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A rare breed in politics: Unbelievable stories of Shahid Abbasi coming out of NAB detention

Pardon my ignorance but I am wondering what PM can do if Bank chose to make discriminatory policies against staff and to kick out senior staff members based on their pays? (BTW: this is very bizarre if true, because it doesnt make any sense whatsoever).

More to the point, you said EOBI facility for employees was started in era of corrupt Gillani-PM. Can you please enlighten me, from where money comes from for EOBI? Was PM releasing the funds?

Please dont get me wrong, I am only raising these questions to educate myself.

Sir EOBI funds generated by the organisations which are member, the EOBI funds are generated by contributions by employees and organisation. PM was not releasing funds but he made a legislation that it shall be mandatory for banks to become member the EOBI. Now various banks on basis of strong legal teams have got decisions from honorable courts that it is not mandatory for them to be member of EOBI. Now Sir, I hope you get my point how bank staff is suffering in new Pakistan where every one is promised a better future.

Pardon my ignorance but what I see their is always a body where even a private employee can file complaint if he faces discrimination but such body in case of banks is missing in Pakistan. Further the laws can be made to restrict organisations to protect the basic rights of employees, the unfortunate thing is that our State Bank avoids HR based audits of banks and does not take necessary action against private banks as it is mandatory for banks to revise pays of their staff after five years apart from annual increments , further annual mandatory leave rule is their yet violated by banks management. On serious side many staff members have lost their lives due to mental pressures and fatigue.

Sir I have mentioned few facts above which can be verified by some minor research it is only icing on the cake. The bank like HBL is suffering due to their brutal policies and many banks bench marking HBL shall follow, ultimately whole banking sector of country shall suffer.
Sir, the international market conditions change with time. Pak Qatar was a good deal when it was signed. ( https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/366554-pakistan-saved-600m-in-qatar-lng-deal-bloomberg)

The new price is indeed lower but the Qatar LNG deal had been signed one year later. (https://www.rigzone.com/news/wire/l...low_in_north_asia-22-feb-2019-158227-article/)

In my humble opinion, oil & gas prices fluctuate so much with the changing times and market conditions that it is incorrect to compare the term price of a commodity with its price at different time periods. One needs to be constantly in the market to really understand its ups & downs. However one can get some idea about the mechanism of the LNG international market by perusing this article (https://jia.sipa.columbia.edu/dynamics-natural-gas-pricing-critical-need-natural-gas-hub-south-asia)

Khaqan Abbasi may be the biggest money-grabbing politician ever born, but IMHO in case of the LNG deal with Qatar, he is not guilty.
NAB cannot prove corruption in this case even if they investigate for a thousand years. They will be left embarrassed as ultimately they will have to let the ex-PM go. People don't understand, Khaqan Abbasi, even though I disagree with him politically, is not like Nawaz Sharif. And this idea that everybody associated with a certain party are all corrupt seems to be a new trend.

By the same logic
Will IK be thrown into jail after his term finishes because many of his mates are corrupt??

Sochne ki baat hai
Kya Mazzaq hey Yar. I am amazed at how twisted journalism has become in Pakistan. Now Shahid Khaqan Abbasi is presented as a Rare Breed / God of Honesty / simplest man on the planet / Most courages hero on the planet

This freaking Patwari was the same person who ruined PIA while he was PM and CEO on Air Blue.
Pata nahi kya baqwas likhtey rehtey hein.
He is a rare breed after all he holds the distinct award of being the only pm of this unfortunate country who got stripped search at the US airport. Indeed very rare.
It is said that Qatar Minister for Energy and CEO of Qatar Petroleum Saad Al-Kaabi recently came to Pakistan for four hours and said to Prime Minister Imran Khan, “If you want LNG, take it otherwise cancel the contract. Don’t drag our name through the mud for your politics. Then I will see who sells you LNG.

So someone want to prove Shahid Khaqqan Abbasi as an angle. So in, 'Supreme Parliament' such angels are devoted supporters and dutiful to their 'Masters Voice' corruption king and his royal family.
The bold part expose another lie, Did Pakistan drag Qatris to the mud of politics? OR they were themselves keen to jump in by providing famous 'QATRI KHATT', definitely for some obvious reason.
Will they dare to stop all the world to sell LNG to Pakistan? Is Pakistan a banana republic?
The article seems to be from PATWAR MEDIA CELL, operated by corruption princess or a disinformation attempt by some loyal to the core PATWARI.
Sir, the international market conditions change with time. Pak Qatar was a good deal when it was signed. ( https://www.thenews.com.pk/latest/366554-pakistan-saved-600m-in-qatar-lng-deal-bloomberg)

The new price is indeed lower but the Qatar LNG deal had been signed one year later. (https://www.rigzone.com/news/wire/l...low_in_north_asia-22-feb-2019-158227-article/)

In my humble opinion, oil & gas prices fluctuate so much with the changing times and market conditions that it is incorrect to compare the term price of a commodity with its price at different time periods. One needs to be constantly in the market to really understand its ups & downs. However one can get some idea about the mechanism of the LNG international market by perusing this article (https://jia.sipa.columbia.edu/dynamics-natural-gas-pricing-critical-need-natural-gas-hub-south-asia)

Khaqan Abbasi may be the biggest money-grabbing politician ever born, but IMHO in case of the LNG deal with Qatar, he is not guilty.

