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Z-10 & Z-19 Combat Helicopter News & Discussion

how is it when we compare it with LCH indian?
LCH is developed by HAL for completely special purpose.
It is meant to fight at very high altitudes.
Right now it is about 20% overweight.
deveopment is going on.When it will be ready it can fight at altitudes higher than 6500m.
Compairing to wz-10 it just fall short in weapon carrying and other few things but still both helis are made for different purposes.
WZ-10 :main attack heli
LCH : Attack heli for high terrains like Kashmir and North-East India.
@Mafian God.

LCH serial production started?? If not saying LCH is a prototype is not wrong.
Atleast do some homework before posting kid.
LCH is in development phase.
LCH IOC-Dec. 10
It will get inducted in forces in 2012.

Right. maybe I'm wrong.
Check out wiki:

Basic prototype categories

There is no general agreement on what constitutes a "prototype" and the word is often used interchangeably with the word "model" which can cause confusion. In general, "prototypes" fall into four basic categories:

Proof-of-Principle Prototype (Model) (in electronics sometimes built on a breadboard). This type of prototype is used to test some aspect of the intended design without attempting to exactly simulate the visual appearance, choice of materials or intended manufacturing process. Such prototypes can be used to "prove" out a potential design approach such as range of motion, mechanics, sensors, architecture, etc. These types of models are often used to identify which design options will not work, or where further development and testing is necessary.

Form Study Prototype (Model). This type of prototype will allow designers to explore the basic size, look and feel of a product without simulating the actual function or exact visual appearance of the product. They can help assess ergonomic factors and provide insight into visual aspects of the product's final form. Form Study Prototypes are often hand-carved or machined models from easily sculpted, inexpensive materials (e.g., urethane foam), without representing the intended color, finish, or texture. Due to the materials used, these models are intended for internal decision making and are generally not durable enough or suitable for use by representative users or consumers.

Visual Prototype (Model) will capture the intended design aesthetic and simulate the appearance, color and surface textures of the intended product but will not actually embody the function(s) of the final product. These models will be suitable for use in market research, executive reviews and approval, packaging mock-ups, and photo shoots for sales literature.

Functional Prototype (Model) (also called a working prototype) will, to the greatest extent practical, attempt to simulate the final design, aesthetics, materials and functionality of the intended design. The functional prototype may be reduced in size (scaled down) in order to reduce costs. The construction of a fully working full-scale prototype and the ultimate test of concept, is the engineers' final check for design flaws and allows last-minute improvements to be made before larger production runs are ordered.
Right. maybe I'm wrong.
Check out wiki:

Basic prototype categories

There is no general agreement on what constitutes a "prototype" and the word is often used interchangeably with the word "model" which can cause confusion. In general, "prototypes" fall into four basic categories:

Proof-of-Principle Prototype (Model) (in electronics sometimes built on a breadboard). This type of prototype is used to test some aspect of the intended design without attempting to exactly simulate the visual appearance, choice of materials or intended manufacturing process. Such prototypes can be used to "prove" out a potential design approach such as range of motion, mechanics, sensors, architecture, etc. These types of models are often used to identify which design options will not work, or where further development and testing is necessary.

Form Study Prototype (Model). This type of prototype will allow designers to explore the basic size, look and feel of a product without simulating the actual function or exact visual appearance of the product. They can help assess ergonomic factors and provide insight into visual aspects of the product's final form. Form Study Prototypes are often hand-carved or machined models from easily sculpted, inexpensive materials (e.g., urethane foam), without representing the intended color, finish, or texture. Due to the materials used, these models are intended for internal decision making and are generally not durable enough or suitable for use by representative users or consumers.

Visual Prototype (Model) will capture the intended design aesthetic and simulate the appearance, color and surface textures of the intended product but will not actually embody the function(s) of the final product. These models will be suitable for use in market research, executive reviews and approval, packaging mock-ups, and photo shoots for sales literature.

