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Why West fears theft of our nuclear assets

I THINK PAKISTAN DID A BLUNDER TO FOLLOW INDIA in conducting the nuclear test..they should've tested the bomb..made a big hue & cry internationally..and projected to be a victim..the west will give more aid :lol:..what did they achieve by explosions ? international sanctions and aid cutt off no F16's etc..and they suffered more w r t INDIA..this nuclear BS is costing a huge drain on the economy..think that in future u'll eat grass to sit on the White elephant..and boasting..while India surges ahead...

The fact that the West and India have to deal with Pakistan outside the ambit of military operations, regardless of how much they may want to utilize military ops, quite clearly illustrates the benefits of going nuclear from a security standpoint.

There were in fact offers of aid from Clinton after India tested, but the offers were meager to the point of being insulting. From a Pakistani citizens standpoint, aid would have been misused/stolen by our politicians in any case, so the impact in terms of improving Pakistan with the aid proposed would not be worth not going nuclear.
The Indian's never to get fixed Pakistanphobia has no limits.

The come here and bash and accuse us of this nuclear first strike policy, forgetting their Chief's limited nuclear warfare talk, the Cold start doctrine to make Pakistan come to its knees, their leadership's threatening stance to wipe pakistan from the face of the earth when they did the nuclear tests in 98, surgical strike threats and so many other offensive, hegemonic attitude.

So when majority of the Indian army is deployed at the Indo-Pak border poised ever ready to strike Pakistan, all of the hundreds of fighter aircrafts except for a few dozen spared pointing their noses towards Pakistan, IN poised to strike Karachi and do a blockade of Pakistan, thousands of artillery guns pointing towards Pakistan, thousands, rather all of its armor facing towards Pakistan and waiting to overrun Pakistani defenses, last not but the least enjoying a 3:1 superiority, what the Indians expect from pakistan to do ?? Let the Indians roll on free and give pakistan in a platter to them ??

Grow Up and get over this obsession.

We have no offensive first strike policy, its a defensive first strike policy, in case Indians over run some of our strategic areas, we are gonna use nukes, and those nukes are not gonna first come towards Indian cities, rather they will be used on the battlefield to stop the Indian advance. Our nuke policy is not to kill innocent human beings, but to stop the Indian advance incase they break through our defences.

That was the exact thing the Israelis did when Egyptian forces overran their impregnable defences and were on a roll, even Israelis thought about using nukes if need arose, but once the tied of the war turned, no usage arose.

Similarly, if Ind-Pak go to war, nukes are not gonna rain down in the first minute, the shape of the battlefield is gonna decide its usage. If Pakistan holds Indian thrust and strategically Pakistan keeps itself sound, no need of nukes, but in case we can't hold, tactical nukes are gonna be used to stop Indian advance and most probably the nukes may be used even within Pakistan to destroy the invading Indian Army.

So guys chill and enjoy your life.
Apparently India first tested it's nuclear device back in 1974 under the guise of technology do da, and although Pakistan's attained it's capability in 1986, it wasn't until 1998, the Ginny gate crashed after India initiated the Pokhran tests. Even then Pakistan awaited a fortnight to it's detriment as the tone and threats from Delhi were as loud as the explosions. My dear that was just a decade earlier and you should be able to trace the dire consequences bestowed upon us after the Pokhran mushrooms. However as soon as the Chaghi mountain turned white, both the mood and the tone dropped.
Another equation to this angle is often ignored by the fact, that you often hear the term Islamic bomb but no such banter for Jewish, Christian or the Hindu weapons.

yes, pakistan did not test it right after gaining the capability. But you have to look at the scenario during that period. Pak was actively aiding US in its afghan campaign against the soviets. Testing a nuke then would have stepped up the tension levels and USA would not have accepted that, since the soviet union could have perceived it as a threat to scale up the conflict into a nuclear one.

After the cold war ended neither nation tested the nuke coz there was no reason to test. Even before pokhran tests and the subsequent Pak tests, both India and pak knew of each other's nuclear capability. The tests were more of a demonstration to the world. Israel hasn't conducted atomic tests, but everyone knows they have the capability. So the tests aren't really a viable argument.

As for the reason pak bomb is called Islamic bomb is because of Pakistan's stance of willing to use the nuke on behalf of other Islamic nations. Many in the Islamic World and Pakistan itself proudly call Pak nukes Islamic nukes. On the other hand you don't see other nations call their nukes based on religion. I didn't even know Pakistanis had a problem with the bomb being called Islamic.
As for the reason pak bomb is called Islamic bomb is because of Pakistan's stance of willing to use the nuke on behalf of other Islamic nations. Many in the Islamic World and Pakistan itself proudly call Pak nukes Islamic nukes. On the other hand you don't see other nations call their nukes based on religion. I didn't even know Pakistanis had a problem with the bomb being called Islamic.

