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Turkish language mother of Urdu : اردو کی ماں ترک زبان: اگر یقین نہ آئے تو آزما لیجیے

Urdu language is composed of Turkish, Persian, Arabic and Sansikrit mostly. It's pioneer was a sufi poet Ameer Khosrau. The emperor at that time was either Jalaluddin or Alaudin Khalji.

Ameer Khosrau's father was turkish so he knew turkish and he was fluent in Persian too. He learnt arabic from a teacher. Household language was Sansikrit. Some records say he knew Russian language also.

Not Sanskrit but "Middle Indo Aryan Languages" which evolved from Sanskrit.

Khariboli + Persian = Urdu
Gandhari + Persian = Punjabi

Persian was the main contributer followed by Turkish because the Turkic empires which ruled South Asia were Persianized and incorporated some Turkish into there versions of Persian.

Arabic words were recently added into our lexicon. For example for centuries we used to say Khuda Hafiz...I still do.

But "Allah Hafiz" was made popular by Zia ul F***. Some Arab words came naturally indeed...others were imposed little less than 40 years ago.
According to all the numerous references used on that Wikipedia page the few "Turkish" words actually derive from Chagatai Turkic (not much related to Turkish).

Have in mind that when Urdu was developed as a language most of Ottoman Turkish was Arabic (more Arabic than Turkish) with a few Persian loanwords.

Probably most of those words that are shared with modern-day Turkish derives from either Arabic or Farsi originally.

Urdu, like Hindi, is a form of Hindustani.[17] It evolved from the medieval (6th to 13th century) Apabhraṃśaregister of the preceding Shauraseni language, a Middle Indo-Aryan language that is also the ancestor of other modern Indo-Aryan languages, including the Punjabi dialects. Around 75% of Urdu words have their etymological roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit,[18][19][20] and approximately 99% of Urdu verbs have their roots in Sanskrit and Prakrit.[21]

So I don't think that you can call Turkish as a mother language of Urdu.

Urdu just have few words of Sanskrit ... Sanskrit is entirely different language ... In present times even Hindi speakers can't understand Sanskrit ... Urdu grammer is actually based on Punjabi grammer ... During Ghaznavi rule most persian & turkic speaking people were among his forces in Punjab for 170 years ... They manipulated local dialect with Arabic, Persian & Turkic words ... And started communicating in a new language ... After conquering Delhi by Qutub Uddin Abek new language got migrated into northern India and became a language of common people ... Then it became official language of Indian o named Urdu because it was came duringinto existence in army Mughal reign ... Communication & correspondence both were in Urdu ... After 1857 British rulers adopt the policy of divide & rule and they started realizing to Hindus that Urdu is the language of Muslims ... You should make their own language ... Then Urdu was being manipulated by Sanskrit vocabulary and started naming it Hindi .......

Asalamu Alaikum

Urdu's words are mixed in origin, with most having Farsi, Arabic, Sanskrit, Pashto or Chagatai origins.

The Journal of Pakistan Vision places Urdu vocabulary as being composed of 29.9% of Arabic loanwords and 21.7% Persian loanwords.


It's also written in a Perso-Arabic script:


However, the pronunciation of many of the Arabic words have been changed fairly significantly, and the sentence structure of Urdu is akin to other Indo-Aryan languages like Punjabi.

Urdu and Hindi have a pretty similar sentence structure, so Hindi speakers can understand Urdu speakers and vice versa. A lot of the vocabulary also overlaps (especially if one speaks informal Urdu).

Punjabi is an Indo Aryan language from the same cluster as Urdu, so yes they are pretty similar, but Urdu tends to be more considered more soft/polite, where as Punjabi is considered a little more hard/aggressive, but it can be pretty soft too if spoken correctly.

Urdu (in my opinion) has more in common with Pakistani Punjabi than Hindi.

Actually Punjabi is the mother of Urdu. .....
interestingly, user paksword discussed his dna results here in some thread which came predominantly east indian/bihari despite the user himself is anethnic bigot/ allah cannot cure some people as surah baqara states, and a racist user who posted here and now banned called him names solely because of his dna results.

the irony speaks for itself.


Actually Punjabi is the mother of Urdu. .....

