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One messed up system:-


The death of George Floyd was an act of murder, plain and simple

The Minneapolis police department’s failure to arrest the officers responsible threatens our most basic sense of justice

Ben Crump and Jasmine Rand

Fri 29 May 2020 16.29 BSTLast modified on Fri 29 May 2020 17.23 BST

‘Racism is the eye staring down the barrel of our justice system and threatening to pull the trigger.’ Photograph: Stephen Maturen/Getty Images
“Get off of his neck.” “Please! Please!” “I can’t breathe.” Police in America have far too many non-lethal ways to reliably kill black men without facing criminal charges. The weaponization of racism does not require a gun or a bullet. In this case, a police officer’s knee was the weapon used to kill George Floyd. The observing officers’ indifference was also a weapon used to kill Floyd, and the Minneapolis police department’s failure to arrest the officers responsible is a weapon threatening to kill our most basic sense of justice.

Most law enforcement agencies classify weapons and use of physical force into two broad categories: “lethal” and “non-lethal”. Officers regularly convert “non-lethal” weapons and physical force into deadly force and hide behind the agency’s classification system to avoid criminal charges.

In reality, any weapon or any use of physical force can cause death when misused. Police batons kill people. Tasers kill people. Chokeholds kill people. Kneeling on someone’s neck for eight minutes kills people. You don’t need to attend the police academy to know that if you obstruct someone’s airway they will eventually stop breathing, and if you cannot breathe you will die.

Mike Freeman, the district attorney, is required by the laws of the state of Minnesota to charge the police officer who kneeled on Floyd’s neck with first-degree murder. Similarly, the officers who watched their fellow officer do it, failed to intervene and stopped other citizens from trying to save Floyd’s life should also be charged.

George Floyd when they killed him in the street; and they should face life sentences for First-Degree Murder in a court of law. A first-degree murder charge in Minnesota requires that a person acts to “cause the death of a human being with premeditation and with intent to effect the death of the person”.

The video evidence clearly shows that the officers acted with the intent to kill and with premeditation. Floyd told the officers he could not breathe 12 times, including within the first few seconds of the video. Floyd said: “I’m about to die … they’re gonna kill me,” and called out for his mother. He lost consciousness, stopped breathing and his body went limp after four minutes. Forty seconds later witnesses told officers that Floyd was unresponsive. At least 16 times they asked the officers to take his pulse.

The officers even prevented a woman who identified herself as an EMT from trying to save his life. Two minutes and 20 seconds after Floyd lost consciousness, witnesses began to say: “They just killed him.” The officers all knew that Floyd was unconscious, was not breathing, that his body was limp, but an officer kept his knee pressed on his windpipe, making sure he did not breathe for another four minutes, despite witnesses’ relentless insistence that he was dying. If the witnesses knew he was dying, the officers knew he was dying. The officers knew that Floyd needed oxygen to live, but they never attempted CPR, never took his pulse and never tried to save his life.

Racism is the eye staring down the barrel of our justice system and threatening to pull the trigger. Recall that only after a mass protest movement did the officer who killed Eric Garner in a chokehold face any consequences.

Freeman cannot allow the Minneapolis police officers who killed Floyd to elude criminal charges under the weak, shameful excuse that the level of force used was “non-lethal”, or that the officers didn’t know that Floyd would die without oxygen. That argument is as dishonest as saying they didn’t know what happens to a fish out of water. We can all visualize that image: the fish out of water, its mouth open and gasping for air; and we all know the fish is going to die, just like the officers knew that Floyd was going to die.

We encourage people to call Mike Freeman at (612) 348-5550 and demand that the officers involved in killing George Floyd be charged with first-degree murder.

  • Ben Crump is a civil rights attorney and founder of the national law firm Ben Crump Law. Crump is representing the Floyd family

  • Jasmine Rand, a civil rights attorney who has worked on numerous police brutality cases, is also representing the Floyd family
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Oh boy! I think I’m gonna go out and loot liquor stores and target stores. Lots of free stuff.

Free TVs and free booze Everyone!

George Floyd would be proud
calm down nigga, looting a store may not be the smartest idea right now.

I hope he does this. After what america has done to Iraq, Afghanistan and other Brown Muslim nations across the world, it would be lovely if a race breaks out in america.
indeed whenever they want to try some new weapon they unleash it on a muslim country, so at last once he should test out that "super duper missile" on US citizens.
One United States, one Wrong President, the entire world suffered.
Entire world suffered? That's just exaggerating. In many countries around the world people cant even speak against their leaders.
indeed whenever they want to try some new weapon they unleash it on a muslim country, so at last once he should test out that "super duper missile" on US citizens.

What happened to Iraq in 1991 and 2003-2014 was worst than the Holocaust. I will NEVER forgive or forget that genocide. It's about time the americans got a taste of their own medicine.
What has become of the USA:lol::lol::lol:

Honestly I feel so Panoti haha When I wanted to move to America, America is on the path of self destruct , racists are empowered by White house, Armed Protests for almost everything , police brutality , Corona Virus effects , People attacking those who are following CDC guidelines , Immigration ban , Muslim ban etc ..

I kinda feel when I finally get my passport back, Dajjal will show up :lol:
I will wait until a proper explanation for these Videos and Pictures comes in ..

But I must say from last few years people started Using Kids for their Political agenda's or other stuff, we saw that in case of Malala, than Greta and now this ( unconfirmed context for these pics ) .
US is 'one country two systems', the White and Colored are two different systems.

white boys with ar15s have the nerve to march on capitols and they are treated with kiddie gloves but black people cant even jog or sleep in their own bed without getting killed. Talking about Ahmad and breonna

I don't have exact data, but I think a lot of them are veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq. Some of them are addicted to violence. They dealt with killing too much and have lost some basic sense on humanity.

A lot of war criminals


Atlanta again


Las vegas

Why they need Assault Rifles to fight their unarmed protesters, Crazy !

Its happening all acroos american cities.
Many black communities with support of other ethnic stand up.
No justice No peace !

it ain’t just black people, it’s everyone marginalized and oppressed
not anywhere close to the looting done by Wall Street day in and day out

US is burning down a small shed on their property using these Soros protesters to show how weak they are, while the Federal Reserve is looting the world.

The Fed and Wall Street are looting main street with this Event 201 virUS crisis. They are going to blame rioters for this. Looks to be another false flag using Soros this time. The corona false flag was using Rockefeller and other China-haters and Chinese haters to start a cold war. The trade war was not working and China was getting too prosperous and successful. Continued normal relations with China would have meant the evil empire of Washington would have been surpassed by China by 2030-2035. So the usual suspects imploded the world economy to try to get a decoupling from China.

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