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Russia Pakistan Economic Corridor

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Sep 1, 2016
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Finally, the talks have started about the Russia Pakistan Economic Corridor (RPEC) together with Saudi Pakistan Economic Corridor (SPEC). Perhaps the centuries old Russian dream of reaching warm waters will be finally fulfilled, unfortunately, a lot of blood has been spilt for its fulfillment. In December 1979 when the Soviet Forces landed in Afghanistan, USSR was a super power of the world. In 1989 they had to retreat, badly bruised and defeated. The ‘Mujahideen’ as they were called then supported by Pakistan and America were able to achieve a great military victory but at a very heavy cost for us.

Since then the mighty United Socialist Soviet Republic has been dismembered, Afghanistan continues to bleed while Pakistan is finally on road to recovery after over 50,000 civilian deaths and over $ 200 billion in collateral damages. All this for the Russian dream of warm waters. About the Russian Navy it is said that, ‘More rust than ready’ as most ports are closed for over six months in a year. For a well rounded economy like the Chinese and Americans the Russian require all year around sea routes. After CPEC both RPEC and SPEC are becoming a reality. It is perhaps a civilized approach to sharing of resources.

During one of his last speeches in the parliament, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto (ZAB) the then Prime Minister (PM) and Foreign Minister (FM) mentioned two major foreign policy initiatives; porous borders to resolve the Kashmir dispute and an Economic Corridor through Balochistan for landlocked Afghanistan. Friendship with China was also his initiative. Diplomacy and foreign policy formulation requires long term vision that has been missing for a long time.

Vested self interests have dominated the land of the pure which have been ruled by the impure. Pakistan needs purity of mind followed by selfless action. Empires are short lived and eventually collapse. Personal fiefdoms of the likes of Sharif’s and Zardari’s are under attack these days. There are lessons to be learnt. At the end of the day it is service to the people that counts

War should always be the last option. In the words of Winston Churchill, “War is too serious a business to be left to the Generals”. Instead of border conflicts, Europe has decided to form a Union but after two world wars and several revolutions. Chairman Mao Tse Tung who led an armed struggle to liberate China said, “Revolution comes through the barrel of the gun’. After dismantling status-quo and building a People’s Republic the approach has been economic emancipation not armed conflict. Hong Kong was acquired peacefully, Taiwan is now investing in Mainland China.

The Chinese transformation from gun to growth has been phenomenal. Focus has been on the well being of the common man. Where democracies of the world has failed the Communist party of China (CPC) has been able to deliver. The limitations of a military solution have to be fully understood, as it can only remove barricades, thereby enabling the civilian administration to play its role.

After the break-up of the mighty Socialist Soviet Empire that remained a super power for 77 years of the 20th century has finally decided to pursue capitalist economy. But some lessons have been learnt by them. After coming out of the IMF laid debt trap of $22 billion they have now built surpluses. Recently they have decided on a dollar dump. Out of their reserves, $100 billions have been moved into alternate currencies like the Yuan, Yen and Euro. It seems they have started to use their brain instead of the Soviet braun that caused its collapse.

Afghanistan has long porous borders both with Iran and Pakistan. Warm waters were there in both cases. Iran was under revolutionary leadership. The policemen of the Middle East was not at the helm. By contrast Pakistan was under on unpopular despotic regime ready to do any ones directly work for dollars. A leadership that does not work in its own national interests has no right to remain in power.

Unfortunately, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan has been ruled by individuals who neither understand Islam nor the requirements of a Republic. Vested self interests have dominated the land of the pure which have been ruled by the impure. Pakistan needs purity of mind followed by selfless action. Empires are short lived and eventually collapse. Personal fiefdoms of the likes of Sharif’s and Zardari’s are under attack these days. There are lessons to be learnt. At the end of the day it is service to the people that counts.

The Belt and Road initiative (BRI) of China is an excellent programme. Basic idea was conceived by their Think Tanks’ which was then forwarded to the Party Politburo from where it went to the cabinet for approval. For effective implementation the Communist party of China (CPC) members were then introduced to this concept. It is a fool proof framework for Chinese products that come on the belt after fabrication to reach the market place all over the world. While we in the Islamic Republic are still thinking of farm to market roads the Chinese products are travelling on the international highways. It is perhaps the fastest route from production to consumption leading all the way to monetization. Perhaps quickest return on investment. This indeed will be a Chinese century as they have prepared well for it.

