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Would Pakistan support Iran in case Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear Facilities?


Oct 28, 2006
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What would Pakistan do in this case? What kind of strength does Iran have to repel an American or Israeli attack? I found a video claiming to be Iranian weapon systems, but I found a few German and Russian weapon systems as well.

GwVFQXDx6P4[/media] - Iranian Military vs America in war

Is it possible to repel a "Surprise" American or Israeli Air Assault?

I'm not sure Iran has Russian S-300 SAMS or AWACS support. Will other Muslim countries support Iran, or will we see bitter divisions of Shia and Sunni like we saw in the 2006 Lebanon War?
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Pakistan should do nothing, it has no interest in Iran's existence and has no defence pact with Iran either. Pakistan has never gotten any benefits from Iran except once some Irani choppers were used to shoot at Baloch rebels in the 1970s. In fact if Iran becomes weak and unstable enough then Pakistan should move in to annex some of Balochistan/Sistan before Afghans grab all of it since Sui gas is running out.
sorry I can not agree with you on this issu. Iran gave us 70 Saber jets in 1965war with out any charges. and alo always suprrt us when we asked. Since 1980 when GGeneral zia ul Haq rule the country we had bad relation with iran. Now also we could have good relation with Iran but some off our Arab friends Countries Like Saudia, Jordan, Egypet as they are anti Shia (Even they KIll Shia In their own Countries) did not want Pakistan a strong county has relation with Iran. We can do one thing that we should not give any support to any country who Attack any Muslim Country (Afganistan was other senareo because some of the Arab countries citizen was Roling the Aghan goverment in their own way. and killing the peoples on the name of islam).
Most of current Balochistan province that Pakistan posesses was won from Iran in battles fought by Pakistani soldiers when Pakistan was still officially part of the British Empire....do you want that given back to Iran also?

I think it is risky to trust or support Iran since they seem to have turned against pakistan completely. They tattled on AQ Khan which almost caused Pakistan to be attacked by NATO to secure nukes. What kind of an ally would do something like that. How can anyone think Iran has the wellbeing of Pakistan as a high priority after incidents like that?
It is non of pakistans business if war breaks out in iran and pakistan should worry about unifiying its own country fighting its own extremists and creating jobs for its people. In an event of a usa strike pakistan should close its border. The only times pakistan has had good relations with Iran was under the shah who was secular and a good neighbour. But the rise of the mullahs in Iran has created severe mistrust. Iran even backstapped pakistan in the aq khan nuclear dobbing.
Well we should give all our support to the iranians. Militarily it might not be possible if US joins in but in all diplomatic ways. However if israel decides to attack iran alone i think iran can defend itself very well unless ofcourse israel decides to go nuclear on iran and then if that happens then we surely need to intervene. Remember we cant let israel use its nuclear weapons on iran not because of the muslim ummah thing, but because if iran is hit by a nuclear weapon, we too will suffer from the fall out, also remember we are enterning into a long term strategic relationship with iran starting from IP gas pipeline project, electricity and maybe in the longterm defence relationship. Besides lets also not forget that iran has supported us in almost all of our endeavours against india, its time we return the favour when they need the most.
It is non of pakistans business if war breaks out in iran and pakistan should worry about unifiying its own country fighting its own extremists and creating jobs for its people. In an event of a usa strike pakistan should close its border. The only times pakistan has had good relations with Iran was under the shah who was secular and a good neighbour. But the rise of the mullahs in Iran has created severe mistrust. Iran even backstapped pakistan in the aq khan nuclear dobbing.

It is pakistan's business. Read my previous post and you will know as to why? Iran is our immediate neighbour and we cant really afford for another misadventure causing a huge destabilization in iran which will have a huge impact on our side of the border. We already have had enough with afghanistan and we are still suffering from the aftermath of what happened in afghanistan, we simply cannot afford to let it happen again in iran.
sorry I can not agree with you on this issu. Iran gave us 70 Saber jets in 1965war with out any charges. and alo always suprrt us when we asked. Since 1980 when GGeneral zia ul Haq rule the country we had bad relation with iran. Now also we could have good relation with Iran but some off our Arab friends Countries Like Saudia, Jordan, Egypet as they are anti Shia (Even they KIll Shia In their own Countries) did not want Pakistan a strong county has relation with Iran. We can do one thing that we should not give any support to any country who Attack any Muslim Country (Afganistan was other senareo because some of the Arab countries citizen was Roling the Aghan goverment in their own way. and killing the peoples on the name of islam).

