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Zaid Hamid CIA Asset


Dec 6, 2009
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Zaid hamid is a CIA agent. The kind garbage he perpetuates can only be concocted by the CIA, by spawning widespread anti-American sentiments as well as push religious fundamentalist ideology within international politics will only lead to American justification, of the invasion of parts of Pakistan.

Secondly targeting affluent spectrum of the society which will compound American hysteria about capable Pakistani terrorists and in fact justify American propaganda of nukes falling into anti-American elements within Pakistan.

Hes constantly spewing a barrage of one dimensional anti-American, pro-Islamic propaganda to further fuel the flames of anti-western attitudes and to cast an archaic view of Pakistan.

Most people don’t know is that Zaid is an Anglo-American, what the hell is doing in Pakistan anyways...

If you don’t believe me watch these videos, with kari nazer (sceptical eye), he has his guard off:

Part 2 7:25

(Part 3 1:30 smoking gun) & 1:48

Part 4 5:36 & 6:16

Part 5 1:22

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A question mark at the end of the topic would have been more appropriate.
:rofl: What :undecided:

I live few miles from the Canada border, can u tell me what weed variety u can get there ?

I am trying to contribute to the growth of a productive discussion. This isn't illegal narcotics discussion forum
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I will change it as soon as I receive a rebuttal

All he said was CIA is trying to buy him, and is scared of him and is troubled by him. Where does he confess his being a CIA asset?

Also, what do you mean by saying that Zaid Hamid is an Anglo-American? In normal language Anglo-American would mean someone whose parents are from the UK and the US. Do you have anything to prove that? If yes, please bring it here.
I am trying to contribute to the growth of a productive discussion. This isn't illegal narcotics discussion forum

Labelling every event as CIA/RAW/Zionist conspiracy was crazy enough for this so called defense analyst .. labelling him as a CIA asset tops all his theories.
I will change it as soon as I receive a rebuttal

I don't think you can change it :no: and rebuttal for what ? no one apart from yourself thinks that way.

I don't need to refute something which is completely absurd to start with, CIA does not recruit people to talk against them and disclose their hidden agendas by making them public, but yeah labeling someone like Zaid Hamid to be one of their own makes sense for all the wrong reasons.

All he said was CIA is trying to buy him, and is scared of him and is troubled by him. Where does he confess his being a CIA asset?

If you watch the video and all the scenes I’ve indicated you would observe he sarcastically hints at the possibility and laughs at part 4 6:16 and then diverts the conversation

Also, what do you mean by saying that Zaid Hamid is an Anglo-American? In normal language Anglo-American would mean someone whose parents are from the UK and the US. Do you have anything to prove that? If yes, please bring it here.

I was trying to be Politically Correct laymen terms he’s white American ( north America whites are referred to Anglo, caucasian, etc.. )

you can tell by his Urdu accent. If a French or other non-native was speaking Hindi you can identify it isn't his native tongue ( he hides it by speaking in sharper tone but you can tell ) plus the biggest give away is his facial appearance, need i say more..
Guys, plz for sake of honesty admit...

Isn't ISI the prime suspect for being ZZH's handlers?

Of course I have no physical evidence, only suspicion..but isn't this a crystal clear suspicion in your minds too??
Zaid hamid is a CIA agent. The kind garbage he perpetuates can only be concocted by the CIA, by spawning widespread anti-American sentiments as well as push religious fundamentalist ideology within international politics will only lead to American justification, of the invasion of parts of Pakistan.

Thats funny. Have you even watched any of Zaid Hamid's talks.

Secondly targeting affluent spectrum of the society which will compound American hysteria about capable Pakistani terrorists and in fact justify American propaganda of nukes falling into anti-American elements within Pakistan.

Zaid Hamid is not Anti-American. He already said in an interview, he doesn't hate America, he just wants foreign countries not to interfere in Pakistan's personal business. He's Pakistani and has every right to care about his country.

Hes constantly spewing a barrage of one dimensional anti-American, pro-Islamic propaganda to further fuel the flames of anti-western attitudes and to cast an archaic view of Pakistan..

Media is free. There's freedom of speech now in Pakistani media.

I dont think he's Anti-American, he is just against American policies, and even some Americans themselves are against their government's policies

Most people don’t know is that Zaid is an Anglo-American, what the hell is doing in Pakistan anyways.....

HAHAHAHA Then why does he have a Pakistani accent when speaking in English (check the above video), and why is his Urdu so perfect. Zaid Hamid is 100% Pakistani.

This is how an Anglo-American sounds in Urdu:

This is how a Pakistani sounds in Urdu (Zaid Hamid speaks better Urdu than the hoist):

More about Zaid Hamid:

Zaid was born in Karachi, in 1964. His father, Col. (Retd) Zaman Hamid has served in the Pakistan Army. Zaid's early life was spent in Karachi, where he obtained his BE degree from NED University, in 1980s.


Also would a CIA agent be banned from Facebook (an American website):

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Zahid hamid folows the views of osama, he does not want america to interfere in pakistan.
Dear no Pakistani wants american interference its not God damn osama who is sitting in some softcorner in US under us protection. Grow up buddy. Its not osama! we Pakistanis don't want it got it?
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