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With 7 billion on earth, a huge task before us


So what is your game plan? How you plan to feed, cloth and house the increasing population?
, And please be logical, stop saying that He (The almighty) will feed all.

Oh, I should *stop* saying that should I... I must have been saying that alot. Refresh my memory though, point out one single place where I said that, so I can finally stop saying it.

The gameplan has to be sustainable growth. In forestry, you chop one tree you are required by law to plant two more, this enables living in harmony.

If you went back a couple of hundred years, the idea that hundreds of people could "fly" across vast distances, this idea would seem ridiculous. Human flight was considered a ridiculous dream. Then, in the past century, man's dream of going out into space was considered ridiculous, science said people simply can't breathe up there so it's not possible. Goddard was ridiculed and his career was put on jeapardy when he wrote about his dream of man going into space, TIME magazine said this "scientist" didn't know the basics of science which said that rockets can't work in space due to the lack of oxygen. When rockets did indeed work, TIME published an apology after this guy's death.

So in my opinion, mankind will probably spread it's legs and inhabitate other places, it's a very big universe and we're stuck in a very little pond. This would very likely be scientifically possible within this century, in 1900s manned flight was in it's infancy. In 2000s, space-flight(especially inter-planetary space-flight) is in it's infancy with the Mars rovers and other projects. Logically, the Moon and Mars(and possibly Phobos and Mar's moons) would be mankind's first steps. Stephen Hawking, a very widely respected scientist, also believes mankind's future is in colonizing other planets. Even fighter aircraft have oxygen-generation systems, we can already build this stuff.

Like many things that come from the west, their population control agenda seems very hollow and hypocritical, given that they apply different rules to others, and different ones to themselves. They talk about a shortage of resources, and still continue to consume much MUCH more than the majority of the world. Their oil companies drill like there's no tommorrow, they even invade poorer countries like Iraq and Libya to satisfy their needs. They are not rich because of a smaller population, I have repeatedly told you their smaller population is consuming more than most other countries' larger population. If people are "ashamed" of 5 kids, they should also be "ashamed" of the high divorce rates with most marriages broken, children's lives shattered. The multiple short-lived marriages are also shameful as a society.
That is the point my man. Their population of millions consumes MUCH MORE than billions of poor people. If the richest 5% consume 80% of the goods and the poorer 95% consume 20% of the goods, the way to save resources would be to "deal" with the 5%. They don't curb excesses in their society but try to strong-arm us by meddling in our societies. There should be some equality, not like this with some people living in sub-human condition, other societies living excessively.

I don't understand your logic. In India owning your own car, house, computer,cell phone was all considered a luxury..but with increasing prosperity all the above with in reach of average man. Does that mean that GoI should say that for the betterment of earth, one should not do that..No.Not a Government in the world(except socialist ones) will say that. Also the current increased price of raw materials in the world market is mainly caused by the demand from emerging market especially India & China and not from the West.
he ( The Almighty) will feed us all- no doubt about it-
you should control your birth rate- like china is doing- arrest the couple who have second or third child- make it illegal- sterilize the man after becoming a father of two- 1.8 Billion is huge for a poor country-

See I'm an atheist, so dont take this as me insulting your almighty( really). But I hear this " almighty will save us" from every religion... and I often wonder, the ones that declare it loudest seem not ask their( yours, theirs, anyones) why the almighty regins so much of misery on its country and people... I mean the most " religion centric" countries seem to have more misery put upon them than others. Basically I'm saying- there is a trust defict there :)
our birth rate is far less than pakistan rate.you are growing fast

Not fast enough to be a problem say in next 10 years?- plenty of time to work around- but the populace touching the tipping point should make legislation-
See I'm an atheist, so dont take this as me insulting your almighty( really). But I hear this " almighty will save us" from every religion... and I often wonder, the ones that declare it loudest seem not ask their( yours, theirs, anyones) why the almighty regins so much of misery on its country and people... I mean the most " religion centric" countries seem to have more misery put upon them than others. Basically I'm saying- there is a trust defict there :)

