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Why so many Indians back on the forum?

Sure. Perhaps as a philosophical exercise on what future should look like. I’m all for this, actually.

Coming to the present though, like many social constructs that have matured over millennia of human development; — empires, nation states, while an abstract notion like money, is something quite tangible in the human psyche. As long as that remains true for most people, it will probably continue to have meaning for me as well, personally.
Look at the post below, by @DrJekyll ; he is the closest to your standpoint. I like to think that I am in that position, but I cannot bear to hear some of the insults offered, and tend to get disturbed at those times. Foolish, undoubtedly, considering that 80% of those who are not Indians are really Internet cannon-fodder; but also unfair to the 20% who are gentlemen (and ladies) of the greatest integrity and respectability, and whose unsupported word I do not hesitate to accept as perfectly true.

For their sake, I find some resonance in the very subtle classification offered by @SuvarnaTeja, whose very complicated mind should not obscure the force behind many of his arguments.

For the sake of his personal integrity, I sympathise with Jamahir, without necessarily agreeing with all that he holds as true.

I hope you too will find friends on PDF. It is not at all difficult; I have some dozen or so, at the very least, probably more, and among them are four five people whom I respect above all others. As they say in the children's nursery rhyme,
"When they're good, they're very, very good,
When they're bad, they're horrid."

Because of the more diversity here and the serious homogenization in Indian forums, where people from Pakistan or China will basically be closed in India forum.
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I regret greatly that this is painfully true. There is one, and only one, Indian forum that even comes close to a balanced stand on the question of other nationalities, and I am known there as a communist. That will show you how far right they are perched.

Sorry but a correction. Jamahir is part of the RPA ( Rationality Propagators Association ) so like I said in the other thread, both the Sanghis and the Tableeghis should be countered.

I am sure @Joe Shearer would also be hesitant to be, like the Americans say I think, button holed in this context.

What is "bleachers" ?

Open stands 'bleached' by the sun. Not boxes covered and usually serviced lavishly by corporate sponsors.
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@Joe Shearer is undecorated Mod
Want to get me beaten up?
So you are in search of Confirmation bias and Subjective validation

Indian Defense Forum Members

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Pakistan Defense Forum members

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I saw what you did.

There are, actually, other forums like PDF. Ethically I feel unable to mention them in this forum.
Look at the post below, by @DrJekyll ; he is the closest to your standpoint. I like to think that I am in that position, but I cannot bear to hear some of the insults offered, and tend to get disturbed at those times. Foolish, undoubtedly, considering that 80% of those who are not Indians are really Internet cannon-fodder; but also unfair to the 20% who are gentlemen (and ladies) of the greatest integrity and respectability, and whose unsupported word I do not hesitate to accept as perfectly true.

For their sake, I find some resonance in the very subtle classification offered by @SuvarnaTeja, whose very complicated mind should not obscure the force behind many of his arguments.

For the sake of his personal integrity, I sympathise with Jamahir, without necessarily agreeing with all that he holds as true.

I hope you too will find friends on PDF. It is not at all difficult; I have some dozen or so, at the very least, probably more, and among them are four five people whom I respect above all others. As they say in the children's nursery rhyme,
"When they're good, they're very, very good,
When they're bad, they're horrid."

Thank you. Appreciate the warm welcome and caution. For the uninitiated - I think forums like these (by design) make choices seem limited between binary factions at the opposite ends of a spectrum. Takes a fair bit of work carving a lane for yourself, learning to avoid even some of the more pedestrian pitfalls, troll baits, etc.

We will get there someday, I hope :)
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I was very active in the forum several years back, till around 2014....I have stayed from active internet participation since then, became a passive listener mostly.

This is still is my go to place when it comes to defense discussions. Major points of attractions are :

1. Large and diverse number of participants.
2. Has been around for quite sometime and has built up a rich content base.
3. Moderators where comparatively unbiased back then, abuses and meaningless rants where taken care off without discrimination (comparatively) back then. I believe the same is not the case now, but again when compared to other forums, PDF is still better.
Want to get me beaten up?

View attachment 817205

I saw what you did.

There are, actually, other forums like PDF. Ethically I feel unable to mention them in this forum.

Do you mean Turkish forum where I am also present, yup that forum is promising, PDF needs to improve its quality in order to be the most popular geopolitics and defense forum in the world which is quite diverse in its memberships and discussion.

But dont say that on defense forum run by Westerners and Australian, they are more like the way Indian Defense Forum being run.

You see I am not even a troll here, but I am permanently banned there despite what I stated later comes true, this is due to what I stated is not inline with the narrative they want to build there.
Do you mean Turkish forum where I am also present, yup that forum is promising, PDF needs to improve its quality in order to be the most popular geopolitics and defense forum in the world which is quite diverse in its memberships and discussion.
Yes, of course, and are noted for the amount of information you disseminate.
But dont say that on defense forum run by Westerners and Australian, they are more like the way Indian Defense Forum being run.
I agree.
You see I am not even a troll here, but I am permanently banned there despite what I stated later comes true, this is due to what I stated is not inline with the narrative they want to build there.
This is difficult to understand.
Hey, this is my first account.
Occasional lurker. Now member.
Welcome to PDF as a member. I look forward to your contributions.

The house has been infested with pests. The only solution is to burn it down.
There will be terrible affliction when that happens. I can not wish it. When large countries break, humanity suffers as a consequence.

I want a friendly India & Pakistan with visa-less travel, just like USA & Canada.
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I dont think it ever will for the simple fact that organized societies that are ruled will always be more productive and better able to survive compared to a disorganized mass their will never come a point where a succesfull anarchy in one part of the world would inspire similar outcome in anywhere else anarchist Catalonia comes to mind this is because we are always at competition with each other for resources to survive and since there is no respite in this competition the better organized and better ruled will always survive impossible for a people group to exist without an organized rule and be not subjugated and if i am totally honest in my opinion this competition is not so bad it had resulted in technological and scientific advancement and will continue to do so anarchy i fear would be lethargic and reduce human innovation it is best we find peace among nation states by maintaining detterance not by wiping the borders.
Bro, don't mind my saying this, but the whole paragraph is just one sentence. My head hurts. Can you break it up a bit?
The injuns are our bondslaves. Even when they think they are free, the master beckons and his call awakens an innate desire within them to serve.

They put up a facade like they are independent, but the psychological chains are too overbearing and intrinsically they know where their place is.


May ghazwa-e-hind reunite the ancient bonds that exist between master and slave once again.
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Bro, don't mind my saying this, but the whole paragraph is just one sentence. My head hurts. Can you break it up a bit?
No worries bro i have edited it a littile i dont have that much experience writing on the forum so you would have to excuse this indescretion on my part.
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