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BCCI will now file a counter-compensation case against the PCB to demand the cost of arbitration.


Jul 6, 2018
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CoA chief Vinod Rai said BCCI will now file a counter-compensation case against the PCB to demand the cost of arbitration.
Edited by Prabhjeet Singh Sethi
Read Time : 2-Min
As the International Cricket Council's (ICC) Dispute Panel quashed Pakistan Cricket Board's (PCB) compensation claim against the Board of Cricket Control for India (BCCI) for allegedly failing to honour a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on bilateral series, Committee of Administrators (CoA)chief Vinod Rai has expressed his happiness. "We are happy that our stand has been vindicated. What PCB termed as Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was just a proposal letter," CoA chief Vinod Rai told PTI. Thanking the people behind this arbitration, Rai said, "I would like to thank the BCCI legal team as well as everyone who worked on this arbitration."

Rai further added that the BCCI will now file a counter-compensation case against the PCB to demand the cost of arbitration. "We will make a presentation to the panel and demand entire cost of compensation to be borne by the PCB for the arbitration where their claims have been dismissed," he added.

The ICC dispute panel ruled that the document signed between the two boards did not seem binding. "...the PCB's claim is dismissed. Costs are reserved," the ICC stated in the one-line order that concluded a 26-page judgement.

"The judgement is binding and non-appealable," it added.

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) had demanded Rs 447 crore compensation after alleging that the BCCI didn't honour the MoU that required India to play six bilateral series between 2015 to 2023.

The BCCI, on its part, maintained that the alleged MoU was not binding and did not stand as Pakistan failed to honour a commitment to support the revenue model suggested by India for the ICC.

The Indian board also said that bilateral cricket with Pakistan was subject to government clearance, which has not been forthcoming since the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

The ICC's three-member dispute resolution committee was formed last year to look into the PCB's compensation claim. The hearing took place at the world body's headquarters here from October 1-3.

The issue goes back to 2014 when the erstwhile BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel signed a one-page document which BCCI always termed as the ''proposal letter'' to play six bilateral series between 2015 to 2023 on home-and-away basis.

"It follows inexorably that the PCB's claim must fail. If there was no obligation on the BCCI to engage in the tours in either 2014 or 2015, its omission to do so was no breach and gave rise to no damages claim," it said.

The first of the proposed series was planned in November 2015 in the UAE but BCCI didn't get permission from the government which is mandatory for any bilateral cricketing engagement with Pakistan.

CoA chief Vinod Rai said BCCI will now file a counter-compensation case against the PCB to demand the cost of arbitration.
Edited by Prabhjeet Singh Sethi
Read Time : 2-Min
As the International Cricket Council's (ICC) Dispute Panel quashed Pakistan Cricket Board's (PCB) compensation claim against the Board of Cricket Control for India (BCCI) for allegedly failing to honour a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on bilateral series, Committee of Administrators (CoA)chief Vinod Rai has expressed his happiness. "We are happy that our stand has been vindicated. What PCB termed as Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was just a proposal letter," CoA chief Vinod Rai told PTI. Thanking the people behind this arbitration, Rai said, "I would like to thank the BCCI legal team as well as everyone who worked on this arbitration."

Rai further added that the BCCI will now file a counter-compensation case against the PCB to demand the cost of arbitration. "We will make a presentation to the panel and demand entire cost of compensation to be borne by the PCB for the arbitration where their claims have been dismissed," he added.

The ICC dispute panel ruled that the document signed between the two boards did not seem binding. "...the PCB's claim is dismissed. Costs are reserved," the ICC stated in the one-line order that concluded a 26-page judgement.

"The judgement is binding and non-appealable," it added.

The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) had demanded Rs 447 crore compensation after alleging that the BCCI didn't honour the MoU that required India to play six bilateral series between 2015 to 2023.

The BCCI, on its part, maintained that the alleged MoU was not binding and did not stand as Pakistan failed to honour a commitment to support the revenue model suggested by India for the ICC.

The Indian board also said that bilateral cricket with Pakistan was subject to government clearance, which has not been forthcoming since the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks.

The ICC's three-member dispute resolution committee was formed last year to look into the PCB's compensation claim. The hearing took place at the world body's headquarters here from October 1-3.

