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Afghan General Abdul Raziq and Kandahar governor & NDS chief killed in attack

Any one believing that American General was on the target list also is living in lala land. Those who had to be taken down were taken down, if they had planned to take down the general things would have been different. Nothing could have stopped them.
NATO and Afghan forces are two separate entities. But some people will try their level best to portray them, With clear malafied intent, as one and that this attack was somehow an attack on NATO Forces directly and then link it on the Righteous Anti-Terror Coalition against filthy Terrorists and so on.
Looks more like Dirty game of shadow wars between Secret Services of some Countries or power circles inside Afghanistan instead of a typical Terrorist attack. Who knows whats cooking inside this hellhole country. If it can be called a country at all.
US should stop wasting money on this lost cause my honest opinion. And Taliban should also stop this non sense of fighting for so called "Afghan Cause".
Let the people be ruled by those who accept them. This country cannot be standed united like this by constant intervention and support of foreign powers
who is india blaming i am with india baboons are always factually delusional!
Afghan General"Kandahar's torturer-in-chief" Abdul Raziq, 39, known for his fierce stance against the Taliban, was killed along with a local intelligence commander Abdul Mohmin when a bodyguard opened fire after a meeting in the governor's compound in Kandahar.

Kandahar Governor Zalmay Wesa was also severely wounded on Thursday and contradictory reports whether he survived could not be confirmed early on Friday.

General Scott Miller, the top US commander in Afghanistan who attended the meeting with Abdul Raziq only moments earlier, was not hurt in the attack. Three Americans were wounded.

In a claim of responsibility, the Taliban said they targeted both Miller and Raziq.

"It's the loss of a patriot," US defence chief James Mattis said on Friday, referring to Raziq's death.


Officials said Razeq, General Miller and the other officials were walking towards a landing zone as the helicopter taking the US general's party back to Kabul approached to land when the gunman, who was waiting outside, opened fire on the group.

“Provincial officials including the governor, the police chief and other officials were accompanying the foreign guests to the aircraft when the gunshots happened,” said Said Jan Khakrezwal, the head of the provincial council told Reuters.
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Why is every one a general in Afghanistan?
Police chief General, Provincial Intelligence Head a General, Local Police chief also General?
Whats next check post Officers Generals?
since they are allied to baboons (indians) i i sure guy sitting outaide toilet is aslo called a general in afghanistan! toilet is serious business in supa india!
These two different tweets or such in the same tone through different Afghanistan propaganda teams operating on social media, will actually reveal as what really happened inside Governor Kandahar's Palace. First screenshot reveals as Raziq was already been suspicious to Foreign Backed Afghan Puppet regime despite his hate & malicious intentions towards Pakistan in every form. Then, the famous Zalmay Khalilzad came into picture in last couple of months for Afghanistan peace process and name needs to introduction for his hate towards Pakistan.

As soon as they rid of him, the whole propaganda team started to praise him, blaming Pakistan with everything including racial hatred and then, to me as it appears; luckily Taliban came into picture to claim attack which eventually helped Afghan authorities of rescue. However, there are a lot of observations as well as findings, will be revealed by the time that this shoddy job was done from inside.

Not to forget that contrary to US likeliness for peace talks, there are different forces that would press hard for status quo (war & instability) in Afghanistan for several reasons. Or, here is a message for President to agree with offered terms otherwise, you know the practice. All in all, a lot of developments can be observed.



Lieutenant General Abdul Raziq Achakzai (Pashto: جنرال عبدالرازق اڅکزی‎, 1979 – October 18, 2018)... How come he became General so young?

Famous to run black sites (Torture Cells) for CIA/ANA, got recommendation as usual being war criminal/drug lord like almost thousands of Generals in ANA.
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Here is another Perspective,. there were multiple US berets and still 1 untrained Afghan soldier successfully killed three top targets in a meeting where Gen Miller was included. ????? Unless this is a cover story of Americans.


So you'd be happy to find out that the ISI cleverly ordered the hit.

Do not post bullshit. This incident have the markings of an inside job.

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