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Apology hints how deep ‘fear’ runs

In the bizarro world of SanghiNazis, all crimes are perpetrated by Muslims.





As I said, eventually we will find a cure for the Coronavirus. There is no cure for this depraved Hindu society.

A good first step would be for Hindus to first apologize for the crimes listed in the links above, followed by an ad by prominent priests, addressing Hindus asking them to to follow government orders.
You are hyperventilating. In a multi faith, multi cultural society, these steps are important to build bridges. Just focusing on the negatives gets you nowhere.
As A Muslim and As A Pashtun I Am Deeply Sorry

For The Thousand Odd Years We Ruled You We Should Never Have Treated You With The Benevolence and Compassion That We Did
We Should Have Done What The Spanish Did In The New World

For That We Are Very Sorry

we should be sorry for that and promise that next time it will be different...a way different
As per Pakistanis, they want nothing less than gargantuan bloodshed in India to their satisfaction. @jamahir

My immediate thought in this thread is that I agree with @xeuss's post that politics and general behavior in India among all communities has moved to the Right. Whether it be this incident from Indore or the Delhi riots or the "Love Jihad" bogeyman created by the Catholic Church in Kerala and adopted by the Hindu Right in other parts of India.
My immediate thought in this thread is that I agree with @xeuss's post that politics and general behavior in India among all communities has moved to the Right. Whether it be this incident from Indore or the Delhi riots or the "Love Jihad" bogeyman created by the Catholic Church in Kerala and adopted by the Hindu Right in other parts of India.
Love jihad was first coined by the Hindu right wing groups then adopted by the Christian church after a lot of women from their community were converted to Islam including the famous IS case. Anyway, the main shift happened among the Hindu middle class community who turned right, which changed the dynamics of politics in India and it's partly the fault of the Congress party and aggressive campaign of the right-wing pointing all the 'hypocrisies' out.
You are hyperventilating. In a multi faith, multi cultural society, these steps are important to build bridges. Just focusing on the negatives gets you nowhere.

Funny that you are just not practicing what you are preaching.
Funny that you are just not practicing what you are preaching.
You don't know me. 3 members from my family joined the shaheen bagh protest. I didnt , I am not a liberal but a moderate.
“It would seem illogical for a group of businessmen to ostensibly apologise on behalf of all Muslims for an offence alleged committed by a few people suspected to be Muslims

There we have it.
The self flagellation continues.
You don't know me. 3 members from my family joined the shaheen bagh protest. I didnt , I am not a liberal but a moderate.

Thanks. Indeed admirable, and apologies for my misdirected venting.

But my overall point still remains, why do Muslims have to do "anything" to placate the ever unreasonable demands of a increasingly hostile majority?

People commit crimes. But only in India is the crime amplified by the religion of the perpetrator and then the whole community is expected to apologize/punish/disavow/atone/recompense/redress.

If you cannot see the absurdity of all this, then I am afraid your moderation lacks empathy.
Not just these business men..all the Muslims of India should apologise for indore incident and other indecent incidents that they indulged in..the doctors in indore were pelted with stones...they would have died in the hands of those illiterates had it not been for police.
Sure, right after the Indian government, political parties and judiciary responsible for the destruction of the Babri Masjid, the Gujarat massacres, CAB/NRC, communal attacks on Indian Muslims etc apologize for their actions.

Aur chupo... this is where it gets you. Grovelling publicly.
The dynamics behind a long suffering Indian Muslim population are not so different from those of Native Americans or African Americans in the US - both groups were victimized, discriminated against (in the former case almost wiped out) but they continue to 'work' with the State despite sections within the communities harboring distrust of the system & still feeling discrimination. The main reason being that, like Indian Muslims, they are dispersed across the US with no single state or large geographical area to call a 'home'. Pakistan is not going to take them and neither is Bangladesh, so the only option for them is to work with and within the Indian system, much like African Americans.
The dynamics behind a long suffering Indian Muslim population are not so different from those of Native Americans or African Americans in the US - both groups were victimized, discriminated against (in the former case almost wiped out) but they continue to 'work' with the State despite sections within the communities harboring distrust of the system & still feeling discrimination. The main reason being that, like Indian Muslims, they are dispersed across the US with no single state or large geographical area to call a 'home'. Pakistan is not going to take them and neither is Bangladesh, so the only option for them is to work with and within the Indian system, much like African Americans.