Absolutely false, Punjabi has nothing to do with Urdu and vice versa. Before 1949 British occupation of Punjab there was no existence of Urdu or Hindi languages in Punjab, both of these languages were alien to the people of Punjab. The native language of Punjab were the language of Lahore/central Punjab called Lahori which later came to be known as "Punjabi" (a new word coined just few centuries ago), Multani which later came to be known as "Saraiki" and Pothohari and Hindko languages in the mountainous regions of Punjab and adjoining areas of Kashmir and Hazara region (north of Texila and west of Azad Kashmir) of modern KPK. Read the following thread started by me for a comprehensive description of the imposition of Urdu language to Punjab by the British after their annexation of Punjab in 1849.
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Absolutely false, Punjabi has nothing to do with Urdu and vice versa. Before 1949 British occupation of Punjab there was no existence of Urdu or Hindi languages in Punjab, both of these languages were alien to the people of Punjab. The native language of Punjab were the language of Lahore or Lahori which later came to be known as "Punjabi", Multani which later came to be known as "Saraiki" and Pothohari and Hindko languages in the mountainous regions of Punjab and adjoining areas of Kashmir and Hazara region (north of Texila and west of Azad Kashmir) of modern KPK. Read the following thread started by me for a comprehensive description of the imposition of Urdu language to Punjab by the British after their annexation of Punjab in 1849.

If Urdu was alien to the people of Punjab then what would you say about a great poet and scholar Allama Iqbal and many other Punjabi "Urdu Dan"
Absolutely false, Punjabi has nothing to do with Urdu and vice versa. Before 1949 British occupation of Punjab there was no existence of Urdu or Hindi languages in Punjab, both of these languages were alien to the people of Punjab. The native language of Punjab were the language of Lahore or Lahori which later came to be known as "Punjabi", Multani which later came to be known as "Saraiki" and Pothohari and Hindko languages in the mountainous regions of Punjab and adjoining areas of Kashmir and Hazara region (north of Texila and west of Azad Kashmir) of modern KPK. Read the following thread started by me for a comprehensive description of the imposition of Urdu language to Punjab by the British after their annexation of Punjab in 1849.
And pigs fly.
If Urdu was alien to the people of Punjab then what would you say about a great poet and scholar Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal's 3/4th poetry is in Dari (Farsi).
British imposed Urdu (a foreign language spoken by Muslims of Northern India and Hindus at that time and which had nothing to do with Muslims of Punjab/Sindh/KPK/Balochistan which comprise modern day Pakistan) over this region.

Muslims of this region apart from speaking their native languages used to learn and speak Dari/Farsi as it was the lingua franca at that time in the region of present day Pakistan before the British came. Also Muslims at that time in these areas of Pakistan used to learn Arabic and Quranic studies in madrassas.

Funny thing is in Pakistan Studies books in Matric/intermediate, Urdu Hindi controversy 1867 is taught, even though it had nothing to do with Muslims of Pakistan as Urdu was a foreign language which was not spoken here.
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Its really a shame to read these pathetic racist comments here.
Whats done is done, Urdu is our national language and the language which binds our provinces together.
Quaid-e-Azam and other Tehreek-e-Pakistan leaders opted Urdu and later on it was adopted in the constitution of Pakistan.
Does using English vocabulary in Punjabi ( as we do these days) make Punjabi an Anglo-Saxon language ? No. It doesn't. Anyone with some basic knowledge in linguistics will tell you that it is the verb and syntax ( subject verb conjugations) make the distinctions and similarities between two languages. The verbs and syntax in Urdu are overwhelmingly PRAKRIT — the mother of all Himalayan subcontinental languages. SANSKRIT is in fact a refined form of PRAKRIT. Using Arabic words does not make Urdu a semitic language, not it makes it a Turkic by using Turkish vocabulary. It is very diffiicult to break the syntax of a language regardless of importing foreign vocabulary. Try it.
Please learn some fundamentals of linguistics before jumping into halfcooked conclusions. Better even, get a degree in linguistics studies.
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interestingly, user paksword discussed his dna results here in some thread which came predominantly east indian/bihari despite the user himself is anethnic bigot/ allah cannot cure some people as surah baqara states, and a racist user who posted here and now banned called him names solely because of his dna results.

the irony speaks for itself.

I was joking when I posted that DNA result. I haven't shared my DNA sample with any organization.

And when you call someone bigot, carry some courage to tag him properly. I am not an ethnic bigot.. actually I hate it when people glorify themselves based on their ethnicity. That was the reason I posted that "fake" result to see who makes fun of me, and what points they make to prove they are better than other Muslims..

To tell you the truth, I have shajrah from both parents that goes back to initial Islamic days.. My mothers side has too much DNA of Turkish side too..

