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How this Jingoistic Diplomat at Embassy or Afghanistan in Washington D.C Embarrassed the Entire Afgh


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How this Jingoistic Diplomat at Embassy or Afghanistan in Washington D.C Embarrassed the Entire Afghanistan after he was Shamed by a Pakistani Girl


How this Jingoistic Diplomat at Embassy or Afghanistan in Washington D.C Embarrassed the Entire Afghanistan after he was Shamed by a Pakistani Girl
How this Jingoistic Diplomat at Embassy or Afghanistan in Washington D.C Embarrassed the Entire Afghanistan after he was Shamed by a Pakistani Girl
BY EDITORJanuary 28, 2018
The Taliban claimed responsibility for the Saturday attack, which killed about 100 and injured 235 people, including 30 police officers, Kabul police chief Basir Mojahid said.
According to Taliban’s News Media Al-Emarah the Saturday’s Suicide Attack in Kabul was planned and executed from Kabul, Afghanistan.
“Salahuddin from Kandahar province drove his vehicle filled with explosives in the old interior ministry building & blew it up”

Currently an estimated 20 of the country’s 34 provinces are considered ‘insecure’ by US intelligence assets, while nearly 54 of 105 districts in Afghanistan are under direct Taliban control, according to ABCnews.com.
Why is Afghanistan constantly under terrorists attack? Who is responsible for it?
While the entire world was mourning and condemning the attack on Kabul, an Afghan diplomat embarrassed himself by hypocritically expressing extreme hate towards Pakistan.
Majeed Qarar who is a Cultural Attaché at Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington D.C tweeted this
I took down some of my tweets b/c this Pakistani had retweeted it. For me, me worst Afghan is better than the kindest Pakistani. I really feel guilty for what made a Pakistani happy from me. pic.twitter.com/cU11OnZFk8
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Majeed Qarar@MajeedQarar

I took down some of my tweets b/c this Pakistani had retweeted it. For me, me worst Afghan is better than the kindest Pakistani. I really feel guilty for what made a Pakistani happy from me.
7:29 PM - Jan 27, 2018
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Followed by thread of tweets which brought nothing but shame and embarrassment to the Embassy of Afghanistan in Washington and to the entire Afghan Nation
Deleting tweet doesn’t prove anything except that you don’t deserve to be an Attaché of a country with a councillor mentality,we Pashtuns (Pakistanis) felt same pain for Kabul 2day as would have for Peshawar/Islamabad. Spitting venom & hatred only shows ur character
27 Jan

Majeed Qarar@MajeedQarar
Replying to @WahdatiMili
Normal people? A journalist in Islamabad seems a normal person to you? Even normal people shouldn’t be allowed to interfere in our internal affairs.

Muhammad B Afridi@bilalafriday

Deleting tweet doesn’t prove anything except that you don’t deserve to be an Attaché of a country with a councillor mentality,we Pashtuns (Pakistanis) felt same pain for Kabul 2day as would have for Peshawar/Islamabad. Spitting venom & hatred only shows ur character
4:35 AM - Jan 28, 2018 · Hounslow, London
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But a Pakistani girl Shamed this Afghan Diplomat to the whole Next Level
If a Pakistani man RTs you out of goodwill, you delete tweets. But if a Pakistani woman likes your tweet you follow her? Hypocrisy of the highest order, Mr. Attache.
Your sense of patriotism is a sick joke. “Feel guilty” over this: pic.twitter.com/IsczCtkBbU
27 Jan

Majeed Qarar@MajeedQarar

I took down some of my tweets b/c this Pakistani had retweeted it. For me, me worst Afghan is better than the kindest Pakistani. I really feel guilty for what made a Pakistani happy from me. pic.twitter.com/cU11OnZFk8


If a Pakistani man RTs you out of goodwill, you delete tweets. But if a Pakistani woman likes your tweet you follow her? Hypocrisy of the highest order, Mr. Attache.
Your sense of patriotism is a sick joke. "Feel guilty" over this: pic.twitter.com/IsczCtkBbU
7:54 PM - Jan 28, 2018

