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Why Russia Is Getting Closer To Pakistan And Abandoning India?


Sep 23, 2016
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giving this to the indian readers in advance (you'll need it):

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Why Russia Is Getting Closer To Pakistan And Abandoning India?

By Polina Tikhonova on October 29, 2016 5:20 pm in Politics

Russia and India have been friends for nearly 70 years. Moscow and New Delhi have supported one another on the international diplomatic sphere; they signed lucrative military deals and deepened economic ties…

But Russia-Indian relations came crashing down in 2016. Why?

So why on Earth would Russia lose interest in its seemingly perfect, long-time ally? Why all of a sudden Russia has warmed up to Pakistan, its Cold War rival and the biggest historical enemy of India?

Global relations are the answer. While many may argue, Russia has been very smart about global relations in terms of strategical and long-term planning.


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China is a traditional ally of Pakistan and always supports it in any international conflicts. China will never let anyone hurt its allies. Russia knows it.

And while Russia has been in normal relations with China for a while now, their relations significantly improved when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014 and the West started putting heavy sanctions on Moscow.

Russia was desperately looking for a powerful ally and it found it in China. But what does it have to do with India and Pakistan?

India must blame itself for Russia-Pakistan alliance
India and Russia were particularly close during the Cold War era, but it’s no secret that India’s Cold War generation doesn’t have much saying now. It’s far more trendy and more attractive for the new generation of Indians to look up to the United States.

In a survey conducted by Pew Research Center in 2015, 70% of Indians said they view the U.S. favorably, while only 43% gave a positive light to Russia, who has been helping India both militarily and politically for the past nearly 70 years.

The same survey showed that only 8% of Indians view the U.S. negatively, while twice as many, 16%, said they were negative towards Russia.

Russia is losing its appeal in India even though Moscow continues to be the country’s key supplier of weapons. But since Russian President Vladimir Putin is the master of long-term planning in global relations, he knows where this is all going.

Russia made a choice in favor of Pakistan
So Putin had a choice: to continue bromancing with India and see their friendship inevitably fade by the year, or look for a new, more reliable ally.

And Russia chose Pakistan, which happens to be India’s biggest enemy and at the same time a close friend of China, whom Russia has been flirting with for the past few years. Bonus factor: China opposes the U.S. and its international views.

The indication that Russia views Pakistan as its core ally in South Asia was their joint military exercises Druzhba (Friendship), which Putin held just few weeks after the Uri terrorist incident in September.

In the Uri attack, 18 Indian soldiers were killed, and India put the blame on Pakistan. Islamabad denies the accusations.

Another indication that Russia has lost its interest in India came when at the recent BRICS Summit in Goa, Russia refused to support India in its claims that Pakistan allegedly sponsors terrorism.

Pakistan and Russia beef up military cooperation
Russia and Pakistan have held three major joint military drills since 2014: two naval drills (Arabian Monsoon 2014 and Arabian Monsoon 2015), and the recently concluded Druzhba 2016 drills. Moscow also announced it would hold additional drills with Islamabad in 2017.

On top of holding joint military drills with Pakistan, Russia has also been selling its top-of-the-art military equipment to its new South Asian ally. The two countries are reportedly holding talks on the purchase of Russia’s Su-35 warplanes.

Last year, Pakistan made headlines when it bought four Mi-35 helicopter gunships from Russia. Additionally, in the 12 months, Pakistani army officials have been visiting Russia on a regular basis, looking for new military deals.

And Russia couldn’t be more happy about it. Russian arms manufacturers are constantly expanding their international reach to sell their new military equipment to other countries.

Pakistan, meanwhile, is the world’s seventh-largest importer of defense equipment. Do the math now.

India desperately trying to hold Russia as its ally
But such developments in Russia-Pakistan relations create major problems for India. Indians are not happy neither about the military drills between the two nations, nor the fact that Pakistan is purchasing weapons from their top military equipment importer.

India’s ambassador to Russia, Pankaj Saran, said that Russia’s “military cooperation with Pakistan which is a State that sponsors and practices terrorism as a matter of State policy is a wrong approach and it will only create further problems.”

But Indian officials are very careful in their words about Pakistan-Russia friendship, as Moscow and New Delhi are currently negotiating the purchase of S-400, stealth frigates and even a second nuclear submarine from Russia.

In no way does India wants to lose Russia’s new weaponry creations. India is reportedly willing to pay a whopping $5 billion to get Russia’s revolutionary S-400 Triumf surface-to-air missile system. The S-400 is one of the most advanced antimissile systems in the whole world.

More importantly, India is looking to lease Russia’s Akula II–class nuclear-powered attack submarine for $2 billion. Interestingly, India is already leasing another nuclear submarine from Russia, INS Chakra.

