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WHY ? Our Pilots!

Don't take this offensive, but I found this article yesterday which is about the war of your forces against the Taliban and some parts about PAF pilots and your older F16 are not very flattering.
Maybe this thread is the right one to discuss about it, because you already talk about pilot training and F16 upg.

Pakistan - wrong tactic, wrong battle

Last week, Richard Holbrooke, the special envoy to the region, found himself in an uncomfortable position, trying to defend Pakistan's counter-insurgency strategy before hostile members of Congress. Rep. Gary Ackerman, a Democrat from New York, asked him how on earth an F-16 fighter jet could be used as a counter-insurgency weapon.

Holbrooke said, "I am told by F-16 pilots that F-16s with modern avionics can be used as a counter-insurgency tool, but quite honestly, it requires very sophisticated training. They did use aging F-16s in the battles in Swat." In other words, the planes did not have up-to-date avionics, and the pilots were not properly trained.

I think PAF should take this as an advantage to get the block 52 faster, maybe new Cobra helicopters and better training. I know these weapons can also be used against India, but at the moment it should be clear to everybody that fighting the Taliban and other terrorists is more important, not only for Pakistan, also for the region!
Don't take this offensive, but I found this article yesterday which is about the war of your forces against the Taliban and some parts about PAF pilots and your older F16 are not very flattering.
Maybe this thread is the right one to discuss about it, because you already talk about pilot training and F16 upg.

Pakistan - wrong tactic, wrong battle

I think PAF should take this as an advantage to get the block 52 faster, maybe new Cobra helicopters and better training. I know these weapons can also be used against India, but at the moment it should be clear to everybody that fighting the Taliban and other terrorists is more important, not only for Pakistan, also for the region!

Well u said rite but if its good for region then why Indian agencies r helping terorists
US Not intrested to give us Air-2-Aire refueler. So why our Pilots training on KC in US????

The air2air refuelling was carried out in Abu Dhabi where PAF contingent was already deployed to participate in an exercise. USAF offered PAF for refuelling that we accepted. The basic purpose was just to orientate few Viper pilots with this skill.

As far as KC-135 is concerned, we are getting none.
Strange posts...

These PAF pilots qualified somewhere in Asia... It is the only way to refuel f16... Handy if you need the extra milages like going to Turkey (which has these refuelers). It was just a few pilots not a huge program. Get over it.
I think US will supply 52 because the millitary balance is way too much in India's Favor.Few Days ago Pentagon also mentioned this and said we should deliver MLU's and 52 ASAP.
I think US will supply 52 because the millitary balance is way too much in India's Favor.Few Days ago Pentagon also mentioned this and said we should deliver MLU's and 52 ASAP.

I think US will supply 52 because the millitary balance is way too much in India's Favor.Few Days ago Pentagon also mentioned this and said we should deliver MLU's and 52 ASAP.

yep dude but the problem is every time pentagon report about delivery of bla bla to Pakistan ASAP but unfortuntly all the time Delayd.

We have done already lots of thing for USA. Where we stand today with Unitedstate i think in our fleet

F16 200 +
F15 or F18 atleast 100 or 50
KC 135 A2A-R - 6 +
Cobra gunships more thn 100 - 150

BECAUSE WE SACRIFIES EVERYTHING FOR USA but unfortuntly after we have done alot for USA and in response we have just

38 F16z ( 25 yearz old)
40 i think Cobra gunships (also 20 years old)

First US is real FRIEND OF PAKISTAN thn SHOW ITS Sincrty + If US serious about WAR ON TERROR thn deliver Latest AH 1Z Super cobraz (100) and Block 50/52 (ASAP and also deliver more 20 F16z with atleast 3 KC - 135 + other Night vision and State of art Weapon. IF UNITEDSTATE is really serious about THIS WAR ON TERROR !!

Actually Us playing double game...!! thats it!
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Well u said rite but if its good for region then why Indian agencies r helping terorists
To me it's not about who is supporting whom, but about many hundreds or thousands civilians being kill during terrorist and Taliban attacks in this region (Pakistan, India and Afghanistan).
If Richard Holbrooke is right and PAF can't fight them properly because of old aircrafts and bad training, they have to provide more help to you to fight this war. Also if PAF is not able to do it, US might do it with more drone attacks and they don't care how many civilians dies, because it won't be US civilians (happend so often in Afghanistan).
If Richard Holbrooke is right and PAF can't fight them properly because of old aircrafts and bad training, they have to provide more help to you to fight this war. Also if PAF is not able to do it,

What makes you think Richard Holbrooke is right?

A video posted on PakDef.info by Usman Shabir, showing PAF Mirages and F-16s dropping Paveway laser-guided bombs. The targets are being designated by Falco UAVs (and possibly by ATLIS laser designator pods on the F-16s, although ATLIS is an older day-time only system). According to Mr Shabir, a respected journalist and authority on the Pakistan military, the Falco UAVs "are hooked to AHQ (Air Headquarters) where the feed can be seen live by the commanders while a target is being attacked."

Clearly their training is perfectly fine and Mr Holbrooke doesn't know what he's talking about.
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To me it's not about who is supporting whom, but about many hundreds or thousands civilians being kill during terrorist and Taliban attacks in this region (Pakistan, India and Afghanistan).
If Richard Holbrooke is right and PAF can't fight them properly because of old aircrafts and bad training, they have to provide more help to you to fight this war. Also if PAF is not able to do it, US might do it with more drone attacks and they don't care how many civilians dies, because it won't be US civilians (happend so often in Afghanistan).


what do u think if US strike inside india with Drone on ur (ASAAM rebels etc) good na... ???
I totally agree its time US helped us out with some new aircrafts we need f-16 blk 52's asap we need watever we can get they want us to fight a war with nothing as per traning is concern we are second to none in the world and thats forsure!
Dont Worry Why you people take tension ,we already know what americans will do. So don't waist your time on thinking .

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