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Zainab case: Shahid Masood claims regarding ‘serial killer’ are baseless: intelligence sources


The stupid here can't seem to understand anything.

A person steals vegetables and rots in jail for years on years, and the rapists and murderers get arrested and freed.

This Imran is reported to have been arrested before and released at the behest of the local politicians, why is that? Media claims he has no phone and no computer but he was saved by those in power - there's no logic in that? But stupid will find logic.

In this country the rich and powerful don't give a damn about the poor but this scum had resources who bailed him out.
The stupid here can't seem to understand anything.

A person steals vegetables and rots in jail for years on years, and the rapists and murderers get arrested and freed.

This Imran is reported to have been arrested before and released at the behest of the local politicians, why is that? Media claims he has no phone and no computer but he was saved by those in power - there's no logic in that? But stupid will find logic.

In this country the rich and powerful don't give a damn about the poor but this scum had resources who bailed him out.
I am suspecting he was just a kidnapper and part of gang who raped little girl on behest of some rich and well connected person who is making millions by selling / broadcasting videos of rapes and murders.
Probably some sick influential person from that area got in touch with dark web / people and got involved with them because of his own lust and sickness and hired people like Imran to commit such crimes. I am highly doubtful the real person will be caught since he is well connected with the politician and his reputation is on stake and because of him his political party also wants to end this case just like the did it with 300 boys / children case.
You remember serial killer Javed Iqbal who confessed killing of 100 boys, I remember initially a group of Doctors also accused who were involved with Javed in trade of human organs but suddenly they put all blame on Javed and he confessed his crime and killed in jail and Police labelled it as suicide.

Zainab's autopsy reveals gang rape and they arrest only one person, it was also revealed that she kept alive for 2,3 days and fed rice since police found rice bowl and her finger prints in a room and in that room Police also recovers DNA of another rape and murdered girl.

Who own this room and house?
Who support / facilitate Imran? where they are?
Why she kept alive for 2, 3 days , where are the other rapists?
I am suspecting he was just a kidnapper and part of gang who raped little girl on behest of some rich and well connected person who is making millions by selling / broadcasting videos of rapes and murders.
Probably some sick influential person from that area got in touch with dark web / people and got involved with them because of his own lust and sickness and hired people like Imran to commit such crimes. I am highly doubtful the real person will be caught since he is well connected with the politician and his reputation is on stake and because of him his political party also wants to end this case just like the did it with 300 boys / children case.
You remember serial killer Javed Iqbal who confessed killing of 100 boys, I remember initially a group of Doctors also accused who were involved with Javed in trade of human organs but suddenly they put all blame on Javed and he confessed his crime and killed in jail and Police labelled it as suicide.

Zainab's autopsy reveals gang rape and they arrest only one person, it was also revealed that she kept alive for 2,3 days and fed rice since police found rice bowl and her finger prints in a room and in that room Police also recovers DNA of another rape and murdered girl.

Who own this room and house?
Who support / facilitate Imran? where they are?
Why she kept alive for 2, 3 days , where are the other rapists?

Lots of questions.

Maybe she was kept alive for the bidding.
What's the latest? Any progress in case?

Who own this room and house?
Who support / facilitate Imran? where they are?
Why she kept alive for 2, 3 days , where are the other rapists?

The other day, I saw program where the anchor was in that house and room (Of some Ranjha). And as per Ranjha, he saw the picture and informed police that the person (Imran) live in their area but I don't know name of the person or his exact home, but police instead captured him - tortured him for few days and released him after 8 days. If the claims related to room and evidences found from there are true than why he have been released? Sometime, I feel that all this DNA thing is made up, and have doubts that our forensic is that much capable that it can extract DNA from spoon and matched it with another victim died months ago? They somehow suddenly matched the DNA with other victims as well, It looks too good to be true.
Destroying essence and values of journalism

The business of yellow journalism runs upon the demand and supply principle; the more sensation you seek, the more self-created conspiracies and stories you endorse, the more it becomes powerful

The habit or nature of believing in gossip, self created doctrines that suit one’s own ideologies or beliefs, leads to the invention of propaganda, through which ordinary people’s desires are controlled and consent is manufactured. It is human nature to look for the things or stories which are not against the belief system. The belief systems can consist of political, religious or nationalist ideologies or even one’s own desires. Since the invention of social and electronic media it has become very easy for the corporations, powerful groups, and elites to control the desires and manufacture the consent of the ordinary people. The world is full of information but to analyze the correct information still seems to be an art which the majority of the world is still not willing to learn.

