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India's Red Iron Curtain of Kashmir

It is always difficult to deal with ideologues sitting at their desks and airing their theories. If I were to reveal the situation as it stands in Jammu, far, far more than Srinagar, everyone would would be shocked.

First, we need not have silly statements - regrets, but it is silly - about funding the whole population of J&K; only a picked few get subventions, and they also get sums of money for very, very small amounts of pocket money to rent-a-mob impresarios.

The indigenous freedom movement would have vanished by now, without the crores spent to keep it alive.

Still on the subject of your text above, please stop the personal comments. If you have logic and fact on your side, produce them; it is a cheap stunt to refer to 'so-called intellectuals', since I am not the one calling myself an intellectual.

You talk of mass rapes as if it is a Saturday night entertainment, and not a charge of very major crime. If you had any sincere purpose at all, you would not have cheapened this charge by making it sound like a bullet-point in a presentation. As for unconstitutional and illegal bills in parliament, only those should use those phrases who are familiar with it. I can; I know what was done. You can't; you don't have a clue.

You? Are you debating with the government or with an individual who has suggested that there is a practical way forward?

In either case, why are you bringing in the other states of India? You need to then find out and substantiate those airy charges. Further, what does your dogged insistence on the disputed nature of that territory have to do with the efficacy of the steps proposed for it?

I am sorry to see this descent into incoherence. When I say that one side is in the accountable service of their country, what do you think they are doing in J&K in the first place? It is their service that is under definition, not the place of their service. Sometimes I am worried at the scrambled eggs that result from any effort at parsing responses to any statement made.

Your argument has no place except where screaming at the top of one's voice is a legitimate mode of debate. Perhaps you might care to look up the coordinates of Republic TV and join their discussion panels. You would fit in very well there.

I am glad that you are insulated against reality to this handsome extent. It must make tolerating the true state of things so much easier.

Who should know better than you what is or is not a banana state? I have to admit that you have the better of me in terms of experience in such statecraft.

Our elections were certainly elections. Here, we have a reversal of situations. You might know more about banana states. You know precious little about elections. Even at the worst of times, we have had elections that were recognised internationally. We do not suffer under the legacy of having spent 40% of our national existence without elections.

Other than pejoratives of a lame nature, and accusations that essentially convey that you are upset at not receiving immediate consent to your high-pitched views, do you have anything else to say? Would you also consider refraining from the irony of talking of suppressing people by force?
Well what can i say. My mistake I took me some time to understand the real Joe shearer . I thought you are different than many other bhartis and you are a straight forward man of a principle who have some moral values. But you are just another sanghi in disguise . You basically agree with all the inhumane and wrong actions taken by RSS types in Indian politics and in a society at large. But you learnt the craft of hiding yourself well behind apparent civil and intellectual looking discussions. I must admire you for that.
Those are the reasons you lost all the respect I had for you.
Nobody has the time for this same old argument. Y
That's the reason I decided not to argue with him and answering all the rhetoric he posted above.
Well what can i say. My mistake I took me some time to understand the real Joe shearer . I thought you are different than many other bhartis and you are a straight forward man of a principle who have some moral values. But you are just another sanghi in disguise . You basically agree with all the inhumane and wrong actions taken by RSS types in Indian politics and in a society at large. But you learnt the craft of hiding yourself well behind apparent civil and intellectual looking discussions. I must admire you for that.
Those are the reasons you lost all the respect I had for you.

I am heartbroken. Unfortunately, my position has been consistent,with no deviations, through the years. It is not my responsibility to handhold every candidate for a PhD in Self-assertive Sloganeering and explain to them that a regard for truth, fair play and the rule of law are NOT inconsistent with a firm support for one's national position.

It would be nice if nations withered away; until they do, I am bound to stand by my nation.

It would be nice if parties within nations were composed of civilised individuals with clear and egalitarian views; until we get there, I have to support the national policy proposed by any government formed legally; including those, one might add, composed of boorish individuals with clouded thinking and discriminatory views.

That does not stop me from opposing such parties tooth and nail, but other nationalities can only be observers in this, not participants. I will not ask you for endorsement for my country's ruling party, nor for support in my opposition to it. It is nobody's concern but that of an Indian citizen.

That's the reason I decided not to argue with him and answering all the rhetoric he posted above.

We must count our blessings.
It is nobody's concern but that of an Indian citizen.
It's a concern for a civilized world Vs any Indian citizen who support RSS government or agree with their policies and not oppose them.
The nazi ideology adopted by your elected leaders once threatened the whole world and it became a concern for everyone and we all know how it ended. This time it's no different.
Secession only happens where a part of a land belongs to a country . The piece of land we are talking about is a disputed land fighting for it's very right of freedom. And after decision taken on fifth August last year the official status of India in IOJK is of a Invader and occupier. Because you disrespected and rejected everything in the UN charter which was legalizing your temporary stay in IOJK.Worlds biggest democracies always go by book and follow all international laws. What you did was a trait of a banana state.
That's one of the reasons. There are many other reasons too, say a bunch of people wants to be part of another country and they support a movement which may or may not be backed by the majority. Regardless, it's up to the state to grant them what they wish for. Remember Crimea annexation? Why Russia did it without a fuzz? Because Crimea is majority Russian and they welcomed the Russian soldiers into their land, let the non-Russian choose to stay or leave to Ukraine. Why despite three attempts Kashmiris didn't welcome the Pak soldiers with open arms?

Now the decision on August 5th is not subjected to any international treaties, it's given by the Union government to the state government. A favor or special status you may call, the Government of India enjoys absolute freedom on what can be added or removed from our constitution and this is not the first time Art 370 a temporary status was diluted, it has gone through a lot of changes.

World's oldest democracy don't play by the rules of international laws, why do you expect India to play by the books. Yet we do because we are not economically powerful to say buzz off to the UNSC, and when the state of Pakistan is not playing by the books of international laws by aiding terrorists, why should India be the good puppy of International laws and standards? Bringing a knife to a gunfight is stupid.

Ok then grant kashmiris the right of refreundum and vote ,the right to elect their own leaders by true and fair elections not the type of elections you conducted there.
Hypocricy is in the DNA of you bhartis . By bhartis i mean anyone who believes in the unnatural and artificial unity of india which only becomes the reality by suppressing people by force.
No way in hell we are giving anyone a referendum. They already have the right to elect their own leaders. Nobody has doubted our election process in Kashmir. It is free and fair.

There is only one archaic international law (pun intended) that matters, "might is right". We see those examples on a regular basis. If you want something, you have to take it by force. There is no hypocrisy when it comes to a nation holding its integrity. Whether you believe it's artificial entity (which is a big lol when Pakistanis say it), we are going to stay together no matter how many people will have to lay their lives for it. Nations are not built on UN charters or international laws it is by shedding blood and sweat.
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