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The picture that will represent the Delhi riots for me

Not both sides, only the Hindu side. Stop this monkey balancing... What Waris Pathan said was nothing compared to what the Hindu leaders have been saying and doing... It was muslims who were mostly affected, their houses and shops looted, their places of worship burnt down, their kith and kin killed and women and girls gang raped.

So stop lying, that picture you posted does not belong to a hindu woman but of a IB Officer found dead in a drain...


I have to disagree with you on a few points ..but let it be I won't oppose you given you are distraught ...focus has to be how to get this govt out of power...Police has always done the bidding of whoever is in charge
This Picture represnt Delhi pogrom 2020 better.

images (2).jpeg
I have to disagree with you on a few points ..but let it be I won't oppose you given you are distraught ...focus has to be how to get this govt out of power...Police has always done the bidding of whoever is in charge
You are free to disagree but the fact remains that it was a pogrom against muslims by Hindus. Stating this violence as riot just to sound neutral is not going to help. 4 mosques were either damaged or destroyed while no Hindu temple was attacked. There are videos which show how mosques and dargahs were attacked while hindu mob was cheering it. Muslims have been protesting since months but no major violence happened but once the hindus were out, we can see the outcome. Indeed Police has always done the bidding of those incharge but it was never so brazen... Governments can come and go, but the psyche of a Hindu will remain the same. And recent election results will only indicate the same.

Donot ask for this person's detail and what happened to this particular human being...The answers would NOT be to the liking of many....

Doesnot matter who the rioters were...They should have been shot to death within the first 24 hours

Nope. Below is. Why? because it unmask the "secular" tag India has been marketing itself since its creation and taking all the brownie points from western civilization.

ISI doesn't do such things, it is your saffron boys job with your James Bond Ajit Shoal and Amit Shah. Any bad publicity , it is always BJP motive to cash it out for next election vote banks by winning of people sentiment. Your RSS is enough to kill both sides people and BJP cash out these votes. All systematic , and people like you on social media just label us as scapegoats.
While Pakistan is enjoying PSL, ISI is literally burning Delhi to the ground.

Wonderful optics :D

Not to mention, Delhi riots have been branded as Hindu violence against minority Muslims already. World media reported it as such all over the world (and rightfully so).

Hindu right wings be mad because they got bambooed up the arse once more lololol
@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @Horus @Irfan Baloch

Read this indian false flagger's post. This alleged "Pakistani" is getting triggered about any criticism of india.......:disagree:

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @Horus

There goes this alleged "Pakistani" being triggered about any criticism of india......:disagree:.......read all his posts........:disagree:

Yes he was a confirmed false flagger and we have been on to him for a while.
The old saying of give enough rope and they will hang themselves.
Perhaps you should look ahead and see what will happen once the oil runs out? Large swathes of the Middle East are already under US/Israeli occupation and they are bleeding the region dry with their divide and conquer tactics.

It is silly to talk about "Islamic civilisation" as such a thing is on very shaky foundations due to internal disputes that are siezed upon by outside forces. I am surprised you buy the myth of Islamic unity, we can't even expel the relatively small US forces in the M.E.

With the exception of Iran which is under crippling sanctions, Middle East nations lack human capital and have grown arrogant with their riches. There is of course a humourous saying amongst Arabs;

"My grandfather rode a camel, I ride a private jet, my grandchildren will ride camels"

Pakistan's bid to destabilise India using this issue is not really working IMO, Indian Muslims are not really the same breed as Pakistani Muslims (genetically many are identical, I am referring more in a spiritual outlook). At best a small minority of them might mount some resistance but this will only trigger more pogroms.

Khan is really going hard on the Nazi/Hitler analogies on Twitter, I wonder if he is trying to appeal to the West? If so he is running a fool's errand as the only parties in the West that care about Muslim persecution are Leftist parties and if you haven't been following the news, they are not really popular these days.

Here in the UK, Labour were vocal on the Kashmir issue but this resulted in them losing their Indian voter base as well as their white working class base in the North of England. Conservative party won a landslide and they currently have Hindus as Home Secretary and Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minster)

I have been talking about this to my parents for a while now, that Pakistanis fail to leverage soft power while in the West.

What are you on about? Pakistanis and Indians are completely different races and civilizations.

The only commonality are Muhajirs, who are immigrants from India who embraced Pakistani identity

Containing Indian fascism and keeping it only in India is imperative now, Pakistan, Afghan Taliban, and Bangladesh should work to that endeavor.

Never again should this beast be allowed to harm anyone outside it's own cave.

Once India crumbles, then it will be ripe for conquest. That is something foretold already.

Your post is strange, I will be watching you now. I sure hope you are not that same @A Pakistani Abroad false flagger.
I have to disagree with you on a few points ..but let it be I won't oppose you given you are distraught ...focus has to be how to get this govt out of power...Police has always done the bidding of whoever is in charge

Indians will never find peace within themselves until they accept that Hindutva is a bona fide domestic and possibly even international terrorist threat by its very nature and the actions of its fiercest adherents.
This is the picture of MI officer of India.

The main issue in Delhi is this.

Does this guy ever do anything for the UK or does he spend all his time doing randi rona for Kashmir/Palestine etc. Never once heard him speak about anything relevant to the UK. All his twitter posts filled with fake news, crying about Hindutva, Kashmir, Gaza, India, Rohingyas, Syrian refugees etc etc. More recently his new favorite topic is how coronavirus is a US bioweapon. It's a wonder this guy is a member of the UK parliament. Massive abuse of position. The guy's also been charged with child rape

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