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Japanese media's false report of China-India clash proves the theory of Japanese spy agency.

Jan 16, 2013
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This week (or last week?), some Japanese media house carried a false report of China and India clashing over Maldives in Indian Ocean. The Japanese newspaper (or was it a television news channel?) lied that the Indian navy fired a shot as symbolic gesture of warning following which the Chinese navy retreated from Maldives. All this reports – which originated in Japanese media – have been officially denied by Indian navy. The Indian navy categorically stated that no such incident took place.

So why did Japan lie? Why did Japan make up this false story of China-India clash?

When someone from the community of highest integrity in the world - the Japanese - tell a lie, there should be a strong and serious reason.

What could have compelled the MOST HONEST PEOPLE ON THE PLANET - The Japanese - to lie?

The answer lies in the below quote:
Mystery of Japanese intelligence agencies!

It is theorized that the real power that drives RAW is actually Japanese intelligence. Could it be true? Did Japanese ghost-direct all of RAW's activities ever since it's inception in 1968? In other words, could it be true that for decades, Japanese worked tirelessly behind the scene and are still working to run our own desi spy organization, RAW? It is theorized that just as Westerner's founded and established ISI, Pakistan's intelligence agency, Japanese set up RAW and the difference was that Japanese did it so anonymously that others don't know about this. Could it be true that the dictum of letting colleagues and subordinates take credit for successes actually applied to Japanese officers and not to Kao? Could it be true that the trait of being in the midst of all Indian affairs - active but unseen - is actually of Japanese officers and not of Kao? Should the Mujib-ur-Rehman's compliment of RAW knowing more about Bangladesh than Bangladesh's president himself should actually be reserved for Japanese officers? Over the decades, have the Japanese and Japanese intelligence agencies been using RAW, India's external intelligence agency as an 'alias'? Is it true that Japan helped set up ISRO as an answer to USA helping SUPARCO, Pakistan's space agency?

Whatever be the truth, there are solid reasons for Japanese to do all this:

1. Japan is scarce in funds and material resources. It needs all this to run high-end projects like space exploration, supercomputers, missile technology, and military R&D stuff etcetera. And they can share the costs for all this if they form alliance with India.

2. Japan's spy agency may have acute need of anonymity. Because CIA would try to sabotage Japan's civilian economy, administrative system, R&D projects, diplomatic efforts etcetera. So the way around this is to deflect CIA's ire by pretending that RAW is doing certain things and Japan is an uninterested and unrelated entity. For example a perception is that Indians are building Afghanistan to make it stable. But this caters to Japanese interests. So could it be that Japanese are the real builders and Indians are merely smokescreen? And at the same time Japanese cannot be open about their influence lest they draw CIA's attention.

If Japan is indeed the ghost-writer of RAW's script, they have done a great job. In order to do this, they were thorough in their preparation. They learnt local languages ranging from Hindi to Tamil, Punjabi to Assamese, studied and understood the region's culture, economy and current issues, blended with the local population, worked out solution to local problems such as effecting turnaround in railway, influenced foreign policy decisions such as whether or not to send Indian troops to Iraq war when George Bush requested in 2003.
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Bullshit has no end life.

The big powers posturing is to get the best deal...bigger pie. Period.

The little muppets are given emotional happiness and slogans like higher than K2 and deeper than Mariana Trench.

In the end, little muppets are heart broken and end up becoming someone mistress.
This week (or last week?), some Japanese media house carried a false report of China and India clashing over Maldives in Indian Ocean. The Japanese newspaper (or was it a television news channel?) lied that the Indian navy fired a shot as symbolic gesture of warning following which the Chinese navy retreated from Maldives. All this reports – which originated in Japanese media – have been officially denied by Indian navy. The Indian navy categorically stated that no such incident took place.

So why did Japan lie? Why did Japan make up this false story of China-India clash?

The answer lies in the below quote:



@Wolfhunter @naveedullahkhankhattak

@Hamartia Antidote


@DOTO for life @Reichsmarschall @Valar. @Maarkhoor @Stealth

@The-Hack @volatile @Cool_Soldier @The Diplomat @Big Tank @India Pakistan @MUSTAKSHAF @I S I
This week (or last week?), some Japanese media house carried a false report of China and India clashing over Maldives in Indian Ocean. The Japanese newspaper (or was it a television news channel?) lied that the Indian navy fired a shot as symbolic gesture of warning following which the Chinese navy retreated from Maldives. All this reports – which originated in Japanese media – have been officially denied by Indian navy. The Indian navy categorically stated that no such incident took place.

So why did Japan lie? Why did Japan make up this false story of China-India clash?

The answer lies in the below quote:
@django @friendly_troll96

@Tom M @Nilgiri @SOUTHie



@somebozo @beijingwalker


@PaklovesTurkiye @xyxmt

@Joe Shearer
This week (or last week?), some Japanese media house carried a false report of China and India clashing over Maldives in Indian Ocean. The Japanese newspaper (or was it a television news channel?) lied that the Indian navy fired a shot as symbolic gesture of warning following which the Chinese navy retreated from Maldives. All this reports – which originated in Japanese media – have been officially denied by Indian navy. The Indian navy categorically stated that no such incident took place.

So why did Japan lie? Why did Japan make up this false story of China-India clash?

The answer lies in the below quote:

Source for this “news story”?
This week (or last week?), some Japanese media house carried a false report of China and India clashing over Maldives in Indian Ocean. The Japanese newspaper (or was it a television news channel?) lied that the Indian navy fired a shot as symbolic gesture of warning following which the Chinese navy retreated from Maldives. All this reports – which originated in Japanese media – have been officially denied by Indian navy. The Indian navy categorically stated that no such incident took place.

So why did Japan lie? Why did Japan make up this false story of China-India clash?

The answer lies in the below quote:
Although I highly doubt this is true but I have seen mostly whatever information, "Obvious Information", is available in Public domain is false.
1. Most of the Indian Media or Even Politicians were not knowing Mirage-2000 strike at Pakistan army base which resulted into severe casualties.
2. Indira Gandhi Imposed Emergency for Jaipur City only to transfer 2000MT gold from Jaipur Royal families.
etc etc.. list is endless.

No where in that article does it mention a Clash between India and China. The key take home is " the threat of maritime clash between China and India over the tiny island nation." Indian Navy threatened action ".

It also goes on to say:
India worked with the U.S. to bring the state of emergency to a swift end.

So all in all, the headline of the thread is misleading as the Japanese article doesn't suggest anywhere that an actual "clash" took place. This is just your interpretation of the article and the thread title is misleading and sensationalist at best!

Our Navy is not an immature bunch of play-acting bozos. It is ridiculous to think of such an incident, especially with the Naval vessel of a country with which we are officially at peace. What could be the motivation for such a report?
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This week (or last week?), some Japanese media house carried a false report of China and India clashing over Maldives in Indian Ocean. The Japanese newspaper (or was it a television news channel?) lied that the Indian navy fired a shot as symbolic gesture of warning following which the Chinese navy retreated from Maldives. All this reports – which originated in Japanese media – have been officially denied by Indian navy. The Indian navy categorically stated that no such incident took place.

So why did Japan lie? Why did Japan make up this false story of China-India clash?

The answer lies in the below quote:

@Talwar e Pakistan

@kahonapyarhai @RiazHaq

@Vapnope @PATHAN786KING @El Sidd

R&AW was the Yakuza all along.
I can confirm that Kao himself participated in Sumo matches.
You think it's a coincidence that Kao rhymes with Mao, the eternal enemy?

Ying and Yang.
Mao and Kao.

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