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Looting South to feed the North

I will use this formula. Equality between states. All states should have the same get/give ration

If UP gives Rs. 100 and gets back Rs. 87, then Kerala also should get Rs. 87 for every Rs. 100 it gives. This 87/100 ratio should apply to each and every states. That is the fair way to do.

how can that happen ? are you plain stupid ?
Still to see that happen in any state.

Well you guys don't care when UP, Punjab,MP, Haryana, Bihar contribute the most to agricultural production of India. Southern states contribute more because they are more industrialised as much of the land in North India is agricultural land. Guess where the products that South India make get sold, North. Do you know if UP if made a country would be fifth largest in the world and you guys enjoy access to it for free. Well stop the extra coins the north gets and import rice and wheat from them, let the TVS, Enfield etc pay a special tax to sell in North and all will be happy I guess the only loser would be INDIA
Alright, out of the top 10 rice producing states in India 3 are from the South and there are just 5 states in Southern India. While AP produces 130 lank tonnes, UP produces 140L tons and look at the difference in population. Regarding your statement about automobile companies in the South, they are private firms and it is upto them to decide where they want to put up their facilities. You can see private firms across Western, Central and Southern India but not along the ganges belt states because they are aware of the high crime rate, uneducated population who also lack basic civic sense and no wonder no company wants to set up shop in those regions. But, GoI is still allocating you higher paltry based on the taxes you contribute and offering you higher incentives, PSU's and other such govt stuff which is exactly my point that paltry should be offered based on what you contribute which is the only way govt of a particular state could strive for development.

Regarding your statement that UP would be the 5th largest country by population, of-course it would be when they breed like insects and pull their cocks out whenever they see a female organism and most of them happen to be living under the poverty line, so no wonder I wouldn't care what their population is as they aren't the most attractive market and regarding the communal violence and caste-based politics - don't even get me started on that
Everybody else here understood it. you seems to have problem with the concept of fraction?
speak for yourself

how can every state get 90 paisa on a rupee ?
what are you going to do with extra 10 paisa ? pour it down the drain

and vice versa
how can every state get 1.5 rupees on a rupee ?
where are you going to get the extra 0.5 rupees ?
speak for yourself

how can every state get 90 paisa on a rupee ?
what are you going to do with extra 10 paisa ? pour it down the drain

and vice versa
how can every state get 1.5 rupees on a rupee ?
where are you going to get the extra 0.5 rupees ?

Your IQ must be pretty low.

You say 2 things here. I will reply to the second point first. You ask "how can every state get 1.5 rupees on a rupee ?" You cannot. That is why I gave a number (0.85) that is less than 1.

Now to your first point. You ask "how can every state get 90 paisa on a rupee ? what are you going to do with extra 10 paisa ?"

The extra 10 cents go for defense and foreign ministry.
Your IQ must be pretty low.

You say 2 things here. I will reply to the second point first. You ask "how can every state get 1.5 rupees on a rupee ?" You cannot. That is why I gave a number (0.85) that is less than 1.

Now to your first point. You ask "how can every state get 90 paisa on a rupee ? what are you going to do with extra 10 paisa ?"

The extra 10 cents go for defense and foreign ministry.

every state is not on the same level. some states require more help than the others. it is not a feasible way.
extending the logic every person rich or poor can demand the same amount of help from the government.

what every state can demand is a certain minimum be returned to it ? you can put a maximum limit on the amount a state can get.
Well "communist" kerala should not be crying about helping the poor :lol: They have no moral authority to do so.

What happened to their communist idealism ? :P
Lol Kerala has the best HDI and tops out in litracy and standard of living. Instead of being rewarded to it centre is looting us and supporting others for their mismanagement.

India's railway network is to transport UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Bangladesh, W. Bengal people to south and prosperous cities across the nation. Everywhere slums and you will find it's north Indians. Crime rates are high. Look alone Bangalore, a south Indian city, now considered as Khandaani jagir by north Indians. In another decade they will claim Bangalore is adjacent to Delhi and Hindi is the de facto language. The reality. It's not a hate post. South India and even Maharashtra needs some policies to be formed to restrict large scale migration to south India particularly. The problem is real.
Exactly all the recent rape and murders in South was narrowed down to migrant workers from the north.
I have seen many of them standing on the streets starting at the women and making them feel uncomfortable. Lot of them are perverts with lack of Civic Sense.
They don't. They have been here in Bombay since it was Bombay state; and it was mooted that Bombay would be the shared capital of both states.
You dumbwit. Gujratis still migrate to Maharashtra. Have you been to other parts of Maharashtra?
You dumbwit. Gujratis still migrate to Maharashtra. Have you been to other parts of Maharashtra?

First of all, there is no need to abuse. Everyone can become a keyboard warrior.

Secondly, I was referring to Bombay which is the nerve-center of the Indian economy - and the economy of the city is largely controlled by Parsis, Gujaratis and Marwaris and this has been the case since the British era.

It seems pretty obvious you don't know much about economics or the history of Maharashtra. Pick up a book.
First of all, there is no need to abuse. Everyone can become a keyboard warrior.

Secondly, I was referring to Bombay which is the nerve-center of the Indian economy - and the economy of the city is largely controlled by Parsis, Gujaratis and Marwaris and this has been the case since the British era.

It seems pretty obvious you don't know much about economics or the history of Maharashtra. Pick up a book.
I bet you are a tough guy in real life.

I don't want an outsider to lecture me on my state.

Your filthy gujarati kind is present even in the remotest of villages.
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