In Pakistan, the electronic and social media are the easiest and most effective tools to manufacture consent and manipulate the desires of the masses. The recent case of child rape victim Zainab Ansari, who was killed after being raped, is an example in this regard. From the day her dead body was found to the day of her murderer’s arrest the game of politics and manipulating minds and opinions was played to gain advantage over opponents. If this was not enough Dr Shahid Masood’s self created theory about the serial killer who murdered Zainab and other young girls gave us a glimpse into our moral and rational demise as a society.

In his TV show he came up with a story that the serial killer, who is actually a psychopath, paedophile and suffers from a split personality disorder, is basically a member of an international mafia involved in child pornography. He also claimed that the serial killer Mohammad Imran had around 37 bank accounts and millions of rupees were transferred to these accounts. He also tried to convince the masses that the Punjab government was part of the international pornography racket and they were trying to brush matters under the carpet.

The story went viral through social media and websites and caught the attention of national and international news outlets. Dr Shahid Masood was summoned by the Supreme Court of Pakistan the next morning and the Chief Justice asked him to provide evidence in support of his story. He produced a document which was also circulated on social media and told the court that it was evidence that this criminal had 37 bank accounts. Such was the pressure that even the Punjab Government had to form a Joint Investigation Team, JIT, over the issue.

In reality the document was only a record of banks, who as per state bank instructions only tried to verify if the culprit Mohammad Imran had any bank account with them or not, and they found he did not. It was in fact a rubbish claim and much to expectation this illogical claim and self created story divided public opinion. The people whose political affiliations were with the opponents of PML-N and the ones whose ideological affiliations were right wing spread the story and in fact started believing it. This is actually a sign that we are living in an age where it is very easy to spread lies and is very difficult to prove the truth.

Dr Shahid Masood and many of his other accomplices are using electronic and social media in the name of journalism and spreading lies, false and fudged facts and figures and working against the democracy; attempting to create a rift between institutions and get maximum television rating points. It is not the first time that Dr Shahid Masood and many of his colleagues have come up with a misleading and self created story. Dr Masood a few years back came up with the story of the 35 punctures tape which was proven to be false, even in a court of law, but he kept on doing TV shows without any punishment.

His predictions about the collapse of the government proved false time and again and over the last decade has been busy predicting doomsday, which of course never came. He is not alone – many of his colleagues are doing the same thing. They host TV shows or work as analysts and spread their masters’ agenda of creating anti-democratic, anti-progressive and anti-modern civilization concepts and ideologies. From Zaid Hamid to Orya Maqbool Jan they spread extremism and racism in the name of religion and self created national interest while Dr Shahid Masood and many like him are busy working on the agenda of anti-democratic forces and for their own financial interests.

It requires very little knowledge to understand that there is no way a serial killer who was earning his bread and butter through labor and by stealing mobile phones can be a part of any mafia. His brutal crimes were committed in houses under construction and could not have made a video in these locations as it would have caught the attention of the people around. There is nothing mentioned in the document shown by Shahid Masood that proves that the accused had any bank account.

It is a classic example to understand that the propaganda and yellow journalism is prevailing and progressing because of the collective addiction of society. A society that looks for sensationalism and wants to listen or watch as their way of perceiving and believing is actually giving the power to the groups and individuals to manipulate itself. Such is the polarization that facts are denied only to prove self-claimed affiliations and ideologies.