So if the negotiations are successful, India will have two deadly Russian nuclear submarines in its arsenal for the next two years.

Russia-China-Pakistan triangle: New superpower axis
By having both Russia and China as its allies, Pakistan wins a lot. Islamabad had been friends with the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for years, but it now realized that neither Washington nor Riyadh really care about its interests.

Pakistan now sees that the U.S. and Saudi Arabia have been sending all those funds in order to prevent the country from becoming an intimidating force in South Asia and becoming financially independent.

Russia and China, meanwhile, are offering that independence as well as the prospect of becoming the most powerful country in the region (thus, signing military deals and holding military drills).

It also adds to the fact that both America and Saudi Arabia have played a huge role in spreading sectarianism and terrorism in Pakistan. So naturally Islamabad has doubts about their good intentions.

During the BRICS summit earlier this month, China protected Pakistan from India’s accusations. And by not standing up for India this time, Russia showed on whose side it’s on.

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indians are too slick for their own good. this spineless diplomacy of playing both sides of the fence for their own selfish interests while giving next to nothing in return is back firing on india now that they are getting exposed and is starting to loose its diplomatic clout.
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I posted the above because the indians will accuse it of being pro-Pakistani propaganda.
well they'll accuse it of being a pro-Pakistani blog anyways. who cares about what they think! :lol:
indians are too slick for their own good. this spineless diplomacy of playing both sides of the fence for their own selfish interests while giving next to nothing in return is back firing on india now that they are getting exposed and is starting to loose its diplomatic clout.

Backfiring...? The Indians know where the moolah is .
.simple ..the Indian IT sector is in the final stages of its nascent evolution ...and the US is a strong contributor to the Indian IT sector, which has a yearly revenue figure of 150 billion USD with a growth rate of 10-15 percent yoy..only an idiot would shoot himself on the foot by diplomatically damaging such interests ...maybe it can afford to , 10-20 years from now , when domestic demand leads to further evolution into a mature IT sector,but certainly not at the moment

As far as trade is concerned , India and Russia were never anything more than friendly allies for the purpose of Defence imports ...and this status quo doesn't seem to be changing .Russia is India's largest (sometimes second largest)defence partner .i don't see this changing much either .

The idea behind this is in sync with indias long term goal of being a power centre of its own and not be second fiddle to any country .

Pakistanis should understand that in international diplomacy , if you are not looking out for your selfish interests, then you are doing something terribly wrong . The entire batch of Indian foreign service babus exist only to pursue Indian self -interest , and is not some kind of philanthropic undertaking for some twisted greater good
Backfiring...? The Indians know where the moolah is .
.simple ..the Indian IT sector is in the final stages of its nascent evolution ...and the US is a strong contributor to the Indian IT sector, which has a yearly revenue figure of 150 billion USD with a growth rate of 10-15 percent yoy..only an idiot would shoot himself on the foot by diplomatically damaging such interests ...maybe it can afford to , 10-20 years from now , when domestic demand leads to further evolution into a mature IT sector,but certainly not at the moment

As far as trade is concerned , India and Russia were never anything more than friendly allies for the purpose of Defence imports ...and this status quo doesn't seem to be changing .Russia is India's largest (sometimes second largest)defence partner .i don't see this changing much either .

The idea behind this is in sync with indias long term goal of being a power centre of its own and not be second fiddle to any country .

Pakistanis should understand that in international diplomacy , if you are not looking out for your selfish interests, then you are doing something terribly wrong . The entire batch of Indian foreign service babus exist only to pursue Indian self -interest , and is not some kind of philanthropic undertaking for some twisted greater good
so, for the part in bold (read above), you do realize defense trade with india becomes a major security risk for Russia given how cozy india is getting washington, right? that naturally means that Russia, at best, would only sell you the crappiest and cheapest garbage that would mean nothing to Russia if the u.s. decided to talk to india into letting it take a peak at. if you still can't grasp the risks that are attached to india cozying up to the u.s. then you are clearly too slick for your own good.

alas, a fair weathered "friend" (matlabi) is nothing more than a security risk in the long run. be it global geopolitics or real personal life, no one has ever liked, trusted or given any importance to anyone who goes where the "moolah" is. although such people pride themselves in going where the "moolah" is, such people are considered as gold digging pariahs in the long run and are eventually ignored as untrustworthy individuals and nations. That is how it works!
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be it global geopolitics or real personal life, no one has ever liked, trusted or given any importance to anyone who goes where the "moolah" is.

I think you are confusing it with a doleout .The moolah is not a dole-out or aid ,unlike what certain countries here are used to . It's business , a payment for service ,ranging from something as low as BPOs to development of cutting edge technology .Every penny is earned rightfully . In such cases , the importance and the perceptionof the service provider can only increase positively with Time

although such people pride themselves in going where the "moolah" is, such people are considered as gold digging pariahs in the long run and are eventually ignored as untrustworthy individuals and nations. That is how it works!

