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Indian Iran Collaboration & Pakistan's Failure To Build Power Base In GCC:---


Our enemy knows that we need economic growth---. Everybody knows that---. When we get strong economically---we will buy weapons to fight with our enemy---. Our enemy will sabotage our every effort to be economically strong---.

The yemen war crisis was our surest way to get economically and militarily strong without a single penny of our cash---.

Yemen war was a god given gift to us---. GCC would have spent all the money to arm our military---we would have been armed the way we wanted to be---the economic boom resulting the influx of close to fresh 150 K troops would not have been stopped by our enemy---.
Why would Israeli influenced USA allow us to develop such CLOUT in the first place?
bruh even though I don't like to sell our soldiers, but I agree with you almost every post by you is mocking of forces and gov but worth considering

Terrorism is an international issue and Pakistan is committed to fight it in all forms and shapes and places.
All what i know, Pakistan didn't even extended diplomatic support. Whereas Indian PM personally toured GCC and offered his full support, which was declined politely by GCC.

Weare God-fearing. That is why we didn't step into Yemen
No... it's becusae Pakistan's foreign office is handpicked by Zardari and they played their role!
There is nothing wrong with pursuing strategic independence however it should not be at the cost of losing allies, strategic ones at that...

Pakistan could have pursued a peace mission in Yemen which possibly could have avoided a lot of misery... all that is conjecture though. But it would have put Pakistan firmly in GCC basket... Is that something Pakistan could have taken so overtly? Especially when Iran and India have been buddies? Iran as always has been coy about it's position vis a Pakistan and hasn't engaged Pakistan overtly thus far... Pakistan going fully onboard with GCC would have shown Pakistan's hand overtly perhaps pushing Iran to follow suite. Which not only affects Pakistan's western border but Afghanistan as well. Pakistan not pursuing GCC has brought it's repercussions and one of them has been a void coming in India - Iran relations(different set of circumstances) but relevant for Pakistan. GCC investment in India is dart in the dark and brings unknown variables. Most likely losing in the long run as India keeps devolving in such a rapid pace and with that GCC 's hand. One must understand GCC has no strategic relationship with India nor India a guarantor of GCC monarchies. Their investment also seems to stem out Indian falling with Iran, which is independent of Pakistan policy. So, in the bigger scheme of things eventhough Pakistan couldn't benefit from GCC largesse it may have secured it's western border and Afghanistan, a price worth paying? Only time will tell!
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Our enemy knows that we need economic growth---. Everybody knows that---. When we get strong economically---we will buy weapons to fight with our enemy---. Our enemy will sabotage our every effort to be economically strong---.

Agree with this part! I am of the opinion as well but i also include our so called friendly neighbors in this sphere as well. Stable and economically stable Pakistan is not in the interest of our neighbors (immediate+extended) on the east and west. Hence, Pakistan shall at all cost look for her own interests, not in the short term but towards stable economic growth based on long term policy.

The yemen war crisis was our surest way to get economically and militarily strong without a single penny of our cash---.

Yemen war was a god given gift to us---. GCC would have spent all the money to arm our military---we would have been armed the way we wanted to be---the economic boom resulting the influx of close to fresh 150 K troops would not have been stopped by our enemy---.

If we ignore Iran from equation for a moment, it still don't solve the dilemma that you said and i mentioned. Few billion can give Pakistan an extra mile on empty tank but don't solve the problems we face on the long run. And none of these countries want Pakistan to get more stronger than them.
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National crisis don't happen in ether and neither do conflicts between two nations who have already been at war---. There are precursors and happenings in real time that appear which would lead to what is coming at you in the future---.

When the Yemen crisis started---the GCC with the permission of west asked pak military to take charge and head off the insurgency---.

That was a shocking moment for india and momentarily it did not comprehend how west would allow pakistan to present its military force in the GCC and take charge of the area---. How could america and UK allow pakistan to establish multiple military bases in the gulf countries and change the power structure---.

A pakistani military base in Oman would be critical to indian interests because it would placed adjacent to the indian coastline across the ocean---a military base in Emirates would deeply influence emirati public's opinion shifting towards pakistan and same for the bases in Bahrain and saudia---. That would be a total catastrophe for indian foreign policy and towards indian occupied kashmir---.

So a plan was devised on a fastrak to counter this proposal---. India approached pakistan media personalities and gave them huge sums of money---they approached some politicians who were on the take and gave them financial assistance and they indirectly approached the politicians who had a soft corner for iran---.

Thus started the campaign against troop buildup and movement to GCC with certain slogans and keywords---. The reason for this campaign was to create a wedge between the GCC and pakistan permanently and separate pakistan from other influential muslim countries---.