Even the television channel BOL, whose IT company Axact was involved in running **** websites, is propagating the self fabricated story of Shahid Masood and conducting shows against pornography and the dark web. This is the height of hypocrisy but the people are not interested in finding the truth, they are happy to live in a fantasy world where they are fed with stories and facts of their choice, through television channels like BOL, or anchors like Dr Shahid Masood.

Journalism is not all about settling personal scores with opponents or gaining financial benefits, though sadly most of the media houses and TV anchors have forgotten this basic principle and their sole purpose seems to be getting the highest TRPs and other benefits by aligning with invisible forces and anti-democratic forces. They create stories and news which have nothing to do with reality and in the process easily manufacture the public’s consent and opinion.

The masses who are addicted to sensational news and stories are the clients of this yellow journalism and propaganda. In the age of technology and knowledge revolution, to remain ignorant is a choice and if the masses are not willing to reject the yellow journalism then there is no way that we can stop the demise of ethical and objective journalism .

Having an opinion is not a crime but believing that the opinion one holds is the truth and whosoever does not believe it is an enemy is not the right way. The business of yellow journalism , propaganda, and manipulation of opinion runs upon the demand and supply principle; the more sensation you seek, the more self-created conspiracies and stories you endorse, the more this business of yellow journalism and propaganda becomes powerful.

This act of Shahid Masood should not go unpunished and a judicial inquiry should be conducted against him and he should be brought to law for misleading the masses and for cashing in on the dead body of Zainab Ansari to settle his personal score with the Punjab Government. This criminal act of conducting yellow journalism on dead bodies, at the cost of burring the truth with the hidden agenda of controlling public opinion, needs to be stopped. It is damaging the credibility of all the good and professional media houses and journalists and playing a main role in the polarization of society.


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Destroying essence and values of journalism

The business of yellow journalism runs upon the demand and supply principle; the more sensation you seek, the more self-created conspiracies and stories you endorse, the more it becomes powerful

The habit or nature of believing in gossip, self created doctrines that suit one’s own ideologies or beliefs, leads to the invention of propaganda, through which ordinary people’s desires are controlled and consent is manufactured. It is human nature to look for the things or stories which are not against the belief system. The belief systems can consist of political, religious or nationalist ideologies or even one’s own desires. Since the invention of social and electronic media it has become very easy for the corporations, powerful groups, and elites to control the desires and manufacture the consent of the ordinary people. The world is full of information but to analyze the correct information still seems to be an art which the majority of the world is still not willing to learn.

In Pakistan, the electronic and social media are the easiest and most effective tools to manufacture consent and manipulate the desires of the masses. The recent case of child rape victim Zainab Ansari, who was killed after being raped, is an example in this regard. From the day her dead body was found to the day of her murderer’s arrest the game of politics and manipulating minds and opinions was played to gain advantage over opponents. If this was not enough Dr Shahid Masood’s self created theory about the serial killer who murdered Zainab and other young girls gave us a glimpse into our moral and rational demise as a society.

In his TV show he came up with a story that the serial killer, who is actually a psychopath, paedophile and suffers from a split personality disorder, is basically a member of an international mafia involved in child pornography. He also claimed that the serial killer Mohammad Imran had around 37 bank accounts and millions of rupees were transferred to these accounts. He also tried to convince the masses that the Punjab government was part of the international pornography racket and they were trying to brush matters under the carpet.

The story went viral through social media and websites and caught the attention of national and international news outlets. Dr Shahid Masood was summoned by the Supreme Court of Pakistan the next morning and the Chief Justice asked him to provide evidence in support of his story. He produced a document which was also circulated on social media and told the court that it was evidence that this criminal had 37 bank accounts. Such was the pressure that even the Punjab Government had to form a Joint Investigation Team, JIT, over the issue.

In reality the document was only a record of banks, who as per state bank instructions only tried to verify if the culprit Mohammad Imran had any bank account with them or not, and they found he did not. It was in fact a rubbish claim and much to expectation this illogical claim and self created story divided public opinion. The people whose political affiliations were with the opponents of PML-N and the ones whose ideological affiliations were right wing spread the story and in fact started believing it. This is actually a sign that we are living in an age where it is very easy to spread lies and is very difficult to prove the truth.