The issue goes back to 2014 when the erstwhile BCCI secretary Sanjay Patel signed a one-page document which BCCI always termed as the ''proposal letter'' to play six bilateral series between 2015 to 2023 on home-and-away basis.

"It follows inexorably that the PCB's claim must fail. If there was no obligation on the BCCI to engage in the tours in either 2014 or 2015, its omission to do so was no breach and gave rise to no damages claim," it said.

The first of the proposed series was planned in November 2015 in the UAE but BCCI didn't get permission from the government which is mandatory for any bilateral cricketing engagement with Pakistan.

This is going to be fun!:pop:
It's pretty much always done in such proceedings. Losing side has to pay costs. Pretty daft of PCB to pursue a case on the basis of an MoU.
Rai further added that the BCCI will now file a counter-compensation case against the PCB to demand the cost of arbitration.

Nazam Sethi and Sharifs should compensate the PCB
Its Indian monopoly , result in Indian favor was expected. That s what happened when gentlemen sport goes in control of brown people.
ICC has killed spirit of sportsmanship in this Game.

To some extent i agree with you...But bringing sports and politics is nothing new...Pakistan's interest to play with India is more to do with financial profit rather than a honest interest to play with India for sportsmanship spirit..And if it is all about money ...then why to crib against the situation that is turning against you. As usual, most of the crucial events in PCB is handled in very immature and emotional way...And in a business, if emotion plays a significant role, then the enterprise is going to be bankrupt on one day or the other....
PCB's requirement to get additional one stop revenue lies with BCCI and in turn GOI to allow India to play in Pakistan....PCB has to understand that BCCI is very much commercial in nature....I am pretty sure, if things would be controlled by BCCI , BCCI would be playing with Pakistan 2 times in a year to get lot of money rather than wasting cricket series involving West Indies and Sri Lanka. PCB has to understand allign with interest of BCCI than other way around...It is an unfortunate situation for PCB but this kind of situation is nothing new.

Now, apart from loosing the face value, BCCI will file a law suit to get its money that involves fighting case for this lawsuit...This entire episode could have been avoided if PCB made some due diligence prior to making a case against BCCI with whom you are asking to play....

Personally, i believe, India and Pakistan should and must play with each other. It does not make sense to not to play any bilateral series but we are open to play ICC events... Like me, many India people would love to see India to play Pakistan in cricket field...
Personally, i believe, India and Pakistan should and must play with each other. It does not make sense to not to play any bilateral series but we are open to play ICC events... Like me, many India people would love to see India to play Pakistan in cricket field...
Politics dominates Indian cricket. Lets not forget that Pakistan has extended invitations to play bilateral series with India several times however India has always rejected it. Sports is a uniting power and must be not be involved with politics at any cost.
Politics dominates Indian cricket. Lets not forget that Pakistan has extended invitations to play bilateral series with India several times however India has always rejected it. Sports is a uniting power and must be not be involved in politics at any cost.

And also, you have to understand, the invitation for India to play in Pakistan is not due to big heart of PCB rather than need to generate revenue for itself that drives it to invite India to play cricket...

It may not be the case with any other country....Again, our relationship with each other is strange....We love to fight with each other in subcontinent....but outside South Asia, if i will have to share my table with any one, i will share it with a friend from Pakistan than an outsider like China or US...
I agree with you. At least with respect to Pakistan, political situation is driving our cricket relation with Pakistan...It may not be the case with any other country....Again, our relationship with each other is strange....We love to fight with each other in subcontinent....but outside South Asia, if i will have to share my table with any one, i will share it with a friend from Pakistan than an outsider like China or US...
The best way to describe it is a broken marriage with a bit of sour love. Pakistanis & Indians are the worst enemies when taking regional politics into account however I truly believe that we both want peace. Sadly peace will only come after Kashmir is solved and this will likely end in both sides hating each other more.

We are best friends abroad but worst enemies within our own territories. Nothing wrong in being patriotic however blinding yourself from the solution is never an option. The only way to achieve peace is to talk with open minds and no restrictions, come up with a solution that works for both of us, like the Chenab Formula. Relations are built by talking. It's sad how more trade takes place between Dubai (a city) and the whole of India/Pakistan than between India and Pakistan.
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