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Apparently the criteria for selection of your designation was: disgusting scum.
Oh and its spelled “hypocrisy”. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Replying to @MajeedQarar
Apparently the criteria for selection of your designation was: disgusting scum.
Oh and its spelled "hypocrisy". Stop embarrassing yourself.
8:21 PM - Jan 28, 2018
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This guy is Afghanistan’s cultural attache to US, Afghan Embassy in Washington DC. It shows how Ashraf Ghani has allotted key Diplomatic posts to illiterate & regressive Afghan Warlords. No wonder Afghanistan is a hellhole today. CC: @RazmNaama Thanks for exposing him pic.twitter.com/k3EgZ6uK4d
— Saad (@Saad__tweets) January 28, 2018<<Meed Qarar is a warlord thug who is now Afghanistan’s cultural attache in Washington in Afghan embassy. These are his old pics. He is known to harass women. No wonder Afghanistan has become a hopeless place when thugs like these are allotted diplomatic posts. @RazmNaamapic.twitter.com/koMAIqwRvE— Saad (@nSaad__tweets) January 28, 2018<<Mr Saad tweeted that Majeed Qarar is a Warlord Thug and have a Fake Degree
Ashraf Ghani has allotted diplomatic posts on the basis of ethnocentrism. Majeed Qarar also has a fake degree from Pakistan. Here was a recent case of how ethnocentrism is slowly eating away Afghan institutions. https://t.co/IvCpjZliJY
— Saad (@Saad__tweets) January 28, 2018Majeed Qarar is a warlord thug who is now Afghanistan’s cultural attache in Washington in Afghan embassy. These are his old pics. He is known to harass women. No wonder Afghanistan has become a hopeless place when thugs like these are allotted diplomatic posts”. – Saad This is not the first time that an Afghan diplomat embarrassed himself and his country and it won’t be the last, until Afghanistan’s government stop pointing fingers at other nd get their own house in order. Instead of playing the blame game Afghan government’s priority should be gaining control of the 40% of Afghanistan which is under the terrorists control.


There is something seriously wrong in the afghan society but before I touch into that let me first add.

Jobs like diplomats and cultural attaché are sought after elite jobs that normal countries provide to those that pass federal exams however since Afghanistan is basically a unity of war lords struggling to hold itself together. In such an environment such jobs go mostly to warlords associates as we can see with the high increase of generals in ANA.

Now as for afghans. Their hatred is limitless and almost senseless like a serial killers who is hounding to kill you. It is not like India and I want touch upon the populace that india 's hatred for us is miniscule compared to the Jupiter size hatred Afghanistan holds for us. We may have peace with India one day but we will never have peace with Afghanistan.

The thing is that Afghans in their superiority complex already held Pakistan in contempt and on top of it all the politicians, to unite the country, made Pakistan the enemy to focus the discord at by constantly ad politically shouting Durand line.

Such lies were cooked up that right now the entire Afghan population now believes the lies including the uneducated war lords and sadly the educated lot.

Look at them. Kabul is being bombed every day. Check posts are attacked every day. Thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians are dying and Afghanistan is divided with both ISIS and Taliban and NUG controlling territory and all three have their support bases yet they hound Pakistan.

@Zibago I am sure you remember that when terrorists were in swat and all hell had broken lose. The media, courts and populace made an open gesture that forget India, don't blame India, this is our problem that we must solve our selves from the ground.

But in Afghanistan the entire populace rather than blaming themselves, their decisions and their govts, are looking to antagonize Pakistan by blaming them and looking to create more enemies.