Pakistan can certainly market its location and then spend the revenue generated from this initiative on the uplift of the masses. CPEC, RPEC, SPEC and APEC (America Pakistan Economic Corridor) are all viable approaches. In the recently concluded ‘Think Fest’ (January 12, 13, 2019) it was deliberated that 60% of the budget is consumed in debt servicing and security. The question is out of the remaining 40% how much is spent on Human Resource Development (HRD)? As most of it is consumed by the gluttonous state apparatus which is a major reason that the Islamic Republic of Pakistan is rotting in the dark pits while the People’s Republic of China continues to shine. In the seventies RPEC could have saved us from the agony that we face today, but it is still better than never.

Thank God some lessons have been learnt in 38 years (1979 to 2017). Zia’s dark ages (1977 to 2017) which took us into the war against the Soviet Union are finally coming to an end after the elections in 2018. Ameen. Naya Pakistan is finally in the making.

The writer is an Ex-Chairman Pakistan Science Foundation

Published in Daily Times, January 25th 2019.
Perhaps the centuries old Russian dream of reaching warm waters
Why is there such poor understanding of geography in Pakistan. For pete's sakes and I think I have said this 100s of times. Russia has 'warm waters' Google 'Sochi' please .....

Why is there such poor understanding of geography in Pakistan. For pete's sakes and I think I have said this 100s of times. Russia has 'warm waters' Google 'Sochi' please .....


Chose the right angle and every investment appears to be a corridor and some actually are meant to be one even though no one talks about them.
Chose the right angle and every investment appears to be a corridor and some actually are meant to be one even though no one talks about them.
Many Pakistani's have this thing ingrained in them that the biggest itch Russians have is 'warm waters' and that can only be provided by Pakistan. This bullshot took root after Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The story was the Russkies invaded Afghanistan because they were lusting after Pakistani 'warm waters. Wtf?

It never occurs to them that Soviets actually [strictly speaking] did not invade Afghanistan. Moscow went in to secure the communist government in Kabul. Bit like that saying 'when they go black they never go back' the idea was a country under communist rule could not be allowed to revert. Thus in poured the Red Army to prop up the communist regime in Kabul in 1979.

But for decades all we hear is 'warm waters'. When we know Turkish beaches are rolling in Russian women and they have Sochi, the Black Sea fleet operating in 'warm waters'.
Many Pakistani's have this thing ingrained in them that the biggest itch Russians have is 'warm waters' and that can only be provided by Pakistan. This bullshot took root after Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The story was the Russkies invaded Afghanistan because they were lusting after Pakistani 'warm waters. Wtf?

It never occurs to them that Soviets actually [strictly speaking] did not invade Afghanistan. Moscow went in to secure the communist government in Kabul. Bit like that saying 'when they go black they never go back' the idea was a country under communist rule could not be allowed to revert. Thus in poured the Red Army to prop up the communist regime in Kabul in 1979.

But for decades all we hear is 'warm waters'. When we know Turkish beaches are rolling in Russian women and they have Sochi, the Black Sea fleet operating in 'warm waters'.

Besides, Syria is perfectly tempered for our Russian friends. But, you know, we have the same kind of people in Turkey, too. Some of our dearest believe that Turkey is rich in oil but the US is preventing us from exploiting our natural resources. I can't deal with these people anymore. I'm still young but I've become so unbelievably bitter. It's unhealthy and it makes me feel so old.
And, if I may say so, I've sensed a little change in your behavior, too. You're kinda different.
Why is there such poor understanding of geography in Pakistan. For pete's sakes and I think I have said this 100s of times. Russia has 'warm waters' Google 'Sochi' please .....

you need serious info. russia is blocked by nato....from spain to turkey then upper side norway .they are blocked everywhere uperside of map. they can come between mangolia and kazakhstan there is small belt with tuchs china then they can enter into pakistan... this rout which takes only one day to reach pakistani borders around 5days to karachi and quwader.this route can develop russia’s 60 percent area which is for away from capital mascow .
you need serious info. russia is blocked by nato....from spain to turkey then upper side norway .they are blocked everywhere uperside of map. they can come between mangolia and kazakhstan there is small belt with tuchs china then they can enter into pakistan... this rout which takes only one day to reach pakistani borders around 5days to karachi and quwader.this route can develop russia’s 60 percent area which is for away from capital mascow .
lol. Waste of time to reply to this rubbish.
Why is there such poor understanding of geography in Pakistan. For pete's sakes and I think I have said this 100s of times. Russia has 'warm waters' Google 'Sochi' please .....


