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PAF put on High Alert, low level fighter jets scramble reported near LoC: Media Report

instead only to propogate lies for their re-election. For that, it might have been prudent to call their bluff and blow one airplane “inside” their airspace.
Only if we had a long term memory. We could have easily said that we just avenged the Atlantic, by smoking some of your Mirages
They were in Pakistani air space, attacking a Pakistani ground position (hut, camel, whatever). And PAF would have been the aggressor? How does this calculation work?

What PAF will not admit is that IAF did in fact found a clink in PAF's layered defense. And it will only add to their confidence. You can be rest assured, that any future attack in India will invite an IAF response in Pakistan. They have even found diplomatic cover from P5 over this act of aggression. And going by precedent, PAF will sit the engagement out as per 'peace time' ROEs.

And I completely agree that Pakistan can ill-afford a war at the moment. PAF's only chance at getting back, was when the aircraft were in Pakistani territory. Now Army and civilians will bear the brunt for next few weeks and public will forget and move on, like after Surgical Strike 1.
Yes thy did smart job cause thier , target was nothing ?
And it can be anything just to bring modi back into power ?
While pak can them in thier own game by accepting another fake strike and to react to tht massivly and if tht happens india wont find those p5 accepting india,s logics ?
On this posting, I stay neutral to both Pakistan and India, and wrote as objectively as possible.

Indian objective seem to be two fold, one is to strike the Kashmir fighter as revenge action to satisfy the mood of Indians, and secondly to humiliate PAF by crossing the line of control. They achieved their second objective. And whether the first objective is a success or failure still quite muddy as claims from both side are in conflict.

The few seconds of intrusion I suspect was done on pre-planning as because it is meant to humiliate the PAF CAP. Indians know very well there are intensive CAP. They would not want to go deep inside Pakistan airspace because that would be suicide. In fact they could launch their glide bombs well inside their side of LOC but they chose not to, but intentionally cross-over for just a few seconds. Dropping of fuel tank while escaping is a standard procedure, especially they know PAF CAP is just nearby.

PAF CAP did not failed. The few seconds of intrusion do not warrant firing of weapon as per Rules of Engagement as described by Oscar. PAF, IMO, had done a good job. If it is in real war time, they would have firing off their missiles regardless of Indian planes have cross the LOC, but this is suppose to be a peace time, so they can't fire any weapon.

If indeed Indians planes had launched glide bombs, the failure would be the ground base air defence element. Advance anti-air defence should be able to shoot down the glide bombs if they can detect them.

I don't know if Pakistan has layer air defence or not. Layer air defence consist of long range air defence missiles, mid-range and short range. It is very expensive and usually only deployed around important facilities like air base, navy ports etc. Even if Pakistan has good layer air defence, I doubt they would deploy them to protect Kashmir fighter camp (if it exist as Indian claims).
Why does PAF not simply release a radar view video of this entire engagement? And befuddle IAF at its own optics game?
EMB 145AEW flew right over #LoC(line of control) .Equipped with radar warning system and mission monitoring systems #embraer145





Hardly anyone can understand the physical n emotional trauma this young boy is going through in DHQ Hospital #Kotli after being caught in indiscriminate #Indian shelling from across the #LoC on Tuesday

Why does PAF not simply release a radar view video of this entire engagement? And befuddle IAF at its own optics game?

They will never do that bcoz they do not want to show 40 km incursion.
So all you are saying is that IAF played really well. Paf did well as per roe but still fell short in the eyes of indian and pakistani nation which is what iaf was looking for. Paf's credibitlity is at stake whether someone likes it or not even though they reacted perfectly. Information warfare is being won by india, so far.
Personally i think paf's response was perfect considering we were not looking for escalation to war.
Read my statement again- PAF did exactly what was needed, India is spinning a deterred attack as an actual one just as they did with Uri.

Let's be very clear. NO nation, including US of A, can unilaterally make the determination that there is an alleged terrorist camp in Pakistan and take action.

PAF would have been well in its right if, after multiple violations of its airspace and warnings given over multiple freqs, the Indians had remained. Cue DG ISPR's statement that IAF should try to remain within Pakistan for 23 mins.

The problem here is it took the CAP some time to intercept, relay the warning, during which they had ample time to release glide bombs. The entire drama unfolded in 4-5 mins. I am trying to impress this upon people since yesterday.
They never released anything- please find me the source where there is any other evidence of the ground being hit other than balakot?

CAP did not take time to intercept as such considering that multiple points were being probed and other assets were being scrambled to assist.

Without seeing an actual strike, the PAF could only assume this was another violation and not a shot fired. Had the IAF fired a single round of cannon at the PAF they could be fired at; RoE and diplomatic messaging is somehow being layered upon response times.

Sure thts why thy wana leave afghanistan cause thy can see accros through the mountains where talibans were hiding since 17years ?lolzz

In other words ,because pakistan is struggling economicly we should alow IAF a air permit to keep crossing the LOC?great logic sir !

No sir ,
We can beat them in thier own game , we can show a new fake strike in pakistan and then can give a strong answer using some of our tactical small weaponry , peace and economic growth are directly related with powerfull defence , who ill be investing in a country which cant defend itself from any aggression?
investors invest in a secure location or a country ?
I cannot reply when you have compleately misunderstood my post.
Please read it again.
Read my statement again- PAF did exactly what was needed, India is spinning a deterred attack as an actual one just as they did with Uri.

They never released anything- please find me the source where there is any other evidence of the ground being hit other than balakot?

CAP did not take time to intercept as such considering that multiple points were being probed and other assets were being scrambled to assist.

Without seeing an actual strike, the PAF could only assume this was another violation and not a shot fired. Had the IAF fired a single round of cannon at the PAF they could be fired at; RoE and diplomatic messaging is somehow being layered upon response times.

I cannot reply when you have compleately misunderstood my post.
Please read it again.

My interpretation of DG ISPR's use of 'payload' has been 'glide bombs'. It is consistent with the crater seen in ISPR pics, and Indians are now claiming to have used Rafael made SPICE kits.
My interpretation of DG ISPR's use of 'payload' has been 'glide bombs'. It is consistent with the crater seen in ISPR pics, and Indians are now claiming to have used Rafael made SPICE kits.
It is an incorrect interpretation- a hyperbole without proof.

Indian claims are fictional at best and hypocrisy at worst.
PAF just went inside Indian airspace with F-16. Confronted by India. They are reporting it on republic TV
The base of the payload shown in ISPR tweet is consistent with glide bomb theory.
Could you please show exactly what pictures you concluded were part of glide bomb?
Again, ISPR hasn’t made ANY mention of glide bomb; it was speculated here when only the initial details were available and claims of a target 100 miles inside were being made.
CPI(M) general secretary Sitaram Yechury, according to sources, asked the government to specify which “Balakot” was struck. There are two locations, one in Azad Kashmir and another in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

The Home Minister said the site hit was in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and the jets entered nearly 80 miles (128 km) inside Pakistan air space across the Line of Control.

Parties doubtful
The Opposition parties questioned this claim. “It sounds very unrealistic that they entered so many miles inside, but the government did not respond to our question,” a senior Opposition leader said.

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