events also disproved One Nation Theory. Bangla did NOT coalesce with India in 1971 but instead went on to prosper as a independent republic. This killed the idea of 'India' as One Nation Theory. I also accept it murdered the binary of Muslim/Hindu nation or Two Nation Theory.The events on the ground have validated the idea of several nations theory.
No idea why you are laughing. Events also disproved One Nation Theory. Bangla did NOT coalesce with India in 1971 but instead went on to prosper as a independent republic. This killed the idea of 'India' as One Nation Theory. I also accept it murdered the binary of Muslim/Hindu nation or Two Nation Theory.The events on the ground have validated the idea of several nations theory.

Broke-1971 leads to India strategic thinkers they could support seperatists movements in a fragile Pakistan

Woke-Indian states with more ethnic minorities could spell doom of the Indian Union leading to dozen of indepedent states
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