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3 Reasons Why Russia Loves Pakistan Now - 2019 , 2020 .

These YouTube videos and their titles :sarcastic:

Step 1. Find an over emotiomal, easily gullible target audience.

Step 2. Give them the kind of content they want.

Step 3. Easy views, easy bucks.

Russians are now quite openly Praising Pakistan and acknowledge Pakistan Strategic position , only Islamic atomic power and Pakistan Armed forces capabilities ( Ma Sha ALLAH ) .

Also. She is not Russian, dude, her accent. Stop falling for baits. Thanks.
Russia and Pakistani relationship mainly depend on Pakistan. For last 20 years, Pakistan is sending miss signals to Russia. We have missed great opportunities to improve our relationship with Russia.

We haven’t developed our foreign policies. For last 40 years, our foreign police run from Washington DC. We need to be neutral and development our own foreign policies and see what is best for Pakistan.
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Youtube has lately become the biggest scam in the history of mankind.
and yet check out the youtube millionnaires. I mean, seriously???
Don't blame the creators. blame the people who watch their videos and give them ad revenue
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