This opportunity became the precursor to what was to come years later if the plan succeeded in its implementation to create the division and differences---.

It started with " we are not a mercenary army "---" you have spent so much money on weapons now fight your own wars "---" we are not on your payroll that you ask us to jump and we will "---" shias are our brothers we don't have a bone of contention in this conflict "---a declaration of solidarity with iran came thru---pakistan declared we will not interfere in anyone's conflict at all---" your problem---you handle it "---became the pakistani mantra---.

India was ecstatic at the pakistani publics response---it was way beyond their expectations---they never imagined that the pakistanis would go that far and openly show hatred towards the GCC---openly degrade insult and humiliate the GCC---openly target the militaries of GCC as cowards and incompetent---.

This hatred had gone way beyond the wildest imaginations of the indian planners and the insiders report that there was a momentary shock of disbelief at the highest echelons of power in india---at how badly pakistan had faltered at this god given opportunity---.

On the other hand---the west could not believe what it was seeing---. The west had placed the GCC on a platter and given it to pakistan to build up on the only usable industry that it had---build up its economy and resource and with the resulting increase of military strength and power projection---it would be in a far better position to resolve its boundary issues with its arch enemy india---.

The west thought that pakistani leaders and military would understand the TRUE reason behind the gesture and would jump on it without hesitation to do what it had wanted for the last many decades to be financially economically and militarily strong to resolve the kashmir conflict while solving the Yemen crisis---.

From their experience---the west knew that the experience that the pak military had in containing insurgency back home---they would succeed in containing the yemen insurgency in a professional and ethical manner and contain the damage to life and property as they had shown in Fata---.

But all plans come crumbling down when the horse does not want to drink water---. CONTD

@BATMAN @war&peace @Mangus Ortus Novem @Irfan Baloch @Khafee

You put it too simply. International relations are never a zero sum game, please understand that. Why would the west give Pakistan army such an offer? They dont trust a secular Turkish army and u think they will allow a conservative muslim army who looks at its service as jihad, to take over all GCC with assets worth trillions?

If there was any such offer, it was a trap. Pakistani establishment and deep state are not idiots. If there was any such realistic opportunity, they would have pounced on it. The west actually would have wanted pak army to be stretched and be divided on sectarian lines. Instead Pakistan played smartly, did not commit huge forces but provided raheel sharif and small amount of troops and trainers. Pakistan provided them missile bases operated by Pakistan for immediate threats. Pakistan is helping saudi establish missile systems. We had an internal war also going on, the whole world knew, so a good excuse.
Pakistan i think played its cards perfectly, no wonder india is becoming desperate and taking foolish steps.
You put it too simply. International relations are never a zero sum game, please understand that. Why would the west give Pakistan army such an offer? They dont trust a secular Turkish army and u think they will allow a conservative muslim army who looks at its service as jihad, to take over all GCC with assets worth trillions?

If there was any such offer, it was a trap. Pakistani establishment and deep state are not idiots. If there was any such realistic opportunity, they would have pounced on it. The west actually would have wanted pak army to be stretched and be divided on sectarian lines. Instead Pakistan played smartly, did not commit huge forces but provided raheel sharif and small amount of troops and trainers. Pakistan provided them missile bases operated by Pakistan for immediate threats. Pakistan is helping saudi establish missile systems. We had an internal war also going on, the whole world knew, so a good excuse.
Pakistan i think played its cards perfectly, no wonder india is becoming desperate and taking foolish steps.

Cowardice and incompetence is always full of excuses---

Agree with this part! I am of the opinion as well but i also include our so called friendly neighbors in this sphere as well. Stable and economically stable Pakistan is not in the interest of our neighbors (immediate+extended) on the east and west. Hence, Pakistan shall at all cost look for her own interests, not in the short term but towards stable economic growth based on long term policy.

If we ignore Iran from equation for a moment, it still don't solve the dilemma that you said and i mentioned. Few billion can give Pakistan an extra mile on empty tank but don't solve the problems we face on the long run. And none of these countries want Pakistan to get more stronger than them.


GCC was talking about permanent bases---. Permanent stationing of troops---.

Influence in the area---100's of thousand more jobs in the GCC at the expense of indian---.

A massive massive trickle down effect for an economic boom---.

Why would Israeli influenced USA allow us to develop such CLOUT in the first place?


They did young man---they did---. Barak Hussein Obama did that---how else do you think the invitation came to be the protectors of the GCC---.

You are only 19 years old---when did yemen crisis start---? You would be too young to read into the details at that time---.
Cowardice and incompetence is always full of excuses---


GCC was talking about permanent bases---. Permanent stationing of troops---.