Chose the right angle and every investment appears to be a corridor and some actually are meant to be one even though no one talks about them.

Russia has Sevastapol in Crimea which they "annexed" from Ukraine in 2014, they have much of their Naval Force in the Black Sea in Crimea and because of international agreements sighed after WW1 they have full scale rights use the Bosophorus strait in Istanbul to pass their naval ships, besides that also they have Sochi in the South Caucausus region as well then further east out in the Pacific we got the Russian city of Vladivostok home to the Pacific fleet of the Russian Navy right up Japan,PRC and Korea's nose lol.So all that and more Russia has enough ports it needs and if it needs the keys to the Middle East its got Latakia,and Tartus in Syria another reason they are helping Bashar Al Assad.If you ask me I am the opposite of Ahmet Pasha I despise Russia and he despises China lol.


Many Pakistani's have this thing ingrained in them that the biggest itch Russians have is 'warm waters' and that can only be provided by Pakistan. This bullshot took root after Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The story was the Russkies invaded Afghanistan because they were lusting after Pakistani 'warm waters. Wtf?

It never occurs to them that Soviets actually [strictly speaking] did not invade Afghanistan. Moscow went in to secure the communist government in Kabul. Bit like that saying 'when they go black they never go back' the idea was a country under communist rule could not be allowed to revert. Thus in poured the Red Army to prop up the communist regime in Kabul in 1979.

But for decades all we hear is 'warm waters'. When we know Turkish beaches are rolling in Russian women and they have Sochi, the Black Sea fleet operating in 'warm waters'.

The type of Pakistanis who envison "Russo-Pakistani" alliance are the thinking if it ever occurs Gwader will be filled with Buxom Russian, and Eurasian chicks from the former USSR oh boy those horny boys are in for a suprise the chances of that happening is zilch no offense I think Russia greatest resource after "Oil and Gas" is their women lol be it Slavic,Tatar,Kavkaz,or CARs folks lol but they already have Turkey and Greece for that no need for Pakistan ohh also they got Goa also.Back to serious talk the Soviet mentality was that invading Afghanistan would be easy like Hungary/Poland in 1956 or Czechoslovakia in 1968 boy 1979 was asskicking for them plus Brezhnev was a drunkard.End point Russia will never be a friend to Pakistan they sell more weapons to India and they play double games all the time


He did not explained the America-Pakistan Economic Corridor bdw.

Well! A Russia Pakistan Economic Corridor will not be as viable as CPEC, probably it will be a 10% of CPEC but we have to bring in as much investment as we can.

Investments from all over is needed I am glad American Multinational Cargill is stepping up operations in Pakistan we need investments from all over but another corridor is down right stupid RPEC give me a break
End point Russia will never be a friend to Pakistan they sell more weapons to India and they play double games all the time


Anti-Muslim hate is ingrained into the Russian Orthodox mindset, there is nothing we can do about it. Seriously, they refer to pearl white Uzbek Muslims with slightly slanty eyes as blacks in Russia. They are racist and fascist to their core. Putin May have controlled them for now, but that mindset can never leave Russia.

They are still living under the dream of re-taking Istanbul and undoing their embarrassment, and they may actually do it if we follow hadith.

This is where I vehemently disagree with Sheikh Imran Hosein about. @TMA Turks are a bulwark for Islam, not only against the West, but also Russia.

Russians selling their S-400 to India proves they are no ally of Pakistan, and will never forget the defeat we dealt them in Afghanistan. I don’t blame them, because it destroyed their glorious empire.

Afghanistan is now under the Pakistani sphere of influence. Russians won’t forgive us.
Anti-Muslim hate is ingrained into the Russian Orthodox mindset, there is nothing we can do about it. Seriously, they refer to pearl white Uzbek Muslims with slightly slanty eyes as blacks in Russia. They are racist and fascist to their core. Putin May have controlled them for now, but that mindset can never leave Russia.

They are still living under the dream of re-taking Istanbul and undoing their embarrassment, and they may actually do it if we follow hadith.

This is where I vehemently disagree with Sheikh Imran Hosein about. @TMA Turks are a bulwark for Islam, not only against the West, but also Russia.

Russians selling their S-400 to India proves they are no ally of Pakistan, and will never forget the defeat we dealt them in Afghanistan. I don’t blame them, because it destroyed their glorious empire.

Afghanistan is now under the Pakistani sphere of influence. Russians won’t forgive us.

Know many Russians that would refute that, many women from that part of the world are even married to Pakistanis

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