Its a test of this time only- I hope you were there at the Golden time of Islamic era or will be there in future when it returns- Its a game of centuries- not of a mere mortal life time- of yours or mine- to make a opinion-

Dont just take example of Pakistan to form a current opinion of yours- The religion centric Saudis- Iranis- are doing pretty well- In fact the whole Islamic middle east is doing well-
our birth rate is far less than pakistan rate.you are growing fast

By living in denial , we can't hide from truth. rather than blaming pakistan, we should focus on India. JonAsad proposed a solution. He didn't said that Indian growth rate is higher than Pakistan's.

He just answered our query.. I support Mr JonAsad...
Its a test of this time only- I hope you were there at the Golden time of Islamic era or will be there in future when it returns-

Dont just take example of Pakistan to form an opinion- The religion centric Saudis- Iranis- are doing pretty well-

Because they have oil mainly bought by not so religious infidels. Take that away and they will be scrapping the bottom.

---------- Post added at 12:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:50 PM ----------

Not fast enough to be a problem say in next 10 years?- plenty of time to work around- but the populace touching the tipping point should make legislation-

but you also have limited arable land to feed the population.

---------- Post added at 12:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:52 PM ----------

Increase the price of Oil to 250 dollar per barrel.problem solved.:woot:

How exactly?
Its a test of this time only- I hope you were there at the Golden time of Islamic era or will be there in future when it returns- Its a game of centuries- not of a mere mortal life time- of yours or mine- to make a opinion-

Dont just take example of Pakistan to form a current opinion of yours- The religion centric Saudis- Iranis- are doing pretty well- In fact the whole Islamic middle east is doing well-

basically you are saying-- this current lifetime is going to be miserable because some other fella in another century will benefit from all the good stuff? Btw- christains and Jews ( and do hindus also have the same line of thought?) all talk about the coming golden times--- its goona be pretty crowded :)
Because they have oil mainly bought by not so religious infidels. Take that away and they will be scrapping the bottom

w/e the reason does it really matter?- Oil or Manpower?- Take away Oil and even after all the technological advancements you will be riding a camel to office-

but you also have limited arable land to feed the population

I have not denied the problem- The existing one should be of concern right now- that be yours-

---------- Post added at 08:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:30 AM ----------

basically you are saying-- this current lifetime is going to be miserable because some other fella in another century will benefit from all the good stuff? Btw- christains and Jews ( and do hindus also have the same line of thought?) all talk about the coming golden times--- its goona be pretty crowded :)

The golden times does not necessarily means the demise of other religion or their peoples misery- Since day one of this earth- nothing has remained constant- every one will have their times like they had before-
w/e the reason does it really matter?- Oil or Manpower?- Take away Oil and even after all the technological advancements you will be riding a camel to office-

I would rather prefer a horse:lol:

Oil is going to run out sooner or later, but countries will technical and industrial base will figure out some other way of doing things but oil exporting countries like KSA & Iran are done.

I have not denied the problem- The existing one should be of concern right now- that be yours-

And according to your previous comment, you are going to solve this with in 10 years. Good Luck with that
The western scientific approach of meddling in nature and engineering terrible catastrophies isn't the answer. Their means of scientific population control and eugenics are insidious.

We've had men like these in our country. Educated men. Men of science and medicine. Men who were searching for some self-described ideal and were willing to maim and murder untold thousands to find it. There was one, his name was Joseph Mengele. To him, anyone was fair game as the subject of his experiments, the weak, the handicapped, men, women, children. The quest for scientific perfection demands our unwavering devotion.

This Mengele sounds like a visionary to many, but he was a monster.

These are the types of people who founded this eugenics/population control racket. Most of the people participating in this debate here are utterly uninformed, many very likely in their teenage years. No wonder they advocate aping the west and hitting every follow the west in every pothole the west has managed to hit, in their neurotic road to human development.
The space colonization seems to be inevitable in the future.

Unless the Freemasons would have their plan done by eliminating half of the world population.
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