Dr Shahid Masood and many of his other accomplices are using electronic and social media in the name of journalism and spreading lies, false and fudged facts and figures and working against the democracy; attempting to create a rift between institutions and get maximum television rating points. It is not the first time that Dr Shahid Masood and many of his colleagues have come up with a misleading and self created story. Dr Masood a few years back came up with the story of the 35 punctures tape which was proven to be false, even in a court of law, but he kept on doing TV shows without any punishment.

His predictions about the collapse of the government proved false time and again and over the last decade has been busy predicting doomsday, which of course never came. He is not alone – many of his colleagues are doing the same thing. They host TV shows or work as analysts and spread their masters’ agenda of creating anti-democratic, anti-progressive and anti-modern civilization concepts and ideologies. From Zaid Hamid to Orya Maqbool Jan they spread extremism and racism in the name of religion and self created national interest while Dr Shahid Masood and many like him are busy working on the agenda of anti-democratic forces and for their own financial interests.

It requires very little knowledge to understand that there is no way a serial killer who was earning his bread and butter through labor and by stealing mobile phones can be a part of any mafia. His brutal crimes were committed in houses under construction and could not have made a video in these locations as it would have caught the attention of the people around. There is nothing mentioned in the document shown by Shahid Masood that proves that the accused had any bank account.

It is a classic example to understand that the propaganda and yellow journalism is prevailing and progressing because of the collective addiction of society. A society that looks for sensationalism and wants to listen or watch as their way of perceiving and believing is actually giving the power to the groups and individuals to manipulate itself. Such is the polarization that facts are denied only to prove self-claimed affiliations and ideologies.

Even the television channel BOL, whose IT company Axact was involved in running **** websites, is propagating the self fabricated story of Shahid Masood and conducting shows against pornography and the dark web. This is the height of hypocrisy but the people are not interested in finding the truth, they are happy to live in a fantasy world where they are fed with stories and facts of their choice, through television channels like BOL, or anchors like Dr Shahid Masood.

Journalism is not all about settling personal scores with opponents or gaining financial benefits, though sadly most of the media houses and TV anchors have forgotten this basic principle and their sole purpose seems to be getting the highest TRPs and other benefits by aligning with invisible forces and anti-democratic forces. They create stories and news which have nothing to do with reality and in the process easily manufacture the public’s consent and opinion.

The masses who are addicted to sensational news and stories are the clients of this yellow journalism and propaganda. In the age of technology and knowledge revolution, to remain ignorant is a choice and if the masses are not willing to reject the yellow journalism then there is no way that we can stop the demise of ethical and objective journalism .

Having an opinion is not a crime but believing that the opinion one holds is the truth and whosoever does not believe it is an enemy is not the right way. The business of yellow journalism , propaganda, and manipulation of opinion runs upon the demand and supply principle; the more sensation you seek, the more self-created conspiracies and stories you endorse, the more this business of yellow journalism and propaganda becomes powerful.

This act of Shahid Masood should not go unpunished and a judicial inquiry should be conducted against him and he should be brought to law for misleading the masses and for cashing in on the dead body of Zainab Ansari to settle his personal score with the Punjab Government. This criminal act of conducting yellow journalism on dead bodies, at the cost of burring the truth with the hidden agenda of controlling public opinion, needs to be stopped. It is damaging the credibility of all the good and professional media houses and journalists and playing a main role in the polarization of society.


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Dr Shahid Masood failed to give details of foreign accounts: FIA


ISLAMABAD: FIA authorities claimed on Wednesday that Dr Shahid Masood had failed to give satisfactory answers to queries posed by the agency and had also not disclosed details pertaining to the bank accounts of suspect Imran Ali.

According to details, the Joint Investigation Team constituted by Punjab government on the orders of the Supreme Court of Pakistan concluded its investigation pertaining to the allegations made by TV anchor Dr Shahid Masood regarding the Zainab rape-and-murder case.