So what do you expect someone comes near holy Makkah and Madina and we just wait and see.NO NO NO this ain't going to be happen.

But on the Other hand World must Understand just as US would have used nukes if Europe was Invaded similarly we also can not allow Anyone to even look towards Saudi Arabia.

US had it's own interests in protecting Europe by Nukes(So why US bomb wasn't Labeled Christian Bomb.American Christians protecting European Christians against Godless Communists )and Pakistan has it's own Reasons to defend Saudi Arabia using any means necessary.(Please Note Only Saudi Arabia no else Islamic Country)
India has never threatened China with nukes or vice versa.
China is a responsible state... it is quite friendly and helpful towards its neighbours incl. Pakistan!

May i ask why Pakistan have no troubles with China and vice versa?

BTW... Inida never threatened Musharraf! it is only poor Zardari regime which is under Indian bashing on daily basis.
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then how come u explain abt daily bomb explosions in highly secure locations in ur country...even a bomb exploded in ur ISI backyard...is that ur intell so ineffective or some inside help to create such havoc with ease ?

If Al-Qaida is bombing Pakistan than it only proves RAW - Al-Qaida nexus!
As a matter of fact all the explosives and wepons recovered are made in india!
I agree that without insider help mountain children cannot even walk around in city but internal security is managed by police and interior ministry and not ISI.
Oh come on. You very well understand and know what su-47 meant and you know his concern is VALID.

Have you ever heard an Indian saying we will nuke Pakistan? While I have seen hundreds of posts by Pakistani members threatening to nuke every Indian city there is.

Pakistan is so proud of nukes that it feels its their greatest achievement ever. India has said over and over again that it will not be the first one to use a nuke bomb, while Pakistan is aggressive about nuke attack.

Trust me, India, US, Russia, China, Israel are not gonna be the first ones to use nuke. They are mature and understand the responsibility that comes with that power. Its either gonna be Iran or Pakistan, and you know it.

Seems like you never read your country mate comments but only see our comments. Take a look or just go and watch some videos on youtube (if we are just talking about comments on forums etc.) you we will find plenty of them and blieve me their are millions of indians which wants to nuke Pakistan in case of war. So please avoid paying this drama of nukes using.:sick:
I think its pretty obvious that if Nuclear weapons will get into wrong hands it will be very a very dangerous scenario, however raising such questions about the safety and security of only Pakistani nukes is just biased and propaganda, many other states including America have a poor record of nuclear safety and security as compared to Pakistan's, Its a huge topic & what a coincidence that i did my research paper on this topic " Safety & Security of Pakistan's Nuclear weapons". i do know that Pakistan has some internal issue like that of insurgency, militancy, bombings etc but i think its high time that West should accept Pakistan as a nuclear state and instead of pointing fingers at Pakistan must try to help Pakistan in making it fools proof, why the west is being biased i can't answer, for that i would appreciate a response from members from west and not East :azn:( Guys from East please don't mind, i just dont want the usual arguments like" we pakistani's are better" " No we Indians are the best "):rolleyes:
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Its not all West or Indian fault, our own politicians tell west that if they will not be in power Extremists will take over.
Our Politician have two faces one for west, where they tell them that we are the seculars and any one opposing us is a extremist so keep us in power else .......... nuclear assets will ..................

Button line is our politicians use western fear factor to keep them in power.
The Ingredients are as follows...and these make a hot French Curry...

biggest open weapon market.....
piracy market is well grooming there...
economic conditions are quite stagnant where less participation of people.....and more participation of Big Gun's...or politicians..
Hotchpotch Policitcal conditions.....
military dictatorship,
Image of A.Q. Khan and undercover operations...
Close Linkage with North Korea,
Diplomatic Hiccups....
Economic Debt, Increasing Balance of Payment......Loans Loans Loans...... :(

Thats' why
^^But still inspite of all the above we still have safeguarded our Nukes Both Against terrorists and Foreign Espionage.

Isn't that a Big Achievement.
The Indian's never to get fixed Pakistanphobia has no limits.

The come here and bash and accuse us of this nuclear first strike policy, forgetting their Chief's limited nuclear warfare talk, the Cold start doctrine to make Pakistan come to its knees, their leadership's threatening stance to wipe pakistan from the face of the earth when they did the nuclear tests in 98, surgical strike threats and so many other offensive, hegemonic attitude.

So when majority of the Indian army is deployed at the Indo-Pak border poised ever ready to strike Pakistan, all of the hundreds of fighter aircrafts except for a few dozen spared pointing their noses towards Pakistan, IN poised to strike Karachi and do a blockade of Pakistan, thousands of artillery guns pointing towards Pakistan, thousands, rather all of its armor facing towards Pakistan and waiting to overrun Pakistani defenses, last not but the least enjoying a 3:1 superiority, what the Indians expect from pakistan to do ?? Let the Indians roll on free and give pakistan in a platter to them ??

