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Why is India building the longest Border Wall in the World ?


Jul 4, 2013
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The borders between countries are often arbitrary constructions, drawn onto a map of landscape by those unfamiliar with realities of life on the ground. And because they are arbitrary, borders are often porous and become sites of smuggling, immigration and local disputes over land ownership.

One way to deal with these issues is to build a wall, make what it's effectively imaginary real and material. This is what India is in the process of doing along its 2,500 mile border to Bangladesh.

Begun in 1989, 1,700 miles of the double fenced, barbed wire wall has already been built, making it by far the longest border fence in the world. Being so long, India's great wall needs a giant police force of 70,000 to guard it.

The job of guarding the border is often a thankless one, and those who work on the wall are alternatively accused of brutality and being too lenient. Some are easily paid off by cattle smugglers, others spend their nights chasing down the same smugglers who are trying to outwit them.

Though interactions can turn violent, the border is home to villages and families whose histories straddle the line. Some homes have a front yard in India and a back yard in Bangladesh. To cross the border border in these places all you have to do is go through your neighbor's garden.

It provides a stark contrast to the massive project that the wall is - and to official immigration policies that stipulate the only way for Bangladeshis to migrate to India is to marry an Indian.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi made the wall's completion a key part of his campaign platform. While the wall is designed to prevent illegal immigration of all kinds, the sub-text is the prevention of specifically Muslim Bangladeshi's. Those who are Hindu and cross the border are less persecuted, as are those who promise to convert to Hinduism, a process called "Home Coming."

Indeed this is the sub-text for all borders in the world : the prevention of homogeneous national identities, while the sub-text for their security is keeping out those with a different way of life.
Defence News - Why is India building the longest Border Wall in the World ?
Finally we can seal of the BD border and keep them out :D

We have already freed BD from Pakistan. Time to free Baluchistan and Sindh :D
Well good luck getting to your Eastern districts through the long routes, cuz you ain't getting no short cut through Bangladesh................ Oh wait, as long as Hasina is in power, that ain't gonna happen.

But I also hope that these fences keep the Indians on the Indian side. (For those who asking, a simple Google search of "Bangladesh India's 5th highest source of remittance" will help).
I welcome this initiative to complete the border wall. Indian propaganda of illegal migration may end only this way.

Because Indians stink so badly that they don't want to embarrass themselves anymore

To solve this problem, West Bengal and Northeast India should be returned to Bangladesh, it's only natural

What do you mean by returned??? When was it a part Bangladesh?? A jate madrassa educated muh utha K....BC history pad thora.
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after they setteled the land dispute with B'desh for ever they are now trying to break China's record of great wall of china
What do you mean by returned??? When was it a part Bangladesh?? A jate madrassa educated muh utha....BC history pad thora.

He means return to East Pakistan as Muslim League demand.



BTW how much we increased the population of Assam so far? Let us know when 51% done :D
He means return to East Pakistan as Muslim League demand.

View attachment 220552

View attachment 220553

BTW how much we increased the population of Assam so far? Let us know when 51% done :D

Ohh...some Muslim League demands...based on what??? And who on earth gives a rats ar$e of those demands. NE was never invaded by any Muslim ruler.

Firstly, thanks for accepting that there are illegal Bangladeshi in Assam...that too 51% of the state's population. Secondly, does it matter?? With 51% of you guys...you still do not have the balls to fight the Bodos...and that is just one tribe of Assam. So keep dreaming...NE was never and will never be a part of Bangladesh. But you are most welcome to try...and we know what the outcome would be.
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Ohh...some Muslim League demands...based on what??? And who on earth gives a rats ar$e of those demands. NE was never invaded by any Muslim ruler.

Firstly, thanks for accepting that there illegal Bangladeshi in Assam...that too 51%. Secondly, does it matter?? With 51% of you guys...you still do not have the balls to fight the Bodos...and that is just one tribe of Assam. So keep dreaming...NE was never and will never be a part of Bangladesh. But you are most welcome to try...and we know what the outcome would be.

We have already piece of Assam, that is Sylhet of Barak valley. Hehe its Assamese Muslims who dont want to be part of BD. There is no illegal Bangladeshis. But Bengalis whom were settled there at the start of 20th century in Brahmaputra valley.
Give it a try , we are waiting for the cow piss drinkers .

Talk is cheap coming from camel piss drinkers..

We have already piece of Assam, that is Sylhet of Barak valley. Hehe its Assamese Muslims who dont want to be part of BD. There is no illegal Bangladeshis. But Bengalis whom were settled there at the start of 20th century in Brahmaputra valley.

Hehe...dont worry we have a plan to get rid of them like the Rohyingya......look at what is happening to them.......LOL...nobody cares...hahha
Hehe...dont worry we have a plan to get rid of them like the Rohyingya......look at what is happening to them.......LOL...nobody cares...hahha

Keep on planning. Race matters. Indian looking Hindu and Muslims will find themselves closure. Where Burmese looking will find them alien. BTW our border is sealed as usual.
India and BD must develop deep respectful relationship. Bengalis are astoundingly interesting people.
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