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Workers claim Chinese Factory in Pakistan firing people who ask to be given time to pray

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Its not about love marriages this is about exploitation
Chinese women marry foreigners more than foreign girls marry Chinese, who they marry has nothing to do with me, who I want to marry have nothing to do with others. it's funny that some posters say " your women" marry foreigners.. , Why I have to care who they marry?

Can you tell me how to make people eat if they don't want to?
Ps. I have had said this for a long time. When uber-athiesim married to rampant capitalism meets uber-Islamism there will be trouble. There is absolutely no common ground between the two. One will have to give ground or it will be trouble. You cannot, repeat cannot reconcile uber-athiesim married to rampant capitalism with uber-Islamism.

No way.
Issue needs to be resolved. Pakistan needs investment and boost exports. Productivity should not suffer. Workers should pray kaza or stay longer to make up any lost time.
You should refer to your little red book.
I don't have one, I heard now the only place on earth that people can still find Maoists is India, so maybe you have one.

Thanks for tagging me. You know there is something called 'long distance love'. Two people from far away begin a romance. The huge distance prevents regular contact. Once in six months two days on the weekend are spent floating on air. But then they decide to live together. Few months down the road both are pulling their hair out in frustration because now they find out that they share little in common. Love turns sour. Contempt sets in maturing to hatred.

This is exactly what happened between Pakistan and USA. In early 1960s the 'love' between USA and Pakistan was intense. You just look at the rapturous reception afforded to President Ayub Khan in Washington or how the first lady Kennedy was touted in Pakistan. There were small American 'colonies' near Tarbela, Mangla, Kharian, Badebher [USAF airbase] etc building dams and cantonments in a eerie similarity to how Chinese have moved to Pakistan and set up shop. US manufactuerers tripped to enter Pakistan like General Motors, US engineers shared their [NASA] missile technology at Sonmiaini, nuclear technology through 'Atoms for Peace' programme. Pakistan was touted as a critical US ally in CENTO.

Then. Then it began to go sour. Contempt set in which turned to hatred which today you can see as both sides despise each other. Will the same happen here with the Chinese? Yes. And faster. Because Americans still belonged to a Abrahamic civilization with concept of god etc. The Chinese by comparison are aliens. Athiest beasts. And as more Pakistni's engage and become familiar you will see both sides began to grind. When they grind the friction will give off hate. This is inevitable as uber-athiests meet uber-Islamists.

And it's the begining. We alread heard about the forced prostitution and now this. Drip by drip hate will set in. By bye to "higher then mountains and deeper then oceans". Or sorry that will still be around but that catchprase will be used to express the hatred. In the meantime.


The problem is this I think someone on Quora said it right Pakistan goes through waves of sorts first there was the American wave of the 60s then thevArab/Afghan wave of the 70s,80s,90s then the Indian wave of the 2000s now the Chinese/Turkish waves the things I have slight disagreement with you is comparing the US Cold War alliance wit Pakistan in the 60s to 2019 CPEC is little too broad as for the whole JFK/Ayub thing the Americans in the 50s and 60s did with all US allied leaders not just him back then these days because of security concerns and frankly the fast paced business environment no world leader has time to have a ticker tape parade anyways us Pakistanis claim everyone is brothers be it the Saudis, Chinese,Turks yet we get no same love from all them we dont tolerate foreigners tbh contrary to what we claim if the Chinese have a fall out let's say the Turks do the same thing with us and don't give oh they are Muslim of course you Indus and I have grown with all types of people in the west so we can tolerate their behaviors however your average Pakistani back home will say his way is the best way the Turks are too liberal or what you see what I mean

@Indus Pakistan
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The fundamental question we need to address is. Do we want to engage Chinese as Pakistani;s to look out for interests of Pakistan. Or do we engage the Chinese as Muslim's to look out for the interests of Islam.

That gentlemen and ladies is the question you need to answer. All else flows from that when the premise is established.

