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‘You are to blame for downing of Il-20 and death of its crew,’ Russia tells Israel

Oct 15, 2017
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Russia has formally complained to Israel about its air raid on Monday, which led to the downing of a Russian Il-20 plane off the Syrian coast. Moscow has laid the blame for the crew’s deaths “squarely on the Israeli side.”
READ MORE: Russian Il-20 downed by Syrian missile after Israeli F-16s used it as cover during attack – MoD

Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu spoke to his Israeli counterpart Avigdor Lieberman on the phone about the downing of the Russian Il-20 plane on Monday night. He relayed Moscow’s position on the incident, blaming the Israeli military for setting up the Russian plane to be shot down by Syrian air defenses, which were responding to an Israeli air raid, an official statement from the Russian military said.

Shoigu reiterated that Israel failed to notify Russia of the impending attack in a way that would have given its military an opportunity to move the Il-20 out of harm’s way. Instead, the warning came just one minute before the Israeli F-16 fighter jets launched their attack.

“The blame for the downing of the Russian plane and the deaths of its crew members lies squarely on the Israeli side,” the Minister Shoigu said. “The actions of the Israeli military were not in keeping with the spirit of the Russian-Israeli partnership, so we reserve the right to respond.”

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry said the Israeli jets had used the bigger Russian plane as cover during their attack on targets in Syria. The ministry said the Israelis must have known that they were putting the Russian plane at risk, but neither changed their battle plan nor gave a warning in time for the Il-20 to be moved to a safe area.

The Israeli government has yet to publicly comment on the incident.

Even according to Russian own chart Israeli F-16s were war away from Il-20 and moving in opposite direction when it was shot down.


It shows a huge incompetence of Russian and Syrian air defences.
Even according to Russian own chart Israeli F-16s were war away from Il-20 and moving in opposite direction when it was shot down.

View attachment 499592

It shows a huge incompetence of Russian and Syrian air defences.

Anyway if F-16 didn't attack Latakia last night Il-20 would not have been downed in friendly fire. F-16 not S-200 is the cause.
Anyway if F-16 didn't attack Latakia last night Il-20 would not have been downed in friendly fire. F-16 not S-200 is the cause.
If Iran hadn't delivered weapons to Hizbullah, the event wouldn't occur.
So according to your logic, they're to blame
Nothing will happen, just like nothing happened when Turkey shot down one of their fighter jets. Israel will apologise, Russia will accept.
Anyway if F-16 didn't attack Latakia last night Il-20 would not have been downed in friendly fire. F-16 not S-200 is the cause.
If Russians did not go in Syria it would not be shot down. You can make up many such if.

Fact is that Assadist S-200 shot down Russian Il-20. And Israeli F-16 were far away and moving in opposite direction when it happened.
I think this conflict has shown that Russia is a b*tch. America launches two cruise missile salvos on Russia's ally and what does it do? Nothing. Turkey shoots down a Russian warplane and what does it do? Nothing.

100% b*tch.
If Iran hadn't delivered weapons to Hizbullah, the event wouldn't occur.
So according to your logic, they're to blame

The cause is not Iran. The cause is religion. Iran used to be Zoroastrian friendly to Jews. After Muslim conquest by Rashidun, Iran converted to Islam.

If Russians did not go in Syria it would not be shot down. You can make many such if.

Why not? A friend in need is a friend indeed. Syria requested Russia aid. Russia obliged.

Sept. 18 2018 - 17:09
Putin Says Chance Circumstances Were Behind Downing of Russian Aircraft


President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that the shooting down of a Russian military plane near Syria's sea coast was the result of a chain of tragic and chance circumstances.

Russia's Defence Ministry said earlier that the aircraft was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft systems, but accused Israel of indirectly causing the incident, saying Israeli jets operating nearby had put the Russian plane in the path of danger. The ministry threatened to retaliate over what it called a hostile act.

Putin's comments, made after talks with Hungary's prime minister in Moscow, appeared to somewhat defuse the situation though he said Russia needed to look further into what happened.

"It looks most likely in this case that it was a chain of tragic chance events, because an Israeli aircraft did not shoot down our aircraft. But, without any doubt we need to seriously get the bottom of what happened," Putin told reporters.

The Russian president said Moscow's response to the incident would aim at securing the safety of Russian military personnel in Syria's complex civil war in which various outside powers have backed opposing sides.

"As for retaliatory measures, they will be aimed first and foremost at further ensuring the safety of our military personnel and facilities in Syria. And these will be steps that everyone will notice," Putin said.

Russia's Defence Ministry said the Il-20 reconnaissance aircraft, with 15 Russian service personnel on board, was brought down by anti-aircraft batteries of Moscow's ally, Syria, in a "friendly fire" incident.

But the ministry said it held Israel responsible because, at the time of the incident, Israeli fighter jets were mounting air attacks on Syria targets and had only given Moscow one minute's warning, putting the Russian aircraft in danger of being caught in the cross-fire.

"We view the actions of the Israeli military as hostile," Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told Russian state television. "As a result of the irresponsible actions of the Israeli military, 15 Russian service personnel perished."

Sept. 18 2018 - 17:09
Putin Says Chance Circumstances Were Behind Downing of Russian Aircraft


President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that the shooting down of a Russian military plane near Syria's sea coast was the result of a chain of tragic and chance circumstances.

Russia's Defence Ministry said earlier that the aircraft was shot down by Syrian anti-aircraft systems, but accused Israel of indirectly causing the incident, saying Israeli jets operating nearby had put the Russian plane in the path of danger. The ministry threatened to retaliate over what it called a hostile act.

Putin's comments, made after talks with Hungary's prime minister in Moscow, appeared to somewhat defuse the situation though he said Russia needed to look further into what happened.

"It looks most likely in this case that it was a chain of tragic chance events, because an Israeli aircraft did not shoot down our aircraft. But, without any doubt we need to seriously get the bottom of what happened," Putin told reporters.

The Russian president said Moscow's response to the incident would aim at securing the safety of Russian military personnel in Syria's complex civil war in which various outside powers have backed opposing sides.

"As for retaliatory measures, they will be aimed first and foremost at further ensuring the safety of our military personnel and facilities in Syria. And these will be steps that everyone will notice," Putin said.

Russia's Defence Ministry said the Il-20 reconnaissance aircraft, with 15 Russian service personnel on board, was brought down by anti-aircraft batteries of Moscow's ally, Syria, in a "friendly fire" incident.

But the ministry said it held Israel responsible because, at the time of the incident, Israeli fighter jets were mounting air attacks on Syria targets and had only given Moscow one minute's warning, putting the Russian aircraft in danger of being caught in the cross-fire.

"We view the actions of the Israeli military as hostile," Russian Defence Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov told Russian state television. "As a result of the irresponsible actions of the Israeli military, 15 Russian service personnel perished."

Correct. If it wasn't for religions there would have been no need for conflict in the first place.
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