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Why Türkiye should rethink its relations with India

Gandhi and Indian Muslims like Abul Kalam Azad were the biggest supporters of the Khilafat Movement than Jinnah and Pakistani Muslims. That is an indisputable fact.

Yes, if you bothered to read, you would know why, also read the two pages I put above. Where was Gandhi and Indian Muslims when a Turkish Republic was established? In shock and refusal.
No only with the hindu modi and the Islamist erdogan go away than the Indian Turkish relationship may improve
Children of Ataturk might

The man which Indians using the Khilafat movement (as a tool to gain Muslim support) never supported. Read the two pages I put up, on page 3.
Tell that to your Government. It is the Indian Government which rebukes any and everyone for having an opinion on Kashmir, and breaks off relations. So, your message should really be directed towards Modi, not Turks. If Turks can have diplomatic and defense ties with Israel, they can also engage on higher levels with India, but like others already said, that won't be at the behest of shutting down their opinions and adventures.

I am not here dictating, I am only pointing out the obvious.

Modi and his government has just awarded a defense ship contract to Türkiye.

Actions speak louder than rhetoric.

I am perfectly fine with both countries continuing with their rhetorical stands publicly while quietly working on improving the relationship.
Children of Ataturk might
Kemalists were always quite pro-Pakistan too... Like I said, it is all about, how people treat us. Otherwise this includes both Pakistan and India, don't use all of your hope only for one Turkish Political Group. We might fight inside about how to rule the country but for outside, it is all about friends and enemies... We are pretty much agreed about that.
Modi and his government has just awarded a defense ship contract to Türkiye.

Actions speak louder than rhetoric.

I am perfectly fine with both countries continuing with their rhetorical stands publicly while quietly working on improving the relationship.

Ever occured to you that it was out of need and not a favor? Since when did trade become a favor?

Let's not forget Malaysia, India halted trade relations with Malaysia because of their Kashmir opinion.

Either way, here are my points as to why the relations can't go further.

1. Modi Government is hell bent on confronting anyone who speaks on Kashmir.
2. They criticize Operation Peace Spring, and join hands with Armenia and Greece.
3. Historically, India's stance was similar, most prominent being the operation for TRNC (if you even know what that means).
4. Going even more back in history since you want to play the history card, Khilafat movement was used as a political tool to get more Muslims to support Congress and the non Muslim leaders. After abolishment, they were all in shock except Muslim league which kept opinion in favor of Turkish Republic, something to which Iqbal's book testifies.
5. Let's not forget the Indian public at large, the words they used for Turkey over Kashmir issue... it is obvious what Indians want, and it is for Turkey to keep quiet, and for that they will threaten, bribe with contracts, lobby, or do petty things with their diplomats in Ankara that I have seen.
6. Countries like Malaysia, trade relations broken off. Countries like China, India knows it can't break trade relations because trade is not a favor, it is a necessity, so they keep their mouth shut except the public.
7. Indians praise, upon praise, upon praise China for what they are doing in Xinjiang/East Turkistan to the Uighur Muslims.
8. Let's not forget the kind of humiliation Indians tried to do to the British and European politicians for trying to visit Kashmir. This is how India treats others.
9. Need more? There are many, many more. Not a dictation. I am only pointing out. Like I said, if Turkey can engage with Israel and have defence ties, they can also with India. The hurdle is your Government and your childish population.

Wveb Pakistan repeatedly expressed desire to build relations, and TALK on Kashmir issue. But your Government and people turned it down.
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Kemalists were always quite pro-Pakistan too... Like I said, it is all about, how people treat us. Otherwise this includes both Pakistan and India, don't use all of your hope only for one Turkish Political Group. We might fight inside about how to rule the country but for outside, it is all about friends and enemies... We are pretty much agreed about that.

I think you misunderstood. My comment was only meant for the dude bringing in the ottomans and idol worship, as if Turkey bases its relationships on religion alone.
Kemalists were always quite pro-Pakistan too... Like I said, it is all about, how people treat us. Otherwise this includes both Pakistan and India, don't use all of your hope only for one Turkish Political Group. We might fight inside about how to rule the country but for outside, it is all about friends and enemies... We are pretty much agreed about that.

India and Pakistan got our independence in 1947. So there was no question of either of us supporting Türkiye as nation states. But the indisputable fact is that Indian Muslim leader Abul Kalam Azad strongly supported the Khilafat movement while Pakistan's Jinnah did not. I am using Indian and Pakistan for these two leaders as that is what they chose to be when we got independence.
The man which Indians using the Khilafat movement (as a tool to gain Muslim support) never supported. Read the two pages I put up, on page 3.

India's Abul Kalam Azad was a staunch supporter of Khilafat movement while Pakistan's Jinnah was not.
I think you misunderstood. My comment was only meant for the dude bringing in the ottomans and idol worship, as if Turkey bases its relationships on religion alone.
This comment wasn't only for you, I said ''this includes both India and Pakistan'' didn't I?

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