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Glavin: Squeezed by China and Trump, Canada must rewrite foreign policy – fast


Nov 4, 2011
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Glavin: Squeezed by China and Trump, Canada must rewrite foreign policy – fast
The events of the past few days should serve as a bracing warning to our government to overhaul its operating manual with China.

Updated: December 13, 2018

Donald Trump is not what you would call a paragon of circumspection or tact at the best of times, so it should perhaps come as no surprise, but the American president has now poured buckets of gasoline on what was already a geopolitical bonfire in the case of Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei chief financial officer detained in Vancouver earlier this month at the request of the U.S. Justice Department.

It’s bad enough that Beijing’s macabre propaganda machinery has been churning out the most bloodcurdling threats of punishment and consequence-suffering that Canadians should be expected to endure for our impertinence in merely acting in accordance with the law and abiding by a U.S. extradition request to detain Meng on charges of fraud and evading sanctions in laundering money out of Iran by deception, via Skycomm, a Huawei proxy corporation.

Quite apart from the casual contempt for due process, judicial independence and the rule of law implicit in his remarks on Tuesday, Trump gave every impression that Canada merely acted as an American lickspittle when the Mounties apprehended Meng during a Dec. 1 flight stopover at Vancouver International Airport.

“If I think it’s good for the country, if I think it’s good for what will be certainly the largest trade deal ever made – which is a very important thing – what’s good for national security – I would certainly intervene if I thought it was necessary,” Trump said.

With those words, Trump transformed the U.S. Justice Department’s evidence-rich case against Meng and a highly sensitive but otherwise fairly textbook extradition request into something more like a stack of high-stakes poker chips for him to play in his petty trade talks with Beijing.

Trump has played this game before. In the case against another Chinese telecom giant, ZTE Corp, Trump lifted a seven-year ban on the company after it had pleaded guilty to violating U.S. sanctions law by re-selling American-made parts and software to Iran and North Korea. After paying an $892-million penalty, ZTE was given a reprieve by the White House after President Xi appealed directly to Trump. In exchange for a further $1 billion, and after sloshing around millions of dollars to Washington lobbyists close to Trump, ZTE was rewarded by having its ban lifted.

Sleaziness of this type is America’s business and none of our concern, but Canada did not act on the Justice Department’s extradition request just so that American negotiators could up the ante in quarrels about tariffs, intellectual property and all those other Chinese trade irritants that Trump insists must be removed in order to make America great again.

That’s not what the Canada-U.S. extradition treaty is for.

Never mind that Trump had no idea about the Dec. 1 move to snag Meng. Never mind the State Department’s insistence that there was no connection between the U.S. Justice Department’s extradition request and Trump’s trade feud with Xi. The U.S. Justice Department’s case, which will have to be argued by Canadian government lawyers in extradition proceedings that will play out for months on end, is now tainted.

It was clear from the start that the optics were going to be awkward. Meng was arrested the same day that Trump and Xi were meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina to settle the terms of a 90-day tariff-war truce to allow for trade negotiations.

It was clear, too, that the case in Canada would be burdened by weird legal intricacies. Canada can’t extradite anyone to face charges for a crime that doesn’t have an extremely close parallel in Canadian law. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould was already going to have to stickhandle the asymmetry between Canada’s relatively parochial and largely useless sanctions laws and the extraterritorial aspects of American far-reaching sanctions laws.

Now, Wilson-Raybould has been put in the position of having to argue that the grubby ulterior motives Trump has slathered all over Meng’s case are wholly immaterial to the matter.

In the meantime, Beijing is turning the screws on Canada. Michael Kovrig, a senior adviser with the International Crisis Group (ICG) and a Canadian diplomat on leave, was nabbed by China’s Ministry of State Security in Beijing on Monday. According to a report in a Beijing newspaper, Kovrig is being investigated by state security officials on charges that he was involved in activities that “harm China’s national security.” China’s Foreign Ministry said earlier that if Kovrig was working for the ICG, he was committing a crime, because the ICG is not registered with the Chinese government.

