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No Denial by ISPR or Pak Army About Alleged Escape of Ehsanullah Ehsan

he had help
and prople responsible for his security should be responsible

or he is helped by TTP sympathisers in army

who knows

disgraceful situation

This puts a massive question mark on army as an institution

Very poor stuff by the military. Extremely poor

Is this how you pay back for deaths of dozens of your own brothers in arms? Is this how you give your martyred a tribute?

Nobody is answering like nothing happened. In any other civilized country heads would have been rolled by now and government would have been toppled for such a massive failure
By not issuing an official denial army itself is dragging itself to mud

More than 24 hours have passed snd these guys are still sleeping while enemy continues to do propoganda

Where is ispr? This is something of national security and should be cleared now without any delay

Army itself is putting all its war on terror under doubts with this silence

Military is compromised. Remember how Mehran base attack was an inside job. That is the reason why I am not in favor of inducting people in the army who are from war torn areas aka tribal belt and some parts of baluchistan. Also , hardcore salafis and wahabis should also be screened out as they share similar ideologies to terrorists.

Besides them , there are western puppets and CIA assets who are also in the army. Notice how gulalai escaped undetected and landed in US.

To be very honest. I never believed ISI nummbbbbaaaa 1 mantra. They are not as good as they try to project themselves. Imagine the kind of damage that is going to happen if Ehsanullah actually releases his video. PTM who is now on the back-foot will come out with a roar. APS victims will also feel betrayed.
The question is how he escaped? How he reached turkey?

What the hell is going on in this country

This Bajwa Imran duo is proving disastrous for this country
Seriously I dont like Bajwa a bit. General Raheel Sharif was truly a fitting person for this post but General Bajwa ruined Pakistan army's repo by taking extension and indulging himself too much into the Pakistani politics.
Military is compromised. Remember how Mehran base attack was an inside job. That is the reason why I am not in favor of inducting people in the army who are from war torn areas aka tribal belt and some parts of baluchistan. Also , hardcore salafis and wahabis should also be screened out as they share similar ideologies to terrorists.

Besides them , there are western puppets and CIA assets who are also in the army. Notice how gulalai escaped undetected and landed in US.

To be very honest. I never believed ISI nummbbbbaaaa 1 mantra. They are not as good as they try to project themselves. Imagine the kind of damage that is going to happen if Ehsanullah actually releases his video. PTM who is now on the back-foot will come out with a roar. APS victims will also feel betrayed.

I don't know

More than escape this looks like he was released as a deal

In any case army needs to answer. ISPR needs to answer. Silence is no solution and this country can't afford more such security failures or blunders

ISI is average yes. No serious guy says they are number one and all that
By not issuing an official denial army itself is dragging itself to mud

More than 24 hours have passed snd these guys are still sleeping while enemy continues to do propoganda

Where is ispr? This is something of national security and should be cleared now without any delay

Army itself is putting all its war on terror under doubts with this silence
Asif Ghafoor wasn't given any extension for his excellent job but Bajwa needed for Idk what. Sometimes I feel no difference between Bajwa and Buzdar.
Seriously I dont like Bajwa a bit. General Raheel Sharif was truly a fitting person for this post but General Bajwa ruined Pakistan army's repo by taking extension and indulging himself too much into the Pakistani politics.

Same. And instead of General Raheel Shareef our handsome PM gave extension to him

Our handsome PM used to oppose extension to Raheel Shareef

Can't believe serious members of this forum supported his extension
I don't know

More than escape this looks like he was released as a deal

In any case army needs to answer. ISPR needs to answer. Silence is no solution and this country can't afford more such security failures or blunders

ISI is average yes. No serious guy says they are number one and all that

ISPR will become sluggish. The only reason why it improved was because of Ghafoor. It was one man show. I am going to predict that ISPR is going to decline and its active role would be scaled down.