Aah... you have summed up our predicament quite aptly.

We are stuck in a society that hates us, with no solution is sight.
Love jihad was first coined by the Hindu right wing groups then adopted by the Christian church

I am certain it is the other way around.

after a lot of women from their community were converted to Islam

I am certain also in the fact that there is no such organized jihad.

including the famous IS case.

Sorry, IS case ??

Anyway, the main shift happened among the Hindu middle class community who turned right, which changed the dynamics of politics in India

I agree. In previous decades, the Hindu middle-class, like the middle-class from other communities, found intellectual outlet in this like Progressive theatre and writers movements. Now, very less so.

and it's partly the fault of the Congress party and aggressive campaign of the right-wing pointing all the 'hypocrisies' out.

Hypocrisies ??
As A Muslim and As A Pashtun I Am Deeply Sorry

For The Thousand Odd Years We Ruled You We Should Never Have Treated You With The Benevolence and Compassion That We Did
We Should Have Done What The Spanish Did In The New World

For That We Are Very Sorry
Who told you muslims were benevolent and compassionate towards hindus?Hindus were killed and prosecuted in lakhs..their temples desecrated..women raped...property plundered.
I am going to quote a few incidents which muslim historians of muslim kings themselves boasted about.
here they are..

1)The "Tarikh-i-Firuz Shah" is a historical record written during his reign that attests to the systematic persecution of Hindus under his rule. Capture and enslavement was widespread; when Sultan Firuz Shah died, slaves in his service were killed en masse and piled up in a heap.Victims of religious violence included Hindu Brahmin priests who refused to convert to Islam:

An order was accordingly given to the Brahman and was brought before Sultan. The true faith was declared to the Brahman and the right course pointed out. but he refused to accept it. A pile was risen on which the Kaffir with his hands and legs tied was thrown into and the wooden tablet on the top. The pile was lit at two places his head and his feet. The fire first reached him in the feet and drew from him a cry, and then fire completely enveloped him. Behold Sultan for his strict adherence to law and rectitude.

— Tarikh-i Firoz Shah

2)Under his rule, Hindus who were forced to pay the mandatory Jizya tax were recorded as infidels and their communities monitored. Hindus who erected a deity or built a temple and those who praticised their religion in public such as near a kund (water tank) were arrested, brought to the palace and executed. Firuz Shah Tughlaq wrote in his autobiography,

Some Hindus had erected a new idol-temple in the village of Kohana, and the idolaters used to assemble there and perform their idolatrous rites. These people were seized and brought before me. I ordered that the perverse conduct of this wickedness be publicly proclaimed and they should be put to death before the gate of the palace. I also ordered that the infidel books, the idols, and the vessels used in their worship should all be publicly burnt. The others were restrained by threats and punishments, as a warning to all men, that no zimmi could follow such wicked practices in a Musulman country.

— Firuz Shah Tughluq, Futuhat-i Firoz Shah

3)Timur's) soldiers grew more eager for plunder and destruction. On that Friday night, there were about 15,000 men in the city who were engaged from early eve till morning in plundering and burning the houses. In many places the impure infidel gabrs (of Delhi) made resistance. (...) Every soldier obtained more than twenty persons as slaves, and some brought as many as fifty or a hundred men, women and children as slaves of the city. The other plunder and spoils were immense, gems and jewels of all sorts, rubies, diamonds, stuffs and fabrics, vases and vessels of gold and silver. (...) On the 19th of the month Old Delhi was thought of, for many Hindus had fled thither. Amir Shah Malik and Ali Sultan Tawachi, with 500 trusty men, proceeded against them, and falling upon them with the sword despatched them to hell.

 Sharafuddin Yazdi, Zafarnama (ظفرنامه

4)In a letter to Runmust Khan, Tipu himself stated
We proceeded with the utmost speed, and, at once, made prisoners of 40,000 occasion-seeking and sedition-exciting Coorgis, who alarmed at the approach of our victorious army, had slunk into woods, and concealed themselves in lofty mountains, inaccessible even to birds. Then carrying them away from their native country (the native place of sedition) we raised them to the honour of Islam, and incorporated them into our Ahmedy corp

5)The following is a translation of an inscription on the stone found at Seringapatam, which was situated in a conspicuous place in the fort
Oh Almighty God! dispose the whole body of infidels! Scatter their tribe, cause their feet to stagger! Overthrow their councils, change their state, destroy their very root! Cause death to be near them, cut off from them the means of sustenance! Shorten their days! Be their bodies the constant object of their cares (i.e., infest them with diseases), deprive their eyes of sight, make black their faces

for more you can grow through this
all the incidents are there with proofs(and luckily you cant allege that hindus have reported wrong as all those incidents were reported by muslim historians themselves )
Who told you muslims were benevolent and compassionate towards hindus?Hindus were killed and prosecuted in lakhs..their temples desecrated..women raped...property plundered.
I am going to quote a few incidents which muslim historians of muslim kings themselves boasted about.
here they are..