Predominantly, I am descendant of Arabs but I don't want to glorify myself about it. The posts because of which you are calling me racist are directed to those people who call themselves "sons of soil" and consider other migrant Muslims as inferior in strength, looks and courage. I just wanted to tell them that their behinds were also kicked by some other people who also call themselves "superior".

The point is, once a person is reverted, he becomes part of Ummah and every other thing goes in the background.He attains the same strength as in my opinion strength comes from faith, not DNA!

I hope I have clarified myself and you will only take my posts in any DNA/ ancestry related threads with a pinch of salt.. I don't believe on superiority or inferiority of races.. for me Ummah is above all.. Period!
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I was joking when I posted that DNA result. I haven't shared my DNA sample with any organization.

And when you call someone bigot, carry some courage to tag him properly. I am not an ethnic bigot.. actually I hate it when people glorify themselves based on their ethnicity. That was the reason I posted that "fake" result to see who makes fun of me, and what points they make to prove they are better than other Muslims..

To tell you the truth, I have shajrah from both parents that goes back to initial Islamic days.. My mothers side has too much DNA of Turkish side too..

Predominantly, I am descendant of Arabs but I don't want to glorify myself about it. The posts because of which you are calling me racist are directed to those people who call themselves "sons of soil" and consider other migrant Muslims as inferior in strength, looks and courage. I just wanted to tell them that their behinds were also kicked by some other people who also call themselves "superior".

The point is, once a person is reverted, he becomes part of Ummah and every other thing goes in the background.He attains the same strength as in my opinion strength comes from faith, not DNA!

I hope I have clarified myself and you will only take my posts in any DNA/ ancestry related threads with a pinch of salt.. I don't believe on superiority or inferiority of races.. for me Ummah is above all.. Period!

Exactly, the very basis on which our country was formed is based on Muslim brotherhood of this region, not for any specified area of land. This reminds me of poem of Allama Iqbal “Tolu-e-Islam” which he wrote in response to attack of Greeks on Turkey in 1921 (at the behest of the British).


“Hawas ne tukre tukre kar diya hay na’u-e insan ko

Ukhuwwat ka bayan ho ja mohabbat ki zaban ho ja

Ye Hindi, wo Khurasani, ye Afghani, wo Turani

Tu ay sharmindayeh sahil uchhal kar bekaraan ho ja”

“Greed has torn apart humankind. You (Muslims), become role models of love and brotherhood. Get beyond the narrow boundaries of nationalities (like Indian, Khurasani, Afghani, and Turkish) and jump into the limitless ocean (of Islam).”
Urdu is our national language and the language which binds our provinces together.

Last time I checked, it was Urdu language that led to breaking of Pakistan on 16 December 1971.

the very basis on which our country was formed is based on Muslim brotherhood of this region
I agree.

Allama Iqbal

Allama Iqbal (R.A) always called the language in which he wrote his poetry as Hindi and never called it Urdu.

گرچہ ہندی در عذوبت شکر است
طرز گفتار دري شيرين تر است

Translation: Even though in sweetness Hindi* is sugar(but) speech method in Dari (Persian dialect) is sweeter *
@Crusher It's disappointing that anyone who doesn't agree with the set narrative and tries to correct the history is called racist.
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Allama Iqbal's 3/4th poetry is in Dari (Farsi).
British imposed Urdu (a foreign language spoken by Muslims of Northern India and Hindus at that time and which had nothing to do with Muslims of Punjab/Sindh/KPK/Balochistan which comprise modern day Pakistan) over this region.

Muslims of this region apart from speaking their native languages used to learn and speak Dari/Farsi as it was the lingua franca at that time in the region of present day Pakistan before the British came. Also Muslims at that time in these areas of Pakistan used to learn Arabic and Quranic studies in madrassas.

Funny thing is in Pakistan Studies books in Matric/intermediate, Urdu Hindi controversy 1867 is taught, even though it had nothing to do with Muslims of Pakistan as Urdu was a foreign language which was not spoken here.

Urdu was started to be spoken among masses of Delhi & UP before Mughal invasion ... Afterwards it was become lingua of Northern India including Punjab ..........
Urdu was started to be spoken among masses of Delhi & UP before Mughal invasion ... Afterwards it was become lingua of Northern India including Punjab ..........

You should stop associating Punjab with the gangu bhayya land of norther india. We in Punjab are a different type of people than the gangu bhayyas of northern india the sh1th0le, we have a totally different language, culture and mindset compared to gangu bhayyas of that sh1thole northern india.
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