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Why Russia Is Getting Closer To Pakistan And Abandoning India?

Wow you are so cute. ab madras mn study kre gye tu yahi hoga. First off all Russia Is not USA, second China is not India and thirdly India is not Pakistan. I know you never understand but I try my best

'Madras mn study' lol ...

Yeah, India is the beezneez, ain't it just Mr Hallucinating Hindu?
Russia Pakistan..:rofl:
That's why Rosneft just bought Gujarat port & stake in Essar just for 12 billion.May be Russia's one of the biggest investment,India joining north south corridor,Russia invited India in it's biggest economic summit.
S400,PakFa,Super Sukhoi,future order for mig 29..
Yea yea but Russia did exercise with Pakistan..
:D:D:D Mate a lil bit of "exercise" is good for all of us. If you know whatbI mean?? I think Russia knows it.
Just as Indian lobbied USA to stop the sale of the F-16s to Pakistan, China may just be lobbying Russia not to sell S400 to India ... If Indian money can influence the military establishment of USA, China has a lot more money than USA (& India) and Russia would be more inclined to China in every way than India!

Indian lobbying did not prevent the f-16s sales to Pakistan. America decides what it is in their interests

Russia has not sold China S-400. Why would they listen to China on matters where they lose money ?

Excellent point.

Pakistan and China are neighbors of Afghanistan. Better for Afghanistan to work with us.
it is also smart to be wary of your neighbors
it is also smart to be wary of your neighbors

Once again we are not like the Indians, we are commanded by our Prophets to LOVE our neighbors as ourselves.
That is why we love Afghanistan (because they are our neighbors) & Iran & Russia (the USSR had a small border which it shared with us). That is why we have shed our own blood, sweat and tears for Afghanistan (with good intentions and may Allah SWT/ God reward us). That is why we also care for Kashmir.

And we also love India : we want for India what we want for ourselves : the religion of Ibrahim (RA), innocence, beauty, wealth, prosperity, freedom, education, love, heavenly lifestyle, heaven! that is why we the Pakistanis are different and although we want the best for everyone some of our Pakistanis may be misled when they read what Indians write about their outlook towards life (their philosophy / religion is rather different).

Hence although we wish the best for everyone we advocate that our people only interact with the best people in the world : the EU/UK/Russia/Canada/US so we learn from our co-religionists and family members (the other children of Ibrahim (RA) and are not instead misled by our nice neighbors to the East.
If political delusions had an assylum center it would be called Pakistan...money rules Politics and Russia any day can make a whole lot more of it in India than in Pakistan...
If political delusions had an assylum center it would be called Pakistan...money rules Politics and Russia any day can make a whole lot more of it in India than in Pakistan...

@mods @WebMaster
So this fellow is definitely an Indian claiming to be Pakistani, please ensure this fellow is no longer spreading his verbal assaults against Pakistan. How is he able to put Pakistan as his country of origin? How are we supposed to trust and share information with one another when these nice Indian neighbors are busy spreading their non benign verbal attacks? How is this fellow able to attack Pakistan while sitting in Saudi Arabia? If he is a Pakistani & Muslim then my apologies but there is so much conflict here that I am maybe becoming a little suspicious, my apologies.

Money does not rule politics in the countries with Muslims, Christians & Jews & European Communists/Socialists because our God is always in charge (the God of Ibrahim RA & our common forefather Ibrahim RA's blesssings are above all) . I pray that it does not rule politics anywhere else either (not even in our not so nice Eastern neighbor's homeland).

Russia is prosperous and will continue to prosperous with or without Pakistan. We can offer Russia our love and affection and pray that they love us back (almost as much as the US/UK/ EU ). Even if Pakistan were prosperous and wealthy and beautiful and white (and we will be one day), we would not want to have a purely economic alliance - we want an alliance based on love with our Russian , EU/ UK/US friends. Our cold war era allies understand this and that is why to this day they are with us and may all have only friends and no enemies.
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And we also love India : we want for India what we want for ourselves : the religion of Ibrahim (RA), innocence, beauty, wealth, prosperity, freedom, education, love, heavenly lifestyle, heaven! that is why we the Pakistanis are different and although we want the best for everyone some of our Pakistanis may be misled when they read what Indians write about their outlook towards life (their philosophy / religion is rather different).


those RSS types you lot hate also love Pakistan: They want for Pakistan what they want for themselves: the religion of Hinduism, innocence, beautiful colorful gods, wealth, prosperity, freedom, education, love, heavenly lifestyle, heaven! That's why Indians and Pakistanis are the same. They too want the best for everyone!
I suggest you to join them whole heartedly in their dream for an Akhand Bharat, since both seem to have the same end goal!

Do you see the folly of your argument or do I need to spell it out?!
@mods @WebMaster
So this fellow is definitely an Indian claiming to be Pakistani, please ensure this fellow is no longer spreading his verbal assaults against Pakistan. How is he able to put Pakistan as his country of origin? How are we supposed to trust and share information with one another when these nice Indian neighbors are busy spreading their non benign verbal attacks? How is this fellow able to attack Pakistan while sitting in Saudi Arabia? If he is a Pakistani & Muslim then my apologies but there is so much conflict here that I am maybe becoming a little suspicious, my apologies.