Functional Prototype (Model) (also called a working prototype) will, to the greatest extent practical, attempt to simulate the final design, aesthetics, materials and functionality of the intended design. The functional prototype may be reduced in size (scaled down) in order to reduce costs. The construction of a fully working full-scale prototype and the ultimate test of concept, is the engineers' final check for design flaws and allows last-minute improvements to be made before larger production runs are ordered.

my bad.
Actually there are 2 more are in testing phase.
So it can not be called a prototype.
Also only 6 WZ-10 are in the service of PLA.
So can we also say that only prototypes are in servive?
WZ-10 recently entered mass production. The mass production version is improved "A" version. WZ-10 program was completed more than 3 years ago but the lack of engine held up deployment. Now China's engine problems are solved.

Hard to say. Because LCH is just a prototype. Which mean it could take atleast 3-5years befor it's ready. And consider then WZ-10 should be getting a upgrade already.
India has no attack helicopter program. That LCH is just made up to fool Indian people. India hasn't ever made any indigenous helicopter. China was making indigenous utility helicopters, transport helicopters and naval helicopters before making something as advanced as WZ-10.

Again, the Indians are proving they are no match it's such a joke. That LCH is never going to enter service for at least 20 years. Wait for the Arjun and the LCA first!
A small number of these were in service in 2008. Due to engine problems, they had to cut production temporarily.

Now it seems that we have both the WZ-10 and WZ-19 in full production, and the WZ-12 in early stages of testing.
LCH : Attack heli for high terrains like Kashmir and North-East India.
What is the purpose of an attack helicopter that is designed to fight in the frozen mountains at the expense of performance on over regular terrain? Unless you are expecting to fight entire wars there, which doesn't fit with the Indian doctrine against either Pak or China. I would appreciate it i you could shed some light on this.

I think if what you say is right, then the LCH is not designed for conventional war but for hunting insurgents. Over the deserts of Sindh, this helicopter would be a sitting duck for our SAMs/Helis. Would this assumption be correct?
LCH is developed by HAL for completely special purpose.


You know what, I just love the words such as HAL, or DRO,

or DRDO, and alikes

Is HAL solely responsible for it then?

It's such a treat, rare though, every time I encounter one of those terms in PDF. :P

... because that means only 1 outcome:

See ya in 2083 AD (with all the luck), or beyond? :welcome:
What is the purpose of an attack helicopter that is designed to fight in the frozen mountains at the expense of performance on over regular terrain? Unless you are expecting to fight entire wars there, which doesn't fit with the Indian doctrine against either Pak or China. I would appreciate it i you could shed some light on this.

I think if what you say is right, then the LCH is not designed for conventional war but for hunting insurgents. Over the deserts of Sindh, this helicopter would be a sitting duck for our SAMs/Helis. Would this assumption be correct?

Actually the project was begun for the armed forces after the Kargil incident. The Kargil conflict showed the need for a dedicated attack copter in high altitudes to the forces, a significant amount of our conflicted areas fell under this category.

* On topic: Which engine is currently using for the WZ-10 ?

Its a really nice attack helicopter, I like it a lot. I wish there was more photos!

India has no attack helicopter program. That LCH is just made up to fool Indian people. India hasn't ever made any indigenous helicopter. China was making indigenous utility helicopters, transport helicopters and naval helicopters before making something as advanced as WZ-10.

Again, the Indians are proving they are no match it's such a joke. That LCH is never going to enter service for at least 20 years. Wait for the Arjun and the LCA first!

What gives you the idea it isnt an attack helicopter?These are India first attempts at making a fighter jet, tank, attack helicopter, etc, etc, etc. Arjun is in service btw..
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Chinese Apache ....:tup:

Kinda looks like Apache , and its fully armed as well in pics - so how can it be a prototype

This looks more like Pre Production status helicopter all weapons systems are already visible on the machine
Does anybody know how it fares up to the Apache?

i guess it's not on par with Apache yet. i read somewhere that the original design was aimed to Apache but due to US blocked the canada made engine sales to china, china has to use its own developed engine but it's not powerful enough so has to redesign the heli to slim down a bit which in turn reducing payloads...

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