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Xian blogger claims he has seen the H-8 STEALTH BOMBER in test flights


Aug 9, 2008
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A Xi'an internet blogger has claimed that he, along with some other residents of Xi'an, have seen the H-8 stealth bomber doing test flights at an airport near Yanliang at night. From his experience, he says that the aircraft has wing-body-blend design.

China Military Report: China's new H-8 bomber near the airport in Xi'an Yanliang routine test flight

China has been studied more than ten years of stealth strategic bombers - the H-8 cruise missiles, heavy bombers. In fact, the resident near Xi'an, people may already have some experience, when night fell, there will always see taking off from a nearby airport Yanliang large aircraft, driving a red, blue and green navigation lights, near Xi'an, sky flight, that is our new routine H-8 aircraft in flight (as distinct from the same time, flight of the H-6 aircraft, the flight was marked by significantly faster than the H-6 aircraft). I have personally seen, then, H-8 aircraft is what kind of aircraft? H-8 aircraft, have adopted what advanced technology?

The new H-8 strategic bombers successfully developed in China in the FBC-1 (or H-7), the developed countries focus on developing the latest generation of stealth bombers. The time machine started to develop around the mid-nineties in the last century, central to the aircraft's position is: heavy, no less than 18 tons of load of bombs, not less than 1.2 times the supersonic, stealth, carry a new cruise missile is able to hit the North American continent, a range of not less than 10,000 kilometers, with aerial refueling capability. The research task by the Xi'an Aircraft Design Institute and Xi'an Aircraft Manufacturing Co., Ltd. jointly to complete. The new H-8 aircraft, used mainly the following advanced technology and design:
1, BWB conventional aerodynamic layout. H-8 Why conventional aerodynamic layout? This is because the army has independently developed the first large-scale bomber before the bomber is just copying the former Soviet Union, there is no independent design concepts and design ideas, therefore, comprehensive consideration or use of the familiar design of trustworthy better. But also in the design of a large number of application of the latest technology, such as wing-body integration, fly-by, the second surface body design, front and rear edge mobile flaps, wing tanks and other large-scale integration of new technologies.
Second, a comprehensive consideration of stealth design. Stealth design is the first wing-body integration, which is the latest fighter design in China has been widely used technology, there is no difficulty. BWB has the advantage of the entire body with the body surface to form a good transition, did not cause radar reflection of the corner and face, thus greatly reducing the probability of discovery by the enemy. All the fuselage is almost no major visible face seams, smooth fullness of the body appears to form a beautiful machine, like an artful huge roc.
Third, extensive use of carbon fiber composite material. Now evaluation of an advanced aircraft, whether or not the important one is to use the number of composite materials, our new H-8 is the use of a large number of developing our own carbon - carbon fiber composite fuselage production of structural parts. Use of composite materials has the advantage of not only reducing the weight of the body structure, but also greatly enhance the aircraft's fuel load and the load of bombs, but also greatly extends the operational range of the aircraft. In addition, the use of composite materials can also be easy to achieve the purpose of stealth aircraft.
Fourth, for the first time the use of large-scale combat aircraft flaps front and rear edge of mobile technology. The use of combat aircraft flaps front and rear edge of mobile technology, can greatly enhance the mobility and combat aircraft flying at low altitude performance. Prior to this, we use the H-6 bombers but the post-edge mobile flap is just a normal aircraft control technology, but the use of leading-edge mobile flap is not the case, and can make high angles of attack aircraft in flight and the low altitude Anti-time access to unprecedented mobility.
5, submerged wing root engine stealth technology. H-8 bomber used four sets of 'too much OK' turbo-fan engines, using the left and the layout of the two, arranged on both sides of the wing root. As the H-8 with a large wing BWB design, the engine close to wing root mode with submerged fixed at the upper wing. This has the advantage of the engine inlets in the wings before the top, it is difficult to detect by the enemy, air outlet in the upper part of wing, the engine hot air circulated through the infrared suppression device role and can significantly reduce the enemy infrared detection devices the probability of discovery, the purpose of achieving a degree of stealth.
6, the first time in large-scale combat aircraft control system using the telex. We used a large bombers were used hydraulic or mechanical control techniques, thick heavy, use of flexible, time-consuming effort. In this new type of aircraft used by developed by a certain type of telex control system, pilots in the flight, looked handy, just to the onboard computer input flight parameters, the computer will automatically control the aircraft in accordance with procedures in accordance with the best flight mode, thus greatly reducing the pilot's flight intensity.
7, weapons pylons built-in technology. As the aircraft demand stealth performance and long-range missile attacks, therefore, must use built-in weapon pylons. The aircraft can carry two wheel-mounted weapon pylons, in the middle of points around the layout of the fuselage. Each wheel-type pylons can be mounted 6 'Red Bird 3' cruise missiles, two pylons can mount a total of 12 this type of missile, carrying a 35-million metric tons of nuclear warheads with a range of 3,000 km. The pylons can either mount the missiles, but also can choose hang-to-ship missiles and conventional bombs.
8, advanced avionics. Aircraft by requiring long-range precision bombing, so the aviation electronic equipment carried by the current domestic-style the best. The bombing of both the advanced radar, and advanced tracking radar terrain matching, as well as advanced navigation and positioning radar and electronic countermeasures devices. The aircraft can also use the satellite data link system, thus enabling detection devices and other data sharing. Further modifications also said that plasma-based stealth installation of devices to achieve higher requirements for the purpose of stealth.
9, advanced stealth radar absorbing paint. This is our country has just developed a new generation of stealth absorbing coatings, in addition to the glass cockpit, the whole body by the paint coating. The coating not only can absorb a variety of centimeter-band radar, but also can greatly reduce the radiation intensity of active radar, making even a small amount of radar waves reflected back, its intensity is very weak.
10, supersonic flight capability. As a result of the four new engine, thrust-weight ratio makes the machine greatly enhanced with a maximum speed of about Mach 1.4, non-refueling range can reach as far as 11,000 kilometers. Aircraft in wartime if the bases in Heilongjiang, you can over the sea north of Guam, launched cruise missiles to attack any target in North America.
These are our newly developed H-8-based strategic bombers, the main technical performance, there are a lot of incomplete and not wholly satisfactory. But it is, after all, is China's first independently designed and manufactured-type long-range strategic bombers, although the use of a lot of new technology, but there are still many areas that need improvement. We believe that with our continued progress of modern technology the Air Force, the aircraft away from the days of its debut will not be a long time. While the machine is not allowed to participate in last year's air show, but we have reason to believe that the next air show should be a time when it is a go!