Money does not rule politics in the countries with Muslims, Christians & Jews & European Communists/Socialists because our God is always in charge (the God of Ibrahim RA & our common forefather Ibrahim RA's blesssings are above all) . I pray that it does not rule politics anywhere else either (not even in our not so nice Eastern neighbor's homeland).

Russia is prosperous and will continue to prosperous with or without Pakistan. We can offer Russia our love and affection and pray that they love us back (almost as much as the US/UK/ EU ). Even if Pakistan were prosperous and wealthy and beautiful and white (and we will be one day), we would not want to have a purely economic alliance - we want an alliance based on love with our Russian , EU/ UK/US friends. Our cold war era allies understand this and that is why to this day they are with us and may all have only friends and no enemies.

Sorry to say this buddy, but you seem to be living in some kind of 5th century utopian parallel universe ..even the Saudis , the most Muslim among Muslims ,
have ensured that their lives revolve around money ...and then you say stuff like this ..it is a bit too naive for today's modern world
those RSS types you lot hate also love Pakistan: They want for Pakistan what they want for themselves: the religion of Hinduism, ... beautiful colorful gods ...
I suggest you to join them whole heartedly in their dream for an Akhand Bharat, since both seem to have the same end goal!

Do you see the folly of your argument or do I need to spell it out?!

We are different from RSS because we believe in one God (not many Gods). We believe in mercy and forgiveness NOT Karma (or what goes around comes aroundd, or eye for an eye). We recognize that the Hindus are related to us through our Prophet Nuh RA but we have a closer relationship with the our father Ibrahim RA (we are a subset of the family tree) and have more in common with the West, Iran, Afghanistan, Turkey, the Arabs than we do with India & Hindus.

The Hindus are a different race, religion, society, culture , language etc. If the Hindus believe in good things we are with them & support them. When I was an undergrad I was shocked by the lovely, westernized , enlightened Indians I encountered. I still love those Indians/Hindus. But there are obviously very glaring differences between us, perhaps.

I believe "Akhand" means "undivided"? and by that you mean to annex more lands.

We cannot agree with you there since your lands are thoroughly unpleasant and the practices of your people are thoroughly unpleasant, the food is odoriferous, the appearance of the people is swarthy and the men and women are unkind to one another to say the least. Muslims near you have picked up terrible practices merely by contact with your peoples and we have to first isolate and reform and beautify them before interacting with our own people. We humbly beseech you to leave us alone. Do you go and harass the Afghans or Iranians or Turks on their websites? I hope not. Why bother us? Do you want to aggravate relations and start a war ?

Even Muslims resident in India do not want anything to do with your ways. We want our people to be white and blonde and blue eyed like our British / Afghan/ Pashtun / Turkish/ European / Russian family members. Indians like brown people and are into brown / black people. We try to make our people beautiful so we can more easily love them. It is a difference in aesthetics and more.

But please do spell it out , kindly as well. My apologies for addressing you by the way but I thought I may make a humble request nonetheless. We love you as our neighbors but we are too weak to interact with you in these forums - for we have to improve and make ourselves better.
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Ok I take my message back ..you are either very very naive , or a clever clever troll !!

Why am I naive ? because I proposed that the political processes in the Ibrahimi (jewish/xtian/islamic) communities is ethical? I proposed that after reading about the lives lead by Hazrat Ibrahim RA, Dawood RA, Sulaiman RA etc. & ofcourse the life of our Prophet Muhammad SAW & the sahaba. Ofcourse there have been times when rulers in our communities have strayed from high morality and have been duly condemned. If I offended you or if you misunderstood then I apologize.
There are non-western communities where people are upright and ethical also.

Why am I accused of being a "clever" "tr-ll"? I apologize once again if I offended you by saying that we have some good examples to follow but if any of us are incorrec then may we be rightly guided (gently, lovingly, freely). It is an unhappy sight to seem someone being cynical and we pray that none are ever so. Again my apologies. Muslims , Jews, Xtians are not perfect but some of the ideals of the religion of Ibrahim RA are great (as are some of the ideals of Hinduism and Communism). May we only embrace and live amidst the highest ideals, the highest of heavens.
Once again we are not like the Indians, we are commanded by our Prophets to LOVE our neighbors as ourselves.
That is why we love Afghanistan (because they are our neighbors) & Iran & Russia (the USSR had a small border which it shared with us). That is why we have shed our own blood, sweat and tears for Afghanistan (with good intentions and may Allah SWT/ God reward us). That is why we also care for Kashmir.

And we also love India : we want for India what we want for ourselves : the religion of Ibrahim (RA), innocence, beauty, wealth, prosperity, freedom, education, love, heavenly lifestyle, heaven! that is why we the Pakistanis are different and although we want the best for everyone some of our Pakistanis may be misled when they read what Indians write about their outlook towards life (their philosophy / religion is rather different).

Hence although we wish the best for everyone we advocate that our people only interact with the best people in the world : the EU/UK/Russia/Canada/US so we learn from our co-religionists and family members (the other children of Ibrahim (RA) and are not instead misled by our nice neighbors to the East.

you interact with EU/UK/Canada/US because they are only nice people who allow you in their countries
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