Kovrig was known to have strong views opposing Huawei’s involvement in the development of fifth-generation internet technologies in western countries. Nobody knew his whereabouts Wednesday. Said Brock University’s Charles Burton, himself a former diplomat in China: “My heart goes out to Mr. Kovrig … I believe that he will be tortured in interrogation.”

As for Meng, who Chinese authorities say Canada “kidnapped,” she was released on a $10-million bail agreement Tuesday after hearings conducted in open court, where she was ably represented by competent counsel. Her family owns two mansions in Vancouver. Her father, Huawei’s president and founder, is a former People’s Liberation Army member. While she awaits her formal extradition hearings, she will be confined to metro Vancouver. She will wear an electronic ankle bracelet, and will be monitored and escorted around by a blue-chip security company whose services she will pay for herself. All that was missing from her bail arrangement was a wine steward and an aromatherapist. She says she looks forward to spending quality time with relatives and reading novels.

Meng’s case hasn’t just revealed Huawei to be the tool of the Chinese oligarchy and the menace to national security that Justin Trudeau’s government has been warned about, time and time again, by a succession of Canadian and American security and intelligence agencies – warnings the government has ignored.

The whole thing has exposed the charade of Canada’s rotten China policy, with its cavalier inattention to the increasingly savage police-state conduct China exhibits at home and abroad, and its absurd pretensions about strengthening and deepening “win-win” relationships in Canada-China trade and diplomacy.

The events of the past few days cannot be undone. They should serve as a bracing lesson, an opportunity to wholly rewrite Canada’s operating manual with China, a good thing, in the long run.

But for now, Canadians are standing alone at the edge of an abyss, with a Chinese noose around our necks and American shivs sticking out of our backs.

Kovrig was known to have strong views opposing Huawei’s involvement in the development of fifth-generation internet technologies in western countries. Nobody knew his whereabouts Wednesday. Said Brock University’s Charles Burton, himself a former diplomat in China: “My heart goes out to Mr. Kovrig … I believe that he will be tortured in interrogation.”
LOL so the guy is a Huawei hater too. Not to mention he boasts about being fluent in spoken and written Chinese. A wannabe James Bond. Now he squeals like a pig in a slaughterhouse :lol:

Canada's optimal strategy is to tell the US they have a few months (the duration of the extradition hearings) to send in Delta Force and rescue the two Canadians or else they will exchange Meng for the two Canadians.

Let's see if some Delta Force are killed in action shortly. "Accidental deaths" happen while "vacationing" in China.

Global Times chief Mr. Hu already said, "if Meng is extradicted to the US, China's revenge will be far, far harsher than just arresting some Canadians." This could mean PLA is mobilizing for an amphibious attack on Canada to overthrow the Ottawa regime once and for all.
LOL so the guy is a Huawei hater too. Not to mention he boasts about being fluent in spoken and written Chinese. A wannabe James Bond. Now he squeals like a pig in a slaughterhouse :lol:

Canada's optimal strategy is to tell the US they have a few months (the duration of the extradition hearings) to send in Delta Force and rescue the two Canadians or else they will exchange Meng for the two Canadians.

Let's see if some Delta Force are killed in action shortly. "Accidental deaths" happen while "vacationing" in China.

Global Times chief Mr. Hu already said, "if Meng is extradicted to the US, China's revenge will be far, far harsher than just arresting some Canadians." This could mean PLA is mobilizing for an amphibious attack on Canada to overthrow the Ottawa regime once and for all.


@KAL-EL @gambit @jhungary @Jaanbaz @Mage

Your post is quite funny but appropriate. If anyone even ponders that the US is scared of China he simply doesn't know militarily where the US is. I guess sometimes ignorance is a blessing.
China nuclear is enough to wipe out US. China has proven miniature 3 mega ton nuke warhead that can fit into MIRV and hit 12000km distance. The most we kamikaze with US and India. Nobody will be winner and we Chinese don't mind that.

But American will mind alot to bury together with Chinese. :enjoy:

lol invade Canada......Good luck on that.