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FIA authorities claimed that Dr Shahid Masood had been given three chances to submit his response to forty questions that were posed to the television anchor.

However, FIA authorities claimed that Dr Shahid Masood had failed to disclose details of the foreign accounts he had spoken of during his show and did not give satisfactory answers to the queries.

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The JIT will submit its report at the Supreme Court of Pakistan after two days.

The curious case of 33 bank accounts Dr Shahid Masood directly addressed Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar and urged him to take notice of the fact that suspect Imran Ali was not a mentally deranged person neither was he a carpenter. He alleged that Punjab government had not disclosed the truth about the suspect.

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The television anchor claimed that Imran Ali was part of an international mafia who were in the business of ‘Violent Child Pornography’. He alleged that suspect Imran Ali was operating 37 bank accounts in his name.

“Transactions of thousands of dollars, pounds and euros have taken place in all accounts that the suspect was operating,” he claimed.

Dr Shahid Masood alleged that Imran Ali was being patronised by an influential political figure in Pakistan and that a federal minister was also part of the racket.

He said that suspect Imran Ali’s life was in danger since the provincial government was trying to ensure that the facilitators of the suspect were not exposed.

PTI chief Imran Khan also took to Twitter and before the allegations were established or heard in court, he tweeted about them.APP/AFP

'Too late to apologise,' SC tells Shahid Masood after JIT terms allegations baseless

The Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Mian Saqib Nisar on Wednesday refused to accept a verbal apology from News One Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood for his startling allegations against the convicted rapist and murderer of six-year-old Zainab in Kasur.

The anchorperson had claimed during a late night show in January that convict Imran Ali was a member of a pornography gang which also includes a Punjab minister. During earlier hearings of the case, Masood had also told the court that the suspect has 37 foreign accounts.

The court today told Dr Masood that it was too late now to apologise after a joint investigation team (JIT) probing his allegations revealed last week that all 18 of the claims made by the anchorperson were false and baseless, and that there was no evidence for any of the allegations made by him.

"In your programme you said that you should be hanged if your allegations are proven incorrect," Justice Nisar reminded the anchorperson.

Dr Masood's counsel said that his client was prepared to do whatever the court asked of him. Following this, the anchorperson verbally apologised twice, but the court refused to accept his apologies.

"Some people had suggested you should apologise in [an earlier hearing in] Lahore," the CJP said. "The time for an apology has now passed," Justice Nisar said, adding that Dr Masood could continue contesting the case if he wished.

The CJP said that justice would be served in the case, and sought a reply from TV channel News One, adjourning the case until March 12.

Earlier this week, six-year-old Zainab Amin's convicted rapist and murderer was formally nominated in the rape and murder cases of seven other children in Kasur. An earlier DNA test of the suspect revealed his DNA was a match with samples recovered from the crime scenes in the seven cases prior to Zainab's.

The investigation officer (IO) probing the cases told an Anti-Terrorism Court that the suspect had kidnapped, raped and killed a total of eight girls.

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Dr Shahid Masood earns SC’s wrath for ‘mocking’ law officer in TV talk show

ISLAMABAD: Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood seemed to have landed himself in a serious trouble as the Supreme Court on Tuesday hinted at charging him with contempt of court.

Headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, a bench of the apex court, was hearing a case pertaining to the anchorperson’s claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s little Zainab.

At the outset of the hearing, Dr Masood came in for a lot of flak for mocking a federal law officer in his TV talk show following the previous hearing on March 12.

The chief justice expressed extreme displeasure over him, saying: “How dare Shahid Masood mocked my law officer.”

The bench while calling for a short break asked the court office to get an electronic screen projector ready to view his recent news programme in which he was seen supposedly mocking the state counsel.

CJP Nisar observed that he would himself frame contempt charges against the anchorperson after watching the programme.

In the previous hearing, the apex court said it will proceed against Dr Shahid Masood after a probe committee found his startling claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s Zainab false and baseless.

The chief justice expressed dissatisfaction over the anchor’s reply, saying he didn’t tender an apology over his accusations in his written statement.

