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Wtf is "Seraiki" or "Hindko" identity????

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Again its your opinion - NOT fact! Like I said - try harder maybe!

How is it an "opinion" when your own sources invalidate this idea that Seraikis are some unicorn ethnicity? :lol:

Come on, you're a respected member bhai
Aren't most of them tribes of Harrapan as this region had so much war so wouldn't most would be mix races , who later on adapted and made it into their own culture and race.
How is it an "opinion" when your own sources invalidate this idea that Seraikis are some unicorn ethnicity? :lol:

Come on, you're a respected member bhai
Yar if someone wants to call themselves a spade. I say let them, why are you there standing "no you are an orange like me". Live and let live.

As for respected member? We are only respected when we agree with each other - if we disagree we are disreputable :lol:
- I will speak up for their right to have their own identity.
I just showed you, from the research paper YOU provided that the one leg that this identity stands on (that Seraiki is a separate language) is not true. What's there to argue now? There is no separate identity, it's a pinko movement. You are posting pinko rags trying to shove ressentimental commie agitprop down our throats and calling us fascists if we disagree.
Yar if someone wants to call themselves a spade. I say let them, why are you there standing "no you are an orange like me". Live and let live.

As for respected member? We are only respected when we agree with each other - if we disagree we are disreputable :lol:

It matters when people don't just want to keep it to themselves, but use such an identity against others - I don't want to see the Punjab cut into even more pieces, no Punjabi does. Especially when there are non-Seraiki Punjabi speakers living down south as well, who are the subject of many malicious campaigns from these Seraiki-identity types.

As for your last comment, well... :lol:
I just showed you, from the research paper YOU provided that the one leg that this identity stands on (that Seraiki is a separate language) is not true. What's there to argue now? There is no separate identity, it's a pinko movement. You are posting pinko rags trying to shove ressentimental commie agitprop down our throats and calling us fascists if we disagree.
Hahaha okay!

It matters when people don't just want to keep it to themselves, but use such an identity against others - I don't want to see the Punjab cut into even more pieces, no Punjabi does. Especially when there are non-Seraiki Punjabi speakers living down south as well, who are the subject of many malicious campaigns from these Seraiki-identity types.

As for your last comment, well... :lol:
Well I will always maintain - let people who they want to be. Punjab is the strongest province in Pakistan in terms of its identity - lets be frank about that. So Punjab can't claim the victim card here.
Hahaha okay!

Well I will always maintain - let people who they want to be. Punjab is the strongest province in Pakistan in terms of its identity - lets be frank about that. So Punjab can't claim the victim card here.
Please don't reply to me if you don't want to engage. I engaged with the research article you posted and your response has been to make silly reactions. It's not right for one side to put in the effort and the other to shrug it off.
Please don't reply to me if you don't want to engage. I engaged with the research article you posted and your response has been to make silly reactions. It's not right for one side to put in the effort and the other to shrug it off.
Its a forum buddy you quoted me... That's how it works - you quote me and don't expect me to reply? Fair enough - :lol:
Also no, Punjab is not the strongest province in terms of identity. Our language isn't even taught in our own schools. We frequently let ethnonationalist parties and groups from other provinces settle and agitate over here with no response. The fact that a party like the PPP which was engaged in ethnic cleansing of Punjabis in Sindh in the 80s, can organize here should tell you how strong our identity is.
Punjab is the strongest province in Pakistan in terms of its identity - lets be frank about that. So Punjab can't claim the victim card here.

Complacency won't last forever. Just as Baloch have the BLA, Pashtuns have PTM, and Sindhis have the SLA, soon Punjabis will start to develop ethno-jingoistic tendencies as well.

And we both know what sort of disaster that will spell for Pakistan if it happens. The largest ethnic group in the country can only stay quiet for so long.
Imagine forcing your Ethnicity on Somebody. Punjabis are Punjabis, Seraikis are Seraikis, Hindkowans are Hindkowans. Be it.

Complacency won't last forever. Just as Baloch have the BLA, Pashtuns have PTM, and Sindhis have the SLA, soon Punjabis will start to develop ethno-jingoistic tendencies as well.

And we both know what sort of disaster that will spell for Pakistan if it happens. The largest ethnic group in the country can only stay quiet for so long.
Wataan saada Punjabistannnnn
I will say every city have is its own identity :laugh:
I can easily identify a sialkoti from his language style.
Both gujranwala and sialkot have different dialect even they are not too far from each other.
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