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[Ladakh] Chinese Captured Several Indian Soldiers, After Indian Captured Chinese Messenger

Not really, if China is building roads into the contested regions and crossing the line from time to time, why not India does the same. Don't start whining like a little girl every time when you're shown the mirror. I hope your party-appointed commanders are smart enough to see that.
You can build whatever you want in your territory. Don't build something in China territory.
There are existing unwritten rule of engagement.

Most Sino Indian LAC runs through ridges, leaving tiny openings of mountain passes, occasionally on flat plateau. Both side constructed large number of sentries along LAC.

To avoid sentries kissing one another, there is this thing call no man land, that separate them.

Chinese Indian soldiers patrol on the same no man land.

What if Indians constructs sentries on no man land?

It will be equivalent to "Forward Policy 2.0", or annexing China LAC.

Not really, if China is building roads into the contested regions and crossing the line from time to time, why not India does the same. Don't start whining like a little girl every time when you're shown the mirror. I hope your party-appointed commanders are smart enough to see that.
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It will be equivalent to "Forward Policy 2.0", or annexing China LAC.

India wants to take advantage of the time when China was weakened by Covid-19 to attack China and support Tibet's independence. First, they tried to create some border conflicts, then a full-scale attack, the same way they did in 1971. One stone killed two birds.
The US today said border disputes with China -- be it in Ladakh or in the South China Sea -- are a "reminder of the threat by China". The strong statement by Alice Wells, Outgoing Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asia, came days after several instances of Chinese incursion by land and air, one of which led to a face-off between Indian and Chinese troops.

The "provocations and disturbing behaviour by China that poses questions about how China seeks to use its growing power", the US said.

"That's why you've seen a rallying of like-minded nations whether it is in ASEAN or through other diplomatic groupings like the trilateral with the US, Japan and India, or the Quad -- conversations globally about how we can reinforce the principles of the post-World War II global order that supported free and open trade, that raised all boats including the Chinese boat," added Alice Wells.

China's PLA-GF can mobilize their Army units from Shigatse Airport to indian border with only 8 hours under minefields, strong electromagnetic interference, and shelling attacks from indian side.

China carried out a sudden mobilization training from 3800m to 4600m yesterday. Unit took 8 hours to reach destination through simulated mixed #minefields, strong #electromagnetic #interference, & #shelling attacks

In May, there is an incident between Chinese and Indian in Ladakh.

In the beginning,
Chinese Patrol in Ladakh meet with indian soldiers blockading the road.

Then, they sent Messenger with 1 vehicle forward to talk to Indians.
But the Indians captured the messenger

Then the main Chinese unit moving forward and chase back retreating indian, leaving several of their injured soldiers.
The photos of indian soldiers captured by Chinese side.

In the End,
Latest Development,
Chinese Mobilize Thousands of their Airborne Corps soldier from Central Theater Command to Ladakh

To support 76th Group Army from Western Theater Command already stationed there since mid may.
76th Group Army

Bro, you're late. It was already posted much much earlier in Indian defence sub forum. I was wondering why you weren't there.

Yes, this happen in may.
I rarely visit that section since couple weeks ago.
Too much in Americas forum section :D seeing america in chaos
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