not true - these sabres were ex-luftwaffe a/c transferred to iran and then to pakistan. pakistan paid every last cent for these sabres. this route was taken as at that time it was the easiest. the planes arrived after the 65 war when PAF was re-building.
It is non of pakistans business if war breaks out in iran and pakistan should worry about unifiying its own country fighting its own extremists and creating jobs for its people. In an event of a usa strike pakistan should close its border. The only times pakistan has had good relations with Iran was under the shah who was secular and a good neighbour. But the rise of the mullahs in Iran has created severe mistrust. Iran even backstapped pakistan in the aq khan nuclear dobbing.

i agree - the next question is why did pakistan not help iraq when their nuclear facility was attacked and destroyed by IDAF. for that matter what about the other arab/muslim countries. they did not lift a finger. why do we have to take up the THEKA for the muslim world. we have enough problems of our own.
i agree - the next question is why did pakistan not help iraq when their nuclear facility was attacked and destroyed by IDAF. for that matter what about the other arab/muslim countries. they did not lift a finger. why do we have to take up the THEKA for the muslim world. we have enough problems of our own.

Whenever anyone in the world wants to create a list of he most powerful Islamic nations, the top 3 are always
1. Pakistan
2. Iran
3. Saudi Arabia

And these 3 countries are the Zionist targets, because these countries took THEKA of the Muslim world when they supported Chechnya and Bosnia (not Kashmir, I firmly believe Kashmir belongs to India). Other Arab countries don't have what it takes. Their leaders are engorssed in lavish lifestyles and spending money at Las Vegas Casinos... Not at all ideal role-models.
Whenever anyone in the world wants to create a list of he most powerful Islamic nations, the top 3 are always
1. Pakistan
2. Iran
3. Saudi Arabia

And these 3 countries are the Zionist targets, because these countries took THEKA of the Muslim world when they supported Chechnya and Bosnia (not Kashmir, I firmly believe Kashmir belongs to India). Other Arab countries don't have what it takes. Their leaders are engorssed in lavish lifestyles and spending money at Las Vegas Casinos... Not at all ideal role-models.

we in pakistan dont want this perception anymore.
I understand. You want to end the war. But what if war is forced on your country by the neocons? What will happen after Iran is defeated and their oil and gas is hijacked? Pakistan has nukes, and so has become a target. No Islamic country can be trusted with a nuke, according to the neocons who control the military-industrial complex in the US...
I understand. You want to end the war. But what if war is forced on your country by the neocons? What will happen after Iran is defeated and their oil and gas is hijacked? Pakistan has nukes, and so has become a target. No Islamic country can be trusted with a nuke, according to the neocons who control the military-industrial complex in the US...

i think we should stop using the word islamic for the middle east any more we should return to be midle easterners the islamic word brings too many divisions and weakens all the middleast. Arabs have 1 thing in common which unites us and that we have big noses lol
Hi every one. please we have to see the facts also. I personally met with AQ Khan in Saudia when he was on defence Meeting with saudi Govt. and when we were sitting there he looks waried to me. I asked a question and he reply that one day i will letdown or thown to under ground jail. I ask why and what will be the reason. he said because of one friendly country in which we are sitting. Do not forget that pakistan also help saudia to build secrect nucler facilite. And also a Question ?. Why A Q Khan visit Saudia 2 times in a Month every year. It is not only because of Haj or Umrah perform. Yes i would like to say A Q kjan was letdown because of Saudia as this country help us in bad times and our Roler can not afford to lose that money.
Hi every one. please we have to see the facts also. I personally met with AQ Khan in Saudia when he was on defence Meeting with saudi Govt. and when we were sitting there he looks waried to me. I asked a question and he reply that one day i will letdown or thown to under ground jail. I ask why and what will be the reason. he said because of one friendly country in which we are sitting. Do not forget that pakistan also help saudia to build secrect nucler facilite. And also a Question ?. Why A Q Khan visit Saudia 2 times in a Month every year. It is not only because of Haj or Umrah perform. Yes i would like to say A Q kjan was letdown because of Saudia as this country help us in bad times and our Roler can not afford to lose that money.

Oh really? Seems like AQ Khan got the country wrong because it is because of Iran that he is in trouble, not Saudi. You have your facts all twisted up. What secret nuclear facilities does Saudi Arabia have...and why do we not hear about them? All we have heard is about Iran's underground nuke facilities and we have heard about how Iran had some shady dealings with AQ Khan and how that caused trouble with the US/UN/G8 etc.

I don't understand how Saudis factor into this at all.
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