Just to clarify I have significant real life contact with Chinese over the years. Now my son is keeping that tradition live. In the group he is at university almost 20% are Chinese students. I n fact he is about to leave on the 24th to Beijing with bunch of international students to chase seed money from Chinese investors for the business idea they have. Indeed if any Chinese member lives in Beijing I would be most please if they could meet him and show him around Beijing. More later on this.
The fundamental question we need to address is. Do we want to engage Chinese as Pakistani;s to look out for interests of Pakistan. Or do we engage the Chinese as Muslim's to look out for the interests of Islam.

That gentlemen and ladies is the question you need to answer. All else flows from that when the premise is established.

Just to clarify I have significant real life contact with Chinese over the years. Now my son is keeping that tradition live. In the group he is at university almost 20% are Chinese students. I n fact he is about to leave on the 24th to Beijing with bunch of international students to chase seed money from Chinese investors for the business idea they have. Indeed if any Chinese member lives in Beijing I would be most please if they could meet him and show him around Beijing. More later on this.

Interesting good luck for your son there how long will he be there for
Lest any Chinese think I have issues with them. Non. I am open minded and of your athiest or even gay I am cool with it as long as you don't shove it on me. Live and let live. But most Pakistani's do not think like me.
Certainly my son is going to have fun. He has been shopping today. Chinese girls fall at his feet. And I don't mean this in a bad way.
Lest any Chinese think I have issues with them. Non. I am open minded and of your athiest or even gay I am cool with it as long as you don't shove it on me. Live and let live. But most Pakistani's do not think like me.

Pakistanis think they are saints and pure Muslim this the problem when you cloak so called Islamism with politics and culture it leads to warped view of the world also our govt sucks at PR they claim everyone from the Turks,Chinese Saudi,or etc as brothers then incident like this occur the govt needs to separate state to state and people to people
Here, chinese company owners dont like to provide the BD gov sanctioned christian holidays. They say they have some issue with Christianity.
Thanks for tagging me. You know there is something called 'long distance love'. Two people from far away begin a romance. The huge distance prevents regular contact. Once in six months two days on the weekend are spent floating on air. But then they decide to live together. Few months down the road both are pulling their hair out in frustration because now they find out that they share little in common. Love turns sour. Contempt sets in maturing to hatred.

This is exactly what happened between Pakistan and USA. In early 1960s the 'love' between USA and Pakistan was intense. You just look at the rapturous reception afforded to President Ayub Khan in Washington or how the first lady Kennedy was touted in Pakistan. There were small American 'colonies' near Tarbela, Mangla, Kharian, Badebher [USAF airbase] etc building dams and cantonments in a eerie similarity to how Chinese have moved to Pakistan and set up shop. US manufactuerers tripped to enter Pakistan like General Motors, US engineers shared their [NASA] missile technology at Sonmiaini, nuclear technology through 'Atoms for Peace' programme. Pakistan was touted as a critical US ally in CENTO.

Then. Then it began to go sour. Contempt set in which turned to hatred which today you can see as both sides despise each other. Will the same happen here with the Chinese? Yes. And faster. Because Americans still belonged to a Abrahamic civilization with concept of god etc. The Chinese by comparison are aliens. Athiest beasts. And as more Pakistni's engage and become familiar you will see both sides began to grind. When they grind the friction will give off hate. This is inevitable as uber-athiests meet uber-Islamists.

And it's the begining. We alread heard about the forced prostitution and now this. Drip by drip hate will set in. By bye to "higher then mountains and deeper then oceans". Or sorry that will still be around but that catchprase will be used to express the hatred. In the meantime.


So true. Now Pakistan should kick out Chinese out of Pakistan as quick as possible to avoid further damage. As a martial race of South Asia, the handsome PM should announce a policy to expropriate the stupid Chinese's property to compensate the damage Chinese cause to Pakistan, it's perfectly fair, the pirate IMF treat Pakistan even nicer than the "higher then mountains and deeper then oceans" fly from another side of Himalaya. The Himalaya is just too high, otherwise Pakistani would know Chinese are in fact aliens 7000 years ago since the very beginning of great Indus Valley era, May God bless Himalaya mountains exist for ever!

Certainly my son is going to have fun. He has been shopping today. Chinese girls fall at his feet. And I don't mean this in a bad way.

Again good luck to him I would love to he able travel like that my father and I use to that a lot but since HS and College came we got no time to travel these days tho my dream is to me come a solo traveler at some point
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