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The picture that will represent the Delhi riots for me

Aug 19, 2017
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Donot ask for this person's detail and what happened to this particular human being...The answers would NOT be to the liking of many....

Doesnot matter who the rioters were...They should have been shot to death within the first 24 hours
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While Pakistan is enjoying PSL, ISI is literally burning Delhi to the ground.

Wonderful optics :D

Not to mention, Delhi riots have been branded as Hindu violence against minority Muslims already. World media reported it as such all over the world (and rightfully so).

Hindu right wings be mad because they got bambooed up the arse once more lololol
I live in Glasgow, there is no imminent threat of rioting against any ethnic minority.

Any riots that will occur will be against Muslims, Indians typically are richer and can live in more high end neighbourhoods, Pakistanis typically live near poor whites who are more likely to riot.

NZ mosque shooter also said he hates all non-whitesz but he targeted Muslims to gain the most sympathy, if he had targeted a Hindu temple there would be very little sympathy as Westerners very much dislike Muslims.

So there are NO POOR indians?.........:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::



The above proves that indians are the poorest in the world who live in conditions that would even shock the Somalians......:lol:

PS enjoy posting injun, all your posts are being reported to the MODS and so you will be permanently banned pretty soon......:lol:.........:azn:
Your low verbal IQ is showing, I said Indians in the UK are ton average far richer than Pakistanis and live in areas that are more upmarket and expensive, placing them away from the types of whites who would engage in race riots.

Most race riots in the UK have been between whites and Muslims/blacks. This is because the latter two are the poorest groups in the UK (except for very minor groups like Roma) and thus live in close proximity to whites more inclined to violence.

India's per capita GDP is still higher than Pakistan, it is best Pakistanis not bring up poverty.

Sure sure. All the above means NOTHING when your indian race and nation contain 40% of the ENTIRE Earth's most SEVERELY malnourished and EXTREME poor.......:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::


PS Keep going injun, your posts are all being reported. You won't be here tomorrow once you are banned.
Your low verbal IQ is showing, I said Indians in the UK are ton average far richer than Pakistanis and live in areas that are more upmarket and expensive, placing them away from the types of whites who would engage in race riots.

Most race riots in the UK have been between whites and Muslims/blacks. This is because the latter two are the poorest groups in the UK (except for very minor groups like Roma) and thus live in close proximity to whites more inclined to violence.

India's per capita GDP is still higher than Pakistan, it is best Pakistanis not bring up poverty.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @Horus @Irfan Baloch

Read this indian false flagger's post. This alleged "Pakistani" is getting triggered about any criticism of india.......:disagree:

Wow, one poor country taking crap about another poor country.

There is no such thing as an 'Indian race', just like there is no such thing as a 'Pakistani race'. You are obviously not even Pakistani as any real Pakistani knows this.

Once again, the GDP per capita of Pakistan is below that if the extremely poor India. What does that make Pakistan?

I am talking about UK, so it is rather telling that you choose to divert away to subcontinent issues. I suppose it hits too close to home as you know that Pakistanis are some of the most despised people in the UK for their participation in terror attacks and grooming gangs.

Sadly cousin marriages will continue to produce more an more low IQ Pakistanis who just ruin everything. Expect more terror attacks against mosques in the West.

@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @Horus

There goes this alleged "Pakistani" being triggered about any criticism of india......:disagree:.......read all his posts........:disagree:
@waz @Dubious @The Eagle @Horus @Irfan Baloch

Read this indian false flagger's post. This alleged "Pakistani" is getting triggered about any criticism of india.......:disagree:

You are getting rather peeved by me bringing up the fact that Pakistanis in the West are an underclass and that this is one of the reason for the anti-Muslkm right-wing surge in Europe, a movement that opposes Muslims around the world.

Due to low IQ, Pakistanis in the West will continue to riot and rape and murder, all while alienating the host population and causing them to vote an anti-Muslim party. Meanwhile Indians continue to worm their way to the top and develop soft power. 2 of the 4 most important positions in the UK are filled by Indians, they are likewise doing the same in the US and Australia.

This will not concern people like you as low IQ individuals cannot think far ahead. For smart Pakistanis however, this advancement of Indians in the West should trouble us.
These riots are inevitable in such a diverse country. Any sane people would riot against a minority if this minority was demanding unreasonable things.

It happened against Jews in Germany and I would hope it would happen if Hindus were 15% of the Pakistani population and demanding special rights at the expense of the majority Muslim population.

The riots happened because people from both sides were recklessly polarizing the people..be it Waris Khan or Kapil Mishra....both should have been in jail and the rioters shot...HIndus and Muslims both been affected,raped,killed...above is the body of a HIndu woman who was tied up, raped,killed and then thrown in to a drain by an attacking mob in the riot
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