I would have been in favor of extending the tenure of Ghafoor instead of Bajwa. Ghafoor was actually doing something.
Looking at how everyone is worried here, remember nothing happens for no reason! Just remember, whatever is in public domain is just one half of the coin. Dont fall for such news in public domain. There is much more depth to the stories that are reported! So unless we know everything (which we dont), dont get carried away. After Allah, its our forces that stand for our protection. No need to demean them.
I don't know

More than escape this looks like he was released as a deal

In any case army needs to answer. ISPR needs to answer. Silence is no solution and this country can't afford more such security failures or blunders

ISI is average yes. No serious guy says they are number one and all that

Bhai first bring proof he escaped then demand justification.

You know what is the source of all this?

Here is the source. India peddled this fake news many weeks ago.

Bhai first bring proof he escaped then demand justification.

There is an audio on the internet where Ehsan himself says that he has escaped

There are news articles which say he has escaped

What more do we need so that an official response is given
Give me proof that he escaped. The voice in the video is not his. At least get his voice to make army give justification.

There is an audio on the internet where Ehsan himself says that he has escaped

There are news articles which say he has escaped

What more do we need so that an official response is given

Oh bhai tomorrow someone will upload a voice claiming he is Adolf Hitler and he is living in carabians and smoking Havana cigar will you believe it. Wtf is wrong with you people. I means Ehsanullah Ehsan escaped to turkey with wife and children. Lol
Do you believe he is living in Ankara?
Oh come one man.
Give me proof that he escaped. The voice in the video is not his. At least get his voice to make army give justification.

Oh bhai tomorrow someone will upload a voice claiming he is Adolf Hitler and he is living in carabians and smoking Havana cigar will you believe it. Wtf is wrong with you people. I means Ehsanullah Ehsan escaped to turkey with wife and children. Lol
Do you believe he is living in Ankara?
Oh come one man.

Even i have doubts that he escaped and want this news to be fake

But question why ispr is silent

ISPR silence is giving credibility to this escape story

Deny it officially and move on
Even i have doubts that he escaped and want this news to be fake

But question why ispr is silent

ISPR silence is giving credibility to this escape story

Deny it officially and move on

Why deny any thing for what reason. You want to give ptm and fake news more coverage and show that army is so scared by ptm and it agenda that army will issue clarification of every fake news. Sorry not gonna happen.

The voice is not his both videos posted in other thread you can compare. If you want clarification post something a little bit near a proof that he escaped. At least post his destination that is a bit acceptable. I laughed my shit out when they posted he escaped to turkey wtf.

Ptm main asset is arrested by interpol and being brought back to Pakistan from Bahrain let them cry.
I laughed my shit out when they posted he escaped to turkey wtf.
The Turks would send him back without any issues if the govt requested it.

The only way the 'fleeing to Turkey' story might be a feasible one is if he's been relocated there on purpose as part of the deal with him on his surrender. Given that he turned on the TTP, he and his family are always going to be a target in Pakistan for terrorists. Additionally, politically it's hard to explain the fact that he's barely under 'house arrest', though many States have entered into such deals with HVT's to obtain intel that has been of great benefit. The goal might have been to quietly remove him from Pakistan and someone leaked the info.

All just speculation, the obvious answer in this case (that he escaped) doesn't really seem the simplest one because I imagine his former organization is not going to look kindly upon him for turning on them. So is he going to trust that the TTP will protect him and his family after his betrayal or is he planning on being on the run for the rest of his life from both the Pakistani State and the TTP?
The Turks would send him back without any issues if the govt requested it.

The only way the 'fleeing to Turkey' story might be a feasible one is if he's been relocated there on purpose as part of the deal with him on his surrender. Given that he turned on the TTP, he and his family are always going to be a target in Pakistan for terrorists. Additionally, politically it's hard to explain the fact that he's barely under 'house arrest', though many States have entered into such deals with HVT's to obtain intel that has been of great benefit. The goal might have been to quietly remove him from Pakistan and someone leaked the info.

My friend there are many possibilities but him escaping to turkey is not one of them.

Secondly there video must have his voice which is not. Just compare the 2 videos one allegedly released saying that he escaped and second his confession and see if voice is same? It is not. Forget voice even the accent is different.
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