He said he would take action against him in accordance with law.

Dr Masood’s lawyer said his client wanted to apologize formally in front of the bench to which the chief justice said he had made it clear in the previous hearing that the time to seek pardon had passed.

He said a recording of the anchor’s late night talk show wherein he urged him to take notice of his claims about the ‘serial killer’ will be played in the court.

The chief justice said the court would determine how long the news channel and the anchor’s talk show in question could be ordered to remain off air.

Masood had claimed the murderer of Zainab, Imran Ali, owned foreign currency accounts and a whole gang was behind him.

He went on to claim that a highly influential political figure was either backing or involved in the child pornography racket working in Kasur, a group which had been making unethical videos of children and then uploading them on dark web.

ISLAMABAD: Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood seemed to have landed himself in a serious trouble as the Supreme Court on Tuesday hinted at charging him with contempt of court.

Headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, a bench of the apex court, was hearing a case pertaining to the anchorperson’s claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s little Zainab.

At the outset of the hearing, Dr Masood came in for a lot of flak for mocking a federal law officer in his TV talk show following the previous hearing on March 12.

The chief justice expressed extreme displeasure over him, saying: “How dare Shahid Masood mocked my law officer.”

The bench while calling for a short break asked the court office to get an electronic screen projector ready to view his recent news programme in which he was seen supposedly mocking the state counsel.

CJP Nisar observed that he would himself frame contempt charges against the anchorperson after watching the programme.

In the previous hearing, the apex court said it will proceed against Dr Shahid Masood after a probe committee found his startling claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s Zainab false and baseless.

The chief justice expressed dissatisfaction over the anchor’s reply, saying he didn’t tender an apology over his accusations in his written statement.

He said he would take action against him in accordance with law.

Dr Masood’s lawyer said his client wanted to apologize formally in front of the bench to which the chief justice said he had made it clear in the previous hearing that the time to seek pardon had passed.

He said a recording of the anchor’s late night talk show wherein he urged him to take notice of his claims about the ‘serial killer’ will be played in the court.

The chief justice said the court would determine how long the news channel and the anchor’s talk show in question could be ordered to remain off air.

Masood had claimed the murderer of Zainab, Imran Ali, owned foreign currency accounts and a whole gang was behind him.

He went on to claim that a highly influential political figure was either backing or involved in the child pornography racket working in Kasur, a group which had been making unethical videos of children and then uploading them on dark web.
ISLAMABAD: Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood seemed to have landed himself in a serious trouble as the Supreme Court on Tuesday hinted at charging him with contempt of court.

Headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, a bench of the apex court, was hearing a case pertaining to the anchorperson’s claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s little Zainab.

At the outset of the hearing, Dr Masood came in for a lot of flak for mocking a federal law officer in his TV talk show following the previous hearing on March 12.

The chief justice expressed extreme displeasure over him, saying: “How dare Shahid Masood mocked my law officer.”

The bench while calling for a short break asked the court office to get an electronic screen projector ready to view his recent news programme in which he was seen supposedly mocking the state counsel.

CJP Nisar observed that he would himself frame contempt charges against the anchorperson after watching the programme.

In the previous hearing, the apex court said it will proceed against Dr Shahid Masood after a probe committee found his startling claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s Zainab false and baseless.

The chief justice expressed dissatisfaction over the anchor’s reply, saying he didn’t tender an apology over his accusations in his written statement.

He said he would take action against him in accordance with law.

Dr Masood’s lawyer said his client wanted to apologize formally in front of the bench to which the chief justice said he had made it clear in the previous hearing that the time to seek pardon had passed.

He said a recording of the anchor’s late night talk show wherein he urged him to take notice of his claims about the ‘serial killer’ will be played in the court.

The chief justice said the court would determine how long the news channel and the anchor’s talk show in question could be ordered to remain off air.

Masood had claimed the murderer of Zainab, Imran Ali, owned foreign currency accounts and a whole gang was behind him.