There is very little open information on efforts to develop a successor to the H-6. China began work on a new generation long-range bomber in the early 1970s. In the search for a faster bomber that could carry a heavier load, Xian tested an H-6 re-engined with four Rolls-Royce Spey Mk512-5W turbofan engines - two in the wing roots, which necessitated smaller intakes than the stock H-6 engines used, as well as two more engines on pylons on the wings. The fuel-efficient Rolls-Royce Spey Mk-512 turbofans were originally used on the Trident 2E civil aircraft. The Trident was one of the first jet-powered civilian transports acquired by the PLAAF. The order included an agreement to produce the Spey engines under license, and these license-produced engines were subsequently used on the JH-7 military aircraft. The resulting H-6I made its first flight in 1978, though no photographs of this aircraft have emerged. The H-6I flight testing demonstrated an approximately 50% increase in range over the standard H-6 with significant improvements in speed and climb rate. However, the project was canceled with only a single example built as the costs of maintaining and operating the Spey engines proved uneconomical. Plans to modify the entire H-6 fleet were not implemented.

In the early 1980s the Xian H-6M (first use of the designation- the current H-6M is less radical maritime attack version of the H-6) re-did the wings of the bomber to accommodate four high-bypass ratio turbofan engines roughly in the low end of the CFM56 class. It never made it off the drawing board. The fuselage was also slightly stretched and the aft fuselage sighting stations were deleted. This initial effort reportedly featured four Rolls-Royce Spey turbofans under the wings, and a fuselage generally resembling an enlarged H-6/Tu-16 Badger. The resulting bomber was said to be comparable in general performance to the American B-47. This performance was evidently unattractive, and the Chinese government cancelled the program before it moved out of the concept stage.

In the 1980s the Xian H-8II design took the H-6M, stretched it, enlarged the fin, added a new attack radar in the nose and stretched the wings to accommodate six turbofan engines. It never made it off the drawing board. Internet sources have offered pictures of what is referred to as the H-8.

The new H-8 is the first stealth plane for China. One report claims that it was taken into development in 1994 to match the American B-2A. With a weapons load targeted at 18 tons, the bomber may travel at 1.2 Mach to penetrate defended territory or in order to escape. The bomber will carry a new stealth cruise missile, and is reported to have the range to reach targets on the continental United States, qwith a range estimated to be up to ten thousand kilometers. The aircraft uses domestically produced advanced navigation equipment. The bomber has been designed by the 603 institute, and Xian will be responsible for producing the bomber. The bomber will be the first domestically designed and manufactured strategic bomber.

