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With Wink and a Handshake , India-Russia agrees to double BrahMos range on existing Inventory


Aug 31, 2008
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On Contrary to Indian media reports , that India and Russia will only enhance BrahMos range in its next variant. Indian and Russian officials who meet on sidelines of Intergovernmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation on 26th October have agreed to double current range of BrahMos from 290 km to 600 km in all existing BrahMos missiles already inducted into Indian Armed forces. India’s entry into the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), negates need to maintain further cap on BrahMos range to 290 km and all BrahMos variants like Land attack based version developed for Indian Army and Airforce ,Anti-ship attack version for Indian Navy or Air launched version of BrahMos will all have enhanced 600km range . Defence Analyst Ranesh Rajan believes range limitation cap was eyewash since Russia or India ever disclosed how a missile based on 600 km Russian P-800 Oniks Supersonic cruise missile had half its range even when missile dimension of both missiles was same . Rajan speaking to idrw.org confirmed that few trials of BrahMos with 600km range might be needed soon to validate all onboard sensors to check if missile performance remains same after the enhanced range . Speculation among Defence Analyst was that BrahMos range was kept under 290 due to software which could cut off fuel after it reached 290 kms but many other believed that smaller fuel tanks could have been used to limit its range but all did agree that both restrictions if ever were imposed by Russia could have been easily overcome by India, which has worked on missile for nearly two decades

http://idrw.org/wink-handshake-indi...brahmos-range-existing-inventory/#more-113341 .
so just software upgrade needed to double the range for all current serving brahmos that's a really interesting news

It was probably fuel tanks too. They can now be retrofitted for longer range.

Pretty sure even before MTCR signing.... changing to 600km range could have been done at a relative moments notice by India....and may have been done covertly even.
It was probably fuel tanks too. They can now be retrofitted for longer range.

Pretty sure even before MTCR signing.... changing to 600km range could have been done at a relative moments notice by India....and may have been done covertly even.

Not required. P-800 Oniks Always had a range of 600 km.

Brahmos is the same missile with a new name. Its range was always the same, along with its dimensions, weight, warhead size etc. etc.

The only change will be in the software and mission profile.
Dont you think the missile is going to be bit more bulky or its going to take a toll on speed!!?

it's already had all hardware needed to cover the distance just needed to disclose it's real range :) . I had a very close friend assigned at brahmos regiment had told me way back when I met him at Agra.
it's already had all hardware needed to cover the distance just needed to disclose it's real range :) . I had a very close friend assigned at brahmos regiment had told me way back when I met him at Agra.

Good to know.... but i think extending the range is going to hurt its speed or performance.. dont u think??!
so just software upgrade needed to double the range for all current serving brahmos that's a really interesting news

Saraswat had said that Brahmos has 600+ KM range in hi hi profile.

If current brahmos has a range of 600 KM than we can certainly increase it by weight reduction or better fuel or with aerodynamic changes. Air launch Brahos shall have much higher range. We need to make it a vertical dive now. Nothing of our enemy shall be safe in 600 KM. They can not hide nor they can escape. This is a very effective missile against the enemy hidden behind mountains and against small target. We can target enemy bunker in mountain and their installation among densly populated areas. we can neutralize enemy infrastructure in the range how so ever small it may be. They reason of worry of china is this only.
The most important part of this development is that we can launch it from sukhoi from outside the range of any air defense system, be it s400. we can launch it on any ship or aircraft career from sukhoi outside the range of any electronic counter measure or any air defense. when it will vertically dive on any ship, it will helplessly watch it penetrating the hull of ship and will not be able to do anything. its defense is unlikely to emerge in many coming years to come.
This is nothing to be proud of.

Indian contribution to these JV is almost nil if we take out the financial contribution.

India should strive for the day when it could sport Indian source code, engine and seeker.

With all the IT base one would think India could at least make headway on the IT front.

Russia denying the source code to India is the sad reality of Indian dependence on defense imports...

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