Diplomacy does not work like that . If what you say is true , then the US,pretty much all of the European countries , Australia , Japan etc must be considered untrustworthy nations and hated pretty much , because there is not a time when they did not look out for their self interest or go after the riches .Obviously that is not the case , except for some nations .

When a country is looking out for its self interest , it cares two hoots about what other countries think of it , as long as it gets what it wants and as long as that perception does not throw a spanner in its long term goals to achieve superiority or greatness
I think you are confusing it with a doleout .The moolah is not a dole-out or aid ,unlike what certain countries here are used to . It's business , a payment for service ,ranging from something as low as BPOs to development of cutting edge technology .Every penny is earned rightfully . In such cases , the importance and the perceptionof the service provider can only increase positively with Time

Diplomacy does not work like that . If what you say is true , then the US,pretty much all of the European countries , Australia , Japan etc must be considered untrustworthy nations and hated pretty much , because there is not a time when they did not look out for their self interest or go after the riches .Obviously that is not the case , except for some nations .

When a country is looking out for its self interest , it cares two hoots about what other countries think of it , as long as it gets what it wants
doleouts or cash outs or hand outs, it doesn't really matter. ultimately this "take a neutral" role vis a vis u.s. versus russia while expecting russia to look after your interests was only work for so long. Case in point, it raised a few eye brows in moscow when india took a very spineless approach of supporting russia on crimea BUT also supporting ukraines integrity. Do you REALLY think that kinda crap sits well with someone like putin? People like putin admire people with a solid backbone, not a backbone made outta rubber. why would russia give india any importance after such an impotent stance that india took on such a critical issue that was directly related to what russia views as it's own integrity? face it, the ignorant bliss is coming to a end now.
Russia will keep providing India what it wants, Pakistan would initially want to have same relationship in which Pakistan could also get everything which it needs from Russia.

Pakistan's economy is on the rise and after Nawaz is replaced with a new leadership, it is expected to grow even fast. Funds, money and financial matters would not be a hindered in another 2 years time.
Russia will keep providing India what it wants, Pakistan would initially want to have same relationship in which Pakistan could also get everything which it needs from Russia.

Pakistan's economy is on the rise and after Nawaz is replaced with a new leadership, it is expected to grow even fast. Funds, money and financial matters would not be a hindered in another 2 years time.
I kinda disagree. I am convinced that Pakistan wants to become completely independent in weapons and makes its own platforms for its own requirements. Meaning, I feel that Pakistan has taken a different and a more pragmatic approach altoether.
My heart is beating with joy! May the love between Pakistan and her allies (US, UK , EU) grow and our relationship with Russia be even better. Remember in the 1950s we tried to improve relations with the USSR and the Indians rioted and held Muslims hostage and threatened to massacre India based Muslims if we did not cease diplomatic relations with the USSR (I read this in a book published during the cold war in my university's library). This time if the nice Indians repeat the attempt at holding Muslims based in India hostage we should not succumb but let all know that love will triumph. Our love for what is good and true and fair should triumph (and the Russians are also so good and so fair and so good).

We don't want any trouble with India - we care for them also but we love the beautiful, white, lovely, smart Russian peoples. The Russians are closer to us in race, religion and culture than our nice neighbors to the East - who we still love and respect.

BTW both US/UK and Saudia care for Pakistan (and we love them too) but the Russians are entirely a beautiful and different lovely gems! We have to makes sure that our improved relations with Russia do not come at the expense of years of relationship building with UK/US/EU (to lose a friend is an unhappy loss but to gain a true friend is a great treasure!)
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you...still don't get it do you? :happy:

take Pakistan out of the picture for a moment and just compare how Russia views india given india's coziness and strategic alliance with Russia's arch enemy the united states and that too, all the while when india is expecting to get the latest and greatest weapons. Just do the math!

indians are known to be very slick (as I said...too slick for their own good). I'm not gonna get into the common sayings about baniyas in the sub continent but there is a saying about russians as well in europe. They are ruthlessly deadly with those who like playing dirty little games.
you...still don't get it do you? :happy:

take Pakistan out of the picture for a moment and just compare how Russia views india given india's coziness and strategic alliance with Russia's arch enemy the united states and that too, all the while when india is expecting to get the latest and greatest weapons. Just do the math!

indians are known to be very slick (as I said...too slick for their own good). I'm not gonna get into the common sayings about baniyas in the sub continent but there is a saying about russians as well in europe. They are ruthlessly deadly with those who like playing dirty little games.

Reality is that Russia needs our defence market to survive .
We know how to play games and we are creating our own turf .In that turf noone is allowed including Russia and US .

India was always same in diplomacy.
Read #5 post .you can understand
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