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Looting South to feed the North

You do realize most industry and job generation in Mumbai is because of Gujaratis, Marwaris and Parsis. Besides the Kirloskars, there is no major Marathi business house.
Why do these gujratis migrate to other states when Modi claims to Gujarat to be best state?
The basic fact:

India is being run by a Gujarati PM. The ruling Party president Amit Shah is Gujarati. RBI Governor is Gujarati (imported from Reliance Inc). PM has inducted MANY Gujratis in his cabinet and in state machinery a la CBI. Modi remains committed to India's top billionaire who also is Gujarati along with Adani whose aircraft was and is disposable for Indian PM forever

Even the Bullet Train took a U-Turn from Delhi to Ahmedabad (prior envisaged route).

India is Gujarat. Gujarat is India under Modi.
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Still to see that happen in any state.

Well you guys don't care when UP, Punjab,MP, Haryana, Bihar contribute the most to agricultural production of India. Southern states contribute more because they are more industrialised as much of the land in North India is agricultural land. Guess where the products that South India make get sold, North. Do you know if UP if made a country would be fifth largest in the world and you guys enjoy access to it for free. Well stop the extra coins the north gets and import rice and wheat from them, let the TVS, Enfield etc pay a special tax to sell in North and all will be happy I guess the only loser would be INDIA

You understand the concept of revenue right. With GST it is not the factory that pays the tax on the product but the consuming client whereever he is. South is generating more revenue not because it has more factories but because people are spending more.

Also, souths staple diet is rice. Check for rice producing states in India. We consume and produce locally. I really don't want to ridicule North, don't make me so.

The problem is, North is breeding too much and not spending enough on their education. So they are remaining poor but also with the present revenue sharing they are dragging other states down along with them.

Per an article, south will add 40 million to its population in the next two decades where as North with the present rate will add 120 million in the same period. Where does that leave us, northies running over to cities in the south, if they keep up the same priorities. This should be avoidable given it is concern of national integrity.
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Lolzzz, Really... Oh I see you are referring to the mathematical first derivative or first order differential ...Well I was not expecting it and especially in this context..Nice premeditated diversion on your part I must say. I was thinking more in legal and constitutional context. I guess the formula for the distribution of the wealth should be changed and the ones that generate more should also get more part of their taxes. Otherwise the best will be an autonomous or independent south.

Clever, wasn't I?
Then the coastal states should have done the same, import food, coal and whatever they take from the North. Contribute equally in the army which is dominated by North Indians. Pay a tax to sell their stuff in North Indian markets. Then talk about absolute equality. Why it is so that while taking their is no equality but when it comes to contribute you remember equality.

coastal states import whatever is available in rest of country. in a lot of cases they are forced to pay higher prices than what is available on the international market.

pay the tax to whom to sell in North Indian markets ?? If North Indian state has a choice of purchasing products who are you going to buy it from ? From your neighbor ?? From some faraway country ??

You are assuming coastal states are making money by selling to North Indian states. Expatriates in Gulf/Singapore, IT boom, textile exports have nothing to do with North Indian states.

contribute to the army ?? Coastal states pay their share of the defense budget. If anything lot of the defense spending occurs in the Northern states where the threat lies.
We can ask one thing .
Every 1 rs we paid as tax to Central Govt should return to us .Not higher nor smaller .
That should be a deal .
Let the illiterate hordes cow belt do some thing in their society,politics to change everything
That's exactly my point. We I'm sure the western, north-eastern, central and southern states are all good in every regard except for the states on the ganges belt which are also ruining the image of India with their filthy civic sense, heavy breeding - overpopulation, high crime rate and communal violence etc and you can't expect their leaders to change anything on the ground in their respective states as the politicians themselves come from the masses and tend to support their actions
Why do these gujratis migrate to other states when Modi claims to Gujarat to be best state?
what is wrong with Gujrati migration ? Most of them are well mannered, educated, hard working and industrious

You understand the concept of revenue right. With GST it is not the factory that pays the tax on the product but the consuming client whereever he is. South is generating more revenue not because it has more factories but because people are spending more.

Also, souths staple diet is rice. Check for rice producing states in India. We consume and produce locally. I really don't want to ridicule North, don't make me so.

The problem is, North is breeding too much and not spending enough on their education. So they are remaining poor but also with the present revenue sharing they are dragging other states down along with them.

Per an article, south will add 40 million to its population in the next two decades where as North with the present rate will add 120 million in the same period. Where does that leave us, northies running over to cities in the south, if they keep up the same priorities. This should be avoidable given it is concern of national integrity.

