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Why Indians call 1971 their victory when it was an act of cowardice?


Aug 30, 2010
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United Kingdom

On 12th of November 1970 East Pakistan now Bangladesh was hit by a record breaking Typhoon which created the largest storm surge in recorded history, and that record still stands.
The storm made landfall at the exact time of high tide and flooded 1/3rd of East Pakistan's land mass , either by the storm surge or by torrential rains .
2 Million acres of cultivated land was effected and the storm hit the most populated areas of East Pakistan.
Immediate death toll was nearly half a million and the death toll kept on rising due to disease and other flood related hazards.
Looking at the recent natural disaster of Katrina in USA and how much time it took USA to assess the matter and arrange relief, the Pakistan of 1970s was even more burdened as unlike USA Pakistan was neither rich nor a super power and it was 1970.

The the cowards came.
The Indians who in the midst of a natural disaster, instead of having any empathy , pounced on the situation to use it against Pakistan.
First they ran the propaganda by portraying deaths caused by storm as heaps of dead Bengalis killed by Pakistan army. Then they created Mukti Bahini who hindered the rescue and relief efforts of Pakistan army.
Today Indian take pride in 1971 , but it was a catastrophe created by India which killed Millions.
The crops destroyed and arable land drowned under salt water , could not recover, and after Pakistan army left the disaster continued and India did not help Bengalis.
The post independence Bangladeshi famine killed another 3 Million Bengalis as there was no food available.
This shameful act of India is even celebrated by Many Pakistanis in their hate against own army.
But reality was totally different.
The post independence Bangladeshi famine killed another 3 Million Bengalis as there was no food available.
This shameful act of India is even celebrated by Many Pakistanis in their hate against own army.
But reality was totally different.

The gospel truth of 3 million...again, didn't B'deshis took this 3 million numbers from here and started quoting this 3 million figures as the number of people killed by Pakistan/Pak Army.

Yes fall of Dhaka is a tale of duplicity and deceit, of espionage and proxies, of taking revenge and drowning the TNT(failed on all accounts), and Chanakya falsehood perpetrated by the Indira Gandhi...
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Cowardliness!!! no Indians were smart. They strike us where it hit us most. There win was combinations of their smartness and our failure. And it was not their military victory, it was our army's political failure
Our Failure
1970 elections : They should have given govt to AL
Bhola was a natural disaster, people in east were annoyed
Language issue was the most stupid and a dangerous issue. They wanted bengali, f*** we could all be making Bengali a national language. There was no issue except Molvi Abdul Haq. Should have hanged him instead of killing some many bengali. As the vulcans says " Needs of the money, out weight needs of some".
We let the propaganda after the war to be against us. We did not try to neutralize it. Well for Bangladeshis let me tell you, i am against Pakistan Army intervention in political system. But they are not evil. Desperate time let a human do some very stupid things. Fact the matter is there is more evidence of Bangali killing West Pakistanis then otherwise.

You are more Zalim then us
1971 was simply India, led by a Parsi general, and the Brahmin wife of a Parsi, protecting their way of life. Ensuring their way of life, by protecting one flank.

Any man will fight when his family is threatened.

Rules and morals and ethics don't mean anything then. Only survival.

The Parsis became Indian by learning that from the Arabs and then their own Persian converts.

The Indians learned that from their Hindu converts over the next 600 years.

If any reminder is needed for any Indian about the alternative, then Delhi provided that most recently.

So yeah, we attacked in the best manner possible to attain our objectives.

We did what Pakistan has always wanted to do, has tried multiple times, and always failed.

That's the base summary of the continued angst in a generation of Pakistanis most of whose parents had not even met in 1971.

P.S. I was a 7 month infant then.
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like u failed in Baluchistan ?... or Sri Lanka

I'm just amused at Safriz who is on all Indian forums trying here to paint ethics and some weird white knight paradigm into modern warfare.

Only one group of Hindus knew how to fight ... the Marathas.

When you have your foot on the neck of your enemy, you don't ease the pressure.

You make sure you get the perfect head shot through the temple.
We should learn from our past. India is a coward, cunning and evil nation. They will fall to the lowest levels of morality if needed. They will use every below the belt technique, every trick to damage us. They will beg and cry as well if needed. We should learn and learn and make sure we strike them so hard, when the time comes, that their whole nation falls to their knees and begs.
I say even take advantage of this pandemic and start skirmishes in Kashmir.

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