Grow Up and get over this obsession.

We have no offensive first strike policy, its a defensive first strike policy, in case Indians over run some of our strategic areas, we are gonna use nukes, and those nukes are not gonna first come towards Indian cities, rather they will be used on the battlefield to stop the Indian advance. Our nuke policy is not to kill innocent human beings, but to stop the Indian advance incase they break through our defences.

That was the exact thing the Israelis did when Egyptian forces overran their impregnable defences and were on a roll, even Israelis thought about using nukes if need arose, but once the tied of the war turned, no usage arose.

Similarly, if Ind-Pak go to war, nukes are not gonna rain down in the first minute, the shape of the battlefield is gonna decide its usage. If Pakistan holds Indian thrust and strategically Pakistan keeps itself sound, no need of nukes, but in case we can't hold, tactical nukes are gonna be used to stop Indian advance and most probably the nukes may be used even within Pakistan to destroy the invading Indian Army.

So guys chill and enjoy your life.

sir, i dont think a nuclear first strike is ever defensive in nature
even if u use it for stopping indian advance what about the radiation,and if indian force advance that means they r present on pakistani soil,so does it means that u will use a nuclear warhead on your own territory to stop indian advance,sounds disgusting

and it is sure indians will retaliate by firing their nukes after u trigger urs,so is ur leadership that naive to use a nuclear warhead on ur own soil and expect a bunch of indian nukes towards them,i dont think so

and what abt the language of pakistani leadership,when the kargil incursion had the chance of turning into a full war scenario,ur leadership was threatning of nuclear assault even if indian soldiers cross the boundry or in case of an oil blockade,so if an oil blockade happened then were was ur leadership expecting to fire the nukes into the arabian sea or to indian cities
sir, i dont think a nuclear first strike is ever defensive in nature even if u use it for stopping indian advance what about the radiation,and if indian force advance that means they r present on pakistani soil,so does it means that u will use a nuclear warhead on your own territory to stop indian advance,sounds disgusting

and it is sure indians will retaliate by firing their nukes after u trigger urs,so is ur leadership that naive to use a nuclear warhead on ur own soil and expect a bunch of indian nukes towards them,i dont think so

and what abt the language of pakistani leadership,when the kargil incursion had the chance of turning into a full war scenario,ur leadership was threatning of nuclear assault even if indian soldiers cross the boundry or in case of an oil blockade,so if an oil blockade happened then were was ur leadership expecting to fire the nukes into the arabian sea or to indian cities

Yeah to you guys it will seem disgusting, but to stop the Indian advance coming in to make Pakistan in half is much more disgusting. better annihilate the Indian advance even if on Pakistani soil then to see Pakistan cut in half.

And i had said, we have a Defensive Offensive Nuclear strike policy, meaning to defend our sovereignty, go on the offensive. Its not like without any cause or real reason, we start firing nukes on India just like wild wild west cowboys enter shooting their guns all around the place. If it comes to extreme times, nuke policy becomes offensive.

I had asked this to another Indian member before, let me ask you again, LETS SUPPOSE Hypothetically Pakistan becomes strong enough or by chance the Indian lines break up and PA gets on the rumbling spree inside India and moves towards any major Indian city or is in a position to cut a large part of India, and Indians have no way to counter the blitzkrieg, what are the Indians gonna do ?? Keep the nukes in their bunkers and let Pakistan have a field day and cut some part of India, or are they gonna use their nukes to annihilate the advancing PA forces ?? I hope you get the answer. Don;t come up with some gibberish scenario of never happening such a thing, as i said just think it hypothetically.

Our nukes are not for Indian cities or causing unimaginable human loss to them, they are for defensive nature, and they are made for one thing, that is we can't match India conventionally and with the Indian modernization plans for next decade, we can;t counter them, but all we can do is try to hold on to any Indian aggression and not let them take Pakistan or break it apart, and for that tactical nukes are the best option.

Yeah, if India strikes back with something on our cities, then we will reply back. We will use the nuke on the battlefield, if India wishes to reply, use it on the battlefield, not on the cities, as then India will be the one responsible for starting the cities nuking stage.

This tactical nuke policy is there by every nuke holding nation. Countries even made tactical nukes which could fit even into a 155mm artillery round, for one reason, incase enemy breaks the line and starts invading, to stop them. The policy was there by US to stop the Reds Armor advance in Europe or anywhere else as they Soviets had sheer number of armor and troops compared to the western forces.

And as for statements by politicians about nuking each other, hope you have read the ones given by your politicians and the recent one given by your COAS about a limited war under a nuclear umbrella or something like that.

So let the politicians brag about their nukes, the real men who are gonna use and the events leading to them being used are something else, and we should all hope, no such event comes up.


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