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Pakistani Female Paratroopers

Officer you want to post some American Female Paras who are not too far from being paras? ;)
There are no American female paras. Women are not allowed into the combat arms in the United States.

We have this debate over at WAB and I rather not repeat that debate. However, I will say that no woman has ever qualified in any professional light infantry unit across the globe. I don't mean passing the course. There are a few women who can and did pass the course but light infantry units only take the best of the best and that means men.
Officer of Engineers said:
There are a few women who can and did pass the course but light infantry units only take the best of the best and that means men.

There have been many studies across the world which show that women have a mean I.Q. which is lower than that of Men and lower variability. The mean physical strenght of women is lower and so is variability.

This means that if women were inducted into all sections of the combat units, they would form a much lower percentage for elite units than for other units because of the above mentioned.

Even with lower mean I.Q. and physical strenght, if women had higher variability, that would mean they would form higher percentage for elite units than with same mean but lower variability.

P.s. Is this a publicity stunt inducting women into the elite combat units? And no I am not a sexist pig.
sigatoka said:
P.s. Is this a publicity stunt inducting women into the elite combat units? And no I am not a sexist pig.

Well, I am. Having gone through integration in my army, it was not worth the headaches and heartaches for the extremely few women who qualified for the combat arms.

I am not aware of any women in any elite units across the globe. The Chinese had them for a while in supposed "elite" units but after reading their bios, it was obvious that they were appointed rather than promoted.

There are women in elite units but they don't serve in the line roles but more in the admin and HQ staff.

I will qualified myself here. I've served with some fine women NCMs and Officers, some under my command and I will tear anyone apart before they're taken away from me. However, I've also lost some fine male officers and NCMs because they rather quit than to serve with women. These men were combat veterans and their expertise and experience were never replaced.
sigatoka said:
P.s. Is this a publicity stunt inducting women into the elite combat units? And no I am not a sexist pig.

hey u peopel always lash at us for not giving women due rights but we had come up with more fields opened for women u are saying its a publicity stunt how biase of u.
Officer of Engineers said:
There are no American female paras. Women are not allowed into the combat arms in the United States.

infantry units only take the best of the best and that means men.

Why women are not allowed in US ?? Is it the same US that realy issues reports on humen rights and discrimination against women in other countries? :)
Military service is not a right. It's a privledge with volunteer armies and an obligation with conscript armies. As such, no discrimination exists. Otherwise, anyone who is 300lbs overweight and can't get up to get a potato chip can demand to serve.
All three services are committed to full integration. The airforce is the first. I really hope we will not regret this.
Jana said:
hey u peopel always lash at us for not giving women due rights but we had come up with more fields opened for women u are saying its a publicity stunt how biase of u.

Look dont get me wrong Jana, I am not against women serving even in combat. But they must meet the same standards as men do and it must not be because of Political reasons. But I still think there is something uncomfortable about a nation which has to send women to fight and die at the front line. Many people look up to Israel for using woman, I see no greatness in forcing (conscripting) woman to go to the front line to die.

The fact that Women are being inducted into these elite combat units appears to be politically driven.
Jana said:
hey u peopel always lash at us for not giving women due rights but we had come up with more fields opened for women u are saying its a publicity stunt how biase of u.

Woman are good internet warriors though!!!;)
The Israelis were the first to put women into the infantry and they were the first to pull them out of the infantry. It didn't work.
sparten said:
All three services are committed to full integration. The airforce is the first. I really hope we will not regret this.
You will regret this. However, the question is can you make it work?
Sir, how does the Canadian Forces employ women.? I know that you have been fully integrated since the 80's, but I seem to recall you saying that no woman had ever qualified for the infantry. If so,then it does not bode well for the PA.
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