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Why not China Contribute Efforts for Anti-Terrorism

Jun 12, 2014
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Saudi Arabia
Like NATO and ME, why not China also put it efforts against terrorism. Like they can easily give away some equipment new and old ones to countries that are fighting terrorism. Like 30-50 Z-10s to PAA. Also to other Muslim and non-Muslim countries.
Like NATO and ME, why not China also put it efforts against terrorism. Like they can easily give away some equipment new and old ones to countries that are fighting
terrorism. Like 30-50 Z-10s to PAA. Also to other Muslim and non-Muslim countries.

Arabs are useless in modern day warfare, whats the point in arming them ?

Iraq's army was built up by the US fell apart in days, they failed all wars against Israel, did poorly against the Houthis, etc etc.
I am talking free to countries like Yemen-Lebanon.

If any country wants free military hardware for this purpose, they can ask for it.

And maybe they will get it, after all we can benefit too, from collecting real-world combat data on some of our platforms, and from the political good will we receive in return.
but the question is, are we gonna paint a target on our back for the jihadists.
up until now, we mostly just minded our own business.
you cant create new friends without creating new enemies now days.
but the question is, are we gonna paint a target on our back for the jihadists.
up until now, we mostly just minded our own business.
you cant create new friends without creating new enemies now days.
Do robbers go after cops ? Or do they go after those who mind their own business ?

You guys often boast how much China is a 'civilizational state', pretty much in a class by her own. Rightly deserved.

But THAT is precisely the reason why China must be more proactive against terrorism. We may have ideological and political differences and those differences may even lead to war, but that does not take away from the fact and truth that without such distinguished civilizations -- like China -- throughout, mankind will have no hope to the future and would have perish a long time ago.

Look at world history. The Irish reputedly 'saved' Western civilization. The Romans conquered territories and marked them with their cultural imprints. The British and the Europeans made themselves known with their 'tall ships' and travels. The list of contributors to mankind's progress is long and each time a nation rise to historical prominence, mankind take one more step on the evolutionary ladder. China did not merely rose to historical prominence but somehow throughout the thousands of yrs of history, have sustained herself there, being a beacon of hope for some, an item of curiosity for some, or a point of destination, whether physically or ideologically, for others. China had her moments of weakness but also her times of strength and power.

China may not have a legal duty to participate in the fight against those who would regress the world, but if China have even a shred of self respect for her contribution to world's history, there is a moral burden upon China to aid in the resistance to any attempt to force mankind to turn our backs on our future. The more nations becomes interconnected to each other, like woven cloth, the greater the burden is upon those who for any and many reasons are dominant in global affairs to take the lead in fighting terrorism.

You are seriously wrong in believing that if you 'mind your own business' that China will be left alone.
Do robbers go after cops ? Or do they go after those who mind their own business ?

You guys often boast how much China is a 'civilizational state', pretty much in a class by her own. Rightly deserved.

But THAT is precisely the reason why China must be more proactive against terrorism. We may have ideological and political differences and those differences may even lead to war, but that does not take away from the fact and truth that without such distinguished civilizations -- like China -- throughout, mankind will have no hope to the future and would have perish a long time ago.

Look at world history. The Irish reputedly 'saved' Western civilization. The Romans conquered territories and marked them with their cultural imprints. The British and the Europeans made themselves known with their 'tall ships' and travels. The list of contributors to mankind's progress is long and each time a nation rise to historical prominence, mankind take one more step on the evolutionary ladder. China did not merely rose to historical prominence but somehow throughout the thousands of yrs of history, have sustained herself there, being a beacon of hope for some, an item of curiosity for some, or a point of destination, whether physically or ideologically, for others. China had her moments of weakness but also her times of strength and power.

China may not have a legal duty to participate in the fight against those who would regress the world, but if China have even a shred of self respect for her contribution to world's history, there is a moral burden upon China to aid in the resistance to any attempt to force mankind to turn our backs on our future. The more nations becomes interconnected to each other, like woven cloth, the greater the burden is upon those who for any and many reasons are dominant in global affairs to take the lead in fighting terrorism.

You are seriously wrong in believing that if you 'mind your own business' that China will be left alone.
It was US that broke the balance of power in East Middle and make terrorism spread across the world, not us. Also, we have domestic terrorists and they really trouble us a lot, so we have to place our inner problems in the first place.

And what makes you think that we're not solving the problems? What generated terrorism? Poverty and illteracy. We're trying to build infrastructures in many islamic countries, so that they will develop, and then terrorism will naturally vanish in those areas. US destructive actions will not destroy terrorism until you kill all the people, so don't blame us, it's not our fault. US is just drag us into the mass you created, and we'll never be tricked.
China has nothing against Sunnis or Shia. China is not a Muslim country and does not care about Sunni Shia conflict.

Read what the caption says first:

Why not China Contribute Efforts for Anti-Terrorism

Why do you come up with Shias & Sunnies?
Why can't the U.S.A. simply stop planting and fueling terrorism and discord everywhere in the world instead?

Don't arm terrorist and illegitimate forces under the guise of "freedom" and "resitance against oppression" your media invented and then call others to deal with the problem when it gets out of hand as intended just to escalate it even further.

Don't bomb and balkanize stable states or attempt to destroy their economy just because they do not align with your economical interests. Poverty, poor education and unstable goverments are breedings grounds for aggression and extremism. And often so called terroism is just the poor mans weapon against organized crime by states.

That would solve more problems than any amount of Chinese contributions could. Of course it would come at cost of riches you don't want to give up.
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