He went on to claim that a highly influential political figure was either backing or involved in the child pornography racket working in Kasur, a group which had been making unethical videos of children and then uploading them on dark web.
ISLAMABAD: Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood seemed to have landed himself in a serious trouble as the Supreme Court on Tuesday hinted at charging him with contempt of court.

Headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, a bench of the apex court, was hearing a case pertaining to the anchorperson’s claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s little Zainab.

At the outset of the hearing, Dr Masood came in for a lot of flak for mocking a federal law officer in his TV talk show following the previous hearing on March 12.

The chief justice expressed extreme displeasure over him, saying: “How dare Shahid Masood mocked my law officer.”

The bench while calling for a short break asked the court office to get an electronic screen projector ready to view his recent news programme in which he was seen supposedly mocking the state counsel.

CJP Nisar observed that he would himself frame contempt charges against the anchorperson after watching the programme.

In the previous hearing, the apex court said it will proceed against Dr Shahid Masood after a probe committee found his startling claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s Zainab false and baseless.

The chief justice expressed dissatisfaction over the anchor’s reply, saying he didn’t tender an apology over his accusations in his written statement.

He said he would take action against him in accordance with law.

Dr Masood’s lawyer said his client wanted to apologize formally in front of the bench to which the chief justice said he had made it clear in the previous hearing that the time to seek pardon had passed.

He said a recording of the anchor’s late night talk show wherein he urged him to take notice of his claims about the ‘serial killer’ will be played in the court.

The chief justice said the court would determine how long the news channel and the anchor’s talk show in question could be ordered to remain off air.

Masood had claimed the murderer of Zainab, Imran Ali, owned foreign currency accounts and a whole gang was behind him.

He went on to claim that a highly influential political figure was either backing or involved in the child pornography racket working in Kasur, a group which had been making unethical videos of children and then uploading them on dark web.
ISLAMABAD: Anchorperson Dr Shahid Masood seemed to have landed himself in a serious trouble as the Supreme Court on Tuesday hinted at charging him with contempt of court.

Headed by Chief Justice Mian Saqib Nisar, a bench of the apex court, was hearing a case pertaining to the anchorperson’s claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s little Zainab.

At the outset of the hearing, Dr Masood came in for a lot of flak for mocking a federal law officer in his TV talk show following the previous hearing on March 12.

The chief justice expressed extreme displeasure over him, saying: “How dare Shahid Masood mocked my law officer.”

The bench while calling for a short break asked the court office to get an electronic screen projector ready to view his recent news programme in which he was seen supposedly mocking the state counsel.

CJP Nisar observed that he would himself frame contempt charges against the anchorperson after watching the programme.

In the previous hearing, the apex court said it will proceed against Dr Shahid Masood after a probe committee found his startling claims about the convicted murderer and rapist of Kasur’s Zainab false and baseless.

The chief justice expressed dissatisfaction over the anchor’s reply, saying he didn’t tender an apology over his accusations in his written statement.

He said he would take action against him in accordance with law.

Dr Masood’s lawyer said his client wanted to apologize formally in front of the bench to which the chief justice said he had made it clear in the previous hearing that the time to seek pardon had passed.

He said a recording of the anchor’s late night talk show wherein he urged him to take notice of his claims about the ‘serial killer’ will be played in the court.

The chief justice said the court would determine how long the news channel and the anchor’s talk show in question could be ordered to remain off air.

Masood had claimed the murderer of Zainab, Imran Ali, owned foreign currency accounts and a whole gang was behind him.

He went on to claim that a highly influential political figure was either backing or involved in the child pornography racket working in Kasur, a group which had been making unethical videos of children and then uploading them on dark web.

Bullshit drama continues. Pakistani police and agencies have zero credibility. To improve current condition of police, laws should be in place to do physical testing and drug screening every six months for the police stuff. There should be height to weight proportion set for the police (for those in the field) .means no fatBastard in the polices.,and those who can not maintaine their weight should be doing administrative work. Anyone caught taking bribe should be banned from Polices.

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