Gentlemen this is what happens when a country which has barely achieved high social fabric enters a devastating civil war which continues 3-4 generations. The afghan social fabric lies ruined, culture destroyed and their hatred is the only thing holding them together. It is dear to them and they will feed it, grow it but never abandon it.
This "cultural attache" is a perfect example of why Afghanistan is a shit hole that it is today
No one thus far into this thread has credited the delta and devgru special/psychological warfare guys embedded with these warlords. These tinpot generals didnt have any chance by themselves in early 2000s but today they are ministers and generals.
How this Jingoistic Diplomat at Embassy or Afghanistan in Washington D.C Embarrassed the Entire Afghanistan after he was Shamed by a Pakistani Girl

Please tell me you were kidding? These people have no shame and no sense of embarassement. Forget about ladies, little girls and little boys, even grown up guys are not safe from them. A six foot tall gym intructor afghan friend of mine used to grow beard before going back to Afghaistan to meet his family. Reason? his words, men harass clean shaven men there because they find them cute and feminine.
Please tell me you were kidding? These people have no shame and no sense of embarassement. Forget about ladies, little girls and little boys, even grown up guys are not safe from them. A six foot tall gym intructor afghan friend of mine used to grow beard before going back to Afghaistan to meet his family. Reason? his words, men harass clean shaven men there because they find them cute and feminine.
Lol No, to add that this same person has a fake degree from Peshawar University which later university decline to validate..
There is something seriously wrong in the afghan society but before I touch into that let me first add.

Jobs like diplomats and cultural attaché are sought after elite jobs that normal countries provide to those that pass federal exams however since Afghanistan is basically a unity of war lords struggling to hold itself together. In such an environment such jobs go mostly to warlords associates as we can see with the high increase of generals in ANA.

Now as for afghans. Their hatred is limitless and almost senseless like a serial killers who is hounding to kill you. It is not like India and I want touch upon the populace that india 's hatred for us is miniscule compared to the Jupiter size hatred Afghanistan holds for us. We may have peace with India one day but we will never have peace with Afghanistan.

The thing is that Afghans in their superiority complex already held Pakistan in contempt and on top of it all the politicians, to unite the country, made Pakistan the enemy to focus the discord at by constantly ad politically shouting Durand line.

Such lies were cooked up that right now the entire Afghan population now believes the lies including the uneducated war lords and sadly the educated lot.

Look at them. Kabul is being bombed every day. Check posts are attacked every day. Thousands of soldiers and tens of thousands of civilians are dying and Afghanistan is divided with both ISIS and Taliban and NUG controlling territory and all three have their support bases yet they hound Pakistan.

@Zibago I am sure you remember that when terrorists were in swat and all hell had broken lose. The media, courts and populace made an open gesture that forget India, don't blame India, this is our problem that we must solve our selves from the ground.

But in Afghanistan the entire populace rather than blaming themselves, their decisions and their govts, are looking to antagonize Pakistan by blaming them and looking to create more enemies.

Gentlemen this is what happens when a country which has barely achieved high social fabric enters a devastating civil war which continues 3-4 generations. The afghan social fabric lies ruined, culture destroyed and their hatred is the only thing holding them together. It is dear to them and they will feed it, grow it but never abandon it.
Is this really the creme de la creme of the Afghan society the problem really lies in the fact that the proganda that is used ti gel together the Afghan communities is far different from the harsh realities of Afghanistan they alhave a false sense of superiority despite being an underdeveloped buffer state for centuries
The Afghans particularly the expat community blames Pakistan to feel good about the conditions they are in right now well blaming us wont free half your country from rule of the Mullahs united
We are going to go for harsher b9rder control and be done with the Afghan problem they need to have honest conversation with each other about the direction they wish to take their country to
When you have policemen selling guns to the enemies of state and being more interested in raping children and smoking weed you know you have a oroblem but the Afghan expats conviniently ignore that and blame Pakistan from everything ranging from their hatred of each other to collapse of govt
Is this really the creme de la creme of the Afghan society the problem really lies in the fact that the proganda that is used ti gel together the Afghan communities is far different from the harsh realities of Afghanistan they alhave a false sense of superiority despite being an underdeveloped buffer state for centuries
The Afghans particularly the expat community blames Pakistan to feel good about the conditions they are in right now well blaming us wont free half your country from rule of the Mullahs united
We are going to go for harsher b9rder control and be done with the Afghan problem they need to have honest conversation with each other about the direction they wish to take their country to
When you have policemen selling guns to the enemies of state and being more interested in raping children and smoking weed you know you have a oroblem but the Afghan expats conviniently ignore that and blame Pakistan from everything ranging from their hatred of each other to collapse of govt