Influence in the area---100's of thousand more jobs in the GCC at the expense of indian---.

A massive massive trickle down effect for an economic boom---.


They did young man---they did---. Barak Hussein Obama did that---how else do you think the invitation came to be the protectors of the GCC---.

You are only 19 years old---when did yemen crisis start---? You would be too young to read into the details at that time---.

I always agreed with you!

But what now,

We are tight with the Saudis but what can we do against emerging enemies

We need to make clear our red lines and remember those who tried to fcuk us for the future
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Once the indians had contained the strength of pak military and stopped its expansion to become a bigger recognized force in the region---it did not slow down in creating further divide between pakistan and welwishers---.

Pakistanis became programmed to talk bad about the arabs---from military expeditions that were the highlight of the nation---the claims started that and expeditionary force is a mercenary army and other hateful gutter content became the talk of the nation against the GCC---.

Now---when the govt of Imran Khan came into power---IK himself clearly stated of no military assistance for foreign nations---we will not fight any wars for anyone---let them do their own fighting---. This call became the last nail in the coffin of the indian occupied kashmir---.

Pakistan was standing alone---no friends close by---only enemies and those friends who were insulted by pakistan remained---.

So---after the separating pakistan from its herd---india decided it was high time to strike---the struck it did---. Indian occupied kashmir---a total curfew---370 cancelled---IOK annexed---pakistan standing with its mouth agape---in a total shock---peace lovers and irans lovers clueless to what had happened---everywhere confusion amass---.

9 million muslims as hostages in their homes with 900 K troops in charge of containing them---and pakistanis asking those that they insulted humiliated and degraded " where are you people---why did not not come and help us ".
You are wrong and you are right.
Bjp cannot even imagine the response they receive from the public for these actions.
The response was ecstatic . Before they want half heartedly to change 370 and built ram temple etc .
But now this huge huge majority with no opposition and even no one to lead the opposition for if they take a different line they would be called anti national .
Whatever they are doing, they are doing it with the support of a jinositic public and also religious point of view . Their dreams of realising the religious glory they desire cannot come sooner then they imagined.

Besides Pakistan should have joined the yemen , only if things are good back home .
We have barely controlled our things and still attack occurs. Security still remain very difficult with proxy terroism a very big threat lurking in the background.

You talk as if we are some developed nation with closed border and a working instituons while we are not . A new wave of proxy terrorism in the guise of sect is devastating .

Till how long we would just milk other countries for temporary benefits ? Histroy has shown you again and again that these injections are not sustainable .
You have to work hard to develop and there are no shortcuts there. An injection filled with steroids Can give you temporary relief but not much .
Besides of Arabs are giving so much , Imran khan would not think twice . His stance of not fighting others wars is Afghanistan specific only . It is only and only the army that still decides that they cannot participate. Why ? Because they know the onground situation. They are policing fata and balochistan. They are responsible for internal security with you police and counter terrorism department dead . And also other regional issues with Afghanistan ready to shelter any Baloch terrorism and any other terrorist to creat unrest.
With them busy at kashmir and this new threat of Indian shanegans.
It is very easy to think the way you think while it is not the reality.
Become an economy like India and the Arabs are all love for you.
And yes we have lost the world in last 5 years . Atleast Imran tried to normalise it and get the real success here .
Saying is easy, doing is very difficult and still results are not what you predict.
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Once the indians had contained the strength of pak military and stopped its expansion to become a bigger recognized force in the region---it did not slow down in creating further divide between pakistan and welwishers---.

Pakistanis became programmed to talk bad about the arabs---from military expeditions that were the highlight of the nation---the claims started that and expeditionary force is a mercenary army and other hateful gutter content became the talk of the nation against the GCC---.

Now---when the govt of Imran Khan came into power---IK himself clearly stated of no military assistance for foreign nations---we will not fight any wars for anyone---let them do their own fighting---. This call became the last nail in the coffin of the indian occupied kashmir---.

Pakistan was standing alone---no friends close by---only enemies and those friends who were insulted by pakistan remained---.

So---after the separating pakistan from its herd---india decided it was high time to strike---the struck it did---. Indian occupied kashmir---a total curfew---370 cancelled---IOK annexed---pakistan standing with its mouth agape---in a total shock---peace lovers and irans lovers clueless to what had happened---everywhere confusion amass---.