The H-8 was reported to use a high-tech blended wing-body design, has fly-by-wire controls, and an angled fuselage. The wing has massive internal fuel tanks. The aircraft used carbon fiber and other composite materials. The weapons bay has a rotating weapons profile. The bomber retains a terrain hugging capacity and has a terrain following and mapping radar, satellite data links and advanced digital mapping systems. The bomber also uses advanced stealth technologies. The H-8 will have 4 turbo-fan engines, the core of which is based on the WS-10A. It can use a host of weapons including laser guided "thunder stone" 6, satellite guidance bomb and anti-ship missile.

According to a semi-official Chinese media report in late 2007, China's domestically-developed "Xian H-8" stealth strategic bomber has successfully undergone flight trials. It is said that this bomber will carry a new type of cruise missile and will be capable of attacking North America, which is a cause of great concern in many countries. The "photographs" of the H-8 carried in the Chinese media are not photographs, but rather art work based on various American stealth aircraft.

In late 2007 it was reported that the H-8 was slated to start trial flights in January 2008. Central Military Committee officers, air force logistics department officer, national defense science and industry committee, Xi'an deputy mayor, the provincial party committee assistant deputy secretary, amongst others were said to be present for inaugurating the project. China generally lags American military technology by about 25 years, so by the year 2010 China might be expected to match American military achievements of around 1985. China thus might be expected to be developing the the necessary technology to effectively use stealth materials andr develop high-power engines. Thus China could be expected to have successfully fabricated and assembled a working aircraft.

is this report authentic?

China Tests Stealth Bomber: Neighboring States on High Alert
Last Updated Time:2007/12/11

According to a semi-official Chinese media report, China's domestically-developed "Xian H-8" stealth strategic bomber has successfully undergone flight trials. It is said that this bomber will carry a new type of cruise missile and will be capable of attacking North America, which is a cause of great concern in many countries.

"We must confront the reality of China's ceaseless military build-up," said Taiwanese military specialist Sung Chao-wen. "Not only does China pose a military threat to Taiwan, but bordering states such as Japan, Korea, and India also can’t ignore this menace and must take precautions." Regardless of whether the reports of the successful test flight of the H-8 are correct, the news still suggests that China is continuing to develop new weapons in an effort to expand its global influence.

The photograph of the H-8 carried in the Chinese media is actually most likely an image of an A-12 carrier-borne stealth attack aircraft used by the US Navy in the late 1990's. The reports of the aircraft's successful test flight are quite possibly not reliable. Western military analysts believe that China lacks the necessary technology to effectively use stealth materials or develop high-power engines. Even if China has stolen American stealth bomber technology, they probably would not have had enough time to successful fabricate and assemble a working aircraft.


(The Ministry of National Defense prepared the news release and Taiwan News translated it into English.)


is this report authentic?

China Tests Stealth Bomber: Neighboring States on High Alert
Last Updated Time:2007/12/11

According to a semi-official Chinese media report, China's domestically-developed "Xian H-8" stealth strategic bomber has successfully undergone flight trials. It is said that this bomber will carry a new type of cruise missile and will be capable of attacking North America, which is a cause of great concern in many countries.

"We must confront the reality of China's ceaseless military build-up," said Taiwanese military specialist Sung Chao-wen. "Not only does China pose a military threat to Taiwan, but bordering states such as Japan, Korea, and India also can’t ignore this menace and must take precautions." Regardless of whether the reports of the successful test flight of the H-8 are correct, the news still suggests that China is continuing to develop new weapons in an effort to expand its global influence.

The photograph of the H-8 carried in the Chinese media is actually most likely an image of an A-12 carrier-borne stealth attack aircraft used by the US Navy in the late 1990's. The reports of the aircraft's successful test flight are quite possibly not reliable. Western military analysts believe that China lacks the necessary technology to effectively use stealth materials or develop high-power engines. Even if China has stolen American stealth bomber technology, they probably would not have had enough time to successful fabricate and assemble a working aircraft.


(The Ministry of National Defense prepared the news release and Taiwan News translated it into English.)


I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

China does have next-generation bomber projects under development

I wouldn't be surprised if it was.

China does have next-generation bomber projects under development

no no, i meant whether still under development or developed but under up-gradation program 'cause the reports of a successful flight surfaced in 2007 such as the Taiwan Govt Defence report I posted above?
This may be bigger news than the J-20... Given the panic that a stealth fighter is causing I can't help but wonder what those people are going to say when they discover that China is building a stealth strategic bomber as well.
no no, i meant whether still under development or developed but under up-gradation program 'cause the reports of a successful flight surfaced in 2007 such as the Taiwan Govt Defence report I posted above?

Highly likely that it is built
show the fighter hide the bomber

it's the business :lol:


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