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Why not China Contribute Efforts for Anti-Terrorism

Like NATO and ME, why not China also put it efforts against terrorism. Like they can easily give away some equipment new and old ones to countries that are fighting terrorism. Like 30-50 Z-10s to PAA. Also to other Muslim and non-Muslim countries.

China is not quite the same as its Western counterparts.

The problems in the middle east cannot be solved by foreigners.

Question is who is a terrorist? Anyone who opposes west?

Interesting question.
China is trying to avoid the frame of ISIS from burning her @ss, the government rather keep quiet on this affair.
And it is good for china to keep US busy on antiterrorism, and they know US can take good care of ISIS
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We don't often boast publicly like others when they combat terrorism. Like Japan boasting publicly and see what happen to them? Two citizens got their head chop off. We conduct in secrecy and behind close door. We even invite terrorist groups for talk and negotiate peacefully. It is all done behind close doorr. Providing weapons solve nothing as all militants are terrorists or freedom fighter depending on how you want to define them.
It was US that broke the balance of power in East Middle and make terrorism spread across the world, not us.
Actually, if Saddam Hussein had stayed inside Iraq, the current mess in the ME would not be. So blame Iraq.
Do robbers go after cops ? Or do they go after those who mind their own business ?

You guys often boast how much China is a 'civilizational state', pretty much in a class by her own. Rightly deserved.

But THAT is precisely the reason why China must be more proactive against terrorism. We may have ideological and political differences and those differences may even lead to war, but that does not take away from the fact and truth that without such distinguished civilizations -- like China -- throughout, mankind will have no hope to the future and would have perish a long time ago.

Look at world history. The Irish reputedly 'saved' Western civilization. The Romans conquered territories and marked them with their cultural imprints. The British and the Europeans made themselves known with their 'tall ships' and travels. The list of contributors to mankind's progress is long and each time a nation rise to historical prominence, mankind take one more step on the evolutionary ladder. China did not merely rose to historical prominence but somehow throughout the thousands of yrs of history, have sustained herself there, being a beacon of hope for some, an item of curiosity for some, or a point of destination, whether physically or ideologically, for others. China had her moments of weakness but also her times of strength and power.

China may not have a legal duty to participate in the fight against those who would regress the world, but if China have even a shred of self respect for her contribution to world's history, there is a moral burden upon China to aid in the resistance to any attempt to force mankind to turn our backs on our future. The more nations becomes interconnected to each other, like woven cloth, the greater the burden is upon those who for any and many reasons are dominant in global affairs to take the lead in fighting terrorism.

You are seriously wrong in believing that if you 'mind your own business' that China will be left alone.

Your too old to not know that the only way to 'save' the world is to better one self through discipline and introspection. If those clowns who blow themselves up into paradise want to do so, shooting and bombing them wont make them change their minds or their ways,

Kill one terrorist clown and their relatives, friends and community will vow vengeance. Can they all be killed?

Let them deal with their problems in their own countries instead of donning a cowboy hat and fanning the flames by blasting away.
Your too old to not know that the only way to 'save' the world is to better one self through discipline and introspection. If those clowns who blow themselves up into paradise want to do so, shooting and bombing them wont make them change their minds or their ways,
Right...Doing nothing will make them change their minds ? You do not seems to understand: Religious fanatics do not stay in their own borders.
True. Also the Chinese here don't understand that however much they befriend Pakistanis and Bangladeshis, ultimately they would not leave the Uygur issue.

Religious fanatism and terrorism is not rational, it is ideological, and the fanatics won't drop these issues.
Because it is none of China's business. We want to get developed and achieve great power status but NOT to get tangled into the millennium-old swamp called the (Greater) Middle East.

We will gracefully let Us and its super democratic allies handle the job together with their one of a kind military industrial complex.

We do not want to take away from the US presidents the chance of the public stunts such as "mission accomplished."

Whoa! USA! USA! Don't tread on me!!


You know, in democracy, image is everything.
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