9 million muslims as hostages in their homes with 900 K troops in charge of containing them---and pakistanis asking those that they insulted humiliated and degraded " where are you people---why did not not come and help us ".
Please don’t miss your medication. There is nothing of value in this except for your multiple IDs and 13 years old. With your Alzheimer’s you are even loosing your grammar.
What GCC could have done? Pull out their investment from India? Deport every Indian? Arabs don't see hindutvas. All they see is Indians cleaning their toilets and maids in homes. They wouldn't want to loss billions $ to support Pakistan stance.
@MastanKhan My 2 cents. There is a risk in every course of action we take. At that time, Sectarianism and TTP (violence) was at it peak. Army in all it's wisdom decided to avoid taking any action that would introduce sectarian fault line inside Army.

But I think, Blunders were made at the time of Syrian crisis. Decision should be based on the morality of the issue. I cannot say much about Yemen, but Pakistan should have intervened in Syrian crisis. Turkey (and the west) was also on board. Yemen issue would have died down automatically. I think it would be much more beneficial for Pakistan in terms of both international standing and financial/military support.

Considering the onslaught that was going on in Syria, without taking any sides, Intervention could have been justified from every angle, domestically, internationally, morally and Islamically.
What GCC could have done? Pull out their investment from India? Deport every Indian? Arabs don't see hindutvas. All they see is Indians cleaning their toilets and maids in homes. They wouldn't want to loss billions $ to support Pakistan stance.


I don't mean to be disrespectful---seems like you are clueless to what happened at the start of yemen crisis---.

So---please update yourself before you indulge
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National crisis don't happen in ether and neither do conflicts between two nations who have already been at war---. There are precursors and happenings in real time that appear which would lead to what is coming at you in the future---.

When the Yemen crisis started---the GCC with the permission of west asked pak military to take charge and head off the insurgency---.

That was a shocking moment for india and momentarily it did not comprehend how west would allow pakistan to present its military force in the GCC and take charge of the area---. How could america and UK allow pakistan to establish multiple military bases in the gulf countries and change the power structure---.

A pakistani military base in Oman would be critical to indian interests because it would placed adjacent to the indian coastline across the ocean---a military base in Emirates would deeply influence emirati public's opinion shifting towards pakistan and same for the bases in Bahrain and saudia---. That would be a total catastrophe for indian foreign policy and towards indian occupied kashmir---.

So a plan was devised on a fastrak to counter this proposal---. India approached pakistan media personalities and gave them huge sums of money---they approached some politicians who were on the take and gave them financial assistance and they indirectly approached the politicians who had a soft corner for iran---.

Thus started the campaign against troop buildup and movement to GCC with certain slogans and keywords---. The reason for this campaign was to create a wedge between the GCC and pakistan permanently and separate pakistan from other influential muslim countries---.

This opportunity became the precursor to what was to come years later if the plan succeeded in its implementation to create the division and differences---.

It started with " we are not a mercenary army "---" you have spent so much money on weapons now fight your own wars "---" we are not on your payroll that you ask us to jump and we will "---" shias are our brothers we don't have a bone of contention in this conflict "---a declaration of solidarity with iran came thru---pakistan declared we will not interfere in anyone's conflict at all---" your problem---you handle it "---became the pakistani mantra---.

India was ecstatic at the pakistani publics response---it was way beyond their expectations---they never imagined that the pakistanis would go that far and openly show hatred towards the GCC---openly degrade insult and humiliate the GCC---openly target the militaries of GCC as cowards and incompetent---.

This hatred had gone way beyond the wildest imaginations of the indian planners and the insiders report that there was a momentary shock of disbelief at the highest echelons of power in india---at how badly pakistan had faltered at this god given opportunity---.

On the other hand---the west could not believe what it was seeing---. The west had placed the GCC on a platter and given it to pakistan to build up on the only usable industry that it had---build up its economy and resource and with the resulting increase of military strength and power projection---it would be in a far better position to resolve its boundary issues with its arch enemy india---.

The west thought that pakistani leaders and military would understand the TRUE reason behind the gesture and would jump on it without hesitation to do what it had wanted for the last many decades to be financially economically and militarily strong to resolve the kashmir conflict while solving the Yemen crisis---.

From their experience---the west knew that the experience that the pak military had in containing insurgency back home---they would succeed in containing the yemen insurgency in a professional and ethical manner and contain the damage to life and property as they had shown in Fata---.

But all plans come crumbling down when the horse does not want to drink water---. CONTD

@BATMAN @war&peace @Mangus Ortus Novem @Irfan Baloch @Khafee
Pakistan was/is a sleeping giant so unless it wakes up everything around it even the birds chirping without permission is its failure. Its mostly the failure of the people, shame on them for voting anti state, traitors into power.

Things that need to be eradicated first, include.
Religious parties
And parts of Pti

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