North India has to control population, to improve education and to build transportation infrastructure
what is wrong with Gujrati migration ? Most of them are well mannered, educated, hard working and industrious
The problem starts when they become manority in an area. Then they seem to forget that they are living in somebodys else state.
We can ask one thing .
Every 1 rs we paid as tax to Central Govt should return to us .Not higher nor smaller .
That should be a deal .
Let the illiterate hordes cow belt do some thing in their society,politics to change everything

1 rs for 1 rs might not work. at least every state should be assured minimum percentage - 70 paise for the 1 rupee

The problem starts when they become manority in an area. Then they seem to forget that they are living in somebodys else state.

They live around the world. you do not have trump or european politician calling for a ban on Gujjus

How about caste based? I need to know how much lingayats of Karnataka contribute, they should receive services in proportion only.

there is no realistic way of calculating by caste - maybe income
diverting attention to caste and religion does not hide the fact - North Indian states have a problem
India's railway network is to transport UP, Bihar, Rajasthan, Bangladesh, W. Bengal people to south and prosperous cities across the nation. Everywhere slums and you will find it's north Indians. Crime rates are high. Look alone Bangalore, a south Indian city, now considered as Khandaani jagir by north Indians. In another decade they will claim Bangalore is adjacent to Delhi and Hindi is the de facto language. The reality. It's not a hate post. South India and even Maharashtra needs some policies to be formed to restrict large scale migration to south India particularly. The problem is real.
1 rs for 1 rs might not work. at least every state should be assured minimum percentage - 70 paise for the 1 rupee

I will use this formula. Equality between states. All states should have the same get/give ration

If UP gives Rs. 100 and gets back Rs. 87, then Kerala also should get Rs. 87 for every Rs. 100 it gives. This 87/100 ratio should apply to each and every states. That is the fair way to do.
That's exactly my point. We I'm sure the western, north-eastern, central and southern states are all good in every regard except for the states on the ganges belt which are also ruining the image of India with their filthy civic sense, heavy breeding - overpopulation, high crime rate and communal violence etc and you can't expect their leaders to change anything on the ground in their respective states as the politicians themselves come from the masses and tend to support their actions

Especially the situation of womans .
Rape also happened in South India.
But what differentiate them with North India is that brutality in there.
And both men and women are much illiterate and lacks civic sense
How is tax calculated in India per states? They can calculate how much tax each state have generated through consumption of goods?
If tomorrow UP and Bihar stop MNCs to operate from other states each and every one of them will have to shift base there considering the size of the market. Southern states were opposing gst as it will favor consumption oriented states which are northern states. Ironically the most mineral rich states are the most backward ones be it jharkhand or orissa but nobody has an issue to exploit their resources. But just because somebody contributes a fraction more they have a issue. Strange?

Actually whose problem is that ?.
Steel industries ,Thermal power industries etc are in North not in South .
Means most of these minerals will goes to there .
In South it is more Hydro and nuclear .
There is no excuse for your inability to develop yourselves .
You are not nearer to any neighbouring nation.Some people gives this reason that because of enemy nations they cant develop.Dont know why .
After 1947 when we together starts the journey ,UP was better than TN.
Kerala was bottom poor state .
Take Kerala ,what resources ,minerals have in our state ? Nothing ,Right ?
Our resources was our people and one generation hardwork made what we are now .
We knows how the northies treated the Keralites and other South Indians .

It is your people inability to develop yourselves .Your people always elect most inept ,useless politicians .

So please stop this excuses .

Still to see that happen in any state.

Well you guys don't care when UP, Punjab,MP, Haryana, Bihar contribute the most to agricultural production of India. Southern states contribute more because they are more industrialised as much of the land in North India is agricultural land. Guess where the products that South India make get sold, North. Do you know if UP if made a country would be fifth largest in the world and you guys enjoy access to it for free. Well stop the extra coins the north gets and import rice and wheat from them, let the TVS, Enfield etc pay a special tax to sell in North and all will be happy I guess the only loser would be INDIA

There is no comparison my friend .
Our states always rely Andhra ,Karnataka or TN for rice .
Means all South states have their own agriculture .
IT sector totally depends West .
Rest are NRI money and manufacturing .

Indians can work anywhere in India .
So all Indians can work in South also but only through our own culture and traditions.

Decades of taxes from SI did nothing good in there .Some household in Bihar has 4 ,5 ration cards why?
Sorry we cant continue this
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