The thing that they fail to come to terms is that this is a civil war and a very severe one and all three groups NUG, The taliban and the ISIS have support from the populace and this support is the reason they are in such a situation. The taliban are able to strike the heart of kabul as well as ISIS. On top of it all they have ethnic friction which constraints the ability of the NUG.
Is it our fault that the divide is so great that after the 2014 election, the US had to make Abdullah the CEO of afghanistan to avoid another civil war actor? Is it our fault that the president cannot pass an executive order to dismiss a member of his own cabinet noor muhammad who openly makes a statement that nobody can dismiss him? Is it our fault that general raziq supporter noor muhammad and openly declared that nobody can remove him as well? Is it our fault that the ANA has more generals and is based on war lord philosophy and groups rather than as a professional army? Cant blame US bcz the US created the Iraq army from scratch and dspite constant failures after a few years they have seen success and dont have war lords in it so the faults in ANA are clearly an afghan problem? Its not our fault that the structure of ANA is so weak that even the US cant punish ANA soldiers from hashish and child raping and child prisoners. its not our fault that the ANA is so compromised that not only do thy sell weapons but also are compromised to such a level that a taliban sympathizer was able to place a bomb on the helipad which blew the helicopter, a feat i have heard from nowhere else.

All of this is not our fault but exactly the social dynamic of afghanistan. Quite frankly afghanistan has struggled with the concept of unity. Yes they have national awareness as afghans and their country but the internal struggle is grander than anything seen before and the internal independence concept is so strong that a power at the center simply struggles to last.

i will give you an example. Ahmad shah abdali did step forward an afghanistan in 1747 but the result was that after his death, afghanistan literally fell apart into small kingdoms and tribes which were united by dost muhammad khan and abdur rehman in his dairies mentions again and again the trouble of uniting afghanistan. you see with the above we saw it again. King zahir shah also faced dissent and sardar daud faced dissent.

zahir shah, daud, the saur revolution, the russian invasion and the civil war afterwards, the taliban rise, their rule and the US invasion and the current stage shows that afghanistan as a centralized united nation cannot exist. The differences are chasms.

The afghan refugees are devoid of the ground situation and blame pakistan whereas the NUG cant afford internal finger pointing bcz that would break the weak NUG and may create more civil war groups so they point to pakistan.

There is hatred zibago over there that is raw and dark. I am glad we have finally awoken to this menace and are establising fences and forts after every kilometer. I am glad we are modernizing the FC and creating more security brigades to combat the border and i am glad we are merging FATA. We need to end this....
LOL and we know who is burning like a pig at the end of the day. Afghan women being raped by Indian rapists who come to build "schools" and "bridges".

Is this really the creme de la creme of the Afghan society the problem really lies in the fact that the proganda that is used ti gel together the Afghan communities is far different from the harsh realities of Afghanistan they alhave a false sense of superiority despite being an underdeveloped buffer state for centuries
The Afghans particularly the expat community blames Pakistan to feel good about the conditions they are in right now well blaming us wont free half your country from rule of the Mullahs united
We are going to go for harsher b9rder control and be done with the Afghan problem they need to have honest conversation with each other about the direction they wish to take their country to
When you have policemen selling guns to the enemies of state and being more interested in raping children and smoking weed you know you have a oroblem but the Afghan expats conviniently ignore that and blame Pakistan from everything ranging from their hatred of each other to collapse of govt

There is only one way to respond to these Afghan pigs. Repatriate their countrymen and keep building the fence. Smoke them out of their Tora Bora holes.

Afghans believe that hate is only reserved for them. They are wrong. Pakistanis absolutely hate Afghans and we will display it in fully glory after a few days when the mass repatriation begins.
This haramkhor is sick pervert, no wonder he is afghani diplomat.

Its very important for Pakistanis to not lower themselves to Afghani level on social media (PDF doesn't count). These hate filled people can't get along with each other let alone others. Remember hypocrite West always side with failed muslim people and nations like kurds and afghanis over independent and strong muslim countries.
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