1)The "Tarikh-i-Firuz Shah" is a historical record written during his reign that attests to the systematic persecution of Hindus under his rule. Capture and enslavement was widespread; when Sultan Firuz Shah died, slaves in his service were killed en masse and piled up in a heap.Victims of religious violence included Hindu Brahmin priests who refused to convert to Islam:

An order was accordingly given to the Brahman and was brought before Sultan. The true faith was declared to the Brahman and the right course pointed out. but he refused to accept it. A pile was risen on which the Kaffir with his hands and legs tied was thrown into and the wooden tablet on the top. The pile was lit at two places his head and his feet. The fire first reached him in the feet and drew from him a cry, and then fire completely enveloped him. Behold Sultan for his strict adherence to law and rectitude.

— Tarikh-i Firoz Shah

2)Under his rule, Hindus who were forced to pay the mandatory Jizya tax were recorded as infidels and their communities monitored. Hindus who erected a deity or built a temple and those who praticised their religion in public such as near a kund (water tank) were arrested, brought to the palace and executed. Firuz Shah Tughlaq wrote in his autobiography,

Some Hindus had erected a new idol-temple in the village of Kohana, and the idolaters used to assemble there and perform their idolatrous rites. These people were seized and brought before me. I ordered that the perverse conduct of this wickedness be publicly proclaimed and they should be put to death before the gate of the palace. I also ordered that the infidel books, the idols, and the vessels used in their worship should all be publicly burnt. The others were restrained by threats and punishments, as a warning to all men, that no zimmi could follow such wicked practices in a Musulman country.

— Firuz Shah Tughluq, Futuhat-i Firoz Shah

3)Timur's) soldiers grew more eager for plunder and destruction. On that Friday night, there were about 15,000 men in the city who were engaged from early eve till morning in plundering and burning the houses. In many places the impure infidel gabrs (of Delhi) made resistance. (...) Every soldier obtained more than twenty persons as slaves, and some brought as many as fifty or a hundred men, women and children as slaves of the city. The other plunder and spoils were immense, gems and jewels of all sorts, rubies, diamonds, stuffs and fabrics, vases and vessels of gold and silver. (...) On the 19th of the month Old Delhi was thought of, for many Hindus had fled thither. Amir Shah Malik and Ali Sultan Tawachi, with 500 trusty men, proceeded against them, and falling upon them with the sword despatched them to hell.

 Sharafuddin Yazdi, Zafarnama (ظفرنامه

4)In a letter to Runmust Khan, Tipu himself stated
We proceeded with the utmost speed, and, at once, made prisoners of 40,000 occasion-seeking and sedition-exciting Coorgis, who alarmed at the approach of our victorious army, had slunk into woods, and concealed themselves in lofty mountains, inaccessible even to birds. Then carrying them away from their native country (the native place of sedition) we raised them to the honour of Islam, and incorporated them into our Ahmedy corp

5)The following is a translation of an inscription on the stone found at Seringapatam, which was situated in a conspicuous place in the fort
Oh Almighty God! dispose the whole body of infidels! Scatter their tribe, cause their feet to stagger! Overthrow their councils, change their state, destroy their very root! Cause death to be near them, cut off from them the means of sustenance! Shorten their days! Be their bodies the constant object of their cares (i.e., infest them with diseases), deprive their eyes of sight, make black their faces

for more you can grow through this
all the incidents are there with proofs(and luckily you cant allege that hindus have reported wrong as all those incidents were reported by muslim historians themselves )

Bla Bla Bla Acutely Pales In Comparison To How Christians Wiped Out Native American Religions Inspite Of Ruling For Half The Time Muslims Did and Especially How Hindus Wiped Out Buddhism From Subcontinent.
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