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Why should hafiz-e-Quran students be given extra marks: SC

Why should hafiz-e-Quran students be given extra marks: SC
The court was hearing a case on medical college admissions
SAMAA | Irfan Ul Haque - Posted: Jan 10, 2022 | Last Updated: 9 hours ago

Why should hafiz-e-Quran students be given extra marks: SC

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The Supreme Court has raised an important question at a hearing pertaining to a medical college admission case in Karachi. “Why should a hafiz-e-Quran student (a person who memorizes the Holy Quran) be given extra marks for university admissions?” Justice Qazi Faez Isa said on Monday.

A student from the Bolan University of Medical and Health Sciences, Quetta, has petitioned the top court after he being denied admission.
At a hearing on January 8, the petitioner, said that if he is given 20% additional marks for being a hafiz-e-Quran, he would be easily enrolled to the varsity on merit.
In 1987, Pakistan passed a law under which hafiz-e-Quran candidates are awarded 20 extra marks at every level after matriculation.
The apex court has sought clarity on the issue. “How are admissions into medical and other colleges linked to being a hafiz-e-Quran? Why should 20 marks extra be given on this basis?” Justice Isa asked.
“We believe that memorising the Quran is sacred. And it is a plus point when someone wants to become the imam of a mosque or a religious lecturer,” he remarked. “But how can a hafiz-e-Quran be a better doctor?”
The petitioner told the court that it was a complicated subject.

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“Why are you scared of Islam? Religion is supposed to make things easier for us,” Justice Isa replied.
The apex court, consequently, dismissed the petition and decided to hold a separate hearing to discuss the matter. Notices have been issued to the Pakistan Medical Commission and others. “This is an important matter. A decision can be reached after discussion,” the Justice Isa said.​
Why should hafiz-e-Quran students be given extra marks: SC - SAMAA

I dislike Faiza with a passion but he is right here
Why should a judge be given a car and a driver besides salary?
The lawyer representing the Hafiz was poorly prepared. This created ample space for an infamous judge to disparage religiously sensitive relaxations provided by law of the country.
If judges’ families can benefit from govt facilities because its the law, why cant a hafiz receive preferential treatment owing to the laws?. If a judge can buy expensive British properties for a “discounted” price after generous ‘relaxation’ from the seller, and sucessfully stops FBR from investigating these properties by citing enabling provisions of the ITO law, govt of PK can give relaxations to hafiz people through legislation. If a lawyer can become high court judge just because of quota of bar), why cant a hafiz get some grace marks at the time of admission? Law must reign supreme, right?
Doesnt the judge want seminary students (hafiz aspirants) to go on to become doctors instead of mere molvees? Why is he afraid of memory skills of huffaz?
A good hafiz carries impeccable memory skills. He is well equipped to be a doctor; sometimes more than non-hafiz people. Those who are professional doctors, must be able to understand this logic.
You telling me the difference between passing and failing is if the student is a hafiz?

So producing incapable medics who would harm their patients

Bro. Don't do this... Quota system is applied only in admission process. Teachers don't give marks in subjects based on quotas. And no one get admitted in MBBS after becoming half doctors. They all don't know shit about medical. If a Hafiz e Quran who got admitted using quota , and is not a good student they he won't be able to complete MBBS. Hence he won't be able to harm patients. It's that simple. Either he succeed in passing all subjects, lab work, Vivas and get MBBS degree, or he fail and don't get an MBBS degree. Both ways your patient is safe. Now just try to prevent the medical raps from corrupting your doctor's.
Because a hafiz e Quran tends to have better memory, it also signifies the years and years of dedication of the student towards Quran and as such the Islamic republic of Pakistan provides them with a tap on the back. Why didn't he ask why sportsmen are given admissions? University is for education and not sports.
This stupid hate filled judge from the minority sect is showing his true face. Why Haven't he provided proofs of how his wife being a school teacher was able to own 2 houses in Europe?
It took 4-5 years approximately to memorize a Quran-e-Pak and during that time the hafiz stays away from regular studies...and one can imagine that after completing the process of hifz-e-Quraan they have to put much extra effort to be in the same pace in regular studies where all other are already learnt so much. So giving them extra 20 marks is very much a justifcation with hafiz e quraan.
So you do not have any problem with sportsmen, relatives of uni staff given preferences but anything remotely related to Islam gives landa liberals sleepless nights. People like you are the reason why TLP types get so much support from average people.
read my posts on the lhc comments regarding iddah, you will know if I'm liberal type or not.

and no, you are wrong. I so have a problem with sportsmen, relatives of uni staff given preferences.

you REALLY need to get in the habit of thoroughly doing your homework begot making a judgement call about someone.
Don't know if I should be disappointed that we give 20 additional marks for a Medical School admission, or that members here are supporting it.

Being a Hafiz surely a personal fortitude to please one's creator, not to seek worldly benefits. I would agree if someone applied to a University to study Comparative Religion, and was given some level of preference, but to give a Hafiz of Quran preference into a Medical college is mind numbing. Do we want a Hafiz-e-Quran operating on us, or someone who is the highest qualified doctor? And if anyone makes the argument that being a Hafiz requires brain power help me understand how a student who has toiled and received 19 marks more than a Hafiz in the subject he will build a profession on, but will loose an admission spot to someone who scored 19 points less than them within that subject because he happened to memorize text that has nothing to do with his knowledge of that subject.

We ought to strive for the best people for their profession. Would we be comfortable in military promotions based upon one being a good soldier or one who gets extra marks because he has beard and says his prayers 5 times a day. Even the Prophet's (PBUH) uncle was not a Muslim, yet was one of the greatest warriors in the earlier days of Islam and given that charge because of his capabilities.
And if anyone makes the argument that being a Hafiz requires brain power help me understand how a student who has toiled and received 19 marks more than a Hafiz in the subject he will build a profession on, but will loose an admission spot to someone who scored 19 points less than them within that subject because he happened to memorize text that has nothing to do with his knowledge of that subject.
Same is the case with someone who scored more marks in Science subjects but did not get admission because another guy got higher overall marks because of Urdu, English or Pak studies but here everyone becomes dead silent.
I agree there is corruption.

A hafiz is no indicator of anything beyond a good memory.

I just don't see the correlation and youngsters should dedicate their extra time on their studies instead.

When I was in phillipines I saw kids going to extra classes till 10pm. Pakistan should force their students to do the same.
It shows a person who can concentrate and dedicate , has self discipline and self control, and can focus.Not just good memory.
Try to memorise Harry Potter word by word, I dare you.
You don't be the judge and jury. It takes years to memorise Quran and 10 marks are nothing compared to that.
Nobody will memorise Quran fir 10 marks. But government gives recognition of their hard work by giving them some preferences in education by some marks.

What a poor bargain for Hifz! Get/ask 20 marks for Hifz and get no rewards in Akhirat .. even Shaheed who gives his life to be glorified by the living goes to Hell! Hadith is crystal clear.

Give the idiot his 20 marks. That's the total worth of his Hifz.
What a poor bargain for Hifz! Get/ask 20 marks for Hifz and get no rewards in Akhirat .. even Shaheed who gave his life to be glorified by the living goes to Hell! Hadith is crystal clear.

Give the idiot his 20 marks. That's the total worth of his Hifz.
Nobody does hifz for 20 marks. So keep your sarcasm to yourself.
You guys have no idea what you talking about.
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