Sir my understanding is that media and some politicians have been harping that Shahid Khaqan made money in Qatar LNG deal, its the wrong perception. although the price was slightly higher than the ongoing rates which the Qataris revised twice. Already shared enough material on the price of gas and the agreement price whihc in my opinion is pretty good.

Real money was minted in the LNG terminal agreements and the condition embedded within those agreements. Same way as Iran Pakistan pipeline 7 billion dollars were made not in the price of the gas but the agreement and its conditions.
Abbasi says that the Qatar LNG deal has a lower price per mmbtu than both the Iranian gas from the Iran-Pakistan Pipeline and the Turkmenistan gas from TAPI. This has never happened before; that pipeline gases were 15-20 percent more expensive than LNG.

In future, Imran Khan and ministers will have hard time explaining renaissance of pipeline deals with Iran.
I'm searching for the details of ambiguous contracts, signed by both Asif Ali Zardar and Imran Khan with Iran (any volunteers with inside info.?).

Abbasi may be punished or not, but i'm very glad to see NAB probing into the contracts signed by the politicians.

Iran Pakistan pipeline 7 billion dollars were made not in the price of the gas but the agreement and its conditions.

Hi Dear will you expand on this one! Thanks.

NAB cannot prove corruption in this case even if they investigate for a thousand years.

That's too bad.
PTI has already labeled Abbasi as chor in national assembly (i call it national shame).
NAB cannot prove corruption in this case even if they investigate for a thousand years. They will be left embarrassed as ultimately they will have to let the ex-PM go. People don't understand, Khaqan Abbasi, even though I disagree with him politically, is not like Nawaz Sharif. And this idea that everybody associated with a certain party are all corrupt seems to be a new trend.

Not saying Shahid Khaqan engaged in corruption or not. I don't know, but Niaz sb in a post on this thread shared his opinion that nothing corrupt happened and I believe him.

But you have raised a serious point. Our prosecution is very weak all across the board. NAB is a specialized dept. and they are poor with conviction and prosecution. And when it comes to police, most of them have no concept. They just know how to beat confession out of innocent people. No concept of using technology and processes. Thats why there are murderers and rapists roaming around because they know they can get bail.
I don't know why people against him. Just because he is rich but simple, clean politician but loyal to NS.

Let me tell you how this man changed the landscape of LNG. Reuters and Bloomberg's articles are also there.

I am working in a world biggest power generation and distribution company in Germany. My company wants to shut down coal and furnace oil-based plants and wants to move on LNG based powerplants. They are struggling from the last seven years due to german bureaucracy it is taking too much time and there are some hurdles for LNG terminals. just want to say companies like e-on and RWE is studying the LNG success of Pakistan as a case study. How Pakistan use the LNG to overcome the chronical electricity shortage. Recently, I have come to know that my company hired the same consultant team which Pakistan used for a feasibility report. Yes, 1st world countries and companies who have a hundred years of experience studying this as a case study.

If you remember Lalu, he has changed the Indian railways and it is also a good case study and you can find papers on it.

You can hate him, I don't care or HE cares. He did his job and gave Pakistan a very good energy model based on LNG. The current regime has its own vendetta and it will not bring anything.
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By the same logic
Will IK be thrown into jail after his term finishes because many of his mates are corrupt??

Sochne ki baat hai

First we need to define... what corruption is!
We have range of situations, delayed projects, revised prices, even increasing piles of garbage in Lahore!

it will not change the reality.
I hope people had similar thinking head as you.... otherwise in Pakistan progress is IK is meeting Boris Jonson, Prince Charles is coming to Pakistan. etc. etc.
First we need to define... what corruption is!
We have a range of situations, delayed projects, revised prices, even increasing piles of garbage in Lahore!

First of all delay in the project or not meeting the goals or failure of the project should not be translated into Corruption.

I hope people had similar thinking head as you.... otherwise in Pakistan progress is IK is meeting Boris Jonson, Prince Charles is coming to Pakistan. etc. etc.

Sanity should prevail in our society but it is rare in our intolerable society.
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