On the other hand, Canada will not change because Chinese arrested their own people in response, this is about Law and Order, if a country that have extradition agreement with Canada, Canada will arrest the person with a red notice and extradite him/her where the red notice came from. That is call international law.

Of course China can detain as many Diplomat as they want in China, but if this is how China "win" the game, well.
Of course China can detain as many Diplomat as they want in China, but if this is how China "win" the game, well.
We will win one way or another. We might even launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Canada. I am still waiting for Delta Force to try to rescue the two Canadians (maybe more to come).

Your post is quite funny but appropriate. If anyone even ponders that the US is scared of China he simply doesn't know militarily where the US is. I guess sometimes ignorance is a blessing.
We spanked the US silly the last time we went to war. But I guess, for you, ignorance is a blessing :azn:
We will win one way or another. We might even launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Canada. I am still waiting for Delta Force to try to rescue the two Canadians (maybe more to come).

Why would Delta force rescue the two Canadian?? They aren't American.

Also, come back to me when Chinese Government jailing these two Canadian.
Why would Delta force rescue the two Canadian?? They aren't American.
LOL treaty allies are just for backstabbing, I see :lol:

Also, come back to me when Chinese Government jailing these two Canadian.
What the heck is that supposed to mean? They are being interrogated with electrodes attached to their testes. I guess you want them to wait longer :rofl:
What's wrong with some Chinese members in PDF? They are even more ignorant than the Jamaatis...smh.. @Nilgiri

Princeling complex from one child policy I suspect. Lot of spoiled brats (with no sibling to compete with growing up) with time, ego and past humiliation narrative to make up for...... on their hands (esp among elite of the elite that have had time/reason to have their kids taught English).

@Joe Shearer @hellfire
lol invade Canada......Good luck on that.

On the other hand, Canada will not change because Chinese arrested their own people in response, this is about Law and Order, if a country that have extradition agreement with Canada, Canada will arrest the person with a red notice and extradite him/her where the red notice came from. That is call international law.

Of course China can detain as many Diplomat as they want in China, but if this is how China "win" the game, well.

Bro I tried to explain it...but lot of people were not biting:



(It goes on for cpl pages)
Glavin: Squeezed by China and Trump, Canada must rewrite foreign policy – fast
The events of the past few days should serve as a bracing warning to our government to overhaul its operating manual with China.

Updated: December 13, 2018

Donald Trump is not what you would call a paragon of circumspection or tact at the best of times, so it should perhaps come as no surprise, but the American president has now poured buckets of gasoline on what was already a geopolitical bonfire in the case of Sabrina Meng Wanzhou, the Huawei chief financial officer detained in Vancouver earlier this month at the request of the U.S. Justice Department.

It’s bad enough that Beijing’s macabre propaganda machinery has been churning out the most bloodcurdling threats of punishment and consequence-suffering that Canadians should be expected to endure for our impertinence in merely acting in accordance with the law and abiding by a U.S. extradition request to detain Meng on charges of fraud and evading sanctions in laundering money out of Iran by deception, via Skycomm, a Huawei proxy corporation.

Quite apart from the casual contempt for due process, judicial independence and the rule of law implicit in his remarks on Tuesday, Trump gave every impression that Canada merely acted as an American lickspittle when the Mounties apprehended Meng during a Dec. 1 flight stopover at Vancouver International Airport.

“If I think it’s good for the country, if I think it’s good for what will be certainly the largest trade deal ever made – which is a very important thing – what’s good for national security – I would certainly intervene if I thought it was necessary,” Trump said.

With those words, Trump transformed the U.S. Justice Department’s evidence-rich case against Meng and a highly sensitive but otherwise fairly textbook extradition request into something more like a stack of high-stakes poker chips for him to play in his petty trade talks with Beijing.

Trump has played this game before. In the case against another Chinese telecom giant, ZTE Corp, Trump lifted a seven-year ban on the company after it had pleaded guilty to violating U.S. sanctions law by re-selling American-made parts and software to Iran and North Korea. After paying an $892-million penalty, ZTE was given a reprieve by the White House after President Xi appealed directly to Trump. In exchange for a further $1 billion, and after sloshing around millions of dollars to Washington lobbyists close to Trump, ZTE was rewarded by having its ban lifted.

Sleaziness of this type is America’s business and none of our concern, but Canada did not act on the Justice Department’s extradition request just so that American negotiators could up the ante in quarrels about tariffs, intellectual property and all those other Chinese trade irritants that Trump insists must be removed in order to make America great again.

That’s not what the Canada-U.S. extradition treaty is for.

Never mind that Trump had no idea about the Dec. 1 move to snag Meng. Never mind the State Department’s insistence that there was no connection between the U.S. Justice Department’s extradition request and Trump’s trade feud with Xi. The U.S. Justice Department’s case, which will have to be argued by Canadian government lawyers in extradition proceedings that will play out for months on end, is now tainted.

It was clear from the start that the optics were going to be awkward. Meng was arrested the same day that Trump and Xi were meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Argentina to settle the terms of a 90-day tariff-war truce to allow for trade negotiations.

It was clear, too, that the case in Canada would be burdened by weird legal intricacies. Canada can’t extradite anyone to face charges for a crime that doesn’t have an extremely close parallel in Canadian law. Justice Minister Jody Wilson-Raybould was already going to have to stickhandle the asymmetry between Canada’s relatively parochial and largely useless sanctions laws and the extraterritorial aspects of American far-reaching sanctions laws.

Now, Wilson-Raybould has been put in the position of having to argue that the grubby ulterior motives Trump has slathered all over Meng’s case are wholly immaterial to the matter.

In the meantime, Beijing is turning the screws on Canada. Michael Kovrig, a senior adviser with the International Crisis Group (ICG) and a Canadian diplomat on leave, was nabbed by China’s Ministry of State Security in Beijing on Monday. According to a report in a Beijing newspaper, Kovrig is being investigated by state security officials on charges that he was involved in activities that “harm China’s national security.” China’s Foreign Ministry said earlier that if Kovrig was working for the ICG, he was committing a crime, because the ICG is not registered with the Chinese government.

Kovrig was known to have strong views opposing Huawei’s involvement in the development of fifth-generation internet technologies in western countries. Nobody knew his whereabouts Wednesday. Said Brock University’s Charles Burton, himself a former diplomat in China: “My heart goes out to Mr. Kovrig … I believe that he will be tortured in interrogation.”

As for Meng, who Chinese authorities say Canada “kidnapped,” she was released on a $10-million bail agreement Tuesday after hearings conducted in open court, where she was ably represented by competent counsel. Her family owns two mansions in Vancouver. Her father, Huawei’s president and founder, is a former People’s Liberation Army member. While she awaits her formal extradition hearings, she will be confined to metro Vancouver. She will wear an electronic ankle bracelet, and will be monitored and escorted around by a blue-chip security company whose services she will pay for herself. All that was missing from her bail arrangement was a wine steward and an aromatherapist. She says she looks forward to spending quality time with relatives and reading novels.

Meng’s case hasn’t just revealed Huawei to be the tool of the Chinese oligarchy and the menace to national security that Justin Trudeau’s government has been warned about, time and time again, by a succession of Canadian and American security and intelligence agencies – warnings the government has ignored.

The whole thing has exposed the charade of Canada’s rotten China policy, with its cavalier inattention to the increasingly savage police-state conduct China exhibits at home and abroad, and its absurd pretensions about strengthening and deepening “win-win” relationships in Canada-China trade and diplomacy.

The events of the past few days cannot be undone. They should serve as a bracing lesson, an opportunity to wholly rewrite Canada’s operating manual with China, a good thing, in the long run.

But for now, Canadians are standing alone at the edge of an abyss, with a Chinese noose around our necks and American shivs sticking out of our backs.


Lol I think the OP only read the title and not the article.

The author is for law and order and doesn’t think Trump should intervene in the extradition process. He wants her to be sent to an American court.
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