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Kashmir Issue : Our options & possible Course of Action

Shame on all these retards... Zaid Hamid was predicting this for the last 10 years but nobody paid any shit. Everybody dismissed him as lal topi wala ...

Pakistan is next. Amit shah and subramian and RSS have already declared their intentions. Imran Khan and Qureshi have made a foreign policy blunder.
Together will the liberals and journalists who used to make aman ki asha statements.

War is coming whether you like it or not. Also , to a lot of indians. Nuclear Pakistan is not a threat to them because they firmly believe that they can sustain huge causalties but get rid of Pakistan permanently. We don't need hiroshima sized atomic bombs. If Pakistan's establishment have any brains, they should now go for H-bombs in order of megatones or else Pakistan is gone.
I accepted ziad hamid analysis long ago anyone who disagree with him watch his old videos analysing future events. He looks too exrremist but he is geniuen Pakistani. I wonder why india wanted him when saudia arrested him and nawaz didnt make our fm to move to solve this matter.
Who hate him the most are liberals and all our tv channels are full or shit who banned him but at thr same time they cry for freedom of speech.
Anyone who reply india with logic or defend islam will lose rating air time or peak time we have seen people making fun of dr shahid masood End of Time series.
Its time to scratch those who bites.
I don't use Indian products and I absolutely don't watch Bollywood productions.
Some of the highest consumption of Indian TV content was Army wives.
So clearly when they cant stop Indian media from circulating within the security services families, what is to say of the rest of the population?
Ah sh*t, here we go again... boycott slogans and empty words again. Indian banana and watching Sheila ki Jawani is loved by us. Don't think we as nation are truly willing to boycott.
Kashmir issue is deeply linked to the Punjab issue politically and geographically. One cannot be solved without the other.

The road to Kashmir comes through Punjab. The other road comes through Ladakh and China would be very much interested in neutralizing that road and acquiring that area given that India has been funding Dalai Lama and disruptive political activity in Tibet.

Pakistan should start supporting the Sikhs and their freedom struggle on all forums on on all fronts. As well as North Eastern groups like Naxalites.

When the Sikhs come they will wear their Paggar (Kashmir).
you know its not just the pak army kashmiriz have to be on pakistan army's side as well. we in azad kashmir baltistan will support and fight along side pakistan army. let them lead the way and tactics.

but indian kashmiriz have to be help too if they want to be free. at this moment its not clear what they want.
Thauban reported that the messenger of Allah said: "It is near that the nations will call one another against you just as the eaters call one another to their dishes." Somebody asked: "Is this because we will be few in numbers that day?" He said: "Nay, but that day you shall be numerous, but you will be like the foam of the sea, and Allah will take the fear of you away from your enemies and will place weakness into your hearts." Somebody asked: "What is this weakness?" He said: "The love of the world and the dislike of death." (Abu Daud)

We must ask ourselves a question.. Is it only Kashmir we are concerned about? What about Palestine, Rohangiya, Afghanistan, etc etc?

Allah SWT will continue to humiliate us.. For Him, we aren't special as some of us believe that we are a fort of Islam or we got independence on 27th of Ramadan so we will prevail and no one can defeat us.. Whenever we fight for ourselves by ourselves, we will always lose..

What should Pakistan do considering it is now a do or die situation for Pakistan.
1 - Do nothing except lip service
2 - Declare LoC an international border; or
3 - Wait for the peace deal to finalize in Afghanistan and then fight a long covert war with Taliban on board; or
4 - Declare an all out Jihad with India and give a SOS call to all Muslims to join the war?

I am in favor of option 4. We must declare jihad on India and give a call to all Muslims who want to join this war with Pakistan.. We shouldn't expect any help from any country. Even Turkey and China will not come to help when the all out war will start... but yes, Muslims from all over the world will join a legitimate Jihad.. This is what the role expected from Pakistan.. We should offer protection and permanent residency to all the people who come for our help.. I am sure, Arabs will join, Turks will join, Tajiks, Chechens, everyone will join this holy war..

In this war, either we will come out victorious, or we will die in peace and indeed be victorious in the way of Allah SWT. Pakistan will not exist anymore.... we will all die but we will inflict such a heavy blow on India that its land will not remain livable for another century.. India as we know it today, will also cease to exist together with us...
From past 48 hours, complete diplomatic failure of Pakistan on Jammu & Kashmir Issue.

Imran Khan's govt is too shit defensive with respect to India SINCE DAY ONE! Bajwa is tooo defensive against Indian aggression. This is not fucking a video game. India violates International agreement including biliteral. Govt is shit pissing off, sitting duck... entire world knows that Kashmir is a disputed territory and no one can turn down anything alone... this RSS shit mindset move this entire region into a bigger mess... Nawaz Sharif and Musharaf were the REAL culprits, responsible of weakening Pakistan's position and now Khan govt is completely FAILED unlike Feb 27 when Pakistan literally outclassed India in all front (Diplomatic, Media + Military).... POOOR PTI Govt POOOR!

NS was the puppet of India, Mushy destroyed our position and Khan diplomatic failure will haunt Pakistan.... too RE-ACTIVE!
From past 48 hours, complete diplomatic failure of Pakistan on Jammu & KAshmir Issue.

Imran Khan's govt is too shit defensive with respect to India SINCE DAY ONE! Bajwa is tooo defensive against Indian aggression. This is not fucking a video game. India violates International agreement including biliteral. Govt is shit pissing off, sitting duck... entire world knows that KAshmir is a disputed territory and noone can turned down any thing... this RSS shit mindset move this entire region into bigger mess... Nawaz Sharif and Musharaf was REAL responsible of weaking Pakistan's position and now Khan govt is completely FAILED unlike Feb 27 when Pakistan literally outclassed India in all front (Diplomatic, Media + Military)

we cant start the war and be seen as aggressors. india has to attack first.
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