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Russia Competes With China for Arms Sales to Pakistan


CAST: Pakistan is interested in Russian aircraft, tanks and air defense
April 15, 03:04

© RIA News / Maxim Blinov
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Multipurpose MiG-35 fighter. Archival photo
MOSCOW, April 15 - RIA News. Pakistani demand for the purchase of Russian weapons today amounts to $ 9 billion, Islamabad is primarily interested in fighters, air defense systems, tanks and warships, Konstantin Makienko, deputy director of the Independent Center for Strategy and Technology Analysis, told RIA Novosti. April book "Pakistan: Beyond Stereotypes."
"The potential Pakistani demand for purchases of Russian weapons and military equipment amounts to $ 8-9 billion. Pakistan can become the buyer of an extensive range of Russian weapons, including heavy and medium fighters, large, medium and short range air defense systems, main tanks and surface ships." - said Makienko.
According to him, it could be the supply of weapons systems, from the purchase of which the Indian armed forces refused. Such weapons include MiG-35 fighter jets, Russian combat helicopters of all types, the heavy Mi-26T2 transport helicopter.

The expert noted that, given the low level of competition in the Pakistani arms market, in which at present only the PRC is actually present, Russia could receive extremely favorable terms of contracts.

"Pakistan does not raise the issue of offset obligations, technology transfer, localization of production and other burdens, which have become the de facto standard in highly competitive arms markets," the expert said.
At the same time, he stressed that Pakistan in any case will acquire the necessary weapons. "And some of them, such as the main tanks, anti-tank systems and anti-ship coastal complexes, can be purchased in Ukraine," said the expert.
Pakistan Russia & China cooperation can be the future but speaking of a purchase off the shelf is not doable nor happening at all. We might have selected Item Purchase and in broader aspects, 3 of us may work together for something of our own interest. There has been some understanding as well as positive response by Russia while China is playing the respective part. A joint venture may be on the way. Just look at how we did with JF-17.
If there is a real opportunity to purchase Russian Systems, then it has to be the S400 and also the S350 systems. These are defensive systems and not offensive, and once Russia gets over its hangups, there is no logical reason why Russia cannot sell these systems. Nothing else that Russia has if of interest to Pakistan.

Su35, maybe but the Mig35 is way way too short legged and doesnt offer anything that the JF17 Block III doesnt offer anyway. So, the Mig35 is pointless in every way possible.
Read this line with a focus on bold letters:

"range of Russian weapons, including heavy and medium fighters